Sunday 29 November 2015

Oh the Carols.... and I ain't talking about Xmas !!!!!

I shared previously..... or recently anyway..... the synchronicities of the Carolyns.... how the last three significant women who came into my life since my wife's death had very similar names, beginning with Carolyn from India, then Karen from York, then Katie from the UFO\ET group!!! Well last week another woman in this isolated little city got in contact with me from another spiritual online group, we exchanged messages over three days, then she asked to meet me!!!! So last Saturday we met for a chat in a Mt Lawley cafe. And you'll never believe what HER name is!!!!..... CAROL!!!!!! Again just friends, but she shares the same weird spiritual interests as me, even star seeds interests.

The meeting almost didn't happen!! I knew these planetary alignments would throw a spanner into the works, and it did big time - Chiron the "wounded healer" standing still in my Ascendant sign, and Saturn square with Neptune also in my Ascendant sign!!

I arrived about 5 mins early at the arranged venue as per my precise Virgo tendency. Arriving 5 minutes early means it is not TOO early but also not too late. I work out my timing down to a T. That is me the Virgo. So I went in, and one woman immediately caught my eye, and was thinking, I wonder if this is HER!!!? I felt inside me it was her, but in 3D reality I wasn't 100% sure. So I kinda walked up to her but not directly so, just sorta came close enough to her to catch her attention, but pretending to just casually walk by. She looked up at me then she turned away, indeed she seemed to utterly ignore me, so I thought.... uhhhh OK perhaps its not her afterall. However I couldn't shake the feeling that this IS her!!! And none of the other women at the venue came anywhere near to fitting my imagined profile of her.

I wanted to speak to her, asking her by name if this is her. But I didn't want to do that in case this was not her afterall, and she thought I was just some kind of weirdo trying to chat her up.

So I went outside and just waited there outside for several minutes. I figure if she is in there, she may walk out looking for me, and if she sees me standing there waiting for her, she'd figure it was indeed me. However I spent up to 15 minutes waiting outside. Then I saw her walk out of the venue, she took one look at me and then she wandered on back up the walkway assumedly towards her car.

OK this is seriously turning pear shaped very fast!!! Up to me to try salvage the situation. I still wasn't 100% certain that this IS the lady but I still couldn't shake the feeling. So I got on my phone and buzzed off a short email to her, saying I am here waiting for her. About a minute or so later, she came walking back along the walkway. Then I KNEW for certain that this IS HER!!!!!

Chironic lesson #1 - Always trust my instinct!!

This was now 20 minutes after the schedule start date. After we established contact, the first thing she said to me was "You don't look like your photos"!!!! I was kinda taken aback by that, very Chironic episode. But in truth none of my photos are recent, they are all from the days of my wife and even earlier. I very rarely take selfies. I really don't like my own appearance so I almost never take pixes of myself. This is part of the Chiron wounded healer manifestation.

Chironic lesson #2 - At least tolerate myself more and take more recent selfies of me !!!!

So NOT a very good start to our "date". However we pushed on and each had a drink in the cafe, she a coffee, me an orange juice. And we did talk about a lot of spiritual issues, including about star seeds which surprised me about her as she never mentioned about this before, and it is true enough that not all spiritual people are star seeds. But apparently she is, a galactic traveller like me who had been to several star systems.

So at least on a spiritual level we did have connections. However I just couldn't shake off the effects of the potentially bad start, and this affected the way I related to her.

However when it came time for her to go, she did insist that she was glad to have met me, indeed she enjoyed the time, and fully intends to continue on with our friendship.

Chironic lesson #3 - Focus on the positives !!!

So I guess time will tell how all this will pan out with her......

Now last Monday's meetup with Katie and two other guys from the UFO\ET group at a restaurant in Northbridge. That was a success. We are arranging our first camp-out to look for and make contact with UFOs and ETs. It will be at Ledge Point about a couple of hours north from Perth, off the beaten track, in fact you need a 4WD to get there. The perfect spot for meetings with ET's. This will happen next weekend, and staying overnight. It will be my first camp in over two decades. Back in my younger years I enjoyed camping so much. Then I married my wife who didn't like camping so was denied this pleasure, which I didn't mind at the time, a part of giving and taking in a relationship...... well now I have the chance to get back to the wonders of camping, combined with my wonders for UFOs and ETs..... should be a great night!!!!

