Saturday 3 October 2015

Just as I Predicted

Well just as I predicted the Hawks became the 2015 Premiers, and I even predicted close to the winning margin..... I predicted about 50 points, and the actual winning margin was 46 points. Sheeze I wish I was this successful in all of my tipping!! But just remember I did predict that the Magpies would not be in the top 8, and that came true too. So I'm able to get some things right, but just not enough of it to quell the curse of the minor planet Chiron (known as "the wounded healer") in my chart, equated to the curse of Mother's death which happened at the start of Chiron's transit in my Ascendant Sign Pisces, where it was located in my natal chart. That is, prior to Chiron's transit I had won prize money each year in our office tipping comp even reaching equal 1st place in 2009, but since Chiron entered Pisces back in 2011 the year of Mother's death I had never won any prize money and my ranking seemed to be getting worse. So now football is over for another season, we just now have the cricket and the basketball coming up.......

Meanwhile back at the ranch....... my mundane life.......

The holistic GP I saw last week..... well it was most fruitful even if rather cathartic at times. I spent over an hour with her, that is unheard of with anyone else in the medical profession. Seeing any doc, whether it be a conventional GP, hospital worker, or even the Heart Specialist, I'd spend no more than 10 minutes with them, perhaps 15 minutes tops, and the Heart Specialist charged me a fortune for my 15 minutes with him!! I did get half of it back on Medicare but still very expensive. I was charged approx the same amount for my extended time with the holistic GP but it was for four times the length of time, and again being a GP I still got money back on Medicare, about 70% which was very good for Medicare!! Any subsequent visits will be cheaper as I wouldn't be spending so much time with her but probably still longer than with my conventional GP.

One thing this holistic GP did which no one else in the medical profession had ever done was to analyse my diet. I had told almost everyone else I saw in the medical profession about my vegetarian diet and they'd just more or less say..... "uh whatever"..... None ever took the time to find out more about what I eat aside from the standard mantra "eat less fat" and "eat less sugar".... But with this holistic GP, she had me to do a typical week's menu of what I usually eat, then she analyse it, and came to the conclusion that I was not eating enough protein - said to be a common trait with vegetarians. Meat contains most of the proteins of a typical diet, so just cutting out meat usually results in far less proteins. I knew this from before but I thought I had made it up with more spinach and other greens, plus nuts and vegetarian "mince" made from seaweeds!! But no still not enough proteins. This could explain my low energy at times in spite of my fitness regime. Sometimes after a bicycle ride I find myself needing a nap. So anyway she suggested some seeds such as some Quinoa and Choi seeds that can simply be added to most meals, which it turns out is available in the Health Food aisle of the supermarket. This and other minor changes in my dietary regime.

And well the word "holistic" did mean just that..... holistic!! We talked about everything, even spiritual topics, astrology, paganism, even about ETs..... all with a GP!!!! If I talked about half of these topics with a conventional GP I'd be committed to the looney bins!!

But also we talked about my dark past..... the 8 years of Hell..... the abuse.... the failed relationships..... death of Mother and my Wife... family issues..... depression..... suicide attempts...... Again things I'd never talk about with anyone else in the medical profession..... well I should have known, by seeking a holistic GP I would have to be dealing with ALL aspects of my life, including the dark aspects, the Pluto-Chiron config in my natal chart.

Anyway after this visit I ended up with some herbal remedies to compliment my current heart medications and to help with my heart condition. These remedies are available only through the GP and I have a month's supply of them. So I have a month to decide whether to run with this holistic GP which will mean dealing with the dark aspects of my life, or to stick with the conventional medical profession which deals only with the physical aspects which in spite of my heart condition is the most healthy part of me!!!!..... with only a passing mention of any psycho conditions such as depression.

So that was the most significant part of my week...... I continue with my physio session, this was week 5 of the sessions, so have one more week to go before being assessed again..... and my bicycle rides..... and that is about it..... nothing much more happening..... just one more very short week to the end of my vacation!!!

Speaking of vegetarians......

Family issues.... I can relate!!

And relationship issues...... story of my life..... LOL

And my life in summary.......

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