Monday 28 March 2016

The Jupiter Effect

Back from an Easter weekend camp down at Jarrahdale it seems I finally may have broken the curse of Chiron with the help of Jupiter in my Sun sign. A very good start in my football tipping competition, with 7 correct picks for one competition, and a massive 8 correct tips for the other!!! Considering that one usually doesn't have many correct tips during the first round of the season due to the changes in the teams since last year, changes in forms, etc, this seems to be an excellent result on both counts. I did correctly pick against the Maggies cos I KNEW they would lose, my only surprise was that they lost by a lot more than expected. I thought they'd put up a better fight than they did!!! May have to review my slightly more optimistic prediction for the Maggies in 2016, that they MAY make the Finals. At this rate they'd be lucky to get out of the BOTTOM FOUR let alone the bloody finals!!!! True enough one can't read too much into the first round nevertheless all but the most optimistic (or deluded) Maggies fans will have to conceded that things are not looking good at all for 2016.

So 2016 may be a year of contrast on other counts. As I said before, 2016 will be a year of exciting high adventures with TWO overseas trips, to America and England, but also a year of heartbreak as it becomes clear I will be alone for the rest of my life. Well it seems perhaps a contrast in the football season, that is, while I may actually do better in the tipping comps, it will be a diabolical year for the Maggies. Of course considering this is just Round 1, I will not rest on my laurels, I will need to keep up with my improvements each week, but it becomes easier as we get a better idea of team forms for 2016, and having this good base of 7 and 8 correct tips for Round One will prove to be beneficial. I think my rule will be, never pick the Maggies unless they play Essendon and even then it will not necessarily be an automatic choice!!!!!

Anyway I spent an awesome Easter weekend at Glory Camp, the church camp hosted by the one and only church I still attend. It was down at Jarrahdale in lovely bush settings. I did have an awesome time, nevertheless, I am starting to be getting too old or Virgo-set in my ways for certain things, such as, sharing a small room with 7 other souls in four double-bunk beds so closely packed together that I could easily WALK (not jumping) from one bunk bed to another!!!! I ended up on the top bunk cos the four bottom bunks were already taken by the time I arrived at the camp. Also the meal choices, there was a grand total of ONE menu choice each meal, and it always involved meat which is contrary to my vegetarian ways. I think next year, if I do indeed attend, such as, if I am not overseas nor booked for another event, then I will take the Day Option, that is, attend the sessions at the campsite but either travel from home each day which is an hours drive each way, or just stay elsewhere which is possibly a more economical option. Those who take the Day Option also does not participate in the meals, they are left to fend for themselves for meals. That would suit me cos it means I can stick to my vegetarian regime.

The Glory Camp was indeed my first adventure for 2016. My next adventure in two weeks from now will also be in the Jarrahdale area, this being the Tribal Fire Ceremony which involves an overnight camp-out. This time we bring our own tents, and I have now a 3-man tent which means I will have plenty of room in my tent and most importantly for this Virgo - privacy!!!!!

And now another event that this very brave Virgo soul have booked myself for is the DNA Lightbody Activation Ceremony a couple of weeks later on April 23. There is no overnight camp-out for this one, it is located in the northern suburbs not far from my place. But without going into details at this stage, this is connected with my past lives on the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. And basically, according to conventional science, much of our DNA is regarded as "junk" DNA cos it is not currently being utilized in our current body. However, we spiritual people contend that these DNA were from our past lives when we were a lot more enlightened and also much more healthy, such as, those of us on Atlantis and Lemuria. So this ceremony is designed to re-activate these DNA. More information is in this link.....

DNA Lightbody Activation Ceremony

So a lot happening during April in the lead up to my America trip in May/June......

I am also continuing with my Ecstatic Dancing sessions, now involved with two groups - Dancing Dhevas two Saturday evenings per month (when I am not involved with something else, such as, Tribal Fire), and the Freobeats sessions on each Thursday evenings which usually does not clash with any other events!!!! So either way I have at least one Ecstatic Dancing session each week.

Now back to work for this short working week........

More of my dating experiences.......

Mother would always tell me, There is always someone worse of than myself.... but she never told me in regards to dating, There is always someone better than me within my potential date choices of dates.......

Paying taxes in Australia.....

The public hospital system in Australia....

