Sunday 24 December 2017

The Journey Through The Underworld

Here tomorrow I am preparing for my journey through the underworld as depicted in ancient Egyptian mythology, where I will contend with hideous monsters, being subject to all kinds of pain and torments, being eaten alive and spat out again....... and if I survive, and my soul is weighed in my favour, I will earn a place in eternal paradise with Isis and Osiris....... I mean, I am preparing for Xmas lunch with the family tomorrow!!!!!

Oh yes we have the ancient Egyptians to thank for the Heaven and Hell/Purgatory doctrines of Christianity, and pretty well all other aspects of Christianity. The only difference between the Catholic and Protestant versions is the latter cut out the Purgatory bit. And now with Xmas upon us, much of Xmas traditions ultimately dates back to the Egyptians. We all know the tradition of the Xmas tree dates back to Germanic traditions in the middle ages, but in fact it goes way further back than that, back to the days of Isis and Osiris, when after the untimely death of Osiris, a sapling miraculously sprung up from a dead tree stump on the winter Solstice which happened to be Osiris' birthday. Isis thinking the sapling is Osiris, she placed gifts around the base of the tree stump with the sapling.

Meanwhile have some Carols by Candlelight going live stream on my tablet, yet another Pagan tradition, when we used to hold candles and sing to the Goddess aka the Sun to welcome her back from the darkness of the Solstice. Many of the carols has the Goddess theme, the Virgin Mary being the last of a long line of Goddesses in Paganism all giving birth to Gods by immaculate conceptions..... once again all the way back to the Egyptians.

Oh yes I do love my Goddesses, I have four of them at my altar. When I went to Bali last year, I saw the "Bali healer" who among other things had told me there are four spirits in my abode, and they hang about on the north side. He knew utterly nothing about my altar, located on the north side, and the four figurines representing my four Goddesses. I always known I have spirits in my abode, indeed I always have spirits around me, my Goddess guides. So putting two and two together, I deduced that the four spirits at my altar are my four Goddesses who are my spirit guides.

Meanwhile..... later this week is my payday, and it turns out that my wage rise has finally kicked in with my very much anticipated and needed backpay. Of course as per the Saturn influence in my chart, there is always something that any windfall has to be spent on, and it ain't a fridge!!! It is indeed my Passport renewal. My Passport is close to expiry so if I don't get it renewed then I will not be going anywhere near Mexico in March.

And then there is always something that takes away from my wage rise. The rent increase also kicks in this week. Fortunately the rent rise won't take all of the wage rise, I will still have a bit extra left over. Nevertheless, that Saturn influence in my chart always kicks in each time I get a windfall or make some other gains!! That has been the story of my life from as far back as I can remember.

Next blog will have an Astrological analysis of 2018, which hopefully will be a better year than 2017 since there won't be any exact hard aspects with Chiron and the outer planets, nevertheless, it will not be without its challenges. A brief preview - Saturn moves into Capricorn, and the last time this happened 30 years ago I made the biggest mistake in my whole life!!! Also Chiron moves into Aries, and the last time Chiron moved into Aries was back in 1968, the start of the 8 years of Hell which coincided almost exactly with Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries. I will go into more details next blog.

Nevertheless I am quite enjoying my Xmas vacation. I am not due back at work until January 4th. Not quite sure exactly how I will spend vacation, but as usual, it will involve tasks I need to do, such as continuing my project of clearing out my storage unit, legacy of my bower bird wife.

Now for some more of my dark Plutonian sense of humour.......

Firstly the antics of my favourite girlfriend.......
Isn't she just soooooo adorable!!!!! I love her so much!!!!!

Now some Xmas revelations........

Xmas eve dilemma.....

When a Virgo goes to see Santa Claus......

When Santa doesn't keep up with the times......

Now that's one Xmas tree I would have in my abode!!!!!!

Virgo reality check at Xmas time........

Plan B for Santa Claus.......

What Santa have to contend with in the 21st century!!!!

What this sceptical Virgo would ask...... but never quite gotten THIS answer!!!!

Fake news !!!! I was always awake on Xmas Eve until "Santa" filled my stocking with loot, and I knew it was actually my Mother who did so but I didn't let on that I already knew otherwise I would not have gotten all that loot!!!!

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