Monday 14 September 2015

The Heart Specialist

Well today was my appointment with the Heart Specialist, and it all went well. All of my vital statistics were good, the cholesterol level way down, blood pressure good.... indeed all is back on track. Things were going so well that he normally sets a return visit for three months down the track, but in my instance, it be six months before I come back. That I am kinda glad cos it was expensive to see him, though I get about half of it back on Medicare, it is still very expensive. So won't need to see him for six months, and my GP said last week I won't need to see her again until I need new scripts for my meds, that be I think two to three months down the track when some of the current repeats runs out. So a break from the medical profession for a while, a bit of a relief there financially ;)  So for a while it be just the Physio sessions, which I rather enjoy, and those sessions are free, being at a public hospital. In a couple of weeks I am due to see a Holistic GP, basically a qualified GP who is also qualified in alternative healing modalities. Those creatures are rare in Perth, I booked a session with her way back in July soon after my discharge from hospital, and was put on a three months waiting list.... well the three months is about over, with the appointment scheduled for end of this month. I am rather looking forward to that.

The Heart Specialist was the latest in the long line of medical professionals who expressed surprise at me suffering a heart attack given my healthy active lifestyle and dietary habits, in particular, being vegetarian. I hadn't had any fast foods for two years. This to me proves the reality of the Saturn Complex in my natal chart, which basically "shit happens even when doing all the right things"!! It also explains a lot of other things in my life. I would keep all the rules and do all the right things but the shit that such actions are meant to eliminate still happens to me!! It is to do with the location of Saturn in my chart, hence the "Saturn Complex". So in other words, it makes no difference whether I am a sinner or a saint, I still reap the consequences of being the sinner!! Uh well that is my lot in life....

Speaking of the Physio sessions, I am now into Week 3 of the sessions. Last Thursday I've upped the weights on most of the machines and I pretty well breezed through them all. I am very fit. I walked 10 kms in total last weekend, and rode my bicycle a total of 12 kms, all still a long way short of the distances I used to cover prior to my heart event, but that be more a case of being over cautious. I felt fine after my treks. I sometimes forget that I am a heart patient diagnosed with "heart disease" for basically the rest of my life. Being at the Physio sessions, its like - What am I doing HERE with all those older heart patients!!!???..... until I remember I am also a heart patient!! Very hard to get used to it...... as I say, I blame the Saturn Complex!!

Today (Monday Sept 14) was Rosh HaShanah the Jewish New Year so I was scheduled for the day off work anyway. I take time off work for these Jewish holidays, light candles, etc, the traditions stemming from one of my past lives as a Jewish priest back in the days of the 2nd Temple around about 200 BC, so it was a while ago ;)  I am back at work tomorrow, well after the Physio session anyway, then my three weeks vacation begins from next week, all taking in the remainder of the Jewish holidays - Yom Kippur and etc.....

Tomorrow also marks my Lunar Return, that is, the Moon reaches the same spot in the sky as where it was the day I entered this planet, this being the 2nd day of the Jewish New Year, the 2nd day of the month of Tishrei. Then the following Sunday being my Solar Return, when the Sun reaches the same spot in the sky as where it was the day I entered this planet. 52 years ago the Solar Return date coincided with the Lunar Return date on the Roman calendar ;) This happens every 19 years or so, the Moon runs on a 19 year cycle against the Roman calendar, this 19 year cycle is incorporated into the Hebrew calendar.

So far I have no plans for my Solar Return, otherwise known as "birthday", though of course that could change given its still another week yet, however, it won't bother me one way or the other as I just continue on with my usual routines. It's a karmic day but otherwise just another day. I've spent many lifetimes on this planet as well as lots of other 3D planets, so all these Solar Returns tends to merge into one, and well back on Taygeta we're all eternal spiritual beings which makes it all irrelevant anyway. Solar Returns are purely 3D events ;) ;)

Anyway enough of my weird off-the-wall ramblings.... until next time.... ;) ;)

Them tourists..... ;)

;) ;)

Asking for directions ;) ;)

A long way from home.......

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