Sunday 26 February 2017

My Out Of Balance Heart Chakra

First this week's card draw and my summary as shared earlier on my FaceBook account......

My cards for this energetically intense new week beginning with tonight's Solar Eclipse

-XVIII - The Moon - Darkness - Searching for the right pathway in the darkness. Facing the shadows. Ability to face the inner and outer monsters with confidence, knowing their weakness. Accepting the shadow self. The shadows seems disorientating but we have the ability to find the path leading to liberation.

-28 - Collaborative Dreaming - Cooperating with conscious like minded souls to fulfil a dream or to fulfil my calling. Creating in a group. This often involves challenges not present in lone pursuits. The differing ideas and ways of doing things, the need for compromise, group dynamics.

SUMMARY - How appropriate for this New Moon and Solar Eclipse!!! Drawing the Moon in the Tarot!!! This is likely to be referring to the bond fiasco, which seems to indicate I will hear from the landlord this week, another letter from him may be waiting for me when I check my mailbox this afternoon. But it won't be to fulfil my requests, it will take time for him to contact the various tradespeople, etc, and as we all know, they will take their own sweet time. But the letter or any other contact will be to try wriggle himself out of this request. He represent the monster due to the perceived power and authority, but he does have weaknesses, and the analytical Virgo me will discern his weaknesses and exploit them. For example if he threatens legal action, the weakness will be that he will still have to provide the same information that I am requesting potentially exposing his attempts to hide things to maximize the monetary returns, so very likely to backfire on him. I DO have the ability to find my way out of this, being a Virgo does help!!

The Oracle is what I have drawn before, seems to be confirmation that my next trip will be with a group. Or in general, spending more times with groups in my spiritual pursuits rather than on my own.


Well it turned out there was no mail from the landlord when I checked my mailbox this afternoon, just a note for a parcel to be collected. A parcel!!??? Who's in Hell's name would send me a parcel?? I hadn't ordered anything recently. I'm trying to save money for my trip so no chance I ordered anything. I am due to receive a CD but a CD should have been able to fit into my mailbox, indeed when I receive CDs it had always fitted into my mailbox, so it won't be the CD. Dang I hate surprises like this, I will have to hang on for the whole day tomorrow until after work when I will have to make the trip to the PO before closing time to collect this mysterious package.

Anyway in regards to the bond fiasco, I hadn't heard from the landlord, there was no mail from him, and he made no attempt whatsoever to call or text me. My app which blocks calls from numbers not on my Contacts does inform me when someone attempts to call me. I know full well he is not going to comply with my request, at least not at first. He will do his best to wriggle himself out of this. But even if he resorts to legal action he will still have to provide the information to them the same information I am requesting. I have him over the racks and he knows it. He be trying to work out what to do next. Of course when I go to the PO to pick up my mysterious package tomorrow there could very well be mail from him in my box.

Meanwhile..... yet another challenge to my savings plans, though I knew this was coming, it was just a matter of when. That is, I knew that my yearly appointment with the Heart Specialist was due, and in fact last Friday I gotten a call from the clinic and left a message for me to contact them to arrange such an appointment. Me and my out of balance heart chakra that manifested as a heart attack back on that fateful day in July 2015!!!! My visits to the Heart Specialist are expensive being a private practice so it's a good thing it is only once per year, and I get about half of it back on Medicare. This time however they are wanting to do a "stress test" on me. I've heard about these before at the clinic but up until now had never had it done on me. But I do know it is expensive, and I am not sure how much of it I would get back on Medicare. I do have the funds for it, knowing approximately how much it will cost based on what I've heard on previous visits, but it would come out of my savings funds for my trip, so it will be down to how much of it I will get back on Medicare. And I still expect to reach my target by May, I was on track to reach it by April, but thanks to this, it will indeed be put back a month to May.

Anyway being of Virgoan energy I have a plan to deal with this expense. Tomorrow I will call back the clinic and make the appointment for next month, last week of March. This will give me a chance to plan for this while still remaining on track for my savings plan. We Virgos are very resourceful creatures. Hopefully they will also be able to tell me exactly how much it will be, and how much of it I will get back on Medicare. This will help me to better plan for this.

