Sunday 7 January 2018

The Curse of Chiron and the Very Difficult Life of a Virgo

Today we have the Chiron square with Mercury happening, and as we all know who follows my blogs over the months and years knows that any hard aspects with Chiron in my Ascendant sign, that is, squares, oppositions and conjunctions with Chiron, always invokes catastrophes and/or instances of heartache.

Today is no exception. I was checking my accounts to gauge the progress of my savings plan for Mexico, now only 9 weeks away, only to find that one of my accounts was overdrawn!!! That should NOT have happened!!!! We Virgos are normally very good at keeping track of my budget and finances, we know what bills are due to be paid, and I have all mind on direct debits, etc, and we keep track of outgoing expenses, groceries, etc.

You see, as typically Virgo I have a set system for my finances and savings plan. I have an account for my trips in regards to air tickets, hotels, bus fares, tours, and am currently adding to the account to account for the tours. I have a travel card for food & groceries while overseas, tips, cash, souvenirs, and other discretionary expenses, and a backup travel card in case the first one is lost or doesn't work.

Then I have an account for my rent and credit card payments, another for petrol, public transport, etc.... well you get the idea. We Virgos are very organised creatures. So to find one of my accounts overdrawn was an utter shock to my system!! Where did I go wrong. Virgo fails are extremely hard to take, it sends shock waves into the very higher dimensions and indeed into parallel universes. For a Virgo to fail is utter catastrophe akin to the destruction of the universe into a singularity!!!!

So after a short Virgoan analysis of my online statement.... uhhh the culprit.... an unexpected bill!!!! HOW in Hell's name did I miss THAT one!!!!! It's a legitimate bill, nothing shady going on, but just an annual bill.

First worry is I might get lumped with an overdrawn fee. So far according to the statement, there hasn't been an overdrawn fee charged, but such a charge will be coming unless I can get some funds into the account to cover the deficit.

This means dipping into my Mexico backup account, oh yes I have a backup account for my trips too in case I run into problems with the first account, like I did in Bali when the machines wouldn't accept my card!!!!

The trick is, however, to make sure the funds arrives in a timely manner, and this is where the system defeats me. While creditors can debit money from accounts anytime they like including on weekends, such as, THIS bill came out TODAY a SUNDAY..... when it comes to adding or transferring funds, us mere mortals as to wait until "working days" before the funds are processed and credited, and they take their own sweet time, usually about two "working days". In other words, Sunday doesn't count. So while I initiated the transaction today on a Sunday, the process won't even begin until TOMORROW!!!!! Then it be probably Wednesday before I see a cent of the funds. Consequently I probably will be charged the overdrawn fee!!!!!! The system is stacked against us mere mortals!!!! Such is life on planet Earth!!!!!

On a slightly happier note, my wage rise kicks in this week..... but as per usual of the Saturn influence in my chart, there is always a price to pay for any gains..... I either have to work hard for any gains, or there is always something that crops up that takes away the gain. I very rarely receive any gains that I can just spend on myself, indeed, I very rarely spend on my myself. This is the difficult life of a Virgo with a Saturn complex in his chart.

In this instance, the rent rise also kicks in this week. It probably won't suck up all of my wage rise, but it will certainly suck up a significant portion of it. Just exactly how much depends on whether the rats aka the taxation office takes for themselves, legacy of Australia's very high taxes. Tomorrow when I get my electronic pay advice for payday on Thursday is when I will learn what meagre morsel I am left with once the rent increase and the ATO rats finishes with their shares.

Last week I initiated the process of getting my Passport renewal using the six-months backpay of the wage rise, and as per usual there was yet another Saturnic snag. I had the backpay transferred to my Mexico account since this was part of expenses for my Mexico trip, so when I went to the Post Office to submit the forms and pay the fee, alas the PIN on my card would not work!! I was certain this was the correct PIN for the card, granted I rarely need to use my PIN since I usually pay for things online or use direct debits. However I needed to front the Post Office in person to submit my application. I even used other PIN numbers I had in a list for the different cards, but absolutely none of them would work!!!!

So I ended up having to use another card normally set aside for bills, etc, and even then the PIN wouldn't work the first time, but thankfully I did manage to get the PIN to work so was finally able to pay for the fees. But it meant I had to go in a race to transfer funds to that account as I was expecting a bill to be debited from that account anytime soon which would mean the account would be overdrawn!! So to avoid the overdrawn fees I had to ASAP initiate transfer of funds into the account, and on this occasion I did win the race, the funds became available in the account before the bill was debited. Doing this during the working week did help on this occasion, things moves quicker during the working week.

Next thing is the storage unit legacy of my bower bird wife, the rent payment on the storage unit being a millstone around my neck impacting on my ability to save my pennies for my trips and other expenses such as the upcoming visit to the Heart Specialist.

Well I have been able to make a major step in my progress towards clearing out the unit. I was able to acquire a decent set of bolt cutters from the hardware store. The queen size bed in the storage was proving to be a major headache. Being too big and awkward to fit into my trailer and having nowhere to store it at the apartment block and too large for disposal in the rather small skip bins, the only way to deal with it was to dismantle it and strip it down into components for easier disposal. It's not worth keeping due to the water damage legacy of my wife's health problems.

However the steel mattress frames were an obstacle, one fixed to the bed frame, and the other being the mattress on top. I decided I would need a pair of bolt cutters to deal with these, cut them down to size so it would fit into my trailer, and be able to dispose of them in the skip bins. Now I have the bolt cutters, I am now on my final phase.

Aside from the bed, other items remaining are the steel frames from a computer desk and another old table, those to be sent to one of the many steel recycling places around. There's a washing machine and dryer, both to be given away or donated to charity. A 50 inch TV that will also be given away. A large wooden book shelf which may either be given away or simply broken down for disposal. Last but not least, an antique glass cabinet originally owned by grandparents on Mother's side, that will find a new home inside my cosy little abode, in the living room.

So if all goes well I should be able to get my storage unit cleared out in the next six weeks, with only one more rent payment. This will really help my cause for extra funds for my Mexico trip, as well as being the close of the final legacy of my bower bird wife.

Now the situation of my dying car, already showing early signs of its upcoming demise. It is a race of time to get my storage unit cleared out before the car gives up the ghost. Losing use of the car prior to clearing out the storage unit will prove catastrophic and will leave me without the means to empty out my storage unit.

In the slightly longer term I am preparing for life without a car. The most likely time when my car will finally die is between July and September, either during the dreaded "The Three Weeks" in July, or during the broader period of the Saturn Chiron square reaching close to exact during August/September.

As for the fridge, I pretty well given up on ever getting a fridge at least for this year. There is always something else that crops up, and well I survived this long without a fridge, so it looks like being a long term thing. In May I will have the very expensive appointments with the Heart Specialist. Then there will be the Saturn Chiron squares from July to September. It's likely when I will lose my car, which won't affect the fridge thing as in theory I could just order one online and have it delivered to me. However there is certain to be some other catastrophe during that time that will suck up any funds that may have been set aside for a fridge. Catastrophes always happens during hard aspects with Chiron. Not to mention the fact that Chiron will transit into Aries, the last time that happened was in 1968 the start of the 8 years of Hell.....

Back in my poverty years during Chiron's last transit of Aries......

When a Virgo sees a shrink......

When a Virgo sets up a kissing booth.....

The Saturn Chiron squares and Chiron's transit into Aries......

My next life......

Um... yes...... good point......

Story of my life......

My medical checkup with the Pluto Chiron config in my chart.......

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