Sunday 14 January 2018

The Benefits of All Forward Moving Planets

This time in now just 8 very short weeks I will be embarking on the very long journey to Mexico. These weeks up until I leave for Mexico are marked by the phenomenon of there being no retrograding planets. Usually at any given time there is at least one planet in retrograde, throwing spanners into the works.

Despite the Saturnic and Chironic influences, there has been no setbacks to my plans as I prepare for my Mexico trip, in particular, saving my pennies to pay for the remaining items of my trip - the tours, bus transfers, food and spending money. Just instances where I will have to work harder and sometimes forced changes in the specific plans, but no actual setbacks, I am still able to move forward with my plans.

The major plan at this time..... clearing out of my storage unit.

Here some very Saturnic lessons being learned.... my possessions are a burden to me.... Last week's expedition to the storage unit I brought back a large wooden table that has definitely seen better days, too ratty for me to give away, so it was just going to be recycled. That bower bird wife of mine, she collected EVERYTHING including ratty items and indeed items that was not usable, her ambitious plans were to fix them!!!! Of course that never happened!!  Our skip bin arrives only every other weekend, and this weekend happens to be the weekend which there is no skip bin.

So my plan was to bring it upstairs with me, where I can dismantle it at my leisure before disposal. Alas!! As I was shifting the table in my trailer towards my hand trolley I realised it was way too heavy!!! That thing weighed a bloody ton, well it felt like it anyway!!!! Must have been made of Jarrah or some other dense wood, around here it is usually Jarrah for the heavy wood. In any case there was no way I would be able to get it up those stairs, and is too large for the elevator.

OK then, I will have to dismantle it in my trailer, which fortunately was relatively easy, it was held together by bolts, and I had the ring spanner to do the job. So I took the legs off, and even then, the table top was still way too heavy!!!! And I will need the trailer this week, as this week's expedition will be to bring back my antique glass cabinet previously owned by my grandparents. Fortunately a lot smaller and more manageable than the table, being less than a metre wide, 30 cms deep, and a little over a metre standing.

SO what this resourceful little Virgo do? The Virgo saying, Where there is a will there is a way.  And indeed without the legs, the table top is now small enough to fit into the car, which is where it will need to stay until the skip bin becomes available.

Never again will I accumulate so many possessions..... well there will be no more bower bird wife to deal with.

This week's expedition will revolve around bringing back my antique glass cabinet. The main issue being fragility, being probably over 100 years old and with a lot of glass, with glass shelving as well as glass in the doors and panelling. And it is that older glass that they used 100 years ago.

This is where the padding from the mattress comes into it. When I stripped the mattress, I kept all of the padding, turned out to be several layers. And as per being a Virgo, I worked out how I will deal with transportation of the item. I measured it all beforehand and found that it won't fit through the rear door of the apartment block when transported width-wise. It is impossible to transport it length-wise on the hand trolley due to the shape of the unit, being wider at the back than the front. It does however will just fit through the front door of the apartment block. This will mean I will have to somehow navigate my car and trailer through the normally more populated front parking lot. I normally keep my trailer in the more sparsely populated rear parking lot. And due to the fences, etc, being a gated complex, the only way from the rear to the front is through the building itself!!!! So can't get out of the fact that I will have to park in the front parking lot - somehow with my trailer!!

To make it easier, I will at the storage unit bind the cabinet to the hand trolley, with a layer of padding between the item and the trolley. Then load it onto the trailer as one item, the trailer itself being padded out with the mattress paddings. Then all I need to do when I get to the apartment block is to unload the item and wheel it straight up the stairs. It also won't fit into the elevator due to it being too wide, so I will have to get it up four levels worth of stairs, but shouldn't be too difficult, the item is not heavy and the stairs are wide enough to accommodate the item - I pre-measured it all previously, part of my Virgo preparation!! We Virgos thinks of everything!!!!!

I have officially informed the storage unit manager that I will be vacating the unit next month, making it just one more rent payment, the payment this month!!! After I make this final payment, I will have four weeks to clear out the unit. It will need to be cleared out by the 22nd of next month.

So as per the Saturn complex in my chart, the savings from not having to pay the storage rental next month will be spent on the car rego and insurance, basically more taxes!!! The rego and insurance are nothing more than a tax on car ownership, and I am currently on the 3-month payment plan, so I pay it every three months!!! So still won't benefit from savings from closing my storage unit account, but then, that is consequence of the Saturn complex in my chart. Any savings or windfalls are always spent on something else!!!!