Ironically I faced a similar challenge back in 1999, the last time these Eclipses happened in my Ascendant sign as part of the 18-year lunar cycles. It was in 1999 I was also having to save my pennies by May, this time to pay for my wife's residency application, which ironically costed about as much as the air ticket to the Americas - what I am saving for this time!!! And back in 1999 I also came up with medical expenses, this time for my wife to take a medical test as part of the application process, that was also expensive especially since we had to pay full price, my wife wasn't on Medicare cos she was not yet an Australian resident!!! Her medical test came up with an issue which required further tests, hence further expenses, which impacted on my ability to save my pennies for the residency application fee. But I got there that time even if it was at the last minute, it was down to my last paycheck before the deadline, and if she missed the deadline she'd be on the first plane back to America!!! So this time I will succeed again, I will reach my target by May.

Meanwhile back to the cards..... the Tarot card is most likely referring to the bond fiasco. So now to explain about the Oracle card.......

The Oracle card is what I have drawn just recently about two to three weeks ago, and when the same card is drawn again within short time, it is the universe sending strong messages!!!! Let's put it this way. Randomly shuffling a 44-card deck what's the chance of drawing the same card more than once!???

Well this past week due to the economic challenges, the latest being the appointment with the Heart Specialist which is destined to be expensive even under Medicare, I was thinking perhaps I will go it alone on my next trip. But it seems I am not to do this. I would need to go with a group, a group pilgrimage. Up to now all of my trips I have been on my lonesome.

Going with a group will be more expensive than just going on my own. Although the group tour fees covers pretty well everything, such as lodging, transportation, entry fees, meals, etc, it usually involves staying in 5-star lodgings and other luxuries I be perfectly happy to make do without on my own. There of course would be group discounts, such as for lodgings, but it would still be more expensive to stay in 5-star lodgings than the budget lodgings I would normally book for when travelling on my own. Furthermore I would need the singles supplement which will be more expensive still. Although it be great to be with a group during the day, I am a sensitive soul, and the energies at these sites will be very intense especially being on the Dragon line, and it will affect me!!! So I will need my own space to retreat to each night rather than sharing with someone even if he is also spiritual or a HD soul. Plus I will have my Dragon Goddess and crystals, and will need space to set those up in my lodging during the trip.

Also the tour price is often in $US, so will make it even more expensive with our 3rd-world-like currency exchange rate here in Australia!!!!

Although I expect to reach my target for funds for the air ticket by May, it is going to be a challenge to save my pennies for the tour costs even if I book my spot for towards the end of the year, say, October onwards. As fiercely independent as we Virgos are, it's likely I won't be able to raise the funds for the tour on my own, even with my Virgoan skills of budgeting and keeping track of my day to day expenses. The universe is going to have to provide for me or help me with any shortfalls.

I must say I DO have a good track record with this. On all of my trips so far the universe has miraculously provided. For example on my America trip, due to the Telstra roaming fiasco, I was in serious danger of running out of funds to meet my lodging expenses for the last week or so of the trip. I was seriously contemplating the prospect of sleeping in my car at Mt Shasta. However almost at the last minute the universe did miraculously provide for me, and I had extra funds for my lodgings!!! Then for the Glastonbury trip, due once again to the Telstra roaming fiasco, the economic viability of the Glastonbury trip was in serious danger - until once again the universe provided, and for the first time ever, I went on the trip without running out of money!!!!!

So safe to say, if I am going to go with a group on my next trip, I will have provisions for funding such a trip.

What will help my cause is in May my two-year contract with Telstra ends, so paying out money to them each month, much of it wasted, will no longer occur. I will not be going into another contract. I will go with another telco and go prepaid on my phone, this will save me potentially a significant amount of money each month, this will add significantly to my savings plan for my next trip. Another advantage of going prepaid is I won't be in any danger of any bill shock due to the roaming charges, what had almost gotten me into trouble last year when I went to America.

Last but not least it was Mother's birthday today, the same day as the Solar Eclipse. Well it would have been her birthday if she was still on this planet. In the higher dimensions there are no birthday celebrations because we are eternal creatures. Indeed back on Taygeta there are no birthdays, Taygeta is a HD planet where everyone lives forever. I don't think Mother is on Taygeta but she is certainly somewhere in the higher realms. With so much happening today I almost "forgot" about her birthday, well I could NEVER forget it, but the focus was on other things not so much her birthday. And last night I was at my ecstatic dancing session. Mother was a dancer, so my love for ecstatic dancing comes partly from Mother. Dancing is in my DNA, not only the human DNA but also my ET or alien DNA. We dance a lot back on Taygeta.

Just another week in the life of an 8D soul from Taygeta...........