Sunday 20 March 2016

New Astrological Year

As the Sun moves into Aries we move into the Astrological New Year. There is a reason why the horoscope columns in most newspapers and magazines begins with Aries. It is also near the start of the annual cycles of Jewish holidays, with Passover beginning soon. There is indeed a link between the lamb of the Passover, and Aries the Ram. This year Passover actually begins a month after Easter in April. Anyway..... let's get on with the news.....

This week we move into the 7th week before the start of my America trip. No I am not exactly counting the minutes or seconds!!!! But am keeping track of the weeks, mainly because I still have tasks to do before my America trip, and not so many weekends to do them in. This weekend was focused on my nephew's wedding last night, and as far as weddings goes it was one of a better ones, being a secular wedding in a garden setting. But the social occasion afterwards was almost dead boring to me. I am so different to my family, I simply cannot get into any meaningful conversations with them, they talk about completely meaningless topics...... but a few of them had found out about my America trip due to my well thought out plan to reveal it online, this did make for some interesting conversations, until it moved onto spiritual topics which just goes way over their heads.....

Now next weekend is Easter and I will be out of town, down at Jarrahdale for Glory Camp. Since I will be out of town, my weekly blog will be late. The Easter weekend is also the first week of the football season, so the beginning of my big test. I am in two tipping comps, and so it remains to be seen who will win out - Chiron in my Ascendant, or Jupiter in my opposite Sun sign? The two planets are opposite to each other, so it is like a tug of war. The curse of Chiron shaped my tipping results since 2010 when Chiron first entered my Ascendant. Jupiter entered Virgo only last August, and it spends only a year in each sign, so will be in Virgo only until August this year. So if I am to do better in the tipping comp any time soon, 2016 will have to be the year. Chiron remains in Pisces until after 2018.

As shared previously, I still have many tasks to do prior to my America trip. My focus is now currently on Easter and Glory Camp, then after that in the following week or so I will book myself a spot for my car at the secured airport long term parking for the duration of my trip. Being a Virgo I am a fiercely independent creature, and so rather than rely on taxis or family members, I much prefer to drive myself to the airport and leave my car in the secure long term parking. It is much cheaper when booking online, so after Easter that is what I will do.

My other task is to find some travel insurance, comprehensive insurance which should cover most things from lost luggage, cancelled flights, to sickness and accidents. But generally speaking pre-existing medical conditions are not covered, so should I be admitted to an American hospital with any heart related issues I will be left to fend for myself. However since July last year I have had no more issues whatsoever with my heart condition. I think some insurance companies will cover certain pre-existing conditions for probably a much higher premium. I will have to see if it is worth it. But aside from that, getting insurance to cover for most other possible incidences is a formality, just a part of my preparations for my trips.

So this is pretty well the latest news of my very adventurous 2016 driven by Jupiter and the North Node in my Sun sign.......

Meanwhile back in my poverty days......

Being a Virgo I would never be late for a date but this will probably still happen anyway........

The only way I'd get a foot in on dating sites......  I was way too honest for my own good......

Getting our priorities right...... heh heh.....

Sunday 13 March 2016

Placing Jupiter To The Test

Well as soon as I mentioned about the possibility of joining the Football Tipping Competition and questioning whether the competition would be running this year, well the email came my way, that indeed the competition will be running this year albeit across two departments, and well I decided to join once again!!! Indeed I am joining TWO competitions - the office tipping competition, and the competitions run by my Union - the latter having a lot more members as it is open to all of the Union membership across the country.

So the question is, will the curse of Chiron continue, or will the Jupiter in my Sun sign kick in. As I mention each time, I had always won prize money in the tipping competition until the year of Mother's death which happened when Chiron the Wounded Healer entered my Ascendant sign Pisces, hence what I called the curse of Mother's death, which it turns out to be the curse of Chiron. And Chiron will be in Pisces until 2018, so perhaps the curse of Chiron may continue.

However since Jupiter entered my Sun sign Virgo last August, things began to turn around for me. My social life began to improve from about October, and then of course my trip to New Zealand in December/January, my first ever overseas trip since my then one and only trip overseas in 1998 - the trip to America/Canada. And now here in 2016, as Jupiter continues its journey through Virgo, I am now booked and paid for two more overseas trips - America in May/June, and England in October. This will make three overseas trips in a year when since 1998 I was most decidedly stuck at home with only an occasional road trip for nearly 18 years - the amount of time it takes for a baby to turn into a legal adult!!!! Not to mention the continued improvement in my social life, my new involvement in the Ecstatic Dancing movement, and other spiritual events that this time last year I didn't even know existed in this isolated little city!!!!!

