Sunday 28 August 2016

Another Intense Week

With three planets and the Sun dancing in my Sun sign things are destined to be very energetic and indeed chaotic for a while yet. This week one of these planets, Mercury, is set to go retrograde in Virgo for the next three weeks. I have a retrograding Mercury in Virgo in my natal chart. Also this week we have a very chaotic New Moon happening also in Virgo,  and this New Moon will be marked by a even more chaotic solar eclipse. The last time this happened was back in 1998 when I was in America, and at this point I was preparing to extend my stay in America so to be with the woman who would be destined to become my wife a little over six weeks later. Such a decision would cause chaos for my family, my job, my finances, indeed pretty well every area of my life. It what marriage does to you, especially when unexpected.

Of course these days circumstances are very different though one could argue there are some similarities. Ironically I will be in England during what would have been our wedding anniversary. However there are absolutely no woman whatsoever in the United Kingdom nor anywhere else that I am in any kind of relationship with. I will NOT be getting married. Just as what happened during this year's America trip, I will go to England a single man and I will return home a single man. I have learnt from my mistakes. 😃😁

Meanwhile this past week has been chaotic once again. This time to do with finances. Being a Virgo I keep close tabs on my finances, my bank statements and credit cards, which is all done through my devices. I use my credit card for direct debits on my bills, which is then covered by my fortnitely payments on my cards, thus I am not actually going into debt. But I use this particular card to maximize my points which is proving beneficial. Indeed I used my points to acquire a new cordless electric rechargeable shaver for my New Zealand trip last year, now very handy for all of my trips, and this time through the loyalty points scheme I gotten 10% discount on my air tickets to London. Yes we Virgos are very good at getting bargains and good deals without sacrificing the finer things in life, such as two checked luggage, meals on board, and a choice of seats on this same airline to London. I don't go with "budget" airlines, I go with the premium airlines, just wait for the right time to win good deals.

However it is my Virgo thoroughness that caused me to panic. I checked my credit card statement using my device allowing me to get instant updates, and I noticed a transaction that I did not recognize. I knew exactly which bills were due to the deducted and the precise amounts. This transaction didn’t match any of them. However as usually with direct debits, the transaction record simply has "pending" for a few days without identifying the creditor or merchant until the credit card company either accepts or declines the transaction.

Occasionally I do forget a bill but I usually end up figuring it out sooner or later. But this time I was absolutely stumped. I went through all of my records going back two years, especially the old dating sites cos I do not trust dating sites, I thought they be the most likely culprit in making unauthorized charges to my card. I thought someone may have hacked into my system and gotten hold of my credit card details, though once again like a Virgo I am very careful with both my cards and security for my devices. Nevertheless shit can happen, nothing is 100% safe, not even Fort Knox as a James Bond movie proved!!!! And hearing horror stories of card fraud victims of how the details got stolen and their cards maxed out lising 1000s of dollars, I for the next two day checked my card statement online virtually every hour of my waking days, waiting until it comes off "pending" so to see who in Hell's name have made this clearly unauthorized charge!!!!

Then I gotten an email from one of my gaming accounts which I pay a yearly subscription by auto deduction. The server had been hacked and details stolen. Aha!!!!! The amount of the unauthorized deduction matches the US amount of my annual subscription. So whoever have hacked into the server had gotten hold of my credit card details and somehow managed to snag the annual subscription payment. Being a Mastercard which has additional security measures, that was probably why they didn't managed to clean me out on the card. But this single unauthorized transaction was freaking me out. We Virgos doesn't like it when such unplanned things happens.

Needless to say, I went onto my gaming account, changed my password and removed my credit card details from the account.

The next day I saw that the transaction had been removed from my statement. Evidently the credit card company figured it to be a suspect transaction so declined it on my behalf. I was very much relieved!!!!!! But certainly a lesson for this very anxious Virgo!!!!!!