Blessed Be

Sunday 19 February 2017

Navigating The Eclipse Cauldron

Last week was the very chaotic lunar eclipse, and next weekend on Mother's birthday is the solar eclipse. Neither of them are visible from Australia but we are still affected by the energies of them. So this fortnite inbetween the eclipses is known as the eclipse cauldron due to the chaotic energies with the universe aim to bring forth change and new beginnings.

For some reason my energies have been high and so far seem to be sailing through this eclipse cauldron. Last week I refer to my card readings which I do for myself each Sunday being the first day of the week, the Pagan day of the Sun. So I thought I will share my card readings for this weekend. Firstly an explanation of the cards that I use.

I use the "Vampire's Tarot of the Eternal Night" and the "Sacred Rebels" Oracle cards. My natal chart shows the conjunction of Pluto and Uranus in my Sun sign Virgo. A "conjunction" simply means the two planets appears close together when looking up in the sky. That is how it was when I came to this planet. Pluto, the god of the underworld, often refers to darkness. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution. That is why I always have been a dark and rebellious soul. So the Tarot cards represents Pluto, and the Oracle cards represents Uranus. My cards are always accurate and were absolutely spot on last week, so by sharing this week's readings it will give a good idea of how the week will pan out.....

The top card is from the Oracle deck, the bottom three cards are the Tarot. The cards chose themselves as I shuffle the decks, the cards that sticks out of the pack or falls out as I shuffle them are the cards that are chosen for me.


Explanation for this draw,,,,,,,

My cards for this week leading up to the Solar Eclipse next weekend

-IV - The Emperor - Stability - A time of security and stability, inspiration in challenges. Balancing stability and change. Perseverance in intentions without giving up.

-XIII - Death - Endings - Missing what was and not quite ready to embrace what is. Faith in what will be. A transition to something new, renewed opportunities of redemption. Learning from past lessons, determination to face any challenges ahead.

-XV - The Devil - Freewill - Life is about compromises, being able to recognize and be willing to walk away when it is not worth it. All addictions and bondages comes from within, bringing them to the light to diminish their power. Discernment brings to light the dark side.

-40 - Sacred Fool - The great rebel, thwarting convention and speaking the truth without restraint. It cares not for what is "the right way" nor what is perceived as reality. Letting life happens, breaking of conventions, embracing what is left field, off-the-wall, off-the-planet. Radical living attracting miracles and synchronicities. Making decisions which others will think is crazy.

Summary - Stability in the face of what is destined to be a chaotic solar eclipse in my Ascendant sign is very much a comfort. Whatever challenges and issues I be compelled to face, it will be from this foundation of stability. The theme seems to be endings and letting go of what no longer serves me. My social media accounts a case in point. While I will be keeping FaceBook and this blog for the foreseeable future there are some other social media accounts I am in the process of shutting down since any returns I may be getting from them is not worth the time spent on them. Time to let go and free up my time for things that does serve me, and for my callings.

The challenges and learning from the past most likely to be relating to the bond fiasco. The landlord will receive my letter this week, and he will challenge it, even refuse outright to fulfil my requests. He will be in a hurry to get money from me, so he will try to call me only to find that his calls and txts to be blocked, so next best thing from his point will be email, he is likely to send me an email trying to bypass my request and wanting to settle this matter quickly. But I learn from my past, that in the past I submitted meekly to his wishes, now knowing this is NOT the way to deal with him now, but to stand my ground, using my Virgo stubbornness, making it clear there will be no moving ahead in this matter UNTIL my requests are fulfilled.

The Oracle is just my Uranus kicking in. I am indeed the sacred fool. Very much off the wall, off the planet, with more than a few screws loose. That is me in general. So there must be a reason for this card to be highlighted now!! Only time will tell. Perhaps that in the midst of the chaos of the eclipse and the trials ahead, the best course of action to navigate this is to just be myself, that is, my 8D self, not my 3D Virgo self or other Earthly self, but my real 8D Taygeta self.


