Sunday 21 September 2014

Best Birthday Ever

Oh this would have to be the best birthday ever!! I am so glad my beloved Star Sister Karen came into my life during this current incarnation, she turns everything into gold, and I just feel so alive when I am with her, it is like life is worth living again !!

The day started with my usual Saturday morning walk, though I didn't walk quite as far, so giving myself enough time for the trip to York. During that time I gotten a msg from my cousin and one from my Aunty and Uncle, but that was it from this side of the universe.

Then the trip to York which is akin to the highway to Heaven to meet an angel from Heaven.... ooohhhh..... *sigh*

At around Midland I gotten a msg from my sister, it turned out she's on vacation on the south coast! That would explain why I hadn't heard from her until now!! No one else from this side sent me msgs. But it didn't matter cos I was on my way to my angel from Heaven, Karen, and being with her is like a dream come true..... *sigh*

I got held up in traffic in Midland thanks to a road train with an oversize load, I guess it what happens when you cross the major route to the North West. So I was destined to be a little late getting to York..... And I was soon on my merry way feeling like 7th heaven... And about half way through the trip the car started to overheat, probably cos it was the hottest September day on record!! How weird is that? My birthday being the hottest Sept day on record, it turned out it reach nearly 35 degrees Celcius in Perth, so probably hotter in York. So that is probably way the car started to overheat, not badly, it didn't go into the red but it was uncomfortably close to it..... and my cruise control failed!! It just meant I had to drive the old fashioned way! This was the first time the car overheated and the cruise control failed. However at least the car was still going, just couldn't push it quite so hard.

And so I was running late, therefore I started to send telepathic msgs to Karen. We DO have telepathic connection. About a week ago when I would tune into her radio show like a hopelessly devoted fan that I am.... *sigh*.... I somehow "knew" she be late getting on. So it was no surprise when I tuned in and her show hadn't started. She was only about 5 minutes late. And when she arrived, she sent me a msg on FaceBook saying she sent me telepathic msg that she be running late cos she was helping out at a fair in Northam and had gotten held up. That is how I "knew" she'd be late!! Last week she played a UFO-theme song and dedicated it on air to me!!! oooohhhh.......

So anyway, when it became clear I would indeed be running late, I started to send telepathic msgs to Karen.... and indeed as I got closer and closer to York, I was giving her a running commentary via telepathy. When I reached York I sent a txt msg back to my sister telling her I am spending the day in York.... this would have shocked her like a stunned mullet!! haha!!!

Then literally the instance I turned into Karen's driveway, she came out from the back..... and she said to me, "I KNEW you would arrive at that exact time!!!!" So yes definitely telepathic connection between us.

Well she gave me gifts.... not just one but several!!!! It turned out these be the only gifts that I would receive on my birthday, aside from some very much needed and extremely appreciated moolah from my Dad, but not even a card from anyone else..... but again I didn't care..... Karen is all that mattered to me this day!! Among the gifts are two CDs with crystals music and Native American music, oh she knows me so well!!!!!.... and two books, one an ET sci-fi novel, and another more Star Seed kind of stuff.... and a jigsaw puzzle... wow!!!!.... and best of all, artwork that she did just for me..... ohhhh such an angel from Heaven she is!!!!

We walked into town and she bought me lunch..... in York you can walk anywhere to get anywhere cos it is such a small town..... Then we walked by the river, and sat by the river, and she showed me her tatts! Well being hot she wasn't wearing as much, and I DO love women with tatts, I think it is so sexy on women!! Karen has four in total with Native American, Wiccan and nature themes..... she was once a Wiccan High Priestess, in other words, a Witch... hehe.... anything thing I so loved about her.... she is everything I am interested in!!!!.... and well, if I hadn't led such a sheltered life I would have gotten tatts myself but I think all of my family would faint in shock!!! As far as I know, none of my family has tatts. But anyway I loved it on Karen.

Then I learned that later tonight there is a Bush Dance event, that she is going, and a seat is booked for me!! It sounded great but I wished I knew before I came, cos being hot I was just in shorts and sandals. My Virgo worry-wart tendency kicked in, I wished I had brought a change of clothes!! Uh well I wasn't going to let that bother me, I'd be with Karen, so nothing else mattered!! The original plan was I would be with her, until her radio show when I be with her in the studio, then go home after she finished at 9pm. But now the Bush Dance after the radio show, it's gonna be a very late night but I didn't care, being with Karen is my dream come true.... *sigh*

Anyway we walked to the Town Hall which is where the Bush Dance was being held, and we spoke to the band members and organisers, who assured me that my current attire would be perfectly ok. I forget this is a country town, it is not like the city where things are more formal. Also we get free entry due to Karen's radio show talents.

