Sunday 27 September 2015

Very Significant Day

Time for a blog on this very significant day, the last of the four "blood moons" or Lunar Eclipses coinciding with Jewish holidays very much talked about online. I'll let the graphic below from my Pleiadean masters explain it.....

So of course today being Sept 28 is the last of these events. The Lunar Eclipse is often referred to the "blood moon" because the Moon turns red during the eclipse. Lunar Eclipses happens when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow, however, the Moon doesn't become dark but red due to the Earth's atmosphere reflecting the sunlight, much the same phenomena as sunrise and sunset, why the sky is red during these events. The atmosphere blocks out the blue light leaving the red light.

Anyway these "tetrads" of blood moons coinciding with Jewish holidays are rare events, and this current event leads to some claiming that we are in the end times, and that the end of the world is near. Such predictions are not entirely without foundation and indeed partly based on past events. These "tetrads" are rare events but each time such an event happened, something very significant happened with the Jews, as the graphic below shows....

So just based on these past events we can be fairly certain that something very significant with the Jews are going to happen very soon. And given my connection with the Jews, it seems likely that this will somehow affect me. Things to do with Jews always affects me. The reason being, or at least a significant reason, being one of my past lives as a Jewish priest in the 2nd Temple.

Most of us have had several past lives, with "young souls" having just a handful of past lives, and "old souls" having up to thousands of past lives. I myself have had about 1000 past lives. "Old Souls" tends to be more spiritual, have more spiritual abilities, have more experiences with the paranormal, ETs, etc, and have a more open mind towards spiritual issues, loves to explore many forms of spirituality, and have a preference towards determining one's own spiritual pathway. Young souls however tends to be either atheists or very skeptical about spiritual issues, and many young souls tends to be more religious, preferring to stick to one religion at the exclusion of all others. So most devout Christians for example are young souls, being fundamentalists, unquestioning obedience to the church or doctrines, and just accepting what they are taught. Of course many old souls may begin one's current lifetime in religions but they tend to question the religion rather than just accepting their teachings by blind faith, so often feel unsettled in any one church, moving from church to church, and eventually seeking out other forms of spirituality. Indeed a lot of spiritual people today were once "born again" Christians but had sensed there is something more to it even without realising it but eventually felt the need to move on and seek greener pastures ;) I very often come across such people in my online travels, it is indeed quite common, and they either had left the church or were kicked out of the church.

Anyway..... more Earthly news pertaining to my current existence on this planet.....

The football results were as I predicted. I knew Fremantle would lose, and as much as I despise the Weevils I knew they would beat North Melbourne. So the big day is the Hawks and the Weevils, and my prediction is the Hawks will be the Premiers for 2015.

Now into the 2nd week of vacation. The first week just flew by but that is what happens during vacation. Vacation time moves much quicker than the equivalent work time, must be some kind of dimensional shift happening! LOL!! Of course I was still at my physio sessions, but now I ride my bicycle to as far as the bus station some 6 kms away then take the bus the rest of the way to the hospital. I've also been on longer bicycle rides, now up to 70 kms. So by the time I am due to return to work, I should be able to be back to riding my bicycle to work, a 12 kms trek. Previously I had been catching the bus\train to and from work incorporating my daily walks.

During Spring I tend to do more bicycle riding than walking due to it being Magpies season - I mean the creatures not the football team! LOL! The Magpie nesting season when you get swooped by them if you happen to walk under the wrong trees containing their nests. Being on a bicycle, the helmet forms very useful protection, plus one can move out of the swoop zone quicker.