So quite clearly, Jupiter in my sign have really turned things around for me in spite of Chiron's presence in my Ascendant. Now the football moment of truth will soon arrive, that is, whether my good fortunes will extend to the football tipping. Being in TWO competitions will give me the chance to try two different strategies, so will see how it pans, and whether Jupiter will do its job or will Chiron take over once again.

Now less than two months before I leave these sunny and very isolated shores of Perth for my 18 year return trip to America. There are still some tasks that I need to do, such as, taking out travel insurance. Being a Virgo I like to be prepared for all possibilities, and travel insurance comes pretty close to it. Only snag is, they don't cover for pre-existing medical conditions, so should I suffer a heart event I will be left to fend for myself. However since my very unexpected heart event last July I have had no other problems with my heart nor related issues. So sometimes within the next month I will secure some travel insurance.

Next task is to acquire a second piece of luggage. For my New Zealand trip the airline allowed for only one piece of checked luggage. However the airline for my America trip allows for TWO checked luggage as part of my air ticket price. This will help with the nemesis of Virgos - baggage limits!! We Virgos are very anxious creatures and we like to pack our entire wardrobe plus half our worldly possessions so to cover for every possible scenario even those less likely than winning 1st division lotto!!!! However those infernal baggage limits prevents us from doing so, therefore we long suffering are compelled to make extremely difficult decisions - what to leave behind so to keep within these very tiny limits!! 23 kgs per piece of luggage is not much when we wish to take everything!!! Being able to bring two pieces of checked luggage means our total limit to be 46 kgs, plus 7 kg for the one piece of carry on luggage, and a "small bag" of "personal" items!!!! Though more than I was able to take on my New Zealand trip, it still won't be anywhere near enough for very anxious Virgo me!!!! But it's better than nothing. So will need to shop around for a 2nd baggage piece, it will be slightly smaller and with wheels like my original luggage case as it will just be me who will be left to lug it around, and I won't always have those luggage trolleys available to me.

The above two I am yet to do, however, this weekend I have already done my other tasks. I purchased a 2nd power outlet adapter which will allow me to use both American and English outlets (indeed outlets in most countries) to charge my three devices - phone, tablet and electric shaver. So will be able to charge two devices at a time during my motel stays, especially since I won't be able to charge my devices while camping. I do also have two portable chargers which should tide me over during the up to four days of camping out. I will also bring my car charger though I am not sure if it can be used on my American car rental, but am hopeful that the cars will have USB outlets which will still allow me to charge my devices. I know many new cars here have USB ports, and I imagine in a place like America it would be standard for all new cars, and they tend to have the latest car models available for rentals. But being a Virgo I like to be prepared for all possibilities, hence the extra adapter and my two portable chargers.

Next I acquired an electronic switch timer so will be able to set my lamp to switch on and off while I am away from the house, such as my America trip, plus the other occasions I will be away, such as my camping trips at Easter and the Tribal Fire ceremony. This device has up to 14 program blocks which will allow me to set 14 different on/off cycles over each week, thus will make it appear that lights are being switched on and off at different times on different days, up to twice each night. So to any casual or not so casual observers outside, it will still look like that there is still someone at home at my house while I am actually away.

Last but not least, a pair of headphones for my tablet in preparation for my 14-hour flights to and from America (and similar length flights to and from England via Dubai). These are real headphones not those cheap ear plugs which are uncomfortable for my ears. Although the plane will have plenty of videos, movies, games and other options, I still get easily bored due to my ADHD (Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions)!! Planet Earth is not a big planet, in fact it is one of the smaller planets of the cosmos. My planet around Taygeta is much bigger than Earth, but it's a 8D planet so we don't use 3D transportation systems like planes, we just think about a place and we are instantly transported to it. However here on Planet Earth we are confined to 3D transportation systems, and though it is a small planet, but it might as well be the size of Antares when travelling to the other side of the planet!!!! It is said that it would take a jet plane 1100 years to fly around Antares just once!!! Hey when stuck on a plane for a 14-hour flight, especially being with ADHD, it seems like 1100 years!!!!!

