Sunday 12 November 2017

2017 The Year From Hell

Last week for the Melbourne Cup I decided to enter the office sweep and so paid my money for the sweep only to find my name was missing on the list come Melbourne Cup day. And of course being a Virgo I just blew it off, figuring it must be my fault, that perhaps there was some protocol that I failed to follow, or some other shit like that. It is what we Virgos are like, we always blame ourselves for shit that happens. It is a curse to be a Virgo, it is the most cursed star sign in the Zodiac. And this is so typical of the year that is 2017, one of the worst years of my life since the 8 years of Hell of my childhood. Chiron lies the reason, the Saturn Chiron square that has marked 2017, turning exact three times, being December 2016 the time of the catastrophic bond fiasco, April 2017 when facing high expenses of my appointments at the heart clinic and having to change my plans for my trip, and now just a week ago when among other catastrophes I experienced the catastrophe of the Melbourne Cup sweep. The other catastrophes being, my Mexican data roaming coming back to haunt me, and my pay rise with backpay not kicking in yet, that seems destined to be delayed until December.


Chiron always figures in my life's catastrophes. Of course I was born with Chiron in my Ascendant sign Pisces thus setting me up for a life of pain and heartache. Then the divorce coincided with Chiron's entry into Aries, and the 8 years of Hell coincided almost exactly with Chiron's 8 year transit of Aries. Chiron's transit of the other signs over the years coincided with other particular catastrophes in my life which I won't go into right now...... but of course in more recent times, Chiron's return entry into Pisces in 2011 coincided with Mother's death. My wife's death in 2013 coincided with my Chiron return, when Chiron reached the same spot in Pisces as when I was born. So now Chiron is set to leave Pisces in 2018, it will retrograde back into Pisces during 2018 but will leave Pisces for good early in 2019. So am expecting something to happen probably towards the end of 2018 or into 2019.

Chiron "The Wounded Healer" in mythology

The catastrophe that has been 2017...... firstly a year marked by loss of money, beginning with the catastrophic bond fiasco. I  lost money at other times during 2017..... such as during my Mexico trip, I paid money to book transportation from the airport only to find they didn't have my name recorded therefore they would not transport me leaving me stranded at the airport and having to pay out extra money at higher rates for a taxi service to my hotel. Then on one occasion the tour company whom I booked and paid money for did not turn up, and in Mexico you don't get refunds, so more money lost. And now of course the Melbourne Cup office sweep, I lost money due to my name being not included despite paying to enter. I probably would not have won anyway so probably a mute point, but it would have been nice to have been at least given a chance!!

The loss of money is even more catastrophic given that all gains through 2017 has been through much blood, sweat and tears, with much sacrifice. For example savings for my trip has been a result of sacrifices, having to go without many things. This was not so in 2016, it was easy to save money in 2016 for my trips. But not so in 2017, there were more obstacles, more calamities, more catastrophes costing me money, so had to make far more sacrifices.

And then there was the heartaches, beginning in December 2016 the same time as the catastrophic bond fiasco. I won't go into details here, but suffice to say, those whom I thought were friends turned out not to be true friends, and those whom I thought I could trust turned out to have betrayed me.

2017 is indeed the year birthed in the very pits of Hell itself, and it is not over yet, with more austerity measures in November until my wage rise with backpay, and my end of year bonus, kicks in both in December which should set the stage for a somewhat better year in 2018 despite the potential for more catastrophes with Chiron sitting on the border between Pisces and Aries, moving into Aries only to retrograde back into Pisces for a few more months. Chiron moves into Aries in April, just after my Mexico trip, so probably something will happen then, it will be just before my yearly appointment with the Heart Specialist in May. Chiron moves back into Pisces in September just after my Solar Return day (birthday) which probably means more catastrophes, and then finally moves into Aries in February 2019 where it will spend the next 8 years.

December often sets the stage for the following year. December last year was marked by the catastrophic bond fiasco, and the instance of heartache from someone I thought was a "friend", both setting the stage for 2017. December this year is when my wage rise is expected to kick in, and then my usual end of year bonus that I get every year in December. This will enable me to book my hotels for my March trip back to Mexico, and thus setting the stage for 2018.