There are ways with dealing with these very protective Magpies aside from running for one's dear life. The first technique depends on knowing where a Magpie is situated or is likely to be situated. That is, as one approaches the tree, you look up at the tree and get in eye contact with the Magpie. It works even if one can't see the Magpie. I look up and get into telepathic contact with the Magpie, telling it not to swoop me cos I basically come in peace, I mean no harm. And this DOES work, I rarely get swooped by Magpies when employing this technique. Indeed last year during my walk, someone had warned me about a particularly aggressive Magpie in a tree up ahead. So as I approached the tree I looked up and got into telepathic contact with the Magpie, and so I walked under the tree without incidence, it did not swoop me. However soon after I walked under the tree I heard screams, and turning around I saw two hapless women being attacked without mercy by the same Magpie, both running for dear life!!!

However of course it is not always possible to be so alert, and one doesn't always know about where the Magpies are located, such as, there be several "suspect" trees in the same vicinity but only one containing a nest. And once they start swooping, they're not usually in the mood for any such telepathic connections ;) However, they do usually back off if one can maintain eye contact with them. They still swoop but they usually back off sufficiently to prevent any physical contacts with their very sharp claws!!!

Of course there are a small number of Magpies that just doesn't take no for an answer, and so all one can do is to keep the head down and quickly but calmly move out of the swoop zone. I also found that there are less swooping Magpies in the older established suburbia than in the newer estates. In older established areas they either find nesting areas away from well trodden pathways or they simply realise that us humans means them no harm. They realise that swooping every moving thing in sight is not profitable for them, taking away time for caring for their babies which they seek to protect.

Last but not least...... tomorrow I have the appointment with a holistic GP, basically a qualified GP who also deals with "alternative" modalities, such as, herbal remedies, essential oils, yoga, meditations, indeed any number of the spiritual forms of healing. Of course being a qualified GP one can still claim on Medicare ;)

During my heart event back in July, after I gotten out of hospital, they told me to find a GP, so I first attempted to find a holistic GP but soon found they are as rare as hen's teeth in Perth. Indeed after spending all morning searching and Googling for such doctors, I finally managed to find just TWO of them on at least the same side of the river as me though both a long way from where I live. And as I found out by contacting them, there is a three months waiting list for new patients for both of them!! So just choose one and get myself on this three months waiting list. I chose the one whom the website claims has particular expertise in heart issues.

Now the three months is finally at an end, and so my appointment with her is set for tomorrow - Tuesday. Of course I never been there before, indeed I very rarely visit the locality this was far to the north. So like the Virgo that I am who always likes to be prepared, I drove up to the area yesterday so to see exactly how long it would take for me to get there, and exactly where the Complex is located. It turned out it took me exactly 30 minutes to get there. Then being by the coast, I went for my walk along the coast there. So now I can better plan for my trek up there tomorrow, like the Virgo that I am ;) So tomorrow will be a busy day, my physio session in the morning, and my appointment with this holistic GP in the afternoon. It will be interesting to see what she has to say about my heart condition. Up until now everyone in the medical session, from local conventional GP, to hospital staff, to Heart Specialists, have expressed surprise at my heart attack given my active lifestyle and vegetarian diet as well as no known risk factors. The only thing they can pinpoint is my cholesterol level, mine was about five, but even then it is something of a mystery. My Mother and my Aunty also had cholesterol levels of about five, it runs in the family, but none of them have ever had heart issues. Indeed none in my immediate family as far as I know never had any heart issues. Also I am relatively young as ancient as I feel at times. I am the baby in my physio class, everyone else in the class ranging in age from their 60s into the 70s and I think one of them is nudging 80s!!!! So me at 52 is positively a baby in this class!!!!! Therefore I deduce that the cause of my heart event is spiritual or "alternative", and hopefully this holistic GP will be able to offer some insights into this. I already have some insights - my "Saturn Complex" in my natal chart, my heart chakra being out of balance, the 8 years of Hell and other heart breaking events in my life such as the death of Mother and Wife, and even things from some of my past lives - but it be good to get a second opinion on these, so really hoping this holistic GP will be able to help me here!!!

Enough of my ramblings for now.........

My dietary regime LOL......

My sleep patterns LOL.....

Targeted advertising..... ;)

To change our ways...... ;)

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