Friday 27 June 2014

New Moon Madness

Oh what a chaotic week it has been with Mercury still in retrograde and the New Moon which fell today..... and now I am currently battling a head cold.... blocked nose and sneezing.... seems more like allergies... Yes I am allergic to cold weather, and with no rain around, the temperature drops like a rock to near freezing point. I took the day off work today and didn't go for any walks, the lack of a walk seems to make me more miserable. Not sure if I be going for any walk tomorrow.... well it is only a blocked sinuses, nothing else is wrong.... but will see how I feel in the morning.... My daily garlic intake probably working to keep the symptoms from getting too severe, but quite clearly there is still a problem somewhere..... it happened on a New Moon, that is probably it..... this New Moon begins the two months of calamities for Jews with the dreaded "The Three Weeks" happening in just over two weeks from now.... this cursed time of year when the Temples were destroyed..... more on that in a couple of weeks.....

The disaster area that is the football tipping.... 6 correct and a drop in one place to 29th.... and I didn't pick the Magpies which is why I got 6 rather than 5 points.... enough said!!

So what else.... last Friday I did go cash in my cans and got about $70 for my troubles, which is pretty well what I expected. But this would be my last time I be doing this. My coke consumption has gone way down, from two to three per day down to one or less... so no longer worth saving the cans. As it was it took me about two years to have saved the cans I had then, a whole trailer load plus some in the car, that gotten me $70.... it would just take far too long now..... I am glad I finally gotten rid of all those cans.....

Caroline had been telling me what herbs etc to eat to avoid getting a cold, all these exotic things I never even heard of and probably don't have in Australia.... She told me that she never gets a cold cos of these herbs.... I said, it doesn't get cold in India which is why you never get a cold! LOL!... She duly informs in in her own lovely ways, that people DO get colds in India.... just not HER!!! OK... I get the point... hehehe..... But it is when she tells me that in her town it never drops below 26C all year, that is when I get envy!!!! I tell her to shut up in a very nice kind of way...... Arrrgh!!! I really do need to move to a warmer climate. When the time comes for us to marry, I'd probably quit my job and move to India..... haaaaa........ not totally joking here..... I could take 26C to 46C temp range anyday!!!!.... far better than damned near freezing here in winter, and their summer is about the same as our summer, though probably a bit hotter on average, that is, while we may get 46C once or twice, they probably get 46C a bit more often..... I prefer heat to cold anyday!!! I don't mind the heat at all...... I just hate the cold.

My latest addiction on my QuickFlix subscription is "Charmed".... I just LOVE that show so much, am currently watching the Season 8 series through the DVDs.... it is well worth the $24.99/mth subscription.... can watch the shows whenever I want, and there are no commercial breaks!! I love "Charmed" so much that I ordered and set the previous seven seasons in the queue. It is basically a show about witches versus demons, all set in modern day San Francisco.... ooohhhh love it.... hehe!!!!

Hmmmm..... anyway......

Here's a favorite song from my hell years..... when I could escape into red-hair fantasies even for just a little bit....

Wednesday 18 June 2014

A Rough Mercury Ride!!!!

Well today.... or tonight rather.... is the time when Mercury passes closest to planer Earth, this happens about 11pm my time - West Australian - this being Wednesday night. The planet will be some 82.78 Million kms, just a stone throw away. The planet is about half way through its retrograde phase, when its speed relative to Earth is near its quickest. Retrograding planets carries so much energy because this is when the planets are on the Earth side of the Sun, when it moves closest to Earth. For the outer planets, they travel slower than Earth so they appear to move backwards, akin to slower vehicles appears to be moving "backwards" as we overtake them. For the inner planets its a little different, here we looking towards the Sun that appears to be moving forward through the Zodiac, the inner planets such as Mercury moving in the opposite direction and quicker than the Earth, hence moving backwards against the Zodiac.....

