Sunday 26 November 2017

Those Pesky Planets

Yeah I know I always seem to refer to Astrology but that is because I am so sensitive to the energies of the planets and other celestial bodies, and this has such a profound effect on my life, being a child of the universe. As I say, Astrology happens whether one believes in it or not. And with so much activity happening in the skies in the leadup to Xmas, well I just have to talk about again. But it is really not complicated. Here's a brief lesson on common terminology, I promise, it is very easy to understand.

Retrograde - a planet in "retrograde" is a planet that appears to move "backwards" against the background of the stars that forms the Zodiac. All planets moves counter-clockwise around the Zodiac, but on occasions they appear to move "backwards". Of course as any Astronomer will tell you, planets never actually moves "backwards" in their orbits. Retrograde motions is purely an effect caused by the position of Earth relative to the planets, and sometimes, Earth seems to move faster than the planets, hence the planets seems to go "backwards". The same effect is observed when passing slower cars on a highway, the slower cars appears to be moving "backwards"against the horizon. Since we live on Planet Earth, it is these relative motions that matters to us, the energies of such motions is relevant to life on Planet Earth.

Square - when two planets forms a "square", it is when one draws a line from each planet to the center of the Zodiac circle, the lines forms 90 degree angle, hence a corner of a "square". If the Zodiac is a pie, a square is like taking a quarter of the pie. Energies of squares are often intense.

Trine - when two planets forms a "trine", the lines from the planets to the center forms an angle of 120 degrees. It's akin to taking a third of the "pie". Energies of trines not so intense but still very much evident.

Conjunction - when two or more planet appears to come together in the sky, when they occupy the same spot in the Zodiac.

Now let me share what is happening now with pesky planet Mercury, the planet named after the Winged Messenger god in Greek mythology, hence its association with communication-related issues!! This is the ruling planet of Virgos, meaning, the planet that causes most influence on the lives of Virgos, a reason why Virgos has such difficult lives!! Mercury also rules Gemini, my wife's starsign, so my life with my wife was very difficult!!!! And now without her, my life is still difficult!!!! Mercury goes into retrograde three to four times each year. The other planets retrogrades only about once per year or less. This year in 2017, Mercury goes into retrograde four times, each time about three weeks at a time. The next retrograde is next month, December, in the leadup to Xmas. Therefore very intense times for Virgos!!!! The lives of Virgos are even more difficult during Mercury retrogrades, often with communication and relationship problems, and issues relating to people - such as what often crops up at Xmas time even without any retrograding planets!!! Mercury will simply add more intensities to such problems. Other problems, such as, financial problems, often manifests for some of us during Mercury's retrograde. Also not a good time to trust the computers and electronic devices, and try to avoid making plans and bookings. So this Xmas might be more chaotic cos of course many people makes bookings for Xmas gatherings, etc.

Looking at the pix above showing Mercury's motion in the sky from Earth, the planet had entered into Pre-Shadow on November 15, when I found out from my Union via email that my wage rise and backpay will not kick in until January next year!!!!

Mercury stations retrograde on December 3, and will remain in retrograde until December 23 when it stations direct, just in time for Xmas!!! Mercury finally leaves the Post Shadow on January 10.

During this cycle, Mercury interacts with three planets, each three times, first in the Pre Shadow, second when in retrograde, and third when in Post Shadow. The planets are Chiron, Uranus and Saturn. Chiron the wounded healer, being in my Ascendant sign, catastrophes very often happens when there are Chiron interactions!!! Catastrophes in my life has all been marked by Chiron's motion through my chart!!!! Uranus is the planet of revolution, rebellion and surprise. Sometimes we get surprises when Uranus is involved. Saturn is the planet of boundaries and restrictions, such as, when running out of money so have a restricted budget - such as during the bond fiasco last year when Saturn was square with Chiron. The financial losses restricted my travel plans for 2017!!!!

Chiron the centaur

Now Mercury will square with Chiron and trine with Uranus, then will conjunct with Saturn. The first Mercury Chiron square happened last Friday, followed by the Mercury Uranus trine on Saturday. The meetup with the landlord to sign the lease for the next two years took place yesterday being Saturday. Chiron also brings back memories of past traumas, hence my life!!!! And on Friday, I was having memories of last year's catastrophic meetup with the previous landlord where I would be destined to lose my bond. And as usual for a Virgo I was very nervous about meeting up with the landlord to sign the lease. Anxiety is hard wired into the DNA of Virgos, we always worry about things!!!! So Friday was quite traumatic.

However the meetup with the landlord turned out well, and the lease is now signed for the next two years. The Uranus surprise however was that the landlord brought me a bottle of wine and some chocolates for Xmas!!!! In all the years or renting since the 1980s no landlord has ever brought me gifts for Xmas. So it was quite a major shock and unexpected that he would bring me these gifts for Xmas. Now I just need a fridge to go with the wine - that is later in this planetary story!!!!