Well the football season is over for us mere mortals, and this week's tipping results is irrelevant as the curse of Chiron had once again made its mark. As of last week I was 15th, which was better than in previous years, but the telco roaming rort fiasco had cost me dearly causing me to miss a week of submitting my tips while in Hawaii. That one week sealed my fate. The curse of Chiron had struck again. Chiron is destined to remain in my Ascendant sign Pisces until 2018, so at least another two years of the curse of Chiron affecting my chances of ever winning prize money. Up until Chiron entered Pisces, the year of Mother's death, I had always won prize money, even 2nd prize one year, but not a cent since 2011 the year of Chiron's entry into Pisces.

Now bracing for what this week will bring, especially with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse and Mercury's retrograde, all happening in Virgo!!!!!!! The cosmos giving me lots of attention!!!!!!

What we Virgos tends to do 😃😂😁😀

What it feels like when mowing my fast growing lawns 😮

Meanwhile at a grocery store in Perth......

Sunday 21 August 2016

Very Intense Week

As shared last week I had gotten over the short but intense bout of the cold/flu..... However beginning last Monday I began to experience dizzy spell, feeling light headed, as if I am getting dizzy and about to fall. Then by Tuesday night and into Wednesday I began to experience chest pains. This was now beginning to freak me out. I haven't had chest pains for a whole year since getting out of hospital last July 2015. I thought I was getting a heart attack again and would have to go into hospital.

As told by the hospital last year, when you get chest pains you first use this pump spray, wait five minutes, then use the pump spray again, basically a couple of squires to under the tongue. And if the chest pains doesn't go away after 10 minutes then call Emergency. So after almost a whole year I had to dig out my pump spray, and fortunately on each occasion, the chest pains did go away. I be so glad the pains went away cos there is no way I would want to go through all this shit again with being transported to the hospital by priority 1 Ambulance! !!!!

Nevertheless these chest pains were freaking me out so I made an appointment with my GP, which I could do online on my devices using an app, and took the first available time slot, Thursday morning - Full Moon day which was also lunar eclipse day, so very intense energies. Although I put these symptoms down to my sensitivity to these intense energies, I still felt I had better see my GP just to make sure there is nothing serious wrong with me. Not quite ready to go back to Taygeta as wonderful as the place is. I wanted to at least visit Glastonbury first! !!!!!!

Meanwhile I felt I needed to miss my ecstatic dancing session that I go to Wednesday evenings, I was really disappointed, but didn't want to spoil the occasion for anyone else if I became the center of an emergency due to heart failure. Me the Virgo always thinking of others at my own expense, always wanting to please others.

However also on Wednesday night I noticed my sister tried to call me, which I thought was odd, cos I hardly hear from her. Perhaps it may have something to do with my upcoming Solar Return day  (my birthday) next month. But I was in no mood to talk about it, and well she didn't leave a message, so I figure I wait to see if she will call again..... but hadn't done so at all the rest of the week.

So at the GP office on Thursday, after explaining what had been happening to me, she checked my pulse, blood pressure, and my heart functions, and all appeared perfectly normal. So the diagnosis was Anxiety Attacks!!!! Hmmmmm ok..... she did tell me that it is quite rare for those with stents, such as me, to suffer more heart attacks, as the stents are supposed to last for many years. And up until this week I have had no issues with chest pains nor any heart related issues despite my very active life - bicycle riding, ecstatic dancing, etc.

This did make me feel better, and in fact since Wednesday I have had no more chest pains nor dizziness. But it did struck me as odd thatI be having Anxiety Attacks. Although being typically Virgo I am a very anxious creature, always worrying, over-thinking, and obsessed about things, I don't usually have Anxiety Attacks. But things are very intense energetically, with being in eclipse season, Mercury's retrograde season, and having just survived The Three Weeks, and I am very sensitive to these energies.

Then I went to church meeting on Friday night where I see my cousin..... and she had given me the shocking news...... my step-father, from Mother's 2nd marriage, was in hospital and was diagnosed with asbestosis related lung condition. Hmmmm ok..... this may explain a few things, cos I do pick up on things, I am a sensitive soul, being 8D from Taygeta.