And so thanks to Mercury, this week has been a horrid week, emotional rollercoaster, and deep depression..... the three weeks of Mercury's retrograde are horror periods for me..... Of course Mercury is the ruling planet for Virgos..... It also has been affecting my Twin Flame, who is actually a Libra, very appropriate star sign for me, it is actually my Moon sign, so a connection there..... but yeah Caroline's phone has been playing up, and we have been unable to chat for much of the time..... Mercury deals with communications therefore electronic items such as phones.... It was just yesterday she was able to get her phone fixed so we could chat again..... but also she has had relationship upsets with her family and others..... not with me so far, though she gets angry with me when I talk about suicide..... it is really the only time she gets angry at me..... when I talk about suicide.... uuuhhhh well........ I guess someone has to keep me safe.....

Anyway.... another casualty of Mercury's retrograde, the disaster area that is the football tipping, I am back to my true form..... dismal..... only got 5 points.... and never again will I be picking the Magpies... unless they play the Weevils.... I pick them when they play the Weevils cos I hate the Weevils with a passion..... but I will NOT be picking the Magpies this week when they play Hawthorn.... My placing remains unchanged at 28th spot, but the curse of the close matches (less than 6 points) took an interesting turn, there were three of them last week and I managed to pick two of them!!!! So the overall tally is now a very even 5-5, that is, 5 correct picks and 5 incorrect picks of the close matches..... so I guess no "curse" here at this time, just statistical expectation..... uhhhh well enough of football......

Other things happening...... last week I finally heard from the Taxation Dept..... being in Mercury's retrograde I expected the worse..... You remember a while ago I wrote about how the Tax office challenged my claim for Invalid Carer's Rebate in regards to Sally. The claim is legal as long as the person is fully my dependent, is drawing a Disability Support Pension, and has earned less than a certain amount - all which Sally fulfilled..... But I think those dimwits challenged my claim cos they checked against the Pension database and found that Sally was not on there..... which we all know was because she is dead, and there's not many dead people still currently claiming the Pension!!!! Duh!!!!!!....... well anyway...... the Tax office accepted my reply to their challenge, and so will take no further action!!! Phew!!!!! Relief!!!!! If I have had to pay back the approx $3000 for the Invalid Rebate that would have been the end of me..... would have massively set back my plans for a year or two..... but nah.... this another thing that went my way!!!! First the two year lease on this house so I won't need to move out, and now the Tax ruling in my favor!!!! Of course this year I won't get anywhere near the refund amount, those days of large refund checks are over, it be only my Union dues that be taken off my taxes, so will only get maybe $100 or so if I'm lucky.... better than nothing.....

Now I am here for at least the next two years, bar any ET abductions, time vortexes, jumps into parallel universe, or whatever else..... I can now really get on with rearranging things. I have now moved my bedroom into the "Main Bedroom", what was previously Sally's craft room, so I am now sleeping there.... and what was previously my bedroom, well according to Feng Shui theory it is the "prosperity" corner of the house, so I cleaned it out, even moved the dresser table and wardrobe out, and now has my Pleiadean "shrine" in there where the candles remains lit 24/7, and also the crabs as having living critters helps with the energies..... That I had done last Sunday, and the letter from the Taxation came on Monday.... and well as I say, there is no such creature as "coincidence", it is not found in any Biology text books, not even on Wikipedia!!

So I have pretty well finished as far as major adjustments goes in rearranging the order of this house.... The Main Bedroom now having my bed and a large wardrobe arrangement down one side that was always there.... the former bedroom now the Pleiadean shrine room, and the former computer room now all mostly cleared out and now containing the small wardrobe and dresser table from the former bedroom. My computer setups and my modelling table are now in the Living Room, it has been for some time now, and it is working out very well..... and the kitchen rearranged to actually make more space to work in. There be just minor adjustments to be made over the next weeks or so......

