Sunday 3 December 2017

Xmas Pain and Planetary Alignments

Now with Mercury being in retrograde, see last week's blog for explanation, I will have to be extra careful in getting my points across, and the readers will have to be extra careful not to mis-interpret what I write. Communication upsets and disputes between family and friends are more likely during Mercury's retrograde because it messes up communications. So take whatever you feel about my points with a grain of salt.

Tonight is Full Moon night, and if the Moon appears particularly large and bright, there is a reason for this. This is known as a "super full moon" because it happens when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth. The Moon's orbit around the Earth is not circular, it is more elliptical or "oval" shaped. Therefore the distance between the Earth and Moon does vary over the month, and tonight it is closest to Earth, and in this instance it just happens to coincide with the Full Moon. And it is significant, the Moon appears 14% larger tonight than it does when it is at its furthest point from Earth. And being closer and bigger, it is also brighter. So enjoy it!!! As for me, I just leave my crystals and healing stones out to be recharged by the Full Moon, it is what I do every Full Moon. Yes I know, I am weird!!!!

The Xmas lunch with my work colleagues have now been decided and the venue booked, and it is later than planned, it is on December 18. I suspect there were limited booking options and the earlier dates were already taken. This works out better economically for me. This falls after next payday when our December bonus arrives. Meals at restaurants are very expensive in Perth, like everything else in Perth. This lunch will be $45 per head for the all-you-can-eat smorgasbord meal. Drinks are extra, with the alcoholic drinks starting at $10 per pop, that is, $10 for one of those large glasses which I think they call a middy. I lead a sheltered life, I don't visit bars often, but I think those large glasses that is standard at bars is a middy. Either way it is expensive, especially my favourite, alcoholic ginger beer. So just two of these drinks will likely to see me not getting any change from $70, a very expensive and Perth-like lunch meal. So the bonus payment will come in handy, even after booking my hotels on the remainder of my Mexico trip which should take not much more than half of the bonus.

Aside from the economic pain, there is also the emotional pain that is to do with anything that is Xmas. It just happens that the restaurant is located across the road from the hotel where Mother used to work part time in the evenings during our poverty years, leaving me at the mercy of my sister and "step father" - that's another horror story altogether!!

So let's check planetary alignments and my chart activations for December 18 at noon, when we are due to arrive at the restaurant.....

This is New Moon day, and me being a New Moon baby, New Moons are always chaotic to begin with. This New Moon will take place in Sagittarius close to the Galactic Centre, the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy, that is located at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. There is a massive Black Hole in the centre of the Galaxy, this will increase the energies of planets transiting in the vicinity. The New Moon takes place at 26 degrees which is very close!! This New Moon forms a square with Chiron, and as I say, any aspects involving Chiron is always catastrophic, either resulting in catastrophes in the present day, or bringing back memories of past catastrophes. Given that the Xmas lunch is located across the road from Mother's former workplace during my Hell years, the latter is more likely in regards to Chiron. Those 8 years of Hell were the most catastrophic period of my life, coinciding with Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries. Oh yes, particular catastrophes in my life are in synch with Chiron's transit through the various star signs of the Zodiac, which is another story altogether, which I will share in due time as I am about to give that story!! Chiron moves into Aries in 2018/19, the 50th anniversary of the start of the 8 years of Hell.

Meanwhile back at the Xmas lunch, there are three other planets in Sagittarius making it a very busy sign. We will have Venus at 21 degrees, and Saturn at 29 degrees, both influencing the New Moon. Venus is the Goddess of Love, so perhaps she will help soothe any pains and torments involved. Saturn, the time keeper, will however be setting some boundaries, whether for good or bad will remain to be seen. The other planet, Mercury, will be at 15 degrees, far enough away from the New Moon but it will still be in retrograde.

The New Moon in addition to forming a square with Chiron, will also form a trine with Uranus, which usually involves some surprises. Uranus is the planet of surprises, also that of rebellion, revolution, and standing up to the authorities of the day. Maybe my colleagues at the lunch will stay longer at lunch than they should, getting back to work late!!!! But then my boss may surprise us and give us the afternoon off work!!!! Oh one can only live and dream!!!!