We walked back to her place for a bit, then to the radio station. Since we would be going to the Dance straight from the radio show, Karen had changed into the most fabulous dress for the Dance, sheer in places so her tatts showed through! Ooohhhhhh I was in love!!!!! *swoon*.... and here I am in just my shorts! Uh well.....

When she got started on her show, she did an on-air dedication to me for my birthday, and played the Birthday song by the Beatles!!! That was so special..... oooohhhhh.... what an angel she is!!!! I so love being in the studio during her show, she is really in her element, such a free spirit, and very good at what she does...... if I shall say so myself..... perhaps slightly biased.... but only slightly.... hehehe.......

Then we were off to the Bush Dance..... and ooohhhh what an awesome time I had..... especially dancing with Karen.... well it was bush dances, ya know, folk dancing, nevertheless, it felt like I was in Heaven when dancing with her..... and there was champagne on offer.... Actually Karen brought along a bottle of champagne also for me, which we shared.... then someone else offered us another bottle which we gladly accepted... hehe..... dunno if it was my higher vibrational energies or the fact that I hadn't drunk for several years due to leading a sheltered life being carer for Sally.... but I had only four glasses and I was feeling dizzy..... but then just being with Karen and dancing with her would probably make me dizzy in happiness even without the alcohol.... hehehe......

And well by the time I waited long enough for the effects of the alcohol to wear off a bit..... and begin my long trip back home.... it was about 2am when I arrived.... but ohhhhhhhhh........ this was the most fabulous birthday ever..... it tops my 21st and my America birthday....... And this time my cruise control worked fine.... so I guess it fails when the motor overheats, perhaps some kind of safety measure?.... hmmmm..... I will need to get the radiator checked, it was serviced less than a year ago!!!! Uh well.....

Now Karen invited me to a Medieval theme event in York next month..... have to see what I can dress up as..... I can't wait to see what Karen will dress as..... perhaps a princess..... oooohhhhh that is what she is...... a princess....... *sigh*.......

This song is how I feel when I'm with Karen........

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Looking Forward To My Birthday!!!

It is now Wednesday night, just two days before my birthday, and I still haven't heard boo from my family as to any plans that they may have for my birthday..... but I am not bothered in the least.... cos totally unbeknown to them, I have my own plans for the day, and it all involves my beloved star sister Karen!!!!! This is gonna be the best birthday of my life, or at least in the top 5 of best birthdays. I just feel so alive when I am with Karen, its like walking three feet off the ground.

It would not be difficult to pick a top 5 birthdays in my life. The day has been often marked by torment and pain. There were times through my childhood when I'd just burst into tears on my birthday for no apparent reason. It was very much love/hate. On the night before my birthday, after I went to bed, Mother would come in and leave my present on my table in my room, I'd pretend I be asleep but in reality I was wide awake cos I knew she be doing this!! She does it each year.  Then a little while after Mother goes to bed and the house is in darkness, I'd get up and as quiet as a mouse I'd go close the door, taking care not to make any noise whatsoever, then ever so carefully unwrap the present, taking care to keep the noise of the wrapping paper to an absolute minimum. It would take me ages to accomplish this but it was worth it once I was able to see what I had gotten. I would not sleep at all that night.

That part was great, but always proved to be anti-climatic. The rest of the day was an emotional rollercoaster, tormenting at times..... Mother would try hard to make my birthday special for me.... when I moved out, even when I was with Barbara, my Mother would always call me first thing in the morning on my birthday to wish me Happy Birthday, and I would always go to her place for dinner, which always included a birthday cake made from chocolate mud cake!!!!.... nevertheless the torment was always there..... fast forward to the last few years, my birthday became even more tormenting after Mother was diagnosed with the disease. Each birthday she would grow worse, and indeed the birthday of 2009 would be the last time I would receive any gifts from her - a computer game and the model building kit of the space ship. I still play the video game to this day, being an online MMO game, with new maps and levels being added over the years..... and I am currently working on the space ship, my progress occasionally posted on Instagram and FaceBook.

By 2010 the disease reach the stage where Mother's mind was affected, it was basically dementia, one of the symptoms of the disease, and she had forgotten all about my birthday, indeed she had forgotten all about me!!!! Mother was destined to pass away early in 2011, so no more birthdays with my Mother, no more early morning calls from her, no more dinners at Mother's with chocolate mud cake.... Sally's sickness saw that I would not celebrate my birthday at all, with the September from hell in 2011 when Sally's health conditions first manifested.... 2012 was not much better.... and well 2013 was my first birthday since Sally's death, and so did have afternoon tea at Mother's house but it was just not the same without Mother.......

