Saturday 3 January 2015

Be Careful What I Wish For !!!!!

New Year's Day was one of the most diabolical of the horror days of the past couple of weeks, and I was certain that 2015 would be yet another Hell year just as each year since Mother's death has been - the Hell years.

I was lamenting the loneliness of star seeds, that in this city I have absolutely no one I could relate to as being a Star Seed. My Star Seeds friends being for the most part either on the east coast or overseas, none in Perth. My Star Seed kin, Karen, from York did message me a week previously saying she intended visiting Perth and wanted to see me, so I thought it be something a bit down the track and just seeing each other for a few hours.

So after a suicidal January 1st, I went for a long bicycle ride early on the next day, January 2nd. I rode over 80kms or about 50 miles. I got home and took a short nap. When I woke up there was a msg from Karen on my FaceBook sayings she is in Perth NOW!!!!!!..... and asked me to call her.

After getting over the shock of it all, I called her..... and she came over to my place.

Then it all became clear. She had been going through her own Hell the past two weeks, Xmas and the New Year. She spent the New Year period sleeping in her car by the Avon river and in a women's refuge in town. She needed to get out of York, the "small town" syndrome, so came down to Perth.

And well..... Karen is now staying with me!! I now have a Star Seed I can relate with in person on virtually a 24/7 basis. It seems she will be staying here for some time. Ummm.... OK.... I am really glad about this, in fact it's like a dream come true..... but..... also a total and utter shock!!!! Oh what a difference a day makes!!!!

It's..... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This pretty well sums it up.........

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