Sunday 18 February 2018

The Chiron Effect and a Return To The Poverty Years

Chiron is set to enter Aries in April this year, just after what could be my last trip. The last time Chiron entered Aries was back in 1968, the start of the 8 years of Hell, coinciding almost exactly with Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries. This included poverty. And with the Saturn Chiron square happening later this year, a return to poverty seems to be my destiny. I am almost certain to lose my car as the upcoming repair bills will outstrip the value of the car, the killer blow will be the cracked head gasket. This is most likely to occur during July, when the dreaded "The Three Weeks" happens, the anniversary of the destruction of the Jewish Temples. It is also when the Saturn Chiron square reaches its peak. Potential for a double catastrophe. I am not game to look beyond 2018 only that another 8-year Chiron transit of Aries looms, another 8 years of Hell.

At least nowadays I am aware of these planetary alignments and the potential for catastrophes, so on a limited scale can take steps to mitigate against the worst of these catastrophes. Back in 1968 I was blissfully unaware of the Hell that was about to befall me and was not in a position to do anything about it. At least nowadays I can do something about it, using my Virgoan skills borne from many years of bitter life experiences. Of course this is no surprise about Chiron, I knew for a long time about Chiron's transits and have already long ago taken steps to mitigate against the worst of it, even if much of it ended in catastrophes. Such as my move from a 3 bedroom house into a small apartment with half the rent, the catastrophe being that I had lost my bond which impacted on my finances throughout 2017, being without a fridge until last month. And of course last month I finally cleared out my storage unit, thus no more monthly payment of its rent which was proving to be expensive. And I am already preparing for life without a car.

Anyway that is about all I will say for now...... just having a panic moment. I get like this at times. Anxiety is hardwired into the DNA of Virgos, we are very anxious creatures, and sometimes it overwhelms us. I try not to look too far into the future because quite frankly I am petrified of the future. Most of the time I just don't think too much of it. I see utter catastrophes ahead, and my predictions are always correct, it is my gift even if it is a curse. But then what is better...... Being a kid in 1968 blissfully unaware of the Hell that was about to descend?.... or an enlightened adult in 2018 who knows of the Hell that is about to descend?

Now some of my dark sarcastic humour........

First with Valentine's day just gone.......

Virgo on Valentine's Day No.1

Virgo on Valentine's Day No.2

Virgo on Valentine's Day No.3

Virgo on Valentine's Day No.4

Virgo on Valentine's Day No.5

Virgo on Valentine's Day No.6

Now as Chiron enters Aries......

Chiron in Aries No.2

The Saturn Complex in my chart

At the Heart Specialist in May......

The story of my life......

At least I have a very talented girlfriend......
Life during Chiron's transit of Aries.....

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