Sunday 12 April 2015

Tis the season

Oh so the Weevils had a win, and I didn't even pick them to win! Silly ole me! I shouldn't be so down on them Weevils. I should really change my attitudes about them and give them more respect. They are not all bad. They do have good points, and they do try very hard...... now just need to do some under cover research to attempt to determine just how much money Carlton was paid to throw the match...... ;)

The latest addition to my bugs collection..... hehehe......

As for them Maggies..... well I don't think I picked them anyway, I face reality, I knew they wouldn't win...... tis not the year of the Maggies. Perhaps I should change teams to the Bombers..... nah..... I am very loyal to my Maggies, I supported them since year dot - or since I first became aware of there being a football competition ;) Them Bombers almost blew it again but the China man must have forgiven them at the last minute! hehehe!!

So I did really well in the tipping this round, got a grand total of..... um...... three !! hahaha!!!! Not sure where that places me in the office come cos the bloody website doesn't seem to be working very well. The webmasters does not believe in the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" philosophy and so in their "wisdom" or lack thereof they updated the website and made changes to it..... and well had nothing but problems with it!!!! Uh well, its a pretty safe bet that my ranking would be a downward direction after this week. Uh it's ok, just more experimenting this year, choosing a roughie or two, and etc. Just refine the strategy a bit for next round. Probably should pick the Bombers! LOL! ;) Uhhh they're playing Carlton.... hmmmm....... ;) The Maggies..... they play the Saints who had a good win this past round...... ummmm..... *scratching head*....  anyway I don't decide until the day of the first match, usually Friday.... which I think is exactly when the Maggies/Saints match is on.

OK what else has happened..... uuhhhh yes all this lovely rain!! We almost forgotten what "rain" is around here, being a relatively rare meteorological phenomenon in these parts! LOL! But now five days of it, it's like we won lotto!!! And I go out walking and riding in it without rain wear! Yes there is something very healing about water, letting it soak through to the skin. It's to do with the vibrational energies of the water molecules, it does wonder to the chakra system ;) But it looks like its going to clear up this week, and probably won't rain again for another three weeks.......

Aside from that..... haven't really done much else this past week, just enjoying a much needed vacation from work. I have two more weeks of it, but plan on doing a bit more, some tasks around the house and garden which I never have time to do during working weeks.

Yes very exciting life I lead........ LOL......

Yeah.... back in the days when I worked in IT, when responding to call outs where the usually very panicked client claims the PC is not working at all, the first thing I check is the power outlet!! Cos on more than one occasion I do find that the cord is not IN the power outlet, by which I try to keep a straight face while I casually hold up to the client the end of the power cord, seeing the look on her face as in "I desperately need a hole to crawl into and NOW!!!!!!"

This must be the website of the Australian ATO..... LOL.....

What I used to tell Mother...... but it didn't ever impress her....... LOL

OK I don't usually post the same artists twice but I just LOVE them sooooo much..... and I never quite heard an AC/DC song quite like this..... another of my favorite songs from my rebellious past ;)

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