However I did have some really good birthdays over the years, such occasions can unfortunately be counted on one hand with fingers to spare. One very memorable birthday was in 1987, my first year at the New Day church, it just happened to be on a Sunday that year, and the people at New Day made it so special for me!!!! My 21st Birthday in 1984 was also an awesome day, the Brethren church which I attended at the time threw a party for me at someone's house, then of course the big party with my family, this at the Dawes-Smith household, and it was when I received my first computer - the Commodore 64!!! And then my birthday in 1998, when I was still in America, and I had just flew back to Texas to be with Sally, and she baked me a chocolate Coca-Cola cake - yes a chocolate cake made also with a can of Coke!!!! So that is THREE birthdays that really stood out as being wonderful birthdays for me!!! Perhaps a distant 4th best birthday would be my 10th birthday when I received my first bicycle, and when Mother allowed me to invite probably about 20 friends to the party - one of them was the girlfriend I was going out with at the time, and we were holding hands as Mother took the pic of the whole group!!!!

So just FOUR birthdays that really stood out for me, where the  joy-pain ratio was substantially more on the "joy" side than 50-50!!!

This Saturday will be the FIFTH such birthday, it will be at least in the top 5..... cos I be spending most of the day in York with Karen!!!!!! I just feel so alive with her, and just one look into those mesmerizing eyes of hers is enough to melt away any pain or torment I may be feeling in my life!!! Not to mention her very long hair that goes past her waist, which she often wears as one long platt, just like the hippie that she is, but at times she wears it out for me..... it is longer than Sally's hair.....

So being on a Saturday I will still be going for my walk as usual, though it won't be as long of a walk. I am due in York by about lunchtime when Karen will take me to a Vegan restaurant for lunch, well a restaurant with Vegan options anyway...... then we just be spending the afternoon together... and then I be accompanying her to the radio station and being with her while she does her excellent radio show.... she does such an awesome job.... I listen to it online each Saturday evening.... and this Saturday I will be with her in the studio, I get to listen to her first hand!!!!.... and well that be the culmination of what I fully expect to be an utterly wonderful day. I can not think of a better way to spend a birthday than with Karen..... this is the first birthday in a long time that I actually looking forward to!!!! And she said she had bought gifts for me.... ooohhhh..... I am so eager to see what she has for me!!! Perhaps some crystals!!! No one else would get me crystals, but Karen would get me crystals..... or perhaps anything..... she knows what I like, she knows me so well..... ooohhhh what surprises she has for me...... Oh what a wonderful day it will be......!!!!

So it wouldn't matter if my family ignores me..... but I don't think they will ignore me.... they will just leave it to the last minute to text me with any plans, or they will perhaps just drop around on the Saturday to see me..... assuming I be home all alone..... they will be in for a shock, cos unless they happen to catch me in the inbetween time between my walk and my time in York, they will find that I am not home!!!! haha!!!! Or they may text me for a dinner on the Saturday, but again they are in for a shock cos I be with Karen.... hehehe..... and just to think that right now they be assuming I be spending the day alone, blissfully unaware that I be anything BUT alone!!!! I love to shock my family!!! Only my cousin knows about Karen, I tell her a few things during our regular times in church together, but the Dawes-Smith usually has no communications with the Pasco side of the family, not by design, just different lifestyles.... so anyway......

Now THIS is the kind of birthday song that Karen and I would be singing..... hehehe.......

Saturday 13 September 2014

Busy Times !!!

This past week I been so busy..... sharing the story of my awakenings through the years on FaceBook.... it was cos someone wanted to know about it.... I always seem to be sharing stories about my life experiences.... always someone who asks about it.....

Uh yes.... my final result in the football tipping was 16th spot, so still made it into the top half. And for close matches which was decided by 6 points or less, my final win-loss ratio is 12-11, with the drawn match being given as a "win" cos everyone who submits a tip on matches that turns out to be drawn receives one point. Anyway I think the Hawks will win the flag but don't quote me.... unless they DO win !!!! ;)

What else been happening..... uhhh yes the puddy cat, my Sirian kin, she has her favorite spot - MY chair!!! Fortunately it is on wheels so I can just shift it out the way and I use my other chair to sit when working on my computer.

