Sunday 21 June 2015

The Curse of Tammuz and The Three Weeks

Oh yes its that dreaded time of the year again.... it comes around way too fast.... the dreaded "The Three Weeks" which commemorates the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish Temples, when calamities often befalls the Jews, including those connected with the Holocaust. And it is also when I suffer calamities. At first I thought I must be at least part-Jewish, since "The Three Weeks" affects only Jews, it does not affect "Gentiles", but subsequent genealogy searches turned up no Jewish blood whatsoever. My wife was proven to be part Jewish, she found that out from family sources just prior to her death, but no.... not me. So I  thought I must have been a Jew in one of my past lives, though still seemed rather far fetched, I mean, just being a Jew in a past life should not really affect one so badly in our current life.

Then a few months ago when I joined Celestial Temple and had my natal chart analysed, it is like a light bulb had been switched on. My life all started to make more sense. In my natal chart, that is, where the Sun, planets etc were located when I was born, four of the planets were in Virgo and two in Scorpio. This means I have worked as priests, shamans, and/or other spiritual practitioners during my past lives. It doesn't matter so much where the Sun was located, indeed the Sun doesn't give as much of an influence as one is normally led to believe in the horoscope columns. It just happens that the Sun was also in Virgo, hence I am a Virgo. But the greatest influence is the number of planets in each sign, and those with the most planets in Virgo and Scorpio it turns out have been priests, shamans, etc, in past lives. Indeed I have worked as priests in Atlantis, Lemuria, other star systems, etc...... and in the Jewish Temple!!!!

Yes it dawned on me!!!!! I now know WHY "The Three Weeks" affects me so badly!!! I have worked as a Jewish priest in the Jewish Temple during one of my past lives!!!! It all makes sense now. This explains my connection with Jews, that my wife was a Jew, and why Judaism have fascinated me so much...... and why I have such a difficult time during "The Three Weeks"!!!

Now I know why "The Three Weeks" affects me but it still doesn't help to try overcome it!!! And I am already feeling the effects of it even though "The Three Weeks" doesn't actually begin until July 4 this year in 2015. Last week's New Moon heralded the start of the cursed month of Tammuz. The siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians began on the 9th day of Tammuz, and the Roman siege of Jerusalem began on the 17th day of Tammuz, which is indeed that start point of "The Three Weeks". Both Jewish Temples were destroyed on exactly the same day, the end point of "The Three Weeks", though six centuries apart.

Last week during the New Moon period, about last Wednesday, I was riding home from work when I heard a snap!!! I had no idea what it was. I thought I may have run over something but I couldn't see anything on the cycle path. So I thought nothing more of it, until a couple of kms down the track when I noticed something strange happening with my bicycle. The back wheel, which lasted me 8 years until now, became bent out of shape. The "snap" that I heard was one of the spokes snapping off. And being a New Moon period I realised this happened at the dawn of the cursed month of Tammuz!!!!

So I took my bicycle to the repair shop who simply replaced the spoke and straightened up the wheel, the whole exercised was less than $30, and just a day later I was back on my bicycle.

Then on Saturday during what was planned to be a 60km ride I heard another very ominous snap about 30kms into my ride!! I looked at the wheel, alas, another spoke has snapped!!!! Fortunately this happened virtually in the shadow of a train station, so I was able to take the train back home with now crippled bicycle in hand.

Then I called the shop, questioning if perhaps I need the whole wheel replaced, afterall it did last me 8 years!! They suggested I bring the bicycle into the shop, which I did that day, they took a closer look at the wheel, and it seems it have been damaged through 8 years of wear and tear!! So a new wheel was in order for the day.

They don't do repairs on weekends, but said if I left my bicycle there, they could do the job on Monday. So I agreed to that, and so they looked to see if they have the wheel in stock. Well as my Tammuz luck or lack thereof would have it, the wheel was not in stock!! So they would have to order it in, thus I would have to wait a couple more days before I have my bicycle back, possibly by Wednesday depending on when the wheel arrives.

So now my trusty ole bicycle is in the shop awaiting a new wheel. And together with labour it is going to cost me over $200. But then we're talking about a professional standard wheel on a professional standard road bicycle. It's not one of those $20 K-Mart jobs which barely lasts me 8 weeks let alone 8 years. So it's not bad considering that the wheel has lasted me 8 years, however of course, where money is involved with tight budgets there is NEVER a good time for things to go wrong, especially with "The Three Weeks" coming up!!!!! Over the years my bicycle usually bears the brunt of calamities during "The Three Weeks"!!!

And speaking of the curse of Tammuz and The Three Weeks..... indeed the curse of Chiron.... the disaster area that is the football tipping, not helped by some unexpected results, such as the Demons having a win!!!! I don't think anyone would have picked them!!! And to make things worse, the bloody Weevils managed to pay the umpires enough to get them over the line and I didn't even pick them!!! Yes a very bad Tammuz start here! I shudder to think how things will pan out when "The Three Weeks" begins, when my tipping results usually turns pear shaped after good starts to the season - unfortunately in this instance I never even had a good start this year!!! How much worse can it get!!! Uh well..... its only a game.... its only a competition..... just in it for the fun...... NOT!!!!!!

As they say there is always next week..... another six match round, and this time no Weevils matches, but the moment of truth for the Maggies, playing the Dockers.... hmmmmm my feelings are not good on that one...... another dismal football weekend coming up.......

Last but not least..... the Solstice.... the shortest day of the year happening tomorrow, indeed tonight is the longest night of the year. Being the winter solstice here in the southern hemisphere it is the Yule holiday, the Pagan holidays being at opposite times of the year to that of the northern hemisphere due to the opposite seasons. So we Pagans say.... Blessed Yule ;)

Now time to lighten up with my quirky sense of humor......

A bit like my place in the office tipping comp.....

Yes that is very depressing!!!!!.....

ummmm..... not very good at all LOL

Budget cuts ideas after paying for bicycle repairs ;)

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