Monday 16 January 2017

Back To 3D Reality

When we return from vacation and we go back to work and our more mundane routines, we often say "back to reality". However the vacation was also a reality. In my instance it was a HD reality, that is, Higher Dimensions, experiencing many spiritual phenomena and the effects of the Dragon Lines. There are two Dragon Lines circling the planet, basically energy lines, where many of the mystical sites such as Mt Shasta, Uluru, Glastonbury, Avebury, and Land's End are located. Bali is one of only two places on this planet where the two Dragon Lines crosses, the other place being Peru. So after being bathed in the high energies of the Dragon Lines in Bali which was very much a reality to me, a HD reality, I am now back to a 3D reality.......

The bond saga continues...... While I was in Bali I got a msg from my former landlord that he is now ready to finalise the bond, and that I would need to bring my wife's death certificate along. He didn't say if I will get any of the money back, he only said he wants it finalised and he seems to be in a hurry to do so. Given that no landlord is ever in a hurry to GIVE money to tenants, I thought he must need it released so to pay the contractors to do the jobs I was allegedly responsible for and I probably won't get any of it back. I decided I wasn't going to fight it but let karma and the universe take care of the rest. I just want this over and done with so to cut my soul ties from my previous abode once and for all.

Anyway I explained to him I was currently overseas and I would contact him when I return "next week" without telling him which day I would return. It happened that I would return on Sunday but decided to give myself time to source my wife's death certificate which is located somewhere in the deep dark depths of my storage unit. With being back at work the week of my return, the following weekend would be when I will look for this document. But the landlord seemed impatient and he contacted me again on Wednesday without known exactly when I would be returning from Bali. He does seem to be in a hurry.

So the following weekend I went to my storage unit and searched for the death certificate...... and I could not find it!!!!

OK I would have to order a replacement copy from Registry, which being a govt dept it would involve jumping through many hoops and destined to be expensive!!!!

And after visiting the website my prediction proved to be accurate...... I would need to jump through hoops and the highly extravagant fee for the whole exercise would be $48.

First I would need to source three forms of ID from particular lists that was given from the website, that is, one form of ID from "list 1" and two other ID from "list 2". Well that was the relatively easy part, I had the necessary ID at hand.

Then I would need to photocopy these ID and to "certify" these photocopies, basically have someone from a certain list of professions compare the photocopies and the originals, and declare that the photocopies are in fact genuine copies of the originals. Seems an utterly needless step in my view, but then that is government, and government exists to make life as difficult as possible for us.

Fortunately my chemist where I get my heart meds from offers such a service, and I was due to replenish my supplies of meds that week, so I would have the documents certified then. This part really stressed me out as being a Virgo I always get anxious about things. It's in the DNA of Virgos to be over anxious about things!!! However this turned out to be a relatively painless process, the chemist was available and she was happy to certify the three documents, and she wanted only $2 for it though the notice said it be $4 for the three documents.

Next was to post the form and documents to Registry...... this I done last Friday, so hopefully them carrier pigeons will have delivered the item to Registry either today (Monday) or tomorrow (Tuesday). So now another anxious wait as per being a Virgo, always anxious about things. I worry whether I had given enough information, whether they be satisfied with the ID, or whether they would even approve the application for the death certificate. They give death certificates only to next of kin, and well I can't get any more "next of kin" than being the spouse of the deceased, but I know too well what government is like!!!!!!! Therefore aside from being a Virgo I also have other reasons to worry.

They say it be a two-day turn around between receiving the form and posting out the document, and then it be to the carrier pigeons to deliver the document to me. So probably this Friday before I will receive it. My landlord contacted me again today!!!!! Arrrgh!!!! So I told him I had already sent the application in, and all I can do is just wait for the process of government!!!!!