As a result of these rearrangements, I have accumulated a few more items that are to be moved into my self storage unit, so I be making another trip there...... well this Friday. I have managed to talk my boss into granting me a RDO this Friday.... well I just asked him, and since I had 9 hours in credit, he promptly granted me permission...... So I have plans for this Friday...... Early morning I go for my walk, about two hours or so, then onto where my self storage unit is located.... Currently sitting in there is a trailer load of crushed aluminium cans! And now I finally managed to find a recycle place to accept those cans for a little bit of $$$$'s, I will take the trailer load to the place.... then return the trailer to the unit, and retrieve an item or two, namely the heater cos it's getting a bit cold now..... and well I won't need to use it much cos I am warm blooded but on occasion I will need it.... so set this house up for the winter.... Hopefully I be able to get all this done by lunchtime, so in the afternoon, weather permitting, I do the lawn mowing and some other yard work......

The pay rise claim through my Union..... well after an apparently rather heated meeting between the Union reps, some saying we should just accept the new pay offer, while others saying we should fight harder for a bit more..... they decided they would put it to the vote for us Union members..... and well, as of now, the online ballot is yet to be delivered..... But given peer group pressure, with both the Fire Brigade and Police unions electing to accept the identical wage offer, I would lean towards voting to accept this offer..... still a pitifully low wage rise of 2.75% followed by 2.5% for each of the further two years but with the conditions including job security remaining unchanged. I do think that all this talk of economic hard times are all cover-ups and lies designed to keep us enslaved, but with no elections for the next couple of years, fighting for anything better is destined to be futile..... Next time however, with an election looming, we will have greater success in fighting for a more decent wage rise!!!!

Okay.... I think that is all for now........

Here's an appropriate vid for another Magpie match..... Another One Bites The Dust....

Thursday 12 June 2014

Lucky Friday the 13th

Here a Full Moon on Friday the 13th.... that will not happen again for another few decades, 2049 to be exact, I think I will be well and truly off the perch by then!! So gonna make the most of it tomorrow!!! There is nothing "unlucky" about Friday the 13th. Friday is a blessed day in honor of the Goddess Freya - which is where we get the name "Friday" from - Freya's Day - so the reason why we like Friday so much is more than just being that it being the start of the Weekend when we knock off from work!! The Jews looks forward to Friday as the day of preparation for the Sabbath, and the plaited Challah bread that we eat on Friday evenings to bring in the Sabbath is derived from the Freya tradition - the plaited structure of the bread represents the plaited hair of Freya. And the number 13 is a sacred number of the divine feminine, which is why Christian tradition considers it "unlucky" - the religion suppresses all female expressions in favor of male leadership, ascribing the Source as a male God, and etc. But in fact there are 13 tribes of Israel, 13 Full Moons in a solar year, 13 signs of the original Zodiac. So from a Pagan point of view, Friday the 13th is a most blessed day. I intend to enjoy it!!!! Now just need a black puddy cat..... purrrrrrrrrr.......

The football..... I managed to get 8 from 9, but then it was an easy round to pick, and many of us had gotten all 9 picks correct.... so I remain in 28th spot, unchanged from the previous round. This week however is a different story, and my "luck" or lack thereof is likely to be more evident this weekend. The update on the curse of the close matches. Last week there was one close match, that is, where the result is decided by 6 or less points, and I actually managed to pick correctly on that match. So the current win-loss ration of close matches now stands as 3-4, which I suppose now falls within statistical expectation. But with close matches more likely this weekend, we shall see how it pans out then.

Mercury's retrograde which began last Friday and will last until the end of this month, it has already affected me!! Mercury being the messenger god of Greek mythology, the planet's retrograde affects communication issues, computers and electronics, and relationships. Well last Friday I went to my PO box, and for the first time ever the key would not enter the lock on my box. Nomatter how hard I tried, the key just absolutely refused to go in. So I reported the problem to the staff at the Post Office who themselves tried the key only to find the same result. The sheila sprayed it with lubricant but still couldn't open it. So she asked me, Are you sure you have the correct box?? I thought.... DUH!!!!!!! I have been using this box for over 20 years.... OF COURSE I am sure I have the right box!!!! DUH!!!!!!..... the sheila checked the list anyway.... and yes indeed it is the correct box.... as if it was gonna be any different after 20 years!!!!! Anyway they would try to fix it over the weekend, and when I came back this week, they must have really cleaned out the lock cos it now works perfectly almost like a new lock!!!!!

