Sunday 25 September 2016

Our Endless Winter Continues

September seems destined to be one of the coldest on record with no end in sight to these July-like temperatures. I hate winter to begin with. I have a very low tolerance of the cold, I always have been so, even before being placed on my heart meds which makes it even worse. I am certain I  have Reptilian DNA in me, my energy gets very low when it is cold, the heater does not keep me warm enough, my body goes into hibernation mode, and I have to be out in the sun before I warm up and get energy - just like a reptile. Reptilians are a well known species of ET with a long history of contacts with planet Earth.

So I call Perth by a new name - Winterfell, it is the legendary city of the endless winter in the TV series Game of Thrones that I watch. I don't watch TV these days, I just rent the shows through Quickflix, they send the DVD in the post, you can watch it anytime you like, and there are no adverts 😊 I hate adverts with a passion, probably dating back to my childhood poverty years when on TV there were always advertising for things we could never afford. Its the ultimate in fermenting envy. So nowadays I pay to get away from advertising even though things economically are much better these days.

Anyway this is a holiday weekend in Western Australia, so at least I get to hibernate and stay in bed until the sun warms things up a bit. There is just two more working weeks until vacation time, and 18 days before I leave for Glastonbury which I fear will be warmer than in Perth. England has a reputation for being colder, but ironically it will probably be warmer than in Perth.

My Solar Return day, that is, the day when this planet reached a very dizzying 53 revolutions around the sun since my traumatic entry into this 3D planet after being at Taygeta where time has no meaning. Planet Earth has this strange custom of actually celebrating such a day each year. We don't celebrate it on Taygeta, time has no meaning, we don't have concept of "age" for we are eternal, and well Taygeta goes around the great central Sun of the Pleiades over many thousands of Earth years.

Well back on Planet Earth, and my Solar Return day here on Planet Earth, it was just another day except in the evening when I was invited out for dinner, one of my very rare visits to a restaurant. Here on Planet Earth they bestow gifts on Solar Return day, and so I gotten some chocolates, gift vouchers for electronic stores, and some very much appreciated moolah (money) which will be used to acquire my new pendant, Goddess figurine and wand for my Glastonbury trip. I purchase a new pendant for every new trip I embark on, and this time I am feeling to get a new wand and a new figurine for my energy works along the ley lines in southern England that runs through Glastonbury.

I am pretty well all set for my Glastonbury trip. The only thing left to do is arrange travel insurance, what we Virgos do, and is very easy to do online these days. Only that no one will insure me for any heart related issues since I am diagnosed with heart disease. So if I suffer any heart related issues and get taken to hospital while overseas I am very much on my own. However since that fateful day of July 2015 when I had the heart attack I have had no other heart related issues so very unlikely it will crop up during any trip. Well it's not going to stop me anyway.

Then when I get back from Glastonbury I will almost immediately commence formalities for moving out into a smaller abode with less rent. I expect to be in a new abode by the end of November. Then I can start planning and saving my pennies for my next trip, a pilgrimage to Peru or Egypt. This time it will be with a tour group, a spiritual group where we do energy works. These ancient sites such as the pyramids, temples, etc, are sites of ET contacts. And so I be traveling with people as weird as I am. It is a little more expensive but once the amount is paid up front everything is taken care of, such as lodgings, transport, meals, entrance fees to sites, etc. I just have to get my butt over there, that is, arrange my own air tickets, travel documents, etc, but once I arrive at the airport, the group takes over, often picking me up at the airport and even helping me through customs in some instances. So is very well worth the expense especially in countries where English is not the first language. Up until now I visited only English speaking countries - New Zealand, North America, and the UK next month. Next year it will be non-English speaking countries such as Peru or Egypt, so much better going with a group, and there are several spiritual tours or pilgrimages on offer next year. Just a matter of saving my pennies and choosing which one, or being guided by the universe to which pilgrimage I am meant to attend.

But firstly.... my Glastonbury trip.... then the stressful task of moving house, well stressful for Virgos anyway who doesn't like change. But I really need to move out of here. Not only to save on rent, but also it is getting more difficult for me alone to maintain such a large house on a large block. I seem to be forever doing yard work, lawn mowing, weeding, etc every weekend. And of course this is the house I shared with my wife. My New Zealand trip marked the change from being ruled by my wife's death to actually moving on and living my new life. So moving house will pretty well be the final major step for doing this.