As if that is not enough to shake up my mundane Virgo-like existence..... yet another thing happened today!!!! This time ANOTHER woman, well this one is not in Perth, and well she's not on the east coast, but just beyond the east coast..... in the land of the Kiwis!! But I won't hold that against her! LOL! The Kiwis are not a bad place, too cold but otherwise not a bad place.... we just like beating them in the Cricket, though not as much as beating the Poms in the Cricket..... but yes, something else happened today that is even more outlandish.... will reveal more next time...... No it is NOT getting married or anything like that! No! No! No!!! Don't give the universe any ideas!!!!!!!! It's something entirely different to that..... my poor Virgo mind is still trying to process it..... so it will have to wait until next blog...... hahaha.......... or maybe you can try to GUESS what it is.... ehehehe..... but you'll never guess it..... it be fun trying it though!!!! hahahaha!!!!!..... Uh yes her name is Chrissy.... must be Kiwi for Carolyn LOL!!!!!!

Here's some cartoons while you waiting....... hehehe........

My dating experiences LOL.....

More from my dating archives..... very much me! LOL!!.....

Meanwhile at a bank in Perth......

Budget cuts at a govt dept near you..... !!!!

Sunday 22 November 2015

Those Planetary Alignments

This has been a far more quiet weekend but still a relatively good weekend in spite of the planetary alignments in my chart.

Brief Astrology lesson ;).... We are all very familiar with our Sun signs. When people say, I'm a Virgo.... or, I'm an Aquarius, or whatever, this means these are our Sun signs, that is, the Sun was in the sign at the time of our birth. And as we all know, the Sun was in Virgo during my birth therefore am popularly known as a Virgo.... or NOT so popularly known as the case may be, as many knows that Virgos are a pain in the butt!!We over-analyse everything, are fussy about everything, indeed the classic Virgo saying being "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", and we also don't like change, hence another classic Virgo saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it", and we are no good at relationships!!!!

However there are more to Astrology than just our Sun signs. We also have a Moon sign, where the Moon was located during our birth. For me it is Libra. I am indeed a New Moon baby, being born during the New Moon period, which is probably why I usually have such a hard time during New Moons. So it was close to a New Moon, and the Moon was in Libra when I was born.

Last but not least, we also have an Ascendant sign or Rising sign, this basically being the sign that was rising over the horizon during our birth, much akin to the Sun rising. Many Astrologers says that our Ascendant sign has as much influence, indeed probably more influence on us than our Sun sign. So when reading the horoscope columns, we should really be looking at the particular reading under our Ascendant sign rather than our Sun sign. For me, my Ascendant is Pisces the sign of intuition and spirituality. And this does indeed explain why I am so spiritual even though I may also be the pragmatic analytical Virgo. My Pisces Ascendant is at least partly the reason behind my many spiritual experiences since my childhood.

My chart is rather unusual in many ways ;) I am an unusual person, as many who knows me would testify!! ;) One unusual aspect is that my Ascendant and Sun signs are opposite to each other. Pisces is six signs away from Virgo, we could say six months apart, therefore they are opposite to each other on the Zodiac chart. When we have signs (or planets, etc) opposite to each other on the chart, the saying "opposite attracts" comes into play! That is the energies of the two are combined. And this is why I have always been interest in Science, but also interested in Spiritual aspects. It was why when I was a Christian I was also interested in Creation Science, and since my childhood always been interested in Astronomy but also in Astrology, I started to read my horoscopes in Mother's magazines almost since I was able to read!!!! Indeed Metaphysics is a great interest of mine, it is basically a combination of Physics and Spirituality.

Indeed I could never understand why Science needed to be separate from Spirituality. Of course in truth, this separation of Science and Religion is a recent phenomenon, since the 1800's with Charles Darwin and others. Most of the famous scientists we read about who existed before the 1800's were also spiritual people. This includes Newton, Galileo, etc who discovered things about the universe, they were also deeply religious, and many were also Astrologers. Indeed since ancient times, Astronomers were generally also Astrologers. However Charles Darwin just happened to be an Agnostic, he didn't believe in any kind of spirituality, so when he formulated the theory of evolution, it was from the viewpoint that there was no God nor any other Spirit entities, that the universe is purely physical, and there are no spirits. This was the start of "rationalism", and so indeed scientists to this day were not allowed to exhibit any spiritual beliefs, or at least should keep their spiritual beliefs to themselves!! It is now seen as a thing of shame to entertain any kind of spiritual beliefs. Christianity was not the only victim of Darwinism and Rationalism, Astrology is also a victim.

Anyway..... back to my chart.... and now to the current planetary alignments, that is, the positions of the planets in the sky during this November 2015.