OK needed to get hold of my sister, which I did so Saturday, and I gotten the full story. Unbeknown to me utterly the step-father was admitted to hospital a couple of weeks ago with shortness of breath and found fluids in his lungs. This would have placed his admission near the very intense New Moon period, when I experienced very chaotic energies, of course being within The Three Weeks. So they ran tests on him, and came up with the diagnosis of asbestosis on Tuesday - when I was experiencing the worst of the dizziness and chest pains!!!!! All those years working in the building industry dealing with asbestos in the days before the dangers were known had it seems finally caught up with him.

Once you get asbestosis related lung disease your fate is sealed. But apparently with treatment you can slow down the disease progress and some people can still enjoy a reasonably normal life for a few years yet. However there is no getting away from it, your fate is sealed and is just a matter of time before being confined to a wheelchair with oxygen bottle as your constant companion, before mercifully finally leaving this planet. Just let hope there's a few years yet before getting to that stage!!!! It was only this year he has retired, so pretty shit news to be stuck with so soon after retirement.

At least with heart disease you can recover and lead a normal active life for many years to come. I could remain fighting fit and active for the next 30 years, like my uncle - Mother's sister husband - who had a heart attack 30 years ago and had no problems whatsoever since then. But with asbestosis you don't recover, you get progressively worse. All the treatments does is slow down the rate of the deterioration. You just live on borrowed time. I would not like to be in his shoes at this time!!!!!

Anyway on a happier note..... my Glastonbury trip page is up..... now less than 8 weeks away..... here it is...

My Glastonbury trip 

Still haven't decided on my Peru pilgrimage trip next year. There is another pilgrimage group I seem to prefer but they haven't yet posted any details of any trips for 2017. Decisions!! Decisions! Decisions! Very difficult for Virgos to make up their minds. Uh well still plenty of time yet, it is only August 2016......

Let's see what THIS week will bring..... in the continuing saga that is my life.... the life of a 8D Taygeta soul on a very dense 3D planet. ....

That is my house 😊


Sunday 14 August 2016

A Sting in the Tail

This weekend marks the end of The Three Weeks, with Tisha B'Av observances being facilitated today. This was when the Temples were destroyed, first by the Babylonians in the 6th century BC, then the Romans in AD 70. And my Mt Shasta items have protected me from the curse of The Three Weeks - except my health.

Last Wednesday I first experienced symptoms of the cold/flu and needed to miss my Wednesday evening ecstatic dancing session. The symptoms grew progressively worse up to Friday night and Saturday morning, the actual day of Tisha B'Av. It seemed my own "temple" was being destroyed.

This was the first time since the September from hell in 2011 that I had gotten the cold/flu - except the Hawaii incidence due to me staying in the hostel. The September from hell also originated during The Three Weeks. It was during The Three Weeks when my part-Jewish wife was diagnosed with lymphadema, this initiated events that led her being admitted to hospital near the August New Moon. She caught the flu while in hospital, and then I caught the flu from my wife, thus initiating the September from hell when I battled the flu for the whole month while getting no rest from being carer for my wife.

It seemed I get the flu every five years..... which brings it to 2016.... this year!!!! So I thought this is going to be the September from hell all over again, once again initiated during The Three Weeks. And to make it worse, I couldn't take any time off work cos my backup colleague who does my job for me when away was himself on vacation for two weeks and a half. So facing the prospect of struggling to make it to work while battling the flu.

However near midday Saturday - yesterday - the symptoms had almost miraculously improved. This is unheard of previously. It usually takes me a long time to get over the cold/flu, such as a month in 2011. According to Mother I was always sick during my childhood cos I had a weak chest, always susceptible to disease, so forever getting the flu, etc. It certainly explains a lot nowadays. But not this time.