Then last Saturday I went for my walk, and it turned out to be the longest walk at that time. However I ran into GPS problems, worse than usual. On occasion the GPS drops out completely, and I think sometimes it is cos of my ship, my ET kins who comes to check on me, they block out the GPS signal.... but the GPS always returns after a few minutes, perhaps 5 minutes at the most. This time however, it was at least 15 minutes before I gotten my signal back!!! So I couldn't record all of my walk, which was about 27kms. But the next day, Sunday, I walked even further, indeed 30kms, and this time the GPS was far better behaved!!

And another computer problem.... this one is real weird, it began a week or so previously, prior to Mercury's retrograde but while the planet was in the "shadow zone", the zone which the planet moves into while it is retrograding..... I attempted to pay my car rego and insurance, which I always do online.... I pay all of my bills online..... So I attempted to pay the car rego online, but it wouldn't allow me.... it said that I had ALREADY paid it!!! Now living in the 4th most expensive country on earth, our living expenses are very high, our taxes very high.... and car rego and insurance very expensive. If I had already paid it I would have known!!! It takes a large chunk of my tight budget!!!! So I KNEW I hadn't paid it already!!! So obviously a computer problem. OK then.... I will do it the old fashioned way.... I just send them a check and post it by snail mail...... Now last Friday I got a letter back from the rego center, with a check enclosed for the rego amount I paid, and a letter stating that I had already paid it!!!! OK!!!!!! This is weird!!!! Not only it is extremely unusual for a govt dept to actually PAY me back, but this is an obvious error!! Surely they don't rely solely on their computer records. There must be some hard copy documentations somewhere??? Well.... I'll take the check!!! If they don't wanna accept my payment..... me not complaining.... but.... ummmm...... this is downright weird!!!!!

Mercury's retrograde also affecting my Twin Flame.... Caroline.... there has been no upsets between us, but she has had much upsets with some members of her family, she is really having a hard time at this time..... and her phone gave up the ghost and needed to have it fixed!!

Neptune began its retrograde this week, this will last for five months, and it will be interesting..... I actually look forward to Neptune's retrograde, the planet's energies are that of spirituality, and so for the next five months we will have the chance to explore more deeply our spirituality....

Anyway.... what else been happening..... Update on the pay dispute with the govt. We were to go on strike last week, but the strike was called off when the govt decided to negotiate with us afterall rather than just making such a decree regardless of whether we like it or not. Well just last Friday the govt made a 2nd offer. The pay rise is the same however this time there would be no change in the working conditions, which significantly includes job security. The govt have passed laws introducing forced redundancies, basically, when they shut down depts or cut jobs, we can now be sacked rather then redeployed. However, if we choose to accept this new offer, they agree to not enforce this law for the life of the agreement, either two or three years. The wage rise is only 2.75% for the first year, less than the 4% we gotten last time, but at least our jobs will still be secure, and the other conditions such as those covering vacation time remains unchanged. It's not much of a pay rise, it won't even cover my coming rent increase nevermind the increased utilities..... but there is peer group pressure to consider.... The Fire Brigade employees have accepted a similar wage rise of 2.75%, and I think some other group within the broader public sector have also accepted a similar pay rate. However, another group decided to stick it out and continue their fight for a higher pay rate. Well it is likely that my union will put this new offer to a ballot where we all get to vote whether we will accept it or not, then will take it from there...... not sure how I will vote yet, I probably will vote to accept it despite the pitifully low rate.... I suppose it is better than nothing..... but in my view, all this economic doom and gloom are a beat up, there is nothing wrong with our economy, well a lot less wrong with it than they're making out to be..... it is just an excuse to screw us further into the ground and keep us further enslaved.

Last week I shared that the landlord finally paid me a visit..... and we signed a two year lease.... so as of last week, I am here for the next two years, the rent goes up a bit, but won't go up again for two years..... and still much cheaper than the market rate for this area. I since heard on the News that Australia is the 3rd most expensive country on earth for housing, so I suppose one can say I am really blessed to be in such a house for a much cheaper rate..... question is, WHY am I apparently called to be in this house which is above what I need..... I would have been perfectly happy in an apartment somewhere. The rent I pay here is comparable to the average rent for a small 1-bedroom apartment, but the other plus of being in this current house is I never have to contend with the 3-monthly property inspections that is the normal mode of operation through Estate Agencies....

