Sunday 11 December 2016

Moving House - Settled In My New Abode

Well I am finally here!!!!!!!! In my awesome new abode!!!!! And absolutely loving it!!!!!! But getting here wasn't without it's pain and trauma, such is the story of my life.........

Last Monday I was due to get my car back from repairs hopefully with what would now be virtually a new cooling system!!!!! My main task for the day was to deliver at least one trailer load of my possessions into storage and to go pick up the keys to my new abode which I intended to stay that night. I did not want to stay another night at the house, I wanted to be in my apartment.

However as usual there were delays, and when I still haven't heard from the mechanics by noon, the Virgo me started to panic, and to get online for the public transport journey planner to the real estate office to pick up my keys. Even if I wasn't going to get the car I was determined to be at my apartment even if I needed to ride my bicycle there!!!!!!

Then just as I was about to go out the door to catch public transport, I received the call, my car was ready!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!

So I went to pick up the keys to my new abode, then to deliver my trailer load to storage, looking nervously at the temperature gauge. But it turned out it was behaving perfectly!!!!! Well for $1000 for a virtually new cooling system it had better behave otherwise those on the east coast would have heard my scream from there!!!!!!!

So Monday night I spent my first night in my apartment, and it was AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE this apartment so much!!!! And I love being high up on the 4th level, looking out from my balcony to the rising sun in the mornings.

However more stress to go...... as I have two days to deliver two more trailer loads of possessions, the major items being the double bed and the fridge. The fridge was indeed way too big for my apartment, it would not have even made it up the narrow stairways and it was too big for the elevator. It IS quite a huge fridge thanks to my wife who wanted things big!!!!!! And so Wednesday night, being the day I was due to vacate the house forever,  the fridge was the last item to go.

Nevertheless the stress wasn't over yet. I was due to meet the landlord on Thursday for that fateful final inspection when my past would come back to haunt me aka them walls courtesy of the hospital when they installed mobility devices for my wife and left the damage and mess behind. And well I did attempt to fix it but I had a feeling that my attempt would not satisfy the landlord..... and my feelings are always accurate.

And indeed come Thursday the accuracy of my feelings was confirmed. The main issue was I could not find the paint colors matching the rather ancient coloring of the walls, so the paints did not quite match. So the landlord would now be dealing with the problem, and the cost deducted from my bond. Fair enough, it happens. My marriage to my wife was very karmic on many levels, and I still have karmic debt to be paid.

However what surprised me, totally unrelated to the hospital issue, was the old wallpaper that was peeling. The landlord held me responsible for that and so is going to deduct that from my bond to deal with that. I would have thought that this would come under "fair wear and tear" which tenants are NOT responsible for. Hey it's old wallpaper, it is going to peel, it's the nature of the beasties!!!!! I will definitely be contacting tenants advice on that one, I am almost certain that this would come under fair wear and tear!!!!! OK its fair enough about the hospital damage to the walls, that occurred under my tenancy so I am rightfully responsible though I feel I was hard done by cos I couldn't find the right paints. If I had found the right paints the landlord would have been satisfied. Nevertheless I am responsible. But the peeling wallpaper?????? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!! I am going to be contacting tenant's advice on that before I be signing any bond release forms which would list the deductions.

Despite this issue I was glad to FINALLY be free from that house on Thursday night and I could concentrate on settling into my new apartment.

And so I spent the weekend settling in. I am currently sleeping on the floor on an airbed, I will get a single bed sometimes after I return from Bali. And also a new smaller fridge, perhaps just a bar fridge, I don't need a big one, it is just me there!!!!! And the other major outlay after my Bali trip will be getting the internet set up. I am currently on my portable mobile device which is expensive so having to limit my data. However I have decided to go with home wireless rather than landline. Our landline system in Perth is unreliable, slow as a wet week, and forever dropping out. The wireless mobile network is far more reliable if more expensive. However, there are home based wireless plans available with unlimited or near-unlimited data for about the same price as landline broadband. Snag is however I will have to pay upfront for a wireless modem, several hundreds of dollars. So that will also have to wait until after my Bali trip.

So the first priority after my Bali trip is INTERNET!!!!!! Saving my pennies for a wireless modem, then getting home based wireless set up. I am down to a choice of two telcos NOT Telstra!!!! I am avoiding Telstra like the plague due to the roaming fiasco which I am still paying for!!!!! So just two other telcos to choose from once I have the funds for the modem.

Then after the internet, will be the fridge......... then the bed. I will probably just get a camp bed with a small mattress, it's easier to carry and deal with, especially when the time comes to eventually move out. As much as I love this apartment, I realise I won't be here forever. There will come a time when I will need to move out, and ultimately lead a more nomadic life, travelling around like the wind. That's my ultimate goal. Meanwhile I am in this apartment, and so I want to live as lightly as practical, with a small fridge, and a basic single bed. My biggest expense would be the internet, yes that is life of a nerd!!!!!

Meanwhile..... less than two weeks before I leave for Bali...... my 7:20am flight on Friday December 23, arriving just 3 1/2 hours later in Densapar. It's quicker to go to Bali than it is to go to Sydney!!!!!

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