Sunday 8 February 2015

The rains are gone.... as usual

Well those three days of storms were good.... while it lasted! But now as per usual we're into another long dry spell with no rain in sight. It rarely rains here in summer, that was why last week was so unusual, three days of rain!!

Anyway..... um.... continuing on with my Divine Blueprint online workshop with Celestial Temple and learning more about myself than I even suspected of knowing, and I thought I knew a lot already!! Won't go into much detail yet, still processing much information, I will only say for now these are remarkably synchronistic with what I already knew, and with certain other things that happened to me in the past.

Also I'm using my cards, my Sacred Rebels deck, and these are remarkably accurate, each daily card seems so in synch with the issue of the day. Indeed I ask a question, and the particular card pops out and gives the answer. It is very uncanny!!

Meanwhile back on 3D planet Earth..... school is back, and so things are busy at work. Indeed there is much chaos. Money is indeed the root of all evil. All of the chaos is linked back to govt budget cuts, and it gets worse each year. Many years ago when I first started, there wasn't nearly as much chaos. But each year the chaos increases as the govt makes more budget cuts. And the students are the losers, their studies interrupted. It goes without saying that humans are the only species on planet Earth that actually pays to use its resources. That is why human society is in chaos while all animal societies are in perfect harmony aside from what humans imposes upon them.

What else happening..... my favorite day of the year coming up, Friday the 13th. It is one of my favorite days, a day of good luck for me. But the next day I despise, almost as much as I despise Xmas. That is Valentine's Day, it is so totally over rated, and I so despise the day, it should be banned.

Anyway....... that's my weirdness for another week ot so......

An appropriate vid for Valentine day..... never again..... cos my twin flame is on Taygeta in the Pleiades... um... anyway.... the video....

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