More of my weirdness musings next time as the Glastonbury trip draws ever closer in this dimension......

Facing Virgo reality......

A question a Virgo would ask.....

A message for BP

When Tech Support at govt departments call for outside contractors.....

Sunday 18 September 2016

Glastonbury Trip Taking Shape

Now less than four weeks until my 2nd major trip since New Zealand, and my 4th overseas trip this lifetime - aside from Rottnest Island 😃- things are finally starting to take shape for my Glastonbury trip, my trip to Southern UK, with a list of possible sites starting to take shape.

Speaking of Rottnest Island a popular spot 12 miles off the coast from Perth, back in my younger years when I thought I will never get to visit another country, when someone asked if I been overseas, I  would say, Yes.... to Rottnest Island 😃😀.... Nowadays, as I  am about to embark on my 3rd overseas trip within the past 12 months, I am living proof that you don't have to be rich to travel overseas. To be sure I certainly needed to budget and watch my spending, cutting back where possible, which we Virgos are very good at. And further intended cost saving measures such as moving into a smaller and cheaper abode will enable me to undertake more trips in 2017. But between this and using travel apps and booking online, it is possible to get good deals on air tickets and lodgings, so indeed I can travel just about anywhere in the world while on a budget. So this is what I intend doing for the foreseeable future.

Of course there is certainly no 1st class travel, no 5-star hotels, etc. But these days, most airlines offers two or even three levels within "economy" and many of the perks available were just a few years ago available only for 1st class or Business class. For example, in the Airline I am flying with to London, there are three levels of Economy. The 1st, that is, cheapest level you cannot choose where to sit, and there are certain other restrictions such as only a 1 checked luggage allowance. The 2nd level, which is what I chose, you do have a choice of seats which can be reserved online using the map of the aircraft layout, so I chose a window seat cos I always like to sit by the window. And we can have 2 pieces of checked luggage, very good for a Virgo like me who is anxious about what to pack in case it will be needed. And the only difference between the 2nd and 3rd level is on the 3rd level you can change your mind and either change on a different flight or different destination without penalty, but we Virgos stick to our plans so is not likely to change our minds. And even at the 2nd level, we get a choice of three meals on the menu including one vegetarian meal, and most importantly we get free wi fi on board 😆😊 Such perks were unheard-of in economy class even just a few years ago.

And after my catastrophic experience of staying in a hostel in Hawaii I now insist on private motel units with own bathrooms, but it is possible to get good deals on these online, such as on my motel unit in Southampton which will be my home base on my Glastonbury trip. Being Virgo I am fussy about some things such as on private lodgings and meals, but it is still possible to get at least reasonable deals on these. Car rental is a bit expensive especially when anxious Virgo me tends to take all insurance options such as damage waivers and breakdown assistance but there is no price for a Virgo for peace of mind. And petrol is a lot cheaper than in Perth. America has among the cheapest petrol on Earth, and the UK won't be as cheap as in America but it will be cheaper than Perth. When you live in the top 5 of most expensive cities on Earth, almost everywhere else on Earth will be cheaper in most things such as food and petrol.

Meanwhile back on my upcoming Glastonbury trip, the freaky "coincidences", more accurately referred to as synchronicity, continues. Last Tuesday marked one calendar month until my departure day being 13 October. And last Tuesday was marked by the Sun and Mercury conjunction  (that means the two objects appears together in the sky, very significant in Astrology) in my Sun sign Virgo. My natal chart, that is my birth chart, also shows a Sun and Mercury conjunction in Virgo. And then last Thursday which marked exactly four weeks until departure there was the Sun and Chiron opposition, meaning, the two bodies were on opposite sides with planet Earth inbetween, also very significant in Astrology. Chiron is in my Ascendant sign Pisces which is opposite to Virgo in the Zodiac. My natal chart also shows Chiron in Pisces.  These Celestial synchronicities shows that I am on the right path and that my trip is divinely planned.