Though 2018 is expected to be a better year, it won't be without its challenges. There will be one more instance of the Saturn Chiron square, this will peak in July 2018, during the time of the dreaded "The Three Weeks" when calamities always befalls me. So July 2018 seems set to be a horror month with more intense catastrophes happening. And then Chiron moves into Aries early in 2019, so there will probably be some other catastrophe happening either late in 2018 or early 2019. But at least the first half of 2018, with my Mexico trip happening, should be a better time compared to 2017. And with Chiron being in Aries between April and September, basically the duration of the AFL Football season, perhaps I may do better in the football tipping competition!!!!!

Now for the more immediate future, here is my card readings for this week........

19 - Dream A Beautiful Dream
Seeing and experiencing the beauty in creation, the beauty in the universe, and the beauty in our creative pursuits. I am indeed a creative soul, though this has been stifled by the trials and tribulations that has been 2017. The message given in the guidebook seems particularly relevant. That I feel the lack of ability to change a current situation. This would be the austerity measures with my Mexico data roaming coming back to haunt me and the almost certain delay in my wage rise and backpay. Of course there is nothing I can do about this, just have to knuckle down and get through this austere period. The message is to seek the revelation of beauty and inner harmony in the situation, the potential for healing, and thus being open to change. We shall see how this pans out......

The Tarot has much to say this time.......

IV - The Emporer - Stability
A stagnant situation that feels like a trap with no escape. This seems very fitting for this current situation!! The more positive message - balancing stability and change, using a firm foundation as a springboard for change. The capacity to persevere without giving up. That is the Virgo in me, we persevere through these often intense challenges.

XXI - The World - Completion
Feeling satisfied with actions, accomplishment and lessons learned. Feeling at one with the universe. Looking forward with confidence to the next phase. Good fortune, an unfavourable situation improves unexpectedly. Oh yes am satisfied of the lessons learned from my 2016 America trip and was able to keep my data roaming bill from the Mexico down to a minimum, at least I will be able to pay it without asking for an extension albeit with the austerity measures. As for unexpected improvements in the situation, well I suppose any of a number of things can happen, so I guess I should be open to such things.

Ace of Pentacles - Resources
Gathering resources for a potentially successful venture. Having everything needed for a good start. Making plans that will yield the desired results. A good omen. My desire will come true and all will work out for the best. This would be in regards to planning for my Mexico trip in March. Indeed I do have the resources, the wage rise, the December bonus payment, the secure job, it's just a matter when the former two will manifest!! The message seem to be, the plans I am having downloaded to me for the Mexico trip will indeed come to fruition, I will accomplish them.

7 of Pentacles - Reward
Taking great care and time to create something worthwhile but keeping the work in perspective. Valuing the experience as a continuous learning process. Patience, a project grows and develop slowly. For best results it is advisable not to make haste. This would refer to my current efforts to maximize my finances, such as, clearing out my storage unit thus saving on the rent, a long and slow process. However I am making meaningful progress, and currently on track to finish the process and end my rental by early 2018 prior to the Mexico trip thus giving me that much more extra funds for the trip.

3 of Swords - Pain
Experiencing deep and significant pain. Heartbreak. Raw emotions. Something or someone hurting me deeply, shattering my certainties. Seems no remedy for the situation. This would be the Saturn Chiron square, the 2017 sting in the tail. Thinking of the year that has been. 2017 has been a year of pain and heartbreak, a year created in the very pits of Hell itself. The losses endured, the austerity measures, the loss of my spiritual pursuits, having no longer attending spiritual activities such as ecstatic dancing. So now enduring the final sting in the tail that is 2017.

Now for some comic relief..........

;) hehe
The West Australian Government........
How government controls the masses.......

Our staff meetings at work......
He must be a Virgo.......

In 2017........

Budget airlines........ why I never fly with them !!!!!

When calling the Telcos......

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