We currently have Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter is associated with good times, prosperity and expanding our horizons. It is also the planet of royalty. Indeed referring to the story of the birth of Jesus and the "three wise men". Actually there were NOT "three: wise men, neither the Bible nor any other literature records the number as being "three", indeed, no numbers are recorded. It's only that they brought three gifts to the infant Jesus, so there could have been just one man or ten of them. Anyway, these wise men were in fact Astrologers, and by tracing back to near the accepted date of the birth of Jesus, it just happened this was when Jupiter and Venus appeared to come together in the sky, what Astrologers call a "conjunction". Jupiter being associated with royalty, and Venus with a Virgin Goddess, the Astrologers deduced that a "King" would be birthed by a Virgin, a story that in fact goes back through Pagan times to the Egyptian deities Isis, Osiris and Hathor - the Virgin Goddess Isis and her husband Osiris, giving birth of Hathor. Anyway, with this conjunct happening with Jupiter and Venus, the Astrologers figured that another King would be birthed by a Virgin, and in this instance it would be in Judea, hence their trek to Judea, and eventually to Bethlehem. And as they say, the rest is history!!

Anyway, Jupiter is now located in Virgo, and so it is said that when Jupiter enters one's sign, then things should get better. And indeed in many ways things are getting better. But there is a sting in the tail. My Ascendant sign. Planet Chiron (actually a large Asteroid or "minor planet") is currently located in Pisces. Chiron is said to be the "Wounded Healer", it hilights our wounds. And being in Pisces, it relates to our spiritual or emotional wounds. Jupiter is currently opposite to Chiron in the sky, indeed on opposite sides of planet Earth. So while Jupiter may bring better times ahead, it also brings memories of the emotional wounds. A case in point, one of Mother's favorite sayings "Good things must come to an end". And growing up in poverty in a public housing estate with an abusive "step-father", any "good times" that may fleetingly occur would always come to an end, often swiftly so!!!! And so that has been the story of my life, the good times would invariably come to an end. So I always think that when good times comes, I am always focused on when the END of it will come, and being a Virgo, I would always prepare for the end of it. So instead of enjoying the good times, I would be focused on preparing for the end of the good times. And with the Jupiter-Chiron opposition in my opposite signs, this issue is being hilighted!!!! Neptune, the planet of deep emotions and spirituality, is also in Pisces, so this normally analytical Virgo has to deal with the deep emotional\spiritual aspects of life!!!! As is, What am I doing on this planet? What is my purpose here? This is probably at least partly why this thing with Katie has happened.

Speaking of Katie...... our meeting, hopefully with a few more souls, are scheduled for tomorrow night. There the very metaphysical topics of UFOs and ETs. Oh yes there is very much a spiritual aspect to the UFO phenomenon and ETs. Indeed many of the Gods and Goddesses from ancient times were in fact ETs, and such visitations by UFOs and ETs in ancient times formed the basis of many religions today. ETs with their superior technologies were seen as Gods to the ancient peoples. Hence the saying, today's technology is yesterday's miracles. What seemed to be "miracles" in ancient times were in fact technological advances. Such simple things as instantly lighting up a room just by touching something on a wall would seem like magic to someone 300 years ago, indeed , one would have been accused of sorcery and burned at the stake if we did that 300 years ago!!!! So imagine these ETs in their flying ships way back in ancient times, they would have seemed like absolute Gods to the ancient civilisations, hence worshipped as such, and hence the beginning of religions. Nowadays we see ETs as the bringer of wisdom who will bring in a new age of enlightenment to this planet. Much akin to the 2nd coming of Jesus, who is in fact an ET. Well even Christians says that Jesus didn't belong to Earth, that he came from "Heaven", so that makes him an ET!!! In fact many believes there is a link between the 2nd coming of Jesus, and the coming of ETs to bring in a new age of Aquarius to this planet.

Now to the more mundane aspects of my life...... this week is my last week of the physio rehab sessions, sad in some ways cos I rather enjoy these sessions, but also a feeling that it is time to move on..... once again as per certain planetary alignments in my chart, which I won't go into now.... well OK maybe briefly.... it is to do with Uranus, the planet of change.  Uranus currently located in Aries is conjunct with my natal Jupiter, that is, the position of Jupiter during my birth, which was in Aries. Changes always occurs when Uranus moves to certain such aspects in our charts, and so changes are happening now, which includes the end of my 13 weeks of physio rehab sessions. One's natal chart, that is our birth chart, is very important. It is akin to our DNA, indeed it is our metaphysical DNA. So it's helpful to know of the positions of the planets in our natal charts, it is a part of who we are. You don't have to pay an astrologer to do a chart, just google "natal chart" and there are several online sites that automatically works out your natal chart and prints it out for free, all you need as your date of birth, the approximate time of birth (at least to the hour) and the place of birth - which town or city...... or just ask ME, giving me this information ;) ;)