Me and 14-hour flights does not get on well together, especially since I will not sleep a single wink during such a trip, I cannot sleep on planes, trains, buses, etc. And the plane's entertainment system won't have any Star Seeds videos, nor any other metaphysical or ET-orientated videos, nor their music selection would include Pagan music, nor any of my Pagan games, nor any other of my weirdness. So am currently loading my tablet with such materials so to keep me occupied after I exhausted the plane's entertainment options since most of it will be just 3D and not anything 5D such as to do with spiritual, Pagan,. Star Seeds, etc!!!! We Star Seeds with ADHD (a classic Star Seed trait) needs our minds occupied with higher dimensional deep topics!!! And we are allowed to use our devices on the plane as long as it is set to flight mode. So hopefully 14 hours will go a little quicker...... such are the trials and tribulations of living in the most isolated city on Earth!!!! First a 4.5 hours flight to Sydney, then 14 hours to Los Angeles, then a further 6 hours to Hawaii. That's a whole day just in a plane!!!!

I am still being kept busy prior to my America trip. Last Thursday I went to a 2nd Ecstatic Dance event. Dancing Dhevas runs only twice per month, and the next event I will have to miss due to being at my nephew's wedding. So I needed a 2nd dancing event in addition to Dancing Dhevas, and this one is run by FreoBeats. This dance event runs every Thursday night, so I will have somewhere to go for my Ecstatic Dancing at least once per week.

Last Tuesday for International Women's Day I attended a ceremony down at South Beach at Freo designed to celebrate women and to bring together men and women. The ceremony was run by the same group that will be hosting the Tribal Fire ceremony in April, so I figure it was the chance to meet some of the people I will be camping out with in April.

My final task for the weekend was to prepare for next week's wedding. First to find what to wear considering I have a very scant supply of formal clothing since I rarely attend formal events!!!! Indeed it was down to a choice between dark slacks and shirt, and light colored slacks and shirt. And well since I wore the dark clothing to Mother's and my wife's funerals, I decided on the light colored option. Then needed to iron it, my once per year stint at ironing!!!! Then needed to get a card, so that was one of my tasks during my visit to the mall. Fortunately they requested no gifts but just money to save towards their trip which will probably be to England since my nieces and nephews seem to gravitate towards England - one has been living and working in London for five years, and another one is currently touring England before settling there with his partner also taking a job there!!!

Then I drove to the wedding venue which is an estate up in the hills so to see how long it would take for me to get there. Me being a Virgo like to plan things down to a T, so by finding out how long it will take for me to get there, I can plan for next Saturday's wedding, including planning down to a T exactly when to leave so to arrive at the venue no more than 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time. I don't like to arrive too early cos I get bore easily especially among my very 3D family, but being a Virgo I also don't like to be late!! So after my "dry run" journey this afternoon to the venue, I headed onto the forests of Mundaring Weir to spend a bit of time in nature as a very good end to the weekend.........

So now another week at work..... with my Ecstatic Dance event on Thursday, and the moment of truth next weekend when I attempt to pick the winners in the first week of the football season........

The logic of a Virgo.....

What Virgos do on a Friday night....

Meanwhile back in my childhood......

In my instance the sister-brother roles were reversed...... !!!!

Last but not least..... hmmmmm if I shall say so myself *smug grin*.... hehehe.......

Sunday 6 March 2016

Looking Chiron In The Eye

Now in this eclipses month of March, my intense journey with Chiron continues. As we all know, Chiron the Wounded Healer is in my Ascendant sign Pisces in my natal chart, and is currently in its return to Pisces.

Last night I was back at the Dancing Dhevas event and I enjoyed myself immensely, dancing to my heart content, feeling the presence of my Dragon Goddess spirit guide who is a dancer. Dancing Dhevas holds the event twice each month, it just happened to be a week apart on this occasion, the last week of February and then the first week of March. The next event is two weeks from now, which unfortunately clashes with my nephew's wedding so I will have to miss the Dheva event. Being so addicted to dancing I may go to other dance events, there seem to be a few of them here in this isolated little city. This is a part of what is known as "Ecstatic Dancing", the dance space often has a small altar nearby with candles and sometimes incense and usually a buddha or some other figurine, adding to the spiritual dimension. During the dance no one talks to each other, and it is overwhelmingly dancing in one's own space, meaning, we dance on our own, not with a partner. There is no alcohol nor any other drug involved, indeed such things are banned from these events. It is indeed a form of meditation. I was first introduced to this form of dancing back at Convergence in New Zealand, and it seems popular here in Perth which I didn't know until this year!!!! It seems to be an increasingly popular form of spiritual connection, alongside of meditation, yoga, etc.