Meanwhile........ my intention for 2017 is I would be visiting Peru, the other spot where the two Dragon Lines crosses. This means I would need to start saving my pennies now. Due to moving expenses, paying out over $1000 for basically a new cooling system for my car, the non-return of my bond, and other issues, my finances are pretty well shot and my credit cards maxed out. But being a Virgo I  analyse the situation and set forth a savings plan. And so this week I commenced a savings plan which involves putting away a proportion of my pay into a high interest savings account plus a plan to pay down my credit cards where I aim to pay at least double the monthly minimum and pay the most to the one with the highest balance therefore the highest interest. I also gotten one of those travel cards which is basically a debit card where you can convert currencies before the trip, and which will solve the problem I ran into in Bali. I could not access my bank accounts from Bali, none of my cards would work. I did fortunately bring cash with me, so had plenty of cash. But after I ran out of cash I tried to get more from my bank account only to find my cards would not work in the ATM machines!!!! I think these days banks blocks access from overseas for "security reasons", so the only way I could pay for things was via my credit cards. It seems strange that I could use my credit cards overseas but can't access my bank accounts from overseas!!!!! So to mitigate against similar problems in the future I decided to acquire one of those travel cards, and so as part of my savings plans, I also put some money into the travel card each payday, so that would be my spending money when I next travel overseas. Money in my savings account would pay for the air ticket, lodgings, and other things that needs to be paid prior to the trip. We Virgos are determined creatures, we set a plan and we stick to it. It won't take me long to pay off the credit cards under this plan.

So though I commenced my plans. there are challenges ahead. The expenses involved in getting my wife's death certificate was a setback, an expense I could have done without.

Then my bicycle which I use to get to work and back each day, it is in desperate need of a service. I am at the point where I am down to just one set of brakes, the other brakes have failed. So once the other brakes fails then I would be without a bicycle. However these brakes should last for a few more weeks yet, and hopefully I can get it serviced long before that. Unfortunately the expense involved with getting my wife's death certificate did set back my plans here, so at this stage I am looking at four more weeks before I will be able to get it serviced. Unless I get some bond money back, but I am not sure if I will get any of it back, and we Virgos always plan for the worst possible scenario - this being not getting any money back from the bond. So based on that I see a four weeks waiting period before I can get my bicycle serviced. We Virgos are determined creatures, we stick to our plans even if it means these temporary sacrifices, I will not dip into my savings under any circumstances even if it will allow me to get my bicycle serviced sooner. I AM going to Peru, it is my calling, and it will happen.

Other less urgent matters....... a small fridge for my apartment. My previous fridge is way too big, it literally won't fit into my apartment, so need a smaller fridge. However this is actually quite low on my priority list. When in Bali I learnt that most people there does not have a fridge and they live perfectly well without it. So if they can, we can too. Just like the Balinese people, I get rice meals, and fresh produce. Added to this some other tinned and convenience meals that can be stored at room temperature. And if I get cravings for icecream and other items, I live literally around the corner from the shopping area with many cafes, delis, and convenience stores. So just a very short walk around the corner, and I get my icecream stick, a cold drink, and perhaps some other treat. Of course being vegetarian also helps, no need to store meat. I don't eat meat so storage of meat is therefore not an issue. A fridge is considered necessary for those of us who eat meat. Vegetarians can live perfectly well without a fridge. Of course I will eventually get a fridge but it is not a priority.

Then a bed. I will soon get a camp bed, this will make it easier for me when I eventually adopt a nomadic lifestyle. I want to keep large furniture to a minimum, to make it easier for me to move house when I need to, and eventually just live on the road with a camper, just like the hippies, that is my ultimate goal. So a camp bed which can be folded is the perfect option for me. Meanwhile I am currently sleeping on an air bed on the floor...... and the valve had just catastrophically failed!!!! Gone are the days when you can get air beds with just a simply plugin valve that you just plug in after you pump the bed full of air. These days the air beds comes with these fancy automatic valves which in theory keeps the air in each time you pump it. All very good when it works. However it is more prone to catastrophic failure, and though it has a cap, the cap is not designed to be air tight. So last night when I woke up on the hard floor after previously laying on the air bed, I realised what had happened!!!!

Well it is going to be some time before I can get a camp bed, and getting a replacement air bed is not an option. So time to improvise, and improvise I do, using my doona as a mattress which is perfectly adequate. There has been times in the past when I slept on nothing but a hard floor!! So having this doona available as a temporary mattress is indeed a bonus.

So yes I am an adaptable creature and I have lived on a lot less than I am now. My Virgo determination gets me through, when I make a plan I stick to it regardless of any perceived "hardships" and I wouldn't even consider these current issues to be "hardships", just merely inconveniences. The biggest issue being the bond saga, and I will be so glad to be over and done with regarding the bond regardless of whether I will get any of it back or not.

So...... it is Peru or bust !!!!!!!!!

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