Astrology is not my only forte. I also do Tarot readings - as those following my Instagram account knows, I post a pix on Instagram of my current draw at least once per week, or at other important energy points of the calendar. I have a couple of card decks, and well, I use them to figure out what may come up in the next day, or next week, etc, depending on what intention we give when dealing the cards. And they are very accurate, indeed they are always spot on for me!! On my wish list are more Tarot decks, there are many different decks around, and many professional Tarot readers have up to several hundreds of different decks, both Tarot and Oracle decks - there are differences between the two, I'll explain another time. But me I have currently just one Tarot deck and one Oracle deck, and I use them both together.

Unfortunately with my very short 5'6" height I didn't even get that!!!!!!!

;) ;) hehe

The dangers of texting while driving....... hehe.....

Oh yes ;)

Monday 16 November 2015

Synchronicity !!!!!

Well it was a very interesting weekend I had, most unexpected, indeed a very Uranus kind of weekend. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and unexpected surprises, indeed the planet for change. So depending up where the planet resides in one's natal chart, it can shape one's destiny in unexpected ways. Uranus in my natal chart is in my Sun sign Virgo, conjunct with Pluto, and opposite to my Ascending sign Pisces which is the sign of spirituality. Thus my life has been shaped by unexpected and radical spiritual changes, paranormal events, UFO and ET experiences, and etc!!!! Why my paranormal experiences has been so outrageously weird at times!!!! Indeed my Star Seed awakening happened when Uranus traveled through my Ascendant sign in 2005\6 or around age 42, when I first saw ET's with my own eyes and had other weird UFO\ET experiences. That is why many people experience mid-life crisis around age 42, it is when Uranus is in opposition to its natal position, so that brings about the desire for change, or depending on one's chart config, the change happens whether you like it or not!!!!!

So this weekend I completed the Uranus module of my online astrological workshop which involved a shamanic journey to Uranus to talk to the Entity associated with Uranus. Thus it is no coincidence that very unexpected events of a spiritual nature happened to me this weekend just gone!!! And it involves to a large extent the concept of "synchronicity".

We often like to know whether we're on the right track or whether we're doing the right thing. So depending on religion or creed, we ask the Universe in our different ways - either we pray to God, or we ask our spirit guides, or our "higher self", or angels, departed loved ones, or any other of the large variety of spirit entities that are on occasions sent to help us in our 3D reality.

And one of the most common ways in which the Universe answers our queries is through "synchronicity", which can be defined as being two or more physically unrelated events that has one or more thing in common, where the probably of such a thing happening by pure chance is reasonably expected to be close to zero. This relates to a well known passage in the Bible which states "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a truth shall be established".

In my instance, the most unlikely of synchronicity have happened. The last three significant women in my life has been known by similar names. Each of the women are totally unrelated to the other two, indeed they are not known to each other, and they came from totally different places.

The first of the three is Caroline from India, a former penfriend who found me again on the internet. She has since pretty well fallen off the face of the Earth, I don't hear from her at all, but the synchronicity shows that the Universe is in control here.

The second woman is Karen from York, my star sister from the Pleiades. She is still very much in my life, being on my FaceBook profile, and still keeping in contact. There is a reason why she is in my life.

Now enter the third woman - Katie !!!!!!

So we had Caroline, Karen, and now Katie !!!!! A synchronicity with zero probably of it happening just by pure chance. It is more likely to win 1st division Lotto ten consecutive weeks than for this synchronicity to happen by chance alone. There is something happening!!!!

Before this time last week I had no idea whatsoever that Katie even existed!!!! Indeed it was this time last week that I had received an email from this Katie and I had no idea whatsoever who she was. At first I thought it was some scam email legacy of my unfortunate flirts with online dating sites a couple of years ago, I still occasionally get such scam emails. However it soon became obvious this was not a scam. In fact, it was more to do with the many groups I had joined online for Star Seeds, alternative spirituality, UFO's and ET's. I joined a few of the groups in the year after Sally's death but most were not very active and so I had forgotten about them. Katie has recently joined one such group which I had forgotten about!!!! More still, Katie is from PERTH!!!!! That is highly unusual. One of my complaints about these groups was that there were no members from Perth, they are either on the east coast or overseas, so had pretty well given up on the idea of ever meeting anyone in person from these groups!!!!