These days I always eat garlic and drink fruit juice, which I attribute to my usual success in resisting any attacks of the flu. And well I continue to have my garlic and fruit juice during this current attack, indeed doubling my doses. But I thought the damage was already done, and I thought this will be the September from hell all over again. But my almost miraculous improvement of my condition yesterday I attribute mostly to the garlic and fruit juice. I do not take any pharma drugs nor remedies for such symptoms, I use only the gifts of Gaia, the natural remedies - garlic, etc, and it seems to have paid off. I am almost free from symptoms today, as I continue on with my natural remedies. There won't be any September from hell this time.

Opportunity has come up for a pilgrimage to Peru in January 2017 which will include the famous Machu Picchu site, you know, the ancient ruins high up in the mountains, it's always on National Geographic and other articles on ancient ruins. Every one knows about it, and very definitely on my energy vortex bucket list. ETs built some of it, that is,  the original parts. The Incans simply added to it a lot later. Mainstream media says it's an Incan site but it's not, the Incans simply came later, you can tell by the different designs of the buildings that were added. A far more ancient race together with ETs were there first. Anyway, weirdness notwithstanding, I am going there at some time, it's a part of my calling, it is just a matter of when. This brings me to my current decision making.

The current opportunity for the January Peru pilgrimage. It was originally planned for either January or February. But if it was to be February this would count me out, February is busy period at work so cannot take vacation. Now the schedule is finalized, it will be in January, the 2nd half of January.  Perfect on two counts. My colleague is on vacation for the 1st half of January. And the 2nd half is when air tickets will be cheaper. It is expensive over Xmas and into 1st half of January, then the price drops in the 2nd half.

So now to make the final decision, and I am feeling to wait until the Full Moon this Thursday to make the decision. This Full Moon is also the first of three consecutive eclipses over four weeks. And it coincides with the Jewish holiday Tu B'Av, a joyous holiday celebrating the end of The Three Weeks and the Jews entry into the Promised Land after waiting for 40 years in the wilderness. So seems a good time to make this important decision on Peru.

And speaking of decisions. .... I have decided I will be moving out of this house. It is just a matter of when. But the time is right. My rent is my largest expense, about 40% of my after-tax income goes into the rent. That's a lot especially when trying to save my pennies for my pilgrimages. And the housing crisis is over, we are in a housing glut in Perth. Landlords are falling over themselves to attract tenants, dropping the rents, etc. About time to leave behind my Virgo reticence towards change, grab the opportunity by the bull horns, and go find cheaper abodes so more money for my pilgrimages. Also this house is too big for me, always hard work to maintain the yard on my own, and the water bill goes through the roof each summer due to the need to water the lawns in this drought stricken city. Being in an apartment solves these issues, and make even more moolah available for my pilgrimages.

Now just a matter of when. If left to me then it will be after my Glastonbury trip in October. Mercury goes into retrograde during September, not a good time for moving house. Energies should be more favorable from October and November. My lease is expired and I still haven't heard from the landlord. If he forces my hand by raising the rent or setting intention to sell the house, well it will just have to be before October regardless of any Celestial energies. Afterall life still does go on. But ideally it be after October, thus after Mercury's retrograde and after my Glastonbury trip.

So now nine weeks to Glastonbury. .... it is going quickly!!!!!

Watch this space for more of the story that leaves Spielberg for dead..... I mean.... the continuing saga that is my life 😇

Saturday 6 August 2016

Magpies Feelings

My feelings are always correct. Just as I felt the Magpies would beat the Weevils last week, I also felt they would fail to beat the Tigers this time..... and I was correct. However reverting to my rule of never pick the Magpies won't do me any good being so close to the end of the season. My fate is already sealed thanks to the Telstra roaming rort fiasco when while in America I wasn't able to submit my tips for one week. One way or the other the curse of Chiron is destined to strike me, that while Chiron is in my Ascendant sign Pisces I will never win any prize money on my tipping. And with only three weeks to go I am already too far behind.