Also I have been getting a lot of possible spots to visit along the Mary and Michael ley lines which runs together from Great Yarmouth on the east coast across to Lands End in the west. There are it seems a lot of vortexes, stone circles and other ancient sites at Lands End, I will post these on my Glastonbury trip page on Facebook in the next two days. It seems about half of my trip will be devoted to traversing the Mary and Michael ley lines, the rest of the trip being spent visiting Avalon sites in Wales and some time in Yorkshire. I have 11 full days in the UK not counting the arrival and departure days. Being in the most isolated city on Earth, travel each way will be over two days, basically overnight trips with stopovers and flight changes in Dubai.

This past weekend has been marked by an intense Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in my Ascendant sign Pisces, very energetically intense for me. I was at my ecstatic dancing session last Saturday which helped me to deal with these energies.

Next is my Solar Return day, when the Sun reached 26 degrees Virgo, that moment of my traumatic entry into this very dense 3D planet Earth. After being on 8D Taygeta this was a most shocking entry. A day later the Moon passes close to the Pleiades in the sky, that is when I get most homesick, being from Taygeta in the Pleiades.

This Thursday which will mark three weeks until my departure, pesky Mercury in my Sun sign will turn direct after spending the past three weeks in retrograde.

Then this Friday, three weeks until my arrival in London, is the Spring Equinox. This is the Pagan holiday Ostara which celebrates longer days and new life after the winter. The Equinox is when the day and night is of equal lengths, so after this Friday Spring Equinox the days will become longer than the nights.

So yet another very intense week coming up this week......

Why Virgos with ADHD,  Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions, should never attempt to multitask.....

Why I always take travel insurance

Must be with winters in Perth is getting colder while the east coast is getting warmer....

My travel budget is not quite THAT tight 😃

Sunday 11 September 2016

The Energetic Roller-Coaster Ride Continues

This past week has been relatively quiet with nothing much of note happening on a physical 3D level. However with more significant planetary alignments happening in my Sun and Ascendant signs this week, things could conceivably manifest.

Firstly however more insight into my Glastonbury trip, more of a confirmation of the main purpose of my trip that came to me this week. Information just comes to me without me actually searching for it. This past week I have had information come to me in regards to the Michael and Mary ley lines which runs together from Great Yarmouth on the east coast of England to the famous Land's End in the west. It happens that my home base during the 11 days of my stay will be in Southampton which is just due south of the halfway point of the ley lines. The motel room I have booked several months ago, indeed before my America trip, long before I was aware of the ley lines.

I am indeed to traverse the whole length of the two lines which runs together somewhat like two strands of a rope, sometimes they do cross over, often where ancient Pagan sites such as stone circles are located. There are also many old churches at certain points of the lines. Christians had a habit of building churches on top of old Pagan sites. I will be visiting many of those sites along the ley lines for my energy works. This in addition to my visits to Yorkshire and Wales.

Also I had information come to me about two pilgrimages to Peru scheduled for the middle of 2017. This is early days yet but I am feeling that my next trip is to be to South America, and am particularly drawn to Peru. There is the choice of two pilgrimages, one a little longer therefore more expensive than the other. Obviously I would prefer to go on the longer pilgrimage where more sites will be visited, oh yes I do aim for the biggest and the best, and the universe often responds. I do already have the funds that will cover at least the air tickets and the deposit payment, however, which one I would be able to attend will hinge on my success or otherwise in downsizing to a smaller abode which will save not only on the rent but also the utilities and other costs associated with maintaining such a large house on a quarter acre block. I actually prefer to live in a smaller abode, I am not particularly thrilled about living in such a large house. My wife is the only reason for living in such a large house, she despised apartment living. In contrast I actually enjoy apartment living. So my plan is to move out into an apartment or some other smaller abode in November, after I come back from England. This will give me plenty of time to settle in and save my pennies towards either of the Peru pilgrimages, one in June or the other in August.

Anyway my focus at this time is on my upcoming Glastonbury trip, now just 32 days away, not long at all.