Sailor Uranus

Mercury's conjunction with Saturn will take place this Tuesday. This being pay week I already know that the wage rise and back pay will not kick in until January next year. My December bonus payment which comes the first payday of December normally happens in the first week of December. However due to the quirks of the 2017 calendar, this week's payday falls on November 30, literally the last day of the month!!!! Therefore my December bonus won't come until two weeks later on the next payday of December 14!!!!!

The next Mercury Saturn conjunction takes place on December 6. Too early to say what will happen then. Perhaps the bookings for Xmas lunch with my work colleagues will be confirmed by then, so will find out both the exact date and venue of the lunch. They're aiming for between December 8 and 13. Or some Xmas plans involving family may be revealed around this time. Xmas with family are always triggering!!!!

The next Mercury Chiron square happens on December 10, the same day Mercury will trine with Uranus. However squares carries more energy than trines, and this Chiron square will happen around the time of the Xmas dinner with my work colleagues. Xmas is second only to Valentine's Day as my most despised holidays, the holidays that causes me most pain and torment. So any events connected with Xmas often triggers me and I find them energetically very exhausting. The Xmas lunch with my colleagues are always very exhausting for me, they always talk about crap which I am never interested in, and I always feel left out.

The final Mercury Chiron square and Uranus trine takes place on January 7. My rent increase kicks in on January 8, when I will also need to pay the topup to the bond to reflect the new rent rate. The bond is set to four week's rent. My wage rise is due to kick in during January, so the rent increase will take up much of the wage rise though not all of it, I will have a little left over!! Just not as much as I would like!!!

Sailor Saturn with the Astrological symbol for Saturn

The final Mercury Saturn conjunction takes place on January 13. This is after Mercury moved out of its Pre-Shadow because by then Saturn had also moved in the sky. The first payday of the year falls on January 11, so will have known whether the wage rise had kicked in by then or whether I would have to wait another two weeks until the 25th, when Mercury will conjunct with Pluto the planet of death and darkness. My plan is to finally get my fridge when I receive the backpay to my wage rise. Could the 25th be the "death" to my one year without a fridge? It remains to be seen.......

Meanwhile, Jupiter the planet of abundance and luck, is currently traversing Scorpio which is my 9th house, the house of world travel and adventure. I have in my chart two planets in Scorpio, hence my love for world travel, and now being able to travel the world or at least certain parts of it!!! I already shared about the unexpected financial windfall which allowed me to book my flights and hotel accommodation for the Palenque leg of my Mexico trip in March.

The Roman God Jupiter the most powerful of the gods in Roman mythology

Well last week I learned of another unexpected financial windfall, not quite so large but significant nonetheless. This one I can share about. Sometimes my guides tells me to keep my sources secret so to protect them. Anyone reading this, which being in the public domain could be anyone in the world, may get jealous and wish harm on me and my sources, so most times I am to keep my sources a secret.  However in this instance, I am free to reveal all, for reasons which will soon become obvious......

I am in a program where when I go grocery shopping or get other things from the shops, I scan the barcodes of the items using my phone or tablet, and for my troubles I get points added each time. The points can be redeemed for items or cash.

Well being Xmas I received a catalogue in the email with list of items and how many points I would need to get the items. So I checked how many points I managed to accumulate, which turned out to be quite a bit. Among the items are the Prepaid Visa debit cards of various amounts. So I checked out on these Prepaid Visa thinking I have only the points for something like a $25 card if that!!!! However I was surprised to find that I have enough points for $100 card, basically a Visa debit card with $100 in it!!!! Wow!!! This will go a long way towards paying for the Merida leg of my trip!!! So I ordered one!! And the card should arrive in about three weeks, near the same time as I get my December bonus payment. Between these two I will be able to complete my bookings for my Mexico trip in March. My trip will be booked and paid for by the end of the year. So will need only to save my pennies for the spending money and the tours, all cheap in Mexico!!! Everything is cheap in Mexico!!!

Now for my quirky and dark sense of humour......

I discovered the Erma comics, which I absolutely adore. Erma is the story of a little girl who is also a dark spirit entity, much like the dark entities of my childhood and present day, hence why I love this comic so much!! My dark entities are my protectors, they have protected me through my life. My chart shows Pluto in Virgo opposite to Chiron, hence my darkness and love for all things dark......

This would be me with my Virgo Pluto influence......
What the Magpies will need if they are to win any matches next year!!!!!!

My girlfriend at school..... hehe.....

Say no more........!!!!!

When a Virgo takes a nude selfie.......

Virgo experiences and their low self esteem.......

I often think when people goes missing without a trace, it is the ETs abducting them and are now somewhere in a Zoo on another planet, just like we keep animals in Zoos on Earth......
Truth...... hehe......

Why I never drink tap water without a filter...... it once made me sick!!!!!

My Xmas gatherings......

The origins of Photoshop hehe

The Internet in Perth......

A good reason to try avoid the malls at Xmas time......

During Mercury's retrograde.......

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