Tonight however was a challenge. I was at the DonateLife honor ceremony in honor of my wife and others who have donated their organs. There is a Chiron-like story attached to this. I was at the first such ceremony back in 2014, the year after my wife died, and although I invited most of my family in Perth, none of them came along. I was on my own, and I HATE being on my own anywhere. It is part of the Chiron the Wounded Healer influence, being in my Ascendant Sign. There has been many wounds associated with being on my own, and so I would never go anywhere on my own. And so I did not enjoy the first ceremony of 2014, and so when I was invited to the 2015 ceremony I did not attend.

So when I was sent the invite to the 2016 event, well I was inspired by Convergence to break through this fear. I have overcome the challenge of attending the spiritual events on my own, this being the Dancing Dhevas. It turned out that being on one's own is not an issue at Dancing Dhevas. We are not allowed to talk during the dance, and we all dance in our own space, so we are essentially all on our own on the dance floor but at the same time we all feel part of the same tribe. At the end of the dance, we gather in a circle, holding hands and sharing our experiences. There is something about being in a circle that makes us less alone and bonding as a group even if many of us don't know each other.

However the DonateLife event is a whole different set of dynamics, and is where I needed to face issues of being on my own. There are no circles, it is the more traditional setup of sitting in an audience with the whole show being run at the front. And I knew if I went, I would once again be the only one alone, just like the last time I went, everyone else would have family and friends with them. But this is 2016, and Convergence inspires me, so I decided to attend anyway!!! I did not specifically invite any of my family but did post the event on FaceBook where I know at least one of my family members in Perth follows me. So indeed they would know but I wasn't expecting any of them to attend, especially being the Wildcat's Grand Final in Perth.

Anyway, I did attend the event albeit with much trepidation but once I arrived I quickly settled in and felt very comfortable in my own space. Afterall I was there to honor my wife, and it was a telling moment when her name and photo appeared on the screen at the front. The ceremony was by the beach, and so was able to watch the water and the sunset as the ceremony progressed. And it turned out to be a lovely evening. I looked Chiron in the eye and she empowered me.

So the next challenge will be more difficult. The wedding of my nephew where virtually all of my Perth-based members of my family will be there, and I do not fit in with any of them. Over the years I was so different to my family that there were times when I seriously thought I was adopted. Well it turned out I was "adopted" in a sense that I am from Taygeta and prior to my present incarnation to Planet Earth I chose to be birthed into these group of souls that are my Earth family. Well since I chose them I have to deal with them. And so in two weeks from now I will be at my nephew's wedding, and well it remains to be seen how it all pans out. None of my family (the Perth based members) yet knows of my upcoming America trip. They will be shocked when they find out. I will post about my trip on FaceBook where I know one of them follows me, this I will do this week!! Then I am sure the huge loads of questions will follow......... and the wedding may turn "interesting" hehe!!! I am full of surprises and like to keep them on their toes cos they think I lead such a mundane boring life with nothing much happening!!!!

This is a holiday weekend in Western Australia, not sure if it is in the rest of Australia. But in any case, the day off work tomorrow will be much appreciated after such an intense and busy weekend!!!!

The football begins in a couple of weeks, and my prophetic thoughts on the Magpies remains much the same as last year, though there may be slight improvements, they may make it as far as 8th spot which will be the first week of the finals but won't get any further than that. I am correct 90% of the time, I was correct last year when they didn't make the finals just as I predicted. I feel they have improved slightly, just a matter of if they improved enough to sneak into 8th spot. Unfortunately it will be a bad year in another way, as much as I hate to concede, I think the Weevils will remain at or close to the top and be in another Grand Final. As for the tipping competition, well every year they say it will be the last year they will run the competition as each year more and more people leaves the workplace due to govt cutbacks so the membership of the tipping comp shrinks. And so far this year I haven't had any word of whether there will be a tipping competition in our office, but then, there is not many of us left!! If there was a competition still running I will probably join as things in general seems to be getting better with Jupiter in my Sun sign, however, the curse of Chiron may still be evident, as Chiron is still in my Ascendant sign. Chiron is indeed opposite to Jupiter in my current chart, so it be like a tug of war, and well it would remain to be seen who wins out. Nevertheless with things going much better for me in 2016, at long last!!!!!!!.... Jupiter being behind my change of fortunes!!!!!..... I am likely to join the competition if it is running this year. I probably will know by next weekend since the football season begins the following week.