As shared in last week's blog, my cards virtually predicted I would hear from the landlord, and that is exactly what happened. His letter was waiting for me in my mailbox with a request to begin with my payments towards the alleged debt but was very scant on details. So I had planned to compose a letter to him requesting details of the expenses with supporting evidence from the trades people or repair companies. The thing that got me which prompted my intention to compose the letter was his claim that it would cost $1000 to repair the aircon which needed only a thermostat replaced. The temperature settings were shot, that is a thermostat issue. The aircon was otherwise working perfectly ok. I know what a thermostat is, you can make one from a child's electronics kits or perhaps $10 worth of components from an electronics store. It cost me less than $300 to replace the thermostat in my car's cooling system, and the only reason why it costed close to $300 was because the head gasket also needed replacing. And as we all know, car repairs are always the most expensive. It is not as expensive to repair anything else as it is to repair cars!!!! Anyone who owns a car will know this!!!! His claim of $1000 for the aircon repairs was supported by copies of some quotes, but the quotes were scant on details. My feeling was that he is trying to pan off additional work on the aircon aside from the thermostat, that is, most probably charging me for servicing to the aircon unit, which is the landlord's responsibility anyway. It is standard practice that servicing and maintenance issues are the responsibility of the landlord.

So this past week I have been working on a letter to the landlord requesting details of each job performed supported by invoices or statements from the repairs providers. I spent about three days working on the letter, making sure I word it to be polite but firm.

Meanwhile, on the Monday after I gotten the letter from my mailbox that weekend, the landlord tried to call me, indeed calling me several times that day. Indeed he used his wife to call me, putting an emotional tone in her voice, obviously in an attempt to sway me with emotional blackmail. But we Virgos are not fooled, well not easily anyway. My phone was turned off as standard practice since I was at work, so didn't know about the calls with voice messages and txt msgs until I switched on my phone that evening. OK granted that I check my mail only once per week, so the letter from him could have arrived earlier in the week, nevertheless, it was still way too soon for him to start calling me. Obviously he was in a hurry to get money from me. So I used my app to block calls and txt msgs from him. Indeed I set the app to block all calls from numbers not on my Contacts list, this to guard against his attempts to use other phones to call me. We Virgos plan for all things and allows for all possibilities. So all calls and txts except from my Contacts list are now blocked.

The letter was finally finished by the end of the week, and posted last Friday. So it will get to the landlord this week. He will be shocked when he gets the letter. At first he will be thinking that I be seeking to negotiate a lower payment rate since the payment rate he proposes is way too high. Being of Virgoan energies I have in the past went out of my way to accommodate his requests, and have never questioned him before. We Virgos hate to put people out and make waves, we prefer to be people pleasers even at our own expense, so in the past I had always went out of my way to please him. So when he gets my letter he will have high expectations, with me announcing when the payments will begin, and perhaps negotiating a lower payment rate. However he is in for a major shock!!! There are no payment intentions in the letter but a request for DETAILS on the expenses with supporting evidence from the providers.

This he will not like at all. Especially since this will expose his attempts to get more money out of me, for example, additional work on the aircon, and additional work on the walls. Nevermind that the majority of the jobs would come under "fair wear and tear" which the tenant is NOT responsible for. I have been renting for 30 years and I know what "fair wear and tear" is. It comes down to "use" versus "abuse", and the onus will be on him to prove "abuse" rather than "use". The aircon being a classic example. The aircon was installed in 2010 so that makes seven years of use, so it be quite normal for a component such as a thermostat to fail from just using it, therefore it would come under fair wear and tear. He will have a hard time proving that I had somehow abused the aircon, especially since I have always kept the filter cleaned, a very simple job of removing the filter and running it under warm water to remove built up dust.

So he will try to wriggle himself out of fulfilling my request for such further information. Firstly he will try to call me, or most likely, have his wife try to call me. However he\she will find that they will not be able to reach my number due to it being blocked. So he will possibly try other phones to get through to me but each time will find the same result, the attempts to call me being blocked. So his likely next step will be to send me an email, using emotional blackmail and threats against me. However this stubborn Virgo will be unmoved. We are stubborn creatures when we need to be. He will simply get a return email stating that this matter will NOT proceed UNTIL I get the information I requested. The reply will not be immediate but the next day fulfilling the normal protocol of replying to emails within 24 hours. He will be in a hurry to get this matter resolved in his favour but it is simply not going to happen. I will take my time for indeed time is on my side. He has messed with the wrong person. I am a witch, and whoever messes with a witch will be turned into a toad.

The other matter of note..... my savings plan for my trip, well whatever trip I will be taking this year in 2017. At this point in time my savings plan is pretty well on track, my Virgo resourcefulness and determination being a factor here. Once we Virgos set a goal, we stick to it, and if necessary find ways to maximise our chance of success in fulfilling the goal. My current goal is to save funds for the air ticket, and it looks like I am half way there already though the situation will become clear on payday this week when I look at my progress in detail thus far and the budget for the following fortnite. We Virgos are big on details and analytics, and so I have details of the previous fortnite's expenses and ways I could cut back if possible.