Uh yes last weekend..... I did survive Father's Day though not unscathed, I have the scars to prove it.....

So last Saturday night I was at the Dawes-Smith for dinner at my cousin's invite, who I go to church with. A nice change to have someone cook for me, one of many reasons why I miss Mother, she would always invite Sally and I over for dinner. Anyway, they did a roast chicken for me, the first time I ate meat in several months but its ok, it is rude to refuse food offered to me. I choose not to tell any of my family here about my vegetarianism, they are too much in 3D, they won't be able to handle it. I get blank stares each time I share about even slightly spiritual topics with them, such as, telling someone that I go to church but have eclectic belief systems that covers all religions - she just couldn't get her head around such a concept, which is very simple for me, but she just could not figure it out!!!! Uh well its ok, we were all there once upon a time, no judgments passed, it is my call to keep my vibrational energies high enough to raise them up, and they will eventually get it - perhaps a few lifetimes later!! ;) Anyway I did enjoy my time at the Dawes-Smith household, talking computer stuff with Uncle as always, and my cousin must be operating at a higher vibrational energy, she works with Essential Oils, and we talked about the entities that we both see - the ghosts and other such creatures. I'm sure the church we go to have connections with Star Seeds even if they many not know it, they keep on showing pictures of the Pleiades with the words "I am the Lord who healeth thee" - and every Star Seed knows that Pleiadeans are healers. I have been told a few times over the years that I am meant to be a healer, that is, have gift of healing. I have done some informal online classes in Reiki  but nothing formal. These forms of healings across all religions and faiths are all the same - it is basically energy transfer, and the laying of hands assists in this energy transfer. Anyway..... um..... no waffling on.....

So that was Saturday night.... Sunday was Father's Day, and well I wasn't going to attend church cos it was billed as a "Father's Day service", and I just didn't want anything to do with it. I don't know if it is just me, but I feel it is most decidedly an unequally yoked relationship between the spiritual realm and a holiday birthed out of a purely commercial interest by a greetings card company - there is a reason why it is known as a "HallMark holiday". But I had an excuse anyway. I was actually invited over to Justin's house for Father's Day. Justin's house being now our base of operation for family gatherings on Pasco's side, we spent Xmas there. We were told to arrive there mid-morning so I assumed it would be a lunch, however, it turned out to be just a morning tea, we were all out of there by lunch time, which was good cos it meant I had the rest of the day for myself. In years gone by it would be afternoon tea at Mother's, which meant I'd be stressing all morning about going there, then having to survive the afternoon there, and by the time we got home the day was over! This new arrangement is so much better, we get it over and done with before lunchtime. And it was easier to keep true to my vegetarianism cos it was self serve, as meal times at Mother's on such occasions always are. There were spring rolls and quiches on offer, though I must admit that I did eat a couple of the sausage rolls - Mandy (Justin's wife) must have gotten Mother's recipe, she made the best sausage rolls ever!! She makes them with bacon bits with the sausage meat. Back in my meat eating days I would virtually have whole meals out of them!!!! So yeah I did allow myself liberties there, they ARE to die for!!!!! Anyway I am now back on the wagon..... back to my vegetarian ways.

So next weekend..... this planet will complete another of its very high number of revolutions around the Sun since my incarnation to my current life, indeed an extremely high number being 51 such revolutions. And I have a birthday date with Karen..... ooohhhh...... the first birthday I actually looking forward to for a long time..... She said to me, I gotten you a few presents already!.... I thought... A FEW presents??? For most people you only get one present per person for one's birthday!!! I wonder what she has gotten me..... this is gonna be the best birthday ever..... I be going up to York at lunchtime on my birthday, and she is taking me to the Vegan restaurant in town.... well it is a restaurant that has Vegan options. Karen is Vegan which is slightly more strict than Vegetarianism. Vegan means no critter products whatsoever including eggs, milk, etc. I have recently cut out eggs from my diet, but still need the cheese and the chocolates though I don't have as much of either products..... So I be having lunch with Karen, then spending the afternoon with that wonderful soul, angel from Heaven, and then I be with her at the radio station when she does her radio show in the evening. So it be all afternoon and most of the evening with Karen, oh what birthday could be better..... ohhhh..... I just feel so alive when I am with her.... *sigh*......  I haven't had any invites from my Earth family yet, but its ok, I am just so happy to be with Karen. My family will be in shock if they send me an invite for Saturday, they will just assume that I have nothing else planned so will probably leave it to the last minute if they do something for me at all - it will shock them when I tell them that I am already have a date for Saturday, so it will have to be Sunday.... hehehe.....