Meanwhile to get through this week, where three major Celestial events will hapoen, certain to affect me. My life is so in synch with Celestial events for better or worse. Mercury is now past the halfway point of its retrograde, happening in my Sun sign Virgo. Mercury will soon be in conjunction with the Sun, of course currently in Virgo. Then Mercury will move in opposition to Chiron currently in my Ascendant sign Pisces. Being in opposition simply means the planets are opposite to each other with planet Earth inbetween, which makes for more intense energies, especially when both planets are in retrograde as is Mercury and Chiron. Last but not least, the lunar eclipse next weekend, also in my Ascendant sign.

So a very interesting week ahead......

The recent Census Night 😀

After the latest round of budget cuts in the govt departments.....

Here at my workplace 😂

Must be why I am never invited to outings.... 😀😇

Sunday 4 September 2016

Solar Eclipse Week

Last Thursday was a very intense New Moon and Solar Eclipse in my Sun sign Virgo, and also marked 6 weeks or 42 days before my departure for Glastonbury. 42 is said to be the number of the universe. In one of my very freaky coincidences that so marks my life, the peak of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse peaked just after 5pm my local time. My flight 42 days hence is scheduled to depart at 5pm. So pretty well exactly 42 days between this lunar event in Virgo and my departure for Glastonbury.

And since this eclipse I have suddenly been given ideas about what I will be doing during my Glastonbury trip. The details are given on my Glastonbury Trip page on Facebook, the link is given in my blog two weeks ago titled "Very Intense Week" dated 21/8/2016.

Eclipses always brings changes, and the first hint of this came with my Ecstatic dancing session that I attend on Wednesdays. In fact this past Wednesday was destined to be my last session before the changes. Next week the session will be changed to Thursdays evenings and at a different venue. I love dancing so much, it is literally in my DNA, Mother used to be a dancer. It is also in my ET DNA, I feel like I am back on Taygeta during these dancing sessions.

Last Friday came a more shocking change, that is, with my job. The building in which our workplace is located is being sold, and the building will be knocked down as it is an old building. It is actually haunted, I do see spirits and sense energies. Anyway all this is set to happen in two years. So we will have to move in two years.

No mention was made of any of us being made redundant, our jobs we have been assured are safe, it be just in a different location. However with other things being said, me Virgo always over-thinks and over-analyze and we read between the lines. Our jobs are not as safe as they say it is though I expect to be in a job for at least two more years, and will continue with my plans for overseas travel while still in a job.

However my spirit knows things before my mind catches up, and there are deeper reasons for my task to declutter and shed myself of surplus possessions, and to downsize to a smaller and cheaper abode as a stepping stone towards a more nomadic lifestyle. It is more than just making extra funds available for my trips.

My rent represents by far my largest fortnitely expense taking near to 40% of my income after taxes, moreso than even my groceries. So any reduction in my rent outlay will be of significant help towards saving my pennies for my trips. And should the currently unthinkable happens and I lose my job, I will use my payout to get a campervan or RV and live on the road as one simply cannot survive on Centerlink or a pension while paying rent, and there is at least a 5 years waiting list for public housing.

Nowadays with the economic downturn there is a glut in housing in Perth and with landlords falling over themselves to get tenants, rents are dropping like rocks. So the pragmatic Virgo that I am will take advantage of this situation, and so after my Glastonbury trip I will give the notice to my landlord and move out of this large house into a smaller apartment unit.

The rent is not the only issue. Maintaining such a large house and yard is taking more and more of my energy, being on my own, as well as being expensive. My water utility bills goes through the roof each summer as I try to keep the lawns and garden alive in this drought stricken city. So being in an apartment will also solve this problem and make even more funds available for my pilgrimages.

Of course moving house is an inherently expensive operation in itself, but I expect to be in an apartment by 2017 and well on my way to saving my pennies for my 2017 pilgrimages. Me the Virgo always thinking logically and making plans, it is in the DNA of Virgos to do so.

Now will see what this week will bring as more intense Celestial events unfolds with another eclipse happening next week this time in my opposite Ascendant sign Pisces......

I wonder if there is travel insurance for going back to Taygeta 😃

What I ask during this coldest winter in 22 years 😨

The government truth......

What my monsters never told me 😮😂