I have searched for prices on bar fridges and found some as "cheap" as a couple of hundreds dollars, "cheap" being a relative term in Perth. Down the track that should be achievable. However my current focus is saving for the air tickets by May. Once I look at my situation in May then I will decide if getting a fridge is viable.  If people in Bali can live without fridges then so can I. Even many of the shops in Bali especially in the rural districts does not have fridges, they sell their drinks from ice coolers. Of course the shops in the tourist districts does have fridges with their ice creams, etc, but where I tended to be most of the time during my Bali trip, most of the shops which were mostly not much more than just market stalls or what they call "warungs" didn't have fridges so no icecream but they always had soda, indeed Coca Cola which they sell from ice coolers.

We Virgos are very resourceful creatures. Balinese people get around their lack of a fridge by going to the markets each day for daily food supplies. Here in Australia however we have convenience foods, indeed these days there is a wide variety of convenience foods, such as tinned foods of many varieties, a lot more than just Heinz spaghetti, and well I don't get Heinz spaghetti cos it reminds me of my childhood poverty years. I am not in poverty, I am just saving my pennies for my trips. Aside from tinned meals of many varieties, there are various packaged convenience foods, so very wide variety to choose from. And should I want something cold like soda or icecream, I just wander around the corner to the shops. Or I just order pizza with soda and desserts with my online coupons which makes it relative cheap, well "cheap" for Perth anyway. I order the pizza online and pay for it online, then it gives the estimated time the order will be ready by, so then I just go pick it up near the estimated time, I just walk into the shop and as if by magic the order is sitting there in the warmer cabinet waiting for me, the soda they get from the fridge only when I arrive - oh the wonders of modern technology. There are so many shops nearby, a whole shopping strip and convenience stores all within walking distance. So this resourceful little Virgo is getting by very well without a fridge.

Last but not least..... my blood test results, which aside from the alien DNA it all turned out with excellent results. I thought with the stress I have been under in 2017 and my increased consumption of pizza and soda due mostly to the stress, I thought it would show up in the blood tests. But most remarkably my cholesterol, glucose, and indeed my blood pressure were all quite low with virtually no changes from the last blood tests - September last year. True enough I am on meds for cholesterol and to make my blood thin, but no specific meds for blood pressure nor glucose. So for the results to be so good, it must be my alien DNA kicking in! ;) I am no longer under stress, indeed I am most remarkably relaxed despite my dealing with the landlord. Usually the thought of standing up for my rights terrify me, I usually opt to give in and just try to be people pleasing and not make any waves, just as per typically Virgo. But not this time, and my energy is very high, and am most relaxed. But January was a Hell month for me, I was so under stress and so depressed, and the blood tests were taken just at the end of this, so I would have thought the stress and emotional turmoil would have showed up.

Now getting ready for another week at work....... and my ecstatic dancing this Saturday. Dancing is in my DNA both Earthly and Alien DNA ;) ;)

Sunday 12 February 2017

Energies Are High

Despite the impending chaos of the eclipse season my energy has been high. This is not me! I usually dread eclipse season cos chaos always happens during the eclipses. We had a lunar eclipse yesterday (Saturday) and in two weeks on the 26th which happens to be Mother's birthday we have a Solar Eclipse. These eclipses are not visible from Australia but we are still affected by the energies, and it is chaotic energies. This two weeks period inbetween the eclipses is known as "eclipse cauldron", and as part of the 18-year lunar cycles, the last time such an eclipse series had occurred was in 1999, when as shared in my previous blog, I was experiencing financial challenges. And once again I am experiencing financial challenges.

However this past week in the leadup to the lunar eclipse my energy has been high. This is usually not me!!!! This has to be from the HD realms, the "Higher Dimensional" realms otherwise known as the "spirit realms". Either my spirit guides, ETs, deceased loved ones, or other spirit entities are giving me strength. I wonder why.