Now the personal activations of my chart on Xmas lunch day. The most notable being Neptune at 11 degrees Pisces sitting almost on top of my Chiron in my chart. By then, Neptune will be just 13 seconds of a degree from my Chiron. The closer to Xmas we get, the closer Neptune will move towards my Chiron position, in fact the conjunction will be exact on December 30. This brings back memories of spiritual pain, the persecutions I received due to my spiritual beliefs. Among the first of such persecution was when I first told Mother about the ghosts and entities visiting me in the night only to be scolded by Mother for "telling stories" stating there are no such things as ghosts, etc!!!! In later years I was persecuted by family and others for my involvement in the church, and persecuted by the church itself for holding other beliefs and questioning church doctrines. And today most people thinks I am weird for my current spiritual beliefs. Chiron in Pisces in my chart means I was persecuted and martyred during other lifetimes for my religious/spiritual beliefs. This time perhaps something will happen at or near Xmas time where my spiritual beliefs will be questioned and ridiculed.

Meanwhile Mars will be at 5 degrees Scorpio activating my Scorpio Mars also at 5 degrees. My sister has her Sun at 5 degrees Scorpio, that's another story altogether which I will not go into here!!!! Suffice to say, I have Mars in Scorpio being activated in my chart!! Mars is the planet of warfare, named after the Roman God of War. It is where I get my temper and my impatience from, I can be very impatient at times, and sometimes I get easily pissed off and can get really angry at times. The other parts of my chart tends to negate this, but it IS there especially when other planets are activating it!!!! So will have to be careful how I react to my colleagues at lunch, my colleagues can be very annoying at times!!!!

Last but not least, Jupiter at 14 Scorpio will be square with the North Node, where the Moon crosses the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. North Node means the Moon will be moving from south to north. The South Node is the opposite, the Moon moving from the north to the south. Astrologically the North Node speaks of our future calling in life, or perhaps what our next lifetime will be. At the same time, Jupiter will be trine with Neptune activating my Chiron. Jupiter is the planet of prosperity and abundance. Since being just after payday, where I will have received my December bonus, I will have been able to book my hotels etc for the remainder of my Mexico trip in March. My calling is to travel the world visiting the historical and sacred sites, working with the energies of these sites. So despite the pains of the Xmas lunch and painful memories associated with Mother working across the road at the hotel, my Mexico trip will prove to be a diversion. Indeed I be able to look to the future and my future travels, my callings in life, rather than focusing on the past.

The family Xmas lunch has also been decided on, the usual lunch with family on Xmas Day. For the past two years I have been out of town, first to New Zealand, then to Bali. This year I will be in home town territory, need to save my pennies for the Mexico trip!!! I will discuss planetary alignments and activations on Xmas Day another time.

Inspired by Jupiter I have been looking at fridges to see what I am up against economically as I will be getting a fridge with my backpay due in January. Seeing what is available, I need only a small fridge since it is just me. My four Goddess spirits and my Balcony Lady are spirits, they don't need food. Only just me in my mere mortal 3D body needs the food, hence a fridge. So I need a small fridge but bigger than a bar fridge. I need a fair size freezer as I cook my meals on the weekends then cut them up into portions and freeze them  which lasts for the next two weeks or so. Therefore need a reasonable size freezer on top but at the same time not a big fridge. So striking something of a balance. And so by January, when Mercury will no longer be in retrograde, and when I receive my wage rise with back pay, I'll certainly get at fridge then. I have waited long enough for one!!! These days one can order online and get it delivered, so no need to go to the malls and department stores!!!

Now on a lighter note.......

Being a well travelled soul I have at times experienced the trials and tribulations of being sat near children on flights. The airlines seat choice diagrams only indicates the seats available and not available, not the ages of the souls already occupying the seats!!! Fortunately however my experiences has not been quite THIS traumatic!!!!!

Oh yes..... the purpose of the loan I am applying for is for research into alien technologies with the view to enable me to construct a vortex into other dimensions.......!!!!

Uhhhhh..... karma!!!!!!!

um.... yeah.... hehe

Being in a gated community means no more annoying door to door salesmen !!!!!!

I need to find this bakery !!!!!!!!!

I think I will adopt this idea starting my next birthday.........

The perils of messing with puddy cats !!!!!

Where lost socks REALLY ends up..... through a vortex into a parallel universe.....

Last but not least..... my favourite cartoon..... I just LOVE her so much!!!!!! It's my Pluto in Virgo kicking in..... hehe!!!!!

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