But not Katie..... Katie is from right here in this isolated little city of Perth. Indeed unbeknown to me, the group had grown quite a bit, and it turned out there were now FIVE members from Perth, and Katie contacted all five of them as she was wanting to organise a meetup with us all, and to form a group in Perth where we meet and summon UFO's. Apparently there has been a number of successful groups meetings in America and have successfully attracted UFOs and ETs, but of course none in tiny little isolated Perth.

Katie wanted to establish such a group in Perth...... so of course I said YES!!!!! I would LOVE the chance to meet with like minded souls in Perth. I can count on one hand with fingers to spare the number of spiritual people that I personally know in Perth, indeed (until now) Karen was the only such soul I knew and well technically she is not really in Perth, she is in York, but it's close enough to count - its driving distance to Perth!!!!!

So after I given my answer, I heard back from Katie two days later. It turned out only one other person had replied, so she asked about arranging a meeting between the three of us. Again I said YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!! She had given her mobile number for texting, so in my reply I sent her my mobile number - a very un-Virgo-like thing to do!!!! We Virgos are normally very cautious and we normally don't do such outrageously rash things as giving mobile numbers to total and utter complete strangers!!!!! Yet I had given my mobile number to Katie!!!!! Especially since I have been so burnt to a crisp from my experiences with online dating sites!!! For all I know Katie could be a front for some ISIL terrorists to take us hostage and chop our heads off!!!!! - probably unlikely even in the face of recent events but Virgos always consider ALL possibilities even unlikely ones!!!!!

Anyway..... last Saturday after getting back from my bicycle ride, I gotten a text message from Katie asking if I wanted to be a part of a 3-way meeting at a cafe in Leederville at 5pm Sunday evening. So of course I said YES!!!!!!! And she text back saying she will now send an email to the 3rd person, he was not as foolish as I was, he didn't supply his mobile number, so Katie was confined to email for him..... and so the waiting game began...... I assumed the meeting would be cancelled or postponed if she didn't hear from the 3rd person.

Meanwhile early Sunday morning I received a text from my cousin whom I attend Friday night church with at times, inviting me for dinner at the Dawes-Smiths at exactly the same time as our proposed meeting with Katie!!! OK!!! It's either feast or famine with me. I usually complain I never get invited out to anywhere, and now I have TWO invites to TWO events at the same time!!!! I still hadn't heard from Katie so she still hadn't heard from the 3rd person, so I asked my cousin how soon she needed an answer from me. She replied anytime cos the other cousin from up north is now in town with his family and will be present on the occasion, so there be more than enough food to go around, so could easily accommodate an extra soul even if I turned up unannounced!!!! OK that made it slightly easier but me being a Virgo likes to do the right thing by people even when the offer is contrary, so I would still like to inform the Dawes-Smith as soon as possible if I was going to be there...... which meant I needed to hear from Katie soon!!!!

Meanwhile during the morning I went to do my grocery shopping, and as part of my expedition I went to the cafe place in Leederville to scope out the place, parking availability, etc, cos that is what anxious Virgos do!!! We Virgos hate surprises, we like to plan for things and be prepared. So where possible when it comes to unfamiliar places we Virgos like to scope it out before the event!!! And alas I found much to my angst that there is no longer such a creature as free parking on Sundays, we now must PAY for parking on all seven days of the week. It's probably been like that for the last ten years but I wasn't to know cos I usually don't get out invited anywhere!!!! So it meant I needed to go to the ATM to get cash out and to get change. These days one can just use a credit or debit card on these parking machines, but the last time I did this it wouldn't accept any of my FOUR credit\debit cards. Me and electronics does not get on. I am one of those persons whose energy\aura affects electronics, and it often affects electronics, even my phone and computer!!!! So like a Virgo I prepared for that by taking cash out and getting change for the parking machine.

Then just after lunch when anxious Virgo me was stressing about this predicament, I hear from Katie again. She hadn't heard from the 3rd guy so she said it will now be just the TWO of us!!!! OMG!!! She's either very naive, extremely foolish, or incredibly spiritually in tuned!!!! We are total and utter strangers, neither of us has any idea whatsoever what we look like, and for all she knew, I could be an escaped fugitive on the run accused of murder or an ISIL terrorist intending to kidnap her and chop her head off!!! OK we're at a public place but it hadn't stopped other crims before!!!! It was risky from my end, but even moreso from her end. So I was amazed she was willing to do this, and me went against my normally Virgo ways and I agreed to it!!!!!