We also had the wettest February on record. We gotten more rain this month than we usually do in July!!! It rained almost non-stop for two days last week, and there are floods in the south west and even in the upper reaches of the Swan River in Perth!!! We usually don't get floods even in winter, but the rainfall has been so high that we have been having floods even this close to Perth!!! As part of my commute to work each day, I walk to the train station which is just around the corner from my new abode, take the train into the city, then as part of my exercise routines I take the 20 minutes walk between the station and my workplace. Then I repeat the process in reverse when coming home from work. I have no umbrella since my umbrella is buried in the deep dark depths of my storage unit, and no shops are selling umbrellas cos this is normally summer when it normally doesn't rain!!!!! I normally enjoy walking in the rain and getting wet, but it becomes problematical when it comes to walking to work, and I don't like to take public transport when wet, a part of my Virgo foibles. However most amazingly during these two days of rain, I never gotten wet. The rains would cease miraculously when I take my walks during my commute, sometimes the rain ceases as soon as I walk out of my apartment block. Then rains would stay away until I reach my workplace when it starts up again. Even my colleagues notices this and concludes that there is "someone" "up there" who is looking after me.

Then other miracles happened, such as, money being most unexpectedly deposited into my account when I was facing the most challenging fortnite in my plans to save my pennies for my 2017 trips to Mexico or Peru. Being typically Virgo I never ask for money. We Virgos are fiercely independent creatures, and even at our most dire straits we still never ask for money nor any other help of any kind. Even if we find ourselves living out on the streets, we Virgos still never ask for help!! We Virgos are hard workers and we solve our own problems. Nevertheless the money was MOST DEFINITELY appreciated and allows me to remain on track in my savings plans as well as a few extra pizzas..... and chocolate ice creams.

Then yesterday the property inspection at my current abode, standard procedure after six weeks of commencing tenancy. Being of Virgoan energy I usually get so anxious about these inspections, we Virgos are very anxious creatures, and being perfectionists, we worry whether the property is clean enough. We keep our abodes clean anyway, we Virgos are always clean and tidy. But being perfectionists, we worry about what others will judge. However this time I was not at all anxious about this inspection, I was most remarkably relaxed. And it turned out the inspection went very well, the landlord was very happy with me, and said that I keep the place cleaner than the previous tenants. Obviously the previous tenants were not Virgos!!!!!!

The my awesome ecstatic dancing session last night, when my energies reached even higher. Dancing is in my DNA both my ET DNA and my Earthly family DNA, I always loved dancing. My Mother was a dancer and indeed a dance teacher. Ecstatic dancing is a spiritual form of dancing, a form of healing, as we connect with the HD realms. Dancing has always been a part of religion for as far back in history as we can go. Every religion has dancing in their traditions. Jews are very big on dancing, and it's very much a part of Paganism, Wicca, and the Eastern faiths. SO basically ecstatic dancing brings all of these traditions together, and well it is just totally awesome!!!!

Then this morning as I do each Sunday morning I do my Tarot and Oracle card readings for the following week. The cards chooses themselves as I shuffle them, basically, the cards which falls out or sticks out of the pack as I shuffle them are the cards chosen for the week. My cards are always right. It is quite amazing!! But it is true, my cards are always so spot on for the week. So when I looked at this morning's card spread I knew exactly what was going to happen this week. Without going into details, the particular cards drawn from the Tarot are "Card VII -The Chariot" and "7 of Wands - Defense". Just from those cards I knew EXACTLY what will happen this week, that is, I would hear from the previous landlord in regards to the bond fiasco. It has been over two weeks since our catastrophic meetup so it be just a matter of time anyway before I would hear from him anyway.

And this is exactly what happened when I went to the Post Office later today to pick up my mail from my PO box. There was indeed mail from the former landlord with the final figure of the expenses which he is asking me to pay. However once again he was very light on details. He added the expenses of repairs to the aircon to the final figure which is approximately three times my bond amount, but aside from a copy of a quote, there was no details of exactly what was needed to be done to the aircon. However my energy is still high, and am most remarkably calm about this. Normally I'd be panicking and very anxious about these things. We Virgos are very anxious creatures, and we like to please others even at our own expense, and we don't like to make waves. But not THIS time. With such energies from the HD realm I am more than ready to fight this, and it feels the universe is on my side.

So as shared in my previous blog, I will commence my plans for this, knowing that time is on my side. That is, sometimes this week I will compose a letter asking courteously but firmly DETAILS on the expenses involved together with copies of the invoices from the tradespeople who did the jobs. I have a right to this information since I am the one being asked to foot the bills. My former landlord is in for a shock!!! Up to now, being a Virgo, I had previously cooperated with him. Not now. I will ask him for the detailed list of jobs done on the house. The onus is on him to prove that I am responsible for the expenses rather than it being just "fair wear and tear". Then when I receive this information in writing with copies of the invoices, I will then make an appointment with a tenancy lawyer which costs $40 - a hell of a lot cheaper than the amount of money he is asking for from me!!! I will not mention about my intention to seek legal advice but will make it clear that I have a right to this information. I am very much in control here. Time is on my side.  I am not worried about this, indeed I am quite relaxed about this, VERY HIGHLY UNUSUAL for a VIRGO!!!!!!

