Saturday 24 January 2015

Ascension Symptoms aka Hay Fever

Here I am..... still with hay fever though it has improved...... I hear a lot of enlightened souls are getting sick at this time, its a part of energy shifts, raising vibrations, so our bodies needs to detox, which is what sickness is - detox. So we're experiencing ascension symptoms...... and if this doesn't make sense, well.... um.... it will sooner or later.....

I survived the anniversary of Mother's death though not unscathed..... it has been a rough week.....

This week has been slightly better..... and decided that I'm getting back on my bicycle and going back for my walks regardless of the symptoms. Public transport and me with ADHD does not get on, there are only small doses of public transport I can take. An incident last week kinda made me decide on public transport..... a youth probably high on drugs was ejected from the bus but not without a fight, he kept on jumping in front of the bus causing the bus to have to stop all the time...... Then the driver stopped and call the cops, the rest of us had to get off to catch the next bus, which fortunately came within two minutes...... yeah welcome to life in Perth!!! That happened Wednesday. I took the bus again Thursday then decided I'm getting back on my bicycle, so I did so on Friday, and actually felt better in spite of the symptoms.

So today I went for my walk..... rode bicycle to the station, caught the train to today's walking spot, and sorta did three walking spots in one..... and I got lost when I tried to find the 3rd spot in spite of my GPS!! But I eventually got there. Then when taking the train back, it stopped at the station prior to the one I needed to get off at, and well the train didn't go any further. The train before us had an incident, which turned out to the brakes locking up and catching fire!! So this held up the trains behind it, including the one I was on. So I decided to get off the train and walk to the next station which was where my bicycle was. That was a good thing, cos the other train was stuck on the tracks with faulty brakes, fire trucks and coppers, for over an hour!! If I had completed my walk a little earlier I could have easily been on that fated train, and being stuck on a train for over an hour would be not good for my ADHD!!!! It would have freaked me!!! Also being claustrophobic, not being able to open doors, etc, cos it was not at a station, it was just stuck in the middle of the tracks!!! I was thankful that I was on the train behind it, and it stopped at a station, so was able to get off.

Anyway I finally gotten my first card deck. It took a while for them carrier pigeons to get it to me, as always, everything ordered online comes from the east coast so it always takes like 10 days to a fortnite for them carrier pigeons to get items here from the east coast, up to six weeks when its overseas..... but it finally arrived. These are called "Sacred Rebels" oracle cards, this fits me perfectly. Indeed when I first came across those cards online, it screamed at me, that I MUST get them!!!! And now I gotten them, they are just perfect for me!!! I am indeed a "sacred rebel", it is all ME all over. So just practice using them now..... nothing to it really..... just shuffle them, pick out at random one or more cards, and we discern the message from the card for that day or whatever time period...... Maybe one day I may offer readings.... hehehe..... Either way I love them!!

So what else is new..... doing more stuff with Celestial Temple.... joining Celestial Temple is perhaps the best thing I done in recent times..... learning so much more about myself and why I came to this planet!!!!

Speaking of rebels.... sacred or otherwise..... I've always been one!! hehehe!!!!

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