A week later, last Saturday to be exact during my walk, my sister txt me for the first time in over two months, and said she wanted to come visit me that weekend sometimes. That I thought was rather unusual, so my Virgo tendencies towards anxieties kicked in, and was really worried about what she is up to. Perhaps a family issue? Or even something I had done!! Well, when she finally came to visit on the Sunday afternoon after my walk, it was just that she would deliver her Easter gift to me! That in itself was a surprise, my family does not exchange Easter gifts. And this is seven weeks after the fact, indeed in was on Pentecost Sunday which is calculated to be seven weeks after Easter Sunday. Then she offered me the opportunity to purchase a property together so that I would have my own place, and I'd just make payments to her until the loan is paid off. That was a surprise too, but it came a week too late, I had already signed the lease!! Like the rest of my family, my sister owns her own place. I am the black sheep, the only member of my family who is renting.... everyone else in the family owns their own homes. Indeed my sister is something of a property tycoon, she is building two homes on one piece of land, she will reside in one of them with her partner, and rent out the 2nd property, and I think she still owns an apartment nearby who is also being rented out. So she wouldn't have a problem acquiring another property..... but since I had signed a two year least literally a week ago, this is now a mute point...... there must be a purpose of being in this particular house, I just don't know what it is!!!!

I had been rearranging things in this house for the past couple of weeks. Me being a Virgo works on functionality, while Sally being a woman works on.... well.... nothing that I can understand!! haha!!! Well I have already done the kitchen area, and actually created more space in the kitchen. And then the Living Room I connected my computer to my 50in flat screen. I hardly watch any TV, I spend most of the time on my computer. So I shifted my computer gear from the Computer Room (one of the three bedrooms) into the Living Room, and now using the 50in TV as the screen. For the rare occasion that I DO watch TV I have my 15in flat screen nearby. Then I moved my modelling area into the Living Room, so I can work on my models, currently my Andromedean Mother Ship and a RC F1 Race Car, while watching my weird Star Seeds vids through YouTube on the 50in, or one of the Netflix DVD's on there through my computer. Then I moved the Hermit Crabs into what was my Computer Room. So at this time in my former Computer Room there are the Crabs and my Pleiadean Shrine.

Next..... I will be moving my bed into what is meant to be the Main Bedroom. Previously, Sally always claimed the Main Bedroom for her craft works, being the largest of the bedrooms. She had so much materials for her crafts, the larger bedroom is necessary to accommodate her many projects - most which remained unfinished due to her worsening health problems. I had long since cleaned it out and moved most of the items into my Self Storage unit, so it is near to empty. So starting perhaps this weekend, I will be moving my bed into there, and cleaning out my current bedroom. Also.... I don't know much about Feng Shui but I am told that the far left corner of the house relative to the front door deals with prosperity, this is where my bedroom currently resides, so it needs to be moved and cleaned up, and then move my Pleiadean Shrine into that room...... well that is all for now.... plans for this house is ever evolving, but this is the next stage of it.....

Here's another of my fav bands.... this band is called Reincarnatus, and the song is Love Calling..... ENJOY!!!!!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Very Pesky Mercury

Mercury's retrograde hasn't even occurred yet and it is always causing chaos to my energy fields, emotions in turmoil, playing havoc with my mental health.... and the same happening to my Twin Flame Caroline.... the planet turns retrograde this Saturday.... holding on for dear life for a very rough ride over the next three weeks.

Football.... well I actually managed to pick 7 from 9..... it was just in an extreme moment of insanity that I picked the bloody Weevils, now I hate them even more, will NOT be picking them this time.... but my rank rocketed up into the dizzying 20s, a very high ranking of 28 from 46.....