Other news..... last week I also went for my blood test as part of the ongoing process of regular checkups stemming from my manifestation of my very out of balance heart chakra - the heart attack I experienced on that fateful day in July 2015. So this week I am due for an appointment with my GP on Wednesday so to get my blood test results. Considering I had been under stress for much of this year, it will be interesting to see what my results will be. Up until now my blood test results has been near to perfect. Well we shall see how it turns out to be when I see the GP on Wednesday.

Now to see how this week will pan out during this very energetic "eclipse cauldron"........

Sunday 5 February 2017

Chaotic Month Ahead

February is set to be a chaotic month with two eclipses happening, Valentine's Day which I hate more than Xmas, and then the memories of Mother's birthday.

So we have a lunar eclipse next weekend, then a solar eclipse two weeks later ironically on Mother's birthday!!!! Neither eclipses are visible from Australia however we still experience the energies. The last time we had those two eclipses at this time of year was back in 1999 as part of the 18 year lunar cycles which actually mirrors the cycles in our lives. Indeed the same issues we faced back in 1999 during those eclipse we are once again facing, and this is indeed true for me.

This time in 1999 was faced with the challenge of saving my pennies to pay for my wife's immigration expenses. We had just moved into our own apartment after bunking at Mother's house since coming back from America in November 1998. Ironically we were also without a fridge at this time though I think we eventually managed to source a 2nd hand fridge. We had until May to come up with the funds for immigration, for that marked six months since my wife's arrival in Australia, she was on a six months temporary visa. So either we submit the application for temporary residency by May which means coming up with the very high fees, or she would have to go back to America.

The major challenge we faced threatening our ability to save for my wife's immigration application, is the overwhelming debt and credit problems stemming from the car rental fiasco during the previous year's America trip. All of my credit cards were maxed out with excess balance owing, and together with other debts, I was seriously behind in my payments. Creditors were stressing me out, constantly bugging me, and threatening legal action. We had no option but to seek legal advice and see a financial counsellor. He took over negotiations with the creditors and did a budget plan for us, allowing us to save for the immigration expenses. However one of the creditors would not cooperate which basically was the deal breaker, and I had no choice but to declare bankruptcy, which set me back financially at least ten years.

Furthermore we needed to make high sacrifices to pay for her immigration expenses. We lived on nothing but cheap low-quality hamburger meat which ended up making my wife sick. We could not go our anywhere that required money, and we had to make do without the luxuries that one normally takes for granted. It was a very frugal lifestyle, reminding me of my childhood poverty years. But in the end we achieved our goals, we were able to come up with the funds for my wife's immigration literally with a week to spare, indeed it was virtually on the last day that we fronted up to immigration department..... and well the rest is history, my wife was granted residency, and eventually became an Australian dual citizen five years later.

Now in 2017 similar issues arises, also stemming from my very karmic marriage though now past the end point of it!!! I am having to save my pennies for my 2017 trips. I have just moved into my own apartment after living at the house previously shared with my wife who passed away in 2013. And am without a fridge, unsure if I will be getting one anytime soon. By May I will probably need to decide which trip I be going on, so will need the funds to book the air tickets and at least deposit for tour expenses. Stemming from this week's card reading, it seems I be going with a spiritual group tour or pilgrimage. I currently have two options for Mexico involving the Mayan pyramids, and none so far for Peru but that could change by May.

The 2017 challenge is the bond fiasco stemming from my very karmic marriage. Most of the "damages" the landlord is seeking to bill me for stems from my time with my wife, the installation of her mobility aids at the house by the hospital leaving a mess behind, and other things. I am currently waiting to hear back from him for the next stage, but legal action seems to be in my destiny, this time having to see a Tenancy lawyer to test the legality or otherwise of my landlord's demands, and perhaps negotiate any payment plans with the landlord who is unlikely to be altogether cooperative. I just have to remember that time is on my side, and the onus is on the landlord to prove his claims.

