Sunday 18 December 2016

Now For Bali.....

I'm pretty well settled into my new abode which I call my sanctuary. It is my sanctuary. I am no longer in a place that reminds me of the hell years dealing with sick wife, and high up in an apartment block in a secure gated community, I feel really safe here when I want to get away from this 3D world which is often!!!!!

Now just three basic things I need for my abode in order of priority.....

1. Setting up broadband internet connection. As I said I am going with wireless as it is more reliable than landline in Perth. Just need to purchase a modem upfront as part of the deal.

2. A small fridge, "small" being the emphasis here. Just a single person like me does not need a large fridge, and a small fridge will make it easy for me when the time comes to move again. Though I love this place and am on a 12 months lease, I wont be here forever. So a minimum of possessions when it comes time to move, and a SMALL fridge will make it so much easier to be more nomadic.

3. Single bed. I am most likely to just get a camp bed with a foam mattress. Again ease of mobility, and I will easily be able to take it with me when I become more nomadic. But just something that is off the ground, and not an air mattress cos one has to keep it regularly pumped up. Nothing is leak proof, it's just the nature of the beasties. A foam mattress removes the problem of needing to keep it pumped up with air, and it is lighter and easier to deal with than a normal single spring mattress which is thicker and heavier.

So these things, starting with internet, is what I will work on acquiring once I get back from Bali.

Meanwhile the Bali trip...... I once again depart this isolated little city on this Friday the 23rd at around 7:30AM for the 3 1/2 flight up to Bali. It is quicker to Bali than it is to Melbourne or Sydney!!! Once I reach the airport I should have my private transportation waiting for me, I have booked private transportation as opposed to the risky endeavour of catching a taxi which is fraught with dangers in Bali. And so I will be transported via private car with driver to my hotel in Ubud, and if all goes well I should be settled in my Ubud hotel by mid afternoon....... then to work out how I will spend the next nine days!!!!!

I really have no idea how I will get around the area, though the general consensus seems to be to go with a chartered vehicle, a car with one's private driver. I am not sure how I would arrange this but I imagine the hotel will have information on such things. Many of the attractions according to my Google maps are within walking distance from the hotel, up to about 2kms. But much further than that will require transport. I elected not to hire a car, I figure to let a driver deal with the hairy situation of driving on Bali roads - though shouldn't be much different to driving in Perth!!!!! LOL!!!! Apparent there is a volcano nearby, I would like to try to get to that if I could. One could hire a bicycle, but apparently riding a bicycle on Bali roads can be fraught with dangers - like riding in Perth!!!!! LOL!!!! Only that there are no cycleways to escape to in Bali. And Ubud is quite hilly. There's also a few temples around, and to visit them you need to wear a Sarong, which most of the more popular temples has available for hire.

And it turned out I picked the wet season!!!!! December to February is apparently the wet season in Bali. So it will be opposite to Perth where it never rains, but it seems in Bali it rains every day during wet season. Well I did say I enjoy the rain!! It looks like I will get more than my fair dose of rain before returning to drought stricken Perth!!!

The Bali trip is going to be a huge learning curve. This is my first time in a foreign non-western country for any extended period of time, that is, more than just stopovers on flights. My previous travels has been to western English speaking countries like America and the UK where for the most part society is set up pretty well the same as in Australia. Obviously there are differences, but you know what I am saying, society in general is set up much the same. However in Bali everything is going to be so different. For example I don't think you can just go to a convenience store to get dinner for the night. It is more like markets and all very different kinds of food. Society will be so different there, ways of doing things will be so different, it will be like being on another planet - well you can't say I don't have experiences with other planets!!!! I am a galactic traveller having visited many very alien planets. So Bali will be kinda like that!!!

So I am in Bali from December 23 through to January 1........

Meanwhile getting through the next four days at work during the busiest time of the year......

In case I haven't given it before, here's my Bali page.....


Blessed be

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