We're now into the 3rd week of The Three Weeks and so far my Mt Shasta protection items have proved effective, there has been no incidences of note during the past two weeks. However the 3rd week is energetically most intense, indeed known as The Nine Days of Av, this being the first nine days of the month of Av leading to Tisha B'Av which literally means the 9th day of Av, the day the Jewish Temples were destroyed, the end point of The Three Weeks. And with my boss being back next week from his vacation, there is likely to be changes in my workplace. During The Three Weeks there are usually changes at work, in the name of budget savings, which usually adversely affects me or leaves me unsettled. So I am bracing for the boss to call a meeting next week to announce changes.

Meanwhile I will continue to use my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick and rattle stick to protect my bicycle, my car and generally around the house.

However my troubles won't be over once The Three Weeks ends next weekend. Soon after that, beginning the August Full Moon on the 18th there will be three eclipses, the next two being on September 1st and 16th. Eclipses are always chaotic times for me. And  Mercury's retrograde will begin August 30 and will continue for a little over three weeks into September including my Solar Return day otherwise known as birthday. Calamities usually befalls me during Mercury's retrograde, and this one happens in my Sun sign Virgo so will be more intense, it will be The Three Weeks all over again. So my Mt Shasta items will be getting a heavy workout up until near the end of September.

Hopefully Celestial energies will be more favorable in October when I will be on my Glastonbury trip. Last Thursday marked 10 weeks until my flight to London, the time is going quick. It will soon be time to arrange travel insurance and book my car spot at the secure airport parking for the duration of my trip, but at least I won't need a visa, that I already checked out on the UK govt website. We Virgos like to check things out well in advance.

And with my Glastonbury trip now fully funded I am looking to possible 2017 trips at least one to South America. Just last week on one of my spiritual community sites that I am subscribed with, possibility of a pilgrimage to Peru came up. No set dates nor details yet but is tentatively scheduled for either January or February 2017. If in February it will immediately count me out as this coincide with busy period at work so won't be able to get vacation time. But if in January well it will come down to cost and how soon the funds will be required. I do have extra funds available over and above that set aside for my Glastonbury trip. But with most pilgrimages prices being expressed in $US it will make it expensive for us Aussies with our 3rd world currency system and our very bad exchange rates. So it will be down to how much extra I will need to save and the deadline for the final payment. But good thing about pilgrimages is everything is included in the prices including lodgings, transport, meals, fees, etc. All I would need would be the air tickets, insurance and travel documents. Anyway will see how things pans out and what other pilgrimages opportunities comes up over the next few weeks.

I would really like to visit the Mayans sites with those pyramids, being 2nd only to Egypt in sizes. Would also like to visit Egypt but for some reason I am being strongly  drawn to South America in 2017, either the Mayans pyramids site, or the Incan sites in Peru.  There is a pilgrimage to there available this December but again it is busy period at work so will not be able to get vacation time. And as yet I haven't come across any other pilgrimages to that particular site. But still plenty of time yet, and ideal dates would be between mid-March and November December. Busy period usually kicks in during November to December before the Xmas holidays, and from February into the start of March.

I still haven't heard from the landlord in regards to my lease. My feeling is he will offer me a new lease but with increase in the rent. Any rent increases will see me decline the offer and move out, taking advantage of the current glut in the rental market to score a pretty decent apartment for significantly cheaper rent. Even if he doesn't increase the rent I may still move out anyway. I really don't need to be in this 3 bedroom house, I am single, all I need is a one bedroom apartment, especially since I am already renting a self storage unit where my surplus possessions mostly my wife's are being stored along with my trailer. And the rent for this house is by far my biggest expense, so any reduction in this expense will help me to accumulate more extra funds for my 2017 trips and beyond. My being Virgo am very pragmatic about these things, we think logically and are very analytical. Virgos also does not like change hence why I am still here at this house three years after the passing of my wife. But I now have goals, that is travel goals, so anything to help me save my pennies towards these goals even if it means moving out from this house are now considered viable.

Now to get through this final week of The Three Weeks. .......

One of the Mayans pyramids I feeling drawn to visit. ....