This week I should have my new passport in my hot little hands!!! I gotten email notice last week that my Passport is now completed, and well it would take another week for it to be post to me, thankfully by registered mail - that is just the standard procedure. They do it by registered mail whether you like it or not, and forms part of the fees. But for something as crucial as a Passport, it be rather foolish not to go by registered mail - given that those carrier pigeons have been known to have gone astray!!! Registered mail means those carrier pigeons are better trained and they have GPS fitted to them. The normal carrier pigeons doesn't have GPS!!

When I get my Passport, I will have to get it linked to the ESTA since my trip to Mexico involves transit through America. An ESTA is necessary for anyone travelling to America, even if just in transit to another country. This will be yet more money outlay though fortunately it doesn't cost a lot, the ESTA is all electronic based, basically having the Passport linked by computer to the ESTA. Fortunately you don't need a visa for Mexico, Australia being one of the privileged countries where there is no visa requirement for entry into Mexico.

The saga of the fridge........ We Virgos are absolutely legendary in our resourcefulness. Indeed we often surprise ourselves at just how resourceful we Virgos can be when reaching a critical point. The weather has been particularly hot this weekend, and being without a fridge, it means I am confined to drinking warm water, or going to the deli for cold water or a cold soda, which will prove to be expensive if I do it too often. And I can't have any icecream unless I go to the deli where it is expensive. And I really hate drinking warm water!! I REALLY NEED a fridge!!!!

Then the thought came to me..... how about RENTING a fridge!!! Well it's not the first time I had done this. During my times with my wife, when we first getting established, we rented a fridge for a short time. I previously resisted renting a fridge cos, well, you don't own it, you pay this money every fortnite or month, and it's less money for my trips, etc, without actually owning a fridge!!

However there are such creatures as "rent to buy", which basically means, after renting a fridge for a certain length of time, you have option of buying that fridge at a reduced price. Well it turns out, after some Google search, you can rent a fridge for six months with the option of a buyback after six months at a reduced price. Then if, as predicted, the catastrophes of the Saturn Chiron square and Chiron's transit into Aries manifests, leaving me with no money for a fridge - yet again!!!!! Well, if you rent the same fridge for three years, then you stop paying the rent and the fridge essentially becomes yours!!!! Kinda like an interest free loan. So in worst case scenario, the Chiron inspired catastrophes, if I can at least find $30 per fortnite rent for a fridge for three years, then after three years I will effectively own the fridge rent-free.

Of course none of this will happen until AFTER my Mexico trip. There is only 8 weeks remaining before I leave for Mexico, that means only four pay periods, and I am facing something of an uphill battle to save sufficient funds to cover my remaining expenses. It will only be my legendary Virgo ability to budget and find savings in everything that I do that will get me through. There is certainly no room in my budget for this extra $30 per fortnite. However virtually as soon as I touch down back in Perth after my trip, well I should have $30 left from my trip, so HOPEFULLY I will FINALLY be able to get a fridge!!!! It's free next-day delivery!! Of course I will have my very expensive Heart Specialist appointments to deal with soon after I get back, followed by the Saturn Chiron square where finance-sapping catastrophes are virtually certain to happen, but it will be a lot easier to find $30 per fortnite than $400 for a reasonable size 300-400 litre fridge, the minimum size I need to be able to store my week's supply of meals in the freezer unit - especially when there is always something else that crops up as soon as I manage to get together $400 such as a bonus payment or wage rise backpay!!!!!!

And psychologically, just 8 more weeks of suffering without a fridge is a hell of a lot easier to cope with than the prospect of "forever" suffering without a fridge!!!

Let's put it this way. If I am ever to have even half a chance to get a fridge anytime this century, this is the most viable method of acquiring a fridge!!!! And so the legendary resourcefulness of a Virgo comes through once again........ it's how we bloody survive!!!!.... it is bloody hell how I survived up until now!!!!!!

And thus is another week in the life of a Virgo........

More my kind of New Years resolutions......

The Australian government......

The perils of dating a Virgo

Virgo logic......

When ETs visits planet Earth....

New Year... the Virgo reality check

Meanwhile at the Heart Specialist.....
Virgo dating experiences......

Never mess with my girlfriend !!!!!!

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