Speaking of change of fortunes..... not only I am going to America in May/June, I am now going to Glastonbury in England in October. Glastonbury being a mystical site, said to be near where Avalon was located as per the legend of King Arthur, and is where there are the crop circles, and also the famous Stonehenge is nearby. So this southern coastal part of England is a very spiritually significant spot. It was my tentative plans to visit England after my America trip, but being the Virgo that I am, I had wanted to wait until I see how my America trip panned out and my financial situation after that. My America trip is all accounted for, and I indeed have ample funds to cover this trip, and as being a Virgo I will take out travel insurance just as I did for my New Zealand trip, but there is always the unexpected and the unknown, such as our 3rd world currency that is the Australian Dollar dropping like a rock, which with the diabolical state of this 3rd-world-like economy it is certainly possible!!!!!

However this past week I gotten in my inbox an offer from an airline of 10% off the air tickets specifically to London return. OK I know when the universe speaks to me. There is no such creature as "coincidence"!!!! 10% of the air tickets will pay for two nights lodgings with money left over for a meal or two!!! Also it was not "direct marking" based on my online activity as up until then I did not search nor share anything about my intention to visit England, it was all private in my head, and though marketing companies may be good they are not THAT good!!!!! But to take advantage of this offer I needed to purchase the air tickets this week!!! So contrary to my usual Virgo cautiousness I went ahead and bought the air tickets and booked my lodgings for a little under two weeks in the south of England during October. And somewhat miraculously I still have ample funds for my America trip, its as if the funds appeared from nowhere.

These trips are not just vacations. I have energy work to do!!! I am visiting the energy hot spots or "Earth Chakras" in America and England to perform energy works to heal this planet. It is a part of my calling as an incarnated soul from Taygeta. All star seeds are called for energy work on this planet, and many of us are at different times visiting these "Earth chakras" for much the same reason. It is part of the awakening and energy shifts that has been occurring since 2012. Hence my miraculous change of fortune. I don't have any more money than before, I haven't won lotto nor gained a promotion, but I have just been given ways to make my current funds go further, helped by the energies of Jupiter in my Sun sign conjunct with the North Node (which speaks of one's calling and destiny), hence am able to go on these trips to do my work for planet Earth. Being able to get good deals on lodgings, car rentals, etc also helps. I don't go for the cheapest, it is a case of you get what you pay for, and I do value my creature comforts!!! But can still get good deals on slightly more expensive options. For example in San Francisco the cheapest car rental has both the office and car lot located away from the airport and we are left to fend for ourselves in getting to the office, ie, have to catch a taxi or public transport. But the slightly more expensive option with a different car rent company has the office located at the airport and a free shuttle service to the car lot where I can pick up the car. So it does pay to be a Virgo with our research abilities and shopping around, and so we end up getting off way cheaper than normal but still enjoying the creature comforts!!!! Same with the airlines, I go with the premium airlines offering such creature comforts as a choice of seating (I like sitting by the window and away from the wing so I can see the terrain below me, but the cheaper airlines doesn't allow you to choose where to sit), menu choice of meals, personal video screens, and internet access - I just get in with these airlines when they offer special deals which in many cases makes the prices as comparable to the cheaper airlines.

Anyway.... enough of my high energy ramblings...... we have the Solar Eclipse on Wednesday partially visible from Perth, and the eclipse takes place in my Ascendant Sign Pisces so it is very energetic for me........ well I will stop now.... with more of my quirky sense of humor.......

A bit like my football tipping with the curse of Chiron evident......

There is a skill in discerning the signs, such as in booking for my England trip........

Like the travel insurance companies that doesn't cover for pre-existing medical conditions such as my heart disease condition.......

How my family might react when I tell them about my America trip......