Sunday 11 January 2015

Oh Eventful Week!!!

Ohhhh..... those few days with Karen were so wonderful..... *swoon*.... we went to the beach together, walks, shared chips at a fish and chips shop.... and wine ;)..... now she went on her merry way up north.... *sigh*.....  and I'm back at work......

And gotten this infernal Hay Fever!!!! I barely survived my first two days at work.... and I may end up taking time off work this week. I so hate being sick. This hay fever so diabolical. The very dry east winds blowing constantly.... always hot and dry.... never rains...... typically Perth!!

Another piece of news..... good news.... Caroline finally left her hubby! About bloody time!!! Of course there is no women support in India, no women refuges, no help for abuse victims..... and even her church is on her hubby's side, as they say, money talks! She needs to find a different church!! But at least she finally left him and living back with family members.

So what else happening.... well really can't get back into things... this infernal hay fever really throw a spanner into the works..... have been wanting to get back with Celestial Temple and etc, but don't feel like doing anything when sick...... Symptoms have improved since Friday but until those easterlies stop blowing it looks like I am destined to be suffering this condition...... I do have antihistamines but not helping much.....

I haven't been able to go on any bicycle rides nor walks...... I caught public transport into work last week....

And this Friday is the anniversary of Mother's death..... it was four years ago on Friday..... so between that and Hay Fever am in for a tough week......

Well nothing else happening..... my life pretty well on hold until I get over this hay fever..... being sick is the worst thing that can happen in my opinion, except the Holocaust and physical torture, but aside from those nothing else is worse than being sick..... you can't do anything but just barely alive, wanting to die but the body refuses to die, it stays alive yet stuck and can't do anything...... arrrrgh!!!!


How I feel when sick.......

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