Next she asked if she could bring forward the meeting by a couple of hours!!!!! OMG!!!! She had no inkling whatsoever of my predicament with the invite from the Dawes-Smith, yet she asked to bring forward our now one-on-one meeting by a couple of hours which would allow me to also go to the Dawes-Smith for dinner!!!!! Talk about the Universe being in control here!!!! That is yet another sign.

Soon I was most excitedly heading towards Leederville to meet Katie. I had no idea what she looked like, nor her age, nor indeed anything else about her. For all I know she could have been a brash teen or 20s woman, or an older wiser woman in her 70s ready to teach me a thing or two about spirituality. She could have been tall, short, fat, skinny, blonde, brunette, red, purple with pink spots.... and\or hybrid ET with unusual features. Oh yes hybrids DO exist and are human-looking enough to generally pass as humans but have enough unusual features for more experienced souls to pick up on them. Indeed I know personally at least one hybrid but that is another story altogether.

However with my 3rd eye or intuition I sensed her to be a middle aged blonde woman of reasonably normal body build and near same height as me....... and it turned out I was correct, indeed more correct than I thought!!!! I also knew we'd find each other instantly at the cafe even though neither of us knew what each other looked like......

Anyway five minutes before arrival she text me saying she has her dog with her!! Uhhhhh she's bringing her dog for protection! That is fair enough and understandable. Except that she said her dog was just a tiny little chihuahua!!!! I don't think that is going to be much protection for her!!!!! Indeed I don't think that was why she was bringing her dog along!!!!!!!!

So me the anxious Virgo arrived at the cafe early..... and a little while later I saw a blonde long haired woman with a chihuahua on a lead.... slender but also very womanly curvy, long slender legs, wearing tiny little briefs that barely qualified as "shorts", and a tiny little top that barely contained her very ample chest..... I thought.... OMG!!!!!! Is that HER!!!!!????? Is that Katie!!!!!!!????? Have I died and gone to Heaven!!!???? Or am I about to suffer my second heart failure albeit for entirely different reasons!!!???? Reminded me of an old saying from back in my school days "Sex kills, die happy"!!!! I'd be dying EXTREMELY happy especially if my last sight was this utterly PERFECT specimen of a woman!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Even women in Heaven wouldn't be as perfect as she was in appearance!!!!!!

And indeed it was  Katie....... OK now..... deep breaths now...... I was actually supposed to be talking with this potential Miss Universe winner!!!!!!! She must have been a hybrid cos no woman on Earth could humanely be THAT perfect in appearance!!!!!! They photoshop such women in magazines!!!!! Yes she was real, as real as to the touch even if I almost fainted from her touch!!!! LOL!!!!!

Anyway..... after successfully catching my breath..... we soon got talking on very spiritual topics, sharing our weird paranormal experiences, and experiences with UFO's and ETs. Her experiences were almost as weird as mine!!!!! And she said she was so glad to have met me, cos she is in the same predicament as me, that is she has no one from family, friends or associates where she could share face to face her experiences without having those nice men in their nice white coats coming to pay a visit for taking away to the funny farm!!!!!! So she likes me!!!!.... even if only for this reason!!!! Hey!!! An old Virgo like me takes whatever he can get!!!!!!

Then we got onto the topic of setting up a group in Perth viewing for UFOs and attracting them. Oh yes you CAN attract UFOs. It happened with me regarding my ship. For me it usually happens when I feel depressed, and I know the ship is near when my GPS on my phone cuts out completely, though occasionally I see it. So anyway this is Katie's intention, to set up a group in Perth to view and attract UFO's. And utterly besotted me mesmerized by her cat-like eyes (she must be part Siriun hybrid) offered to help her out in this despite my lack of experience!!!!

What seemed like 10 seconds later but in reality was a couple of hours, she needed to go, it turned out she was invited out somewhere that evening too, hence why she brought forward our meeting, allowing me to fulfill my invitation to the Dawes-Smith for dinner. And I wouldn't call this a "date", but for want for a better word, a "date" is deemed successful when she plans for our next meeting...... and indeed she planned for our next meeting...... she was going to get to work on organising a meeting for UFO\ETs..... and depending on how things pans out, we could be meeting again in a few days, next week or soon....... though not soon enough for me... *sigh*........

Anyway that is the latest of the extremely strange story that is my life,,,,,, I don't think even Spielberg could come up with such an imaginative story like mine...... yet I swear to every God and Goddess that my stories are NOT fiction but are 110% true!!!!!!!.........

And yes dinner at the Dawes-Smiths was a success too ;)

Now some cartoons to help ground myself.........

I ask the same question!!!!!!

How I felt with Katie LOL !!!!!!

When Mother had me to clean my room...... ;)

The truth...... ;)

Mondays at work......