Anyway..... news on the home front.... literally!!! Last Friday my landlord finally called me after over a year of not hearing boo from him!! OK.... this is gonna be D-Day.... or rather E-Day.... eviction day!! On the phone he said he wanted to come over and see me, he didn't say why, but I knew something was up.... and so from working around my walk schedules and etc, we agreed on Sunday evening, 5pm..... So I spent the whole weekend stressed out..... we Virgos does not like change..... the Dawes-Smith did offer me a room on a temp basis in the event of an eviction, nevertheless, I was still stressing..... the anxious Virgo that I am......

On Saturday I went for the longest walk on record, some 25kms, from Mt Pleasant all the way down to Maddington via the river shoreline, catching the train back to the city then to Canning Bridge, just a short stroll back to my car.

Sunday.... well there was church in the morning.... then I decided I had better do at least the front lawn.... May has been close to the wettest on record, it's been raining most days including every weekend, so I hadn't been able to mow the lawns.... and them weeds thrive on rain water.... And well it is not gonna make any difference to whether I be evicted or not, but mowing at least the front lawn will make for better relations with landlord up to the time of eviction.....

So I got up early and went for my walk before church, I don't usually do that. On church Sundays which is three Sundays per month if we include the home group meeting, I go for my walks AFTER church.... but the lawns needed doing, which I wasn't planning on doing until Monday which was a Public Holiday here, but with landlord coming on Sunday evening, it needed a change of plans..... So went for walk, then to church, then started on the front lawn.... mowing lawn, doing edges, sweeping paved areas, etc.... and so the front yard was as good as new.... so I went to the back.... and well channeling my anxiety into pure energy, I started on the back yard!!! So I mowed and weeded the back yard.... and soon that was as good as new....

Then I cleaned up myself..... made sure the house is in at least reasonable order.... and pacing the floor until he arrived...... the moment of truth......

And well..... to cut a fairly long story short...... He said to me..... I want you here forever!!!!

Okay!!!.... hmmmm..... so he decided NOT to sell the house!! Hmmmm I wonder why..... I did want to move into a smaller apartment but just haven't got the money yet to cover the security deposit and other expenses..... However he wanted at least a TWO year lease for me.... and well it will probably take me that long to save my pennies..... so OK..... I'm gonna be here for the next two years..... but WHY??? A lonesome guy like me in a spacious 3-bedroom house on a huge 1/4 acre block.... ummmm..... anyway.... a couple of days later he came back with the lease documents and I signed my life away.... well my next two years anyway..... The rent is going up but will still be way cheaper than the going market rate for this area, and it won't go up again for two years.... and well my current rent I had been paying for the last 18 months.... so I am getting off really cheap for this area for this size house.... going thru a private landlord rather than an estate agency does have its high points..... and he never does the 3-monthly inspections. Estate agencies does 3-monthly inspections..... but no, he never does inspections, and well this is the first time he visited in over 12 months..... The rent I am paying here is comparable to the rent I be paying for a small apartment through an Agency, just that tenants does not pay for water in apartments.... and there is no garden to look after and no lawns to mow in apartments.... another reason why I wanted to move....  uh well.... there must be a reason why I am HERE!!!!......

Anyway..... I enjoyed another long walk on the Monday public holiday just gone, this time from Mt Pleasant to Fremantle via the river again, not quite as far this time, only 20kms.....

Well that was the big news of the week..... but in spite of being assured a roof over my head for the next two years, my anxiety level is still through the roof.... this weekend will be tough... with Mercury beginning its retrograde.... and well there are other reasons, some related to Caroline, which I won't go into here..... but bad things always happens during Mercury's retrograde......

The Jewish holiday Shavu'ot..... well the Orthodox Shavu'ot was today, but the Karaite Shavu'ot which is what I observe is this Sunday, same as Christian Pentecost, well it's the same holiday - Pentecost being the Greek name for Shavu'ot, meaning, 50th day...... it was when Moses received the Ten Commandments, and then the first followers of Jesus received the Holy Spirit.... well whatever, it is one of three significant Jewish holiday seasons.....

The vid for the week...... Blackmore's Night.... love this band..... Shadow of the Moon...... enjoy!!!!