In the initial panic after the last meetup with the landlord, I cancelled all of my subscriptions and other expenses, and had decided to cut out my spiritual activities that requires money. At this stage I will not be recommencing my subscriptions, but have since decided to continue on with my ecstatic dancing sessions which are not expensive anyway. However am still cutting out the other expenses, as ironically my credit cards are maxed out, this time stemming from car repair expenses, so still related to cars!! This time however I don't have excess balances owing and am not behind in any payments. My credit rating is way better than in 1999 and am in no danger of bankruptcy. And with my Virgoan determination and sacrifices, I have already made a start on my savings plan while at the same time working on paying down my credit cards on a Virgoan inspired plan.

So at least physically and in 3D reality I am better off in 2017 than I was back in 1999. It's just my rollercoaster emotions and self-sabotage self-harm tendencies stemming from my Virgoan introspection and self analysis that I am contending with!!!!!!

Update on the bond fiasco..... am yet to hear back from the landlord in regards to the aircon issue, as in how much it would cost for it to be fixed. The onus is on the landlord to make contact with me on this issue and to give me a final figure on how much I am being asked to pay. When I get this information, I will be asking him to submit to me in writing a complete list of expenses, including the exact details of the work done, how much it costs, and why I am deemed responsible for these repairs. Copies of invoices will accompany this list, and I will ask specifically for INVOICES, not just "quotes" not even receipts. I need to know that the job has actually been completed, and the invoice would give more information on exactly what was done. Receipts normally doesn't give this information. Then I will be studying this information, making sure nothing is added, asking more questions if necessary. For example, am I being asked ONLY for the area of wall affected by the hospital works or for the entire wall or even room? Me being a Virgo I am big on details and I know how to analyze and make sure I get the details that I need. THEN armed with this information in writing I will be booking a $40 appointment with a Tenancy lawyer to determine the legality of the landlord's demands, for some of these jobs could be judged as "reasonable wear and tear" which the tenant is NOT responsible for. Then it be up to the landlord to try prove it was something more than just "reasonable wear and tear". But since the onus is on the landlord to provide the details and proof, time is on my side. I am a lot more relaxed about this than this time last week!!

Meanwhile my intended trips. I have been wondering about going with a tour group versus travelling on my own. Up until now I have been travelling on my own, however, I had been wanting to go on a group pilgrimage with like minded souls as weird as I am, that is, star seeds and other spiritual people. We star seeds like to visit these ancient sites like the pyramids, stone circles, temples, etc, cos it reminds us of our past lives, and very likely to have been built by ETs. And believe it or not there are quite a few groups online offering pilgrimages for us star seed types. Current snag is, there are no pilgrimages on offer for Peru for my intended travel period - October to December. It will take me that long to save my pennies regardless of any outcomes of the bond fiasco. However there are currently two pilgrimages to Mexico where there are the Mayan pyramids and other ancient sites and ET spots. Mexico is also on my bucket list. So I give myself to May before I decide, so my aim is to save my pennies for at least the air tickets to enable me to book them 3 to 6 months in advance, it is a lot cheaper when you book air tickets in advance. Then to save my pennies for the tour expenses. Oh yes how I decided to go with a tour? I consult my cards, my Tarot and Oracle cards. They always prove to be accurate, and this week one of my cards told me I should go with a pilgrimage group tour for my next trip.

So am currently making sacrifices to help me save my pennies, just like back in 1999!!!! This includes putting on hold any plans to get a small fridge for my apartment. I have pretty well everything else I need such as my camp bed allowing me to sleep off the ground. And also taking the train to work rather than get my bicycle fixed, it would cost me up to six months worth of train fares to fix my bicycle. However no need to be quite so frugal on food, I am not living on cheap hamburger meat, just meals in tins and packets, and other non-fridge items such as some veges, eggs, and long life milk for some of the convenience meals such as the pasta meals in the packets. So definitely not starving, living on one meal per day not for economic reasons but it is all I need. We don't need three meals per day. I eat only when hungry, which usually works out to be one main meal per day, sometimes a smaller snack meal added. Most people eat when bored or to maintain routines. But we can train ourselves to eat only when hungry so to avoid excesses in food and keeping the weight down.

This week..... well hopefully find time for the blood tests as prescribed by my doc in my ongoing checkups stemming from my 2015 heart event. I was meant to go last week but it got really busy at work with the start of the school year, and me being Virgo I always put others before me, such as, I tend to put my job before me, hence postponing the blood tests. It's what Virgos do, it's in the DNA of Virgos to self sacrifice for the benefit of others, careers, etc. So will try for this week and see how things in my job pans out, perhaps I will have time this week for the blood tests.

Blessed be for another week.......