Sunday 8 November 2015

Summer begins.....

Now into November and this weekend marked the exact half way point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. This half way point can be said to be the astronomical start of summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, the start of winter in the north.

Now moving into another chaotic New Moon set to fall on Wednesday night. A week prior, last Wednesday, as I was riding home from work I noticed the back tire of my bike was low on air, indeed almost flat! Uh great! Just what I needed! A puncture!! I should not be getting punctures, my tires are the toughened thorn proof tires and inside the tubes are the fluid that blocks any punctures that may form. Such a combination had worked wonders, being without punctures for many years. But I suppose nothing is fool proof.

So after I gotten home I went to the mall to get a new puncture repair kit. These days they have the stick-on patches which eliminates the frustrating practice of applying glue which never seems to stick properly and the patch falls off. So though it costs a bit more, the stick-on patches makes it worth while.

Then I went to locate the puncture using an old trick I knew from my childhood years when I first acquired a bicycle and seemed to get more punctures than one can poke a stick at. That is, inflate the tube and place it in a tub of water, the location of the puncture becomes immediately apparent.

So by using this method.... Alas!!!.... not a puncture at all but a faulty valve! Indeed the fault was at the base of the valve!! Uhhh great!!! That will mean I will need to take the bicycle to the repair shop. It's likely I would be needing the tube replaced which involves removing the back wheel with the gear assembly and etc, and I remember back in my poverty years when I had to do all the repairs myself and spending seemingly endless hours trying to re-align the wheel and the gears when it comes to place the wheel back on. Nowadays I leave it to the experts. It will throw a spanner into my budgetary works but it sure beats spending half a day of my usually busy weekends doing it myself and probably not doing as good of a job.

I therefore booked my bicycle into the repair shop at the earliest possible time - Monday - tomorrow.

Meanwhile living without my bicycle which was a large part of my fitness regime in recovering from my heart event. First the trick of getting to my physio session on Thursday. I usually ride my bicycle to the bus interchange at the station, then take the bus the rest of the way to the hospital. So now just drive the car to the station. Complicating factor, parking at the station is NOT free, and I loathe to give any more money to the govt than I already give.

Solution, park further away, say, at a park. However I knew the council would be up to the trick, knowing that 99.9% of the population are equally loathe to pay the govt any more money so would park slightly further away from the station and walk a bit extra distance. So the council places parking restrictions designed to thwart most people who would catch the train\bus to work for 8 hours. Place a time limit on such parking that is less than 8 hours!! Typically about three hours.

However the time between taking the bus to the physio, the 1 hour physio session, and coming back is about two and a half hours.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I found a place to park at a local park which turned out to be 2 kms from the station, and there was a three hour parking limit but I decided I should make it within the time limit. It would take me 20 minutes to walk to the station to the bus, and so I worked out if I catch the usual bus back, I should arrive at the park in just under the three hour limit.

However as it ALWAYS happens when you don't need it to happen, after the physio session, the only time in all those weeks of attending the physio sessions my usual bus would arrive early and thus I miss it just happened on THAT day!!! This meant I had to wait 20 minutes for the next bus. This meant I would struggle to get back to my car within the three hour limit.

Anyway the later bus came, and when I got back to the station, I must have walked the quickest two kms on record!! And when I arrived back at the park I saw council vehicles around including one parked near my car. Dang!!! That is all I need, a bloody parking ticket!!! It turned out I arrived at the park within five minutes of the end of the three hours, and so I made it to my car literally with a minute to spare, with the ranger just waiting to pounce on me to write out the ticket!!! Talk about a very narrow escape!!!! What my heart does NOT need!!!!

Now my bicycle is in the shop, I took it in today to save the bother of trying to get it in first thing in the morning and rushing off to work only to be late for work. Hopefully all will go relatively smoothly and not costing too much...... it needed a service anyway......

Monday 2 November 2015

Another Death In The Family....

Well it was my Puddy Cat anyway, I considered her to have been a part of my family.

It all happened on Halloween, that is, Saturday, which seemed most ironic since this is the time when its said the veil between the dead and the living are at its thinnest. However we're more used to the idea of the dead passing over to visit the living, not the other way around!!!! But it happened with my Puddy Cat, she passed from the living to the dead......

My Puddy Cat was very old in Earth years, approaching 20 years of age, which is more like 100 years in human terms or there abouts, whatever, it is very old for a puddy cat. However she was in good health as far as I could tell, eating well, and seemed generally in good health. Then on Saturday she stopped eating and she seemed to be spending more time sleeping. Then on the night of Halloween she simply went to sleep and didn't wake up. She was very obviously dead by early the next morning, it was like she decided her time on planet Earth was now at an end, and it was time to go back to Sirius.

