Sunday 19 April 2015

That's Better in the Football !!!

Well my tipping result has improved from last week, well it couldn't get much worse! LOL! Up from just three correct picks last week, I managed to get right up to seven correct picks. But this was an easy round to pick with many of the matches set to short odds to the favorite on the TAB. It was the two closer matches that I missed, and I am certain that there be plenty in my office comp who would have picked all nine correct. Unfortunately with the diabolical new system in place online they still haven't given the rankings nor even the results of my fellow competitors, despite now being several hours since the end of the last match. Last year the results and rankings were available within a short time of the round's end. Uh well I'm not worried about rankings anyway.

I am very happy anyway, with the two top results happening - the Maggies had a good win, and the Weevils got a bit of a thrashing!!!! Most of the extremely deluded tipsters here picked the Weevils but not me, I picked the dockers to win, and so they did. Now everyone is gonna say the Weevils has a lot of players out with injuries! Ohhhh poor ole little Weevils! I feel for them...... NOT!!!!!!! Suffer Weevils suffer!!!!!

And the Maggies..... well I knew they would win..... just not quite by that much!!! And being the first match of the round, the points variance came into play, with my already diabolical points variance count in my tipping getting even worse!!! I picked only a 10 points margin. Uh well, the Maggies won and that is really all it matters!!!

So next Saturday the Maggies and the Bombers..... oh yes of course, ANZAC Day, the Maggies always plays the Bombers on ANZAC Day, one of the traditions of football. Um.... let's see.... the Maggies by a couple of points.... nah.... more than that...... a little bit more than that...... ;)

Now for life beyond football...... well just one week to go on vacation!! Dang!!! It seemed like yesterday that I was at work! I am certain time moves faster on vacation time, it's a dimensional shift caused by vortex activity at the workplace...... time moves faster on weekends and vacation time, and moves much slower during the working week. It's that or just a matter of perception ;) - time moves slower when doing things we don't like cos we have our attention on time and always looking to the end of the time. While when having fun or enjoying ourselves, we don't focus on time but on the activity at hand, so time seems to move a lot faster. Now if we can find a way to reverse this trend...... hmmmmm......... ;)

So this week I will finally get my bicycle serviced..... in desperate need of a service, with brakes so worn down that my speed down hills actually increases while trying to use my brakes, it made for some very interesting moments, my guardian angel earning her keep on more than one occasion!! And my back tire more bald than my head!! But with April being a horror month for bills, this 3D thing called money and trying to save as much of it as possible became an extreme priority. Aside from the annual bills that comes in April, there were the utility bills. However both the power bill and water bill were less than I thought. The water bill always most expensive during summer, water being so expensive due to the drought, and much of it coming from our desalination plants just like in the Middle East - turning sea water into fresh water - a very energy intensive operation. Perth is the most expensive city in Australia to begin with, that is a proven statistical fact, and why I will be moving east should I ever lose my job, as the dole/pension is the same Australia wide but doesn't go as far in Perth cos everything in Perth is more expensive than on the east coast - so the east coast I will be if and when the time comes for me to depend on the dole/pension. But my job is safe for the foreseeable future - at least a couple of years or so.

Anyway back to the current situation...... well its all under control now, and got a bit of extra money due to lower than expected power and water bills, so will have my bicycle booked in for a service this week, in time for my return to work next week.

Money is indeed the root of all evil, the root cause of all of this world's problems, wars, crimes, etc. Money exists only in 3D societies and 3D planets such as planet Earth, In higher dimensional planets such as my home planet in the Pleiades, they don't use money, there is no rich or poor, all are provided for. This happens in the animal kingdom on Earth, eg with dolphins, monkeys, and other animal colonies. None of them uses money yet all are looked after and provided for. Indeed any problems with animals are caused by humans and our destruction of the environment. But clearly, animal societies does not use money and human interference notwithstanding these animal colonies are operating perfectly well. As I say, this is how it is with intelligent civilisations on 5D and higher planets in the universe, they don't use money and they operate far better than here on Earth. It is a true fact that there are more than enough resources on planet Earth to provide ample food, water, housing, health care, and other human necessities for all 7 billions of us. It is money that separates us with 90% of the wealth held by 1% of the population, hence the widespread famines, poverty, etc. For example, the amount of money that America spends on war, military, etc, is enough to supply every homeless citizen in America with a mansion worth $600 000!!!! 'Nuff said!!!!! Uhhhhh enough of my ranting.....

Now on a more humorous note..... even if it is my quirky and often sarcastic humor.......

The standard practice of paying bills in Perth.......

Now for paying taxes in Australia.......

To hire a tax consultant in Australia.......

The next thing in my workplace due to budget cuts.......

Nothing more true can be said as in this song........

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