It looks like all things are set for Caroline to go to London next year for her daughter's college education, what rich Indians do, go to London or some other western city when their children reaches college age. She is set to depart about March or April next year, the school year there is from about June/July, not February as it is here. It seems her hubby won't be accompanying her, she be going alone, so it will mean she will no longer need to be subject to his abuse. She seems to think she will get a job in London, she is actually a qualified nurse, then come to visit me. Well we shall see what happens there. It will be awesome if she does come to visit me, but not quite so desperate since that some of my energies is diverted to Karen..... oh what a situation! At least Karen has no designs for marriage or anything, she is content to remain my soul sister - and I am extremely content when I am with her!!!!!

I finally gotten my vacuum cleaner! Will put it through its paces tomorrow when I start on my desperately needing to be vacuumed carpets, even more so with puddy cat in the house. So will be busy tomorrow, between that and mowing the rest of the lawns. I took the day off work Friday to start on the lawns, I did the whole of the front and half of the back before the battery was spent. I may invest in a 2nd battery, will have to see where I can get it from and how much it is. The battery didn't last as long this time, probably cos some of the weeds were six inches high so needed more power to cut through them - what happens when it rained the past two weekends - but it seems the rains have gone, and it is warming up......

Anyway..... a random vid.... just one of my fav songs from Dire Straits.....


Wednesday 3 September 2014

Uhhh Puddy Cat!!

Well last weekend, more specifically, last Sunday I did travel up to York to be with my beloved star sister Karen. Oh it was so good to see her, I feel so alive when I am with her.... *sigh*.... and I did meet her son, seeing they are sharing a house together. And well her son seems an OK guy. I half expected him to come out with a gun shooing me away!! Indeed that is what happened before, well not a gun but a knife. One of Karen's boyfriends came to visit but before he could reach her, her son came out with a knife threatening him and shooing him away, so he left and never came back, and Karen was non the wiser. She had no idea why he had apparently left her, and thought that he just didn't like her anymore, until years later the truth came out. Her son was just 7 years of age when this incidence happened!! He is now 23. And well according to Karen, he is changing a bit since moving to York. And well, when I met him, he seems an OK kind of guy, indeed he even offered me a drink and cookies, I ate them and did not drop dead! LOL! So yes he did seem to accept me. Our shared UFO experiences did help, he also experienced an Orange Light UFO incidence.

Anyway, after a while of being initiated by her son and three dogs, Karen and I went for a walk into town. York is not a big place, everywhere in town is within walking distance. So we walked by the river, then into the town, we had lunch in town, then went to meet a few of her friends. One of them ran a New Age store, lots of fabulous crystals!!!! ooohhhhh...... I could have spent a fortune but my wage rise hadn't manifested, so it was strictly look but don't touch!!! Dang!!!! I sooooo wanted some of those crystals!!!! Then we visited a couple of her other friends, she seemed to have a lot of friends who owned or operated shops in town! The last was a craft shop and historical site, where we were treated to a discourse on some of the history of the town.

We eventually made our way back to the house, and spent some time in her shed which is her hideaway. It's a large shed and connected to power. The day flew by in what seemed an instant, and all too soon it was time for me to head on back home...... *sigh*

So I now have her puddy cat, my star kin from Sirius. As it is said, we do not own puddy cats, they own us!! And so it is with Celine, that is her name. She shadows me, she seems to have adopted me!! She hardly leaves me alone, except when she sleeps which is a lot of the time!! LOL!! So far she hadn't even gone outside, she seems to prefer being indoors. I did let her outside on one occasion, then I did other things, and in two minutes I went to check to see where she was, and she was at the door wanting to come back inside!!! At the York house she was kept in an old bird aviary outside cos of the dogs!! So I think she is relishing this more spacious and warmer three-bedroom house!! Well she seems content here, and is fortunately well house trained! ;).... I grew up with puddy cats, and they been in my life for most of it except for my years with Sally..... So am rather pleased that there's a puddy cat in my life again, and it reminds me of Karen......

My next time with Karen is likely to be my birthday, she said she is wanting to do something special for my birthday.... ooohhh..... how so sweet..... *sigh*.... it would be my first birthday that I would really enjoy in a long time... and this year it does fall on a Saturday. My more recent birthdays has been hell on earth, especially since Mother's death..... So if indeed I get to spend much of the day with Karen, it would simply be wonderful........ oohhhhhh.......

When I was with Karen.... it was like.... ooohhh nana hiya hiya!!!!.....

And the puddy cat......