Oh yes Puddy Cats are Siriun hybrids from the star system Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and can be seen from here during the summer months. That is why the Egyptians used to worship puddy cats. Back in ancient Egyptian times, Siriun ETs paid them some visits, helped build the pyramids, etc. Indeed many of the Egyptian gods and goddesses were in fact representations of Siriun ETs, and is why the Sirius star system was very important to the Egyptians, in fact the star was used to determine the start of the agricultural season when the Nile flooded. The flooding of the Nile coincided with the first sighting of Sirius for the year.

In particular there were the "cat people" from Sirius that figured much in the lives of the ancient Egyptians and other North African tribes. The "cat people" were basically akin to humans, standing upright like humans and etc, except that they had the heads of cats and the body was somewhat more like cats, including a tail. These "cat people" performed hybrid experiments with one or more of the wild animals, possibly lions or leopards or some other wild large cats, and they produced the domestic cat. Since these Siriuns were revered as gods by the Egyptians due to their superior technology and knowledge. Hence the domestic cat became to be worshipped as being regarded as the product of the gods. To mistreat or kill a cat would result in the death penalty.

Hence is why I say that puddy cats are Siriun hybrids - they are the result of hybrid experiments by the Siriun "cat people". The souls of cats are Siriun, they are from Sirius.

An interesting side note here, the Sirius star system contains three stars, however, one can only see a single star with the naked eye. One needs a large powerful telescope to discern the 2nd star known as "Sirius B", and only far more recently through computer analysis from space telescopes that a very faint 3rd star was detected, known as "Sirius C". However this is information that the ancient North African "Dogon" tribe already knew about over 5000 years ago, long before telescopes and computers were invented. Their ancient records accurately discerned the three stars and the nature of these stars!! So HOW did such an ancient "primitive" race knew about the three stars of Sirius without telescopes and computers??? There can be only one answer that makes senses as outrageously amazing as it is!!! The information was given by the ET visitors from Sirius!!!

Indeed the Egyptians also knew of the 3-star Sirius system, and this is where the concept of the "Holy Trinity" comes from. The Egyptians regarded Sirius as an important God, being the brightest star in the sky and one that marked the flooding of the Nile and start of the agricultural season. We can only see the one bright star, yet the one star is really three stars. Over the years since the time of the Egyptians, the Pagans evolved their beliefs to include the "Trinity" of the God, Goddess and the Son of the couple - such a concept being common among many forms of Paganism over the years in many different parts of the world. Then over 3000 years later, Christianity came along, and they adapted the Pagan form of the Trinity to include the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So yes the Sirius star system is where we get the idea of a "Trinity" of God - one God in Three Persons.

Meanwhile back at the ranch..... my own Siriun hybrid, my puddy cat whose soul is now returned to the Siriun star system. Yes, just like I am from Taygeta in the Pleiades, my puddy cat was from Sirius. Indeed a lot of the creatures on this planet are from other star systems. The dolphins are also from Sirius but also the Pleiades and some other star systems. Planet Earth has over its long lifetime been seeded by ETs from many star systems. Indeed the human race were once slaves to an ET race (the "reptilians" and "anunakis") having been created through hybrid process by these ETs, hence the Creation story in the Bible and the demand for unquestioning obedience to a God that we see in the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is related to the ancient anunaki legends in the Middle East, and the Biblical representation of the Devil as reptile creatures ( eg the snake, and dragons)

OK back to my puddy cat.... so much information just wanting to be shared about our interactions with ETs!!!! I am a contactee, that means, I have had actual contacts with ETs, so this is why ETs are so close to my heart. A lot of my information that I often share comes from my contacts with ETs as well as my online sources, websites, FaceBook groups, etc, and having online friends and contacts who have had similar experiences. A lot of people on planet Earth have had contacts with ETs, it is actually a common occurrence, just that most of us tends to keep it to ourselves and don't say much about it until we come across groups of people online with similar experiences.

Anyway..... early on the Sunday morning I performed a Siriun burial ceremony for my puddy cat, placing her body in a grave in my back yard, communication with the Siriun masters via "light languages", committing her soul to the care of the Siriuns, and lighting a candle. I placed three rocks on her grave, this represents the three stars of the Siriun system.

So now adjusting to life without my Puddy Cat......

It be back to my cardiac physio session tomorrow...... so until next time..... if I hadn't weirded out anyone in the process!!!!!..... I shall be back with my next musings next week.