Sunday 1 February 2015

A rare event in Perth - RAIN !!!!!

Now in the midst of a very rare event here in Perth, what hasn't happened for two months!! We're in the midst of a storm with rain, thunder and lightning - let's hope the power remains on while I am writing this!!

Still suffering from ascension symptoms aka hay fever but slowly getting better. I have been riding my bicycle all week to work, and went for a bicycle ride over the weekend.

I started on the next phase with Celestial Temple, the Divine Blueprint Self Mastery online workshop, which will take me over several weeks. It is meant to give me more details of why I am on this planet!!!

My times on this planet has been very difficult and downright tormenting at times! Having come from the 5D (or higher) realms of Taygeta in the Pleiades, I entered this very dense 3D planet in the Earth year of 1963, the shock of my entry would scar me to this very day. No need to go into details as it is documented already. Many times I had wanted to get off this planet, I tried many times to get off this planet, more times than I care to remember.

Having lost both my Mother and my wife within two years, and coming to the obvious realisation that I am destined to be alone on this planet for the rest of my days here, the desires to get off this planet becomes even more intense at times. I throw myself into my spiritual pursuits, the Celestial Temple, and etc, but the gnawing loneliness is never far from the surface.

However suicide is not good for one's karma. I don't believe the Christian notion that people who commits suicide are going to Hell, we are already in Hell. In Star Seed terms, I often call Planet Earth the 5D version of Hell, it IS Hell for those of us coming from the higher dimensions of the other planets and star systems. But what I DO believe is that if we are to suicide, or to get off this planet by our own means, then we will simply be sent back to this or another dense 3D planet to live our lives all over again, having to face similar challenges, and to learn similar lessons. The lessons will be repeated over as many lifetimes as required until we learn them. This is true for ALL souls on this planet, all human souls have the chance to ascend to the stars but suicide will delay this ascension. So committing suicide will not get me back to my Mother or wife, it will simply have me sent back to this or another 3D planet to live a similar life all over again - and I see that as a fate WORSE than Hell !!!!! This is often enough to prevent me from killing myself.

So now life goes on..... being on this planet..... so I just might as well throw myself into the Celestial Temple and to fulfill my purpose on this planet...... then I can go back to Taygeta and be with my soul mates within my soul group again.......

If enough of us can just imagine..... it will surely come to pass.... it is why we're on this planet for....

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