Wednesday 21 May 2014

Just another week.....

First the disaster area that is the football.... just three points and now 33rd position. I am almost certain that this will be my last year in the tipping comp, I will not be joining again.... I need to focus on my star seed calling, and sports are 3D. The concept of competition in order to gain supremacy over another is a 3D concept. Those of 5D and higher has no need for such things, we work together for the common good, to harmonise with the universe, there are no competing, no competitions, no sports......

Nevertheless I am bitterly disappointed with the Magpies, to the point that I disown them. They should have beaten the Crows. It was a pitiful display. If I didn't despise the Weevils so much I'd pick them to beat the Magpies. But it is only because I despise the Weevils so much that I will pick the Magpies to beat them. Otherwise I will not pick the Magpies again unless perhaps they play a bottom 4 team.

So what else happening..... nothing much..... situation with Caroline still the same.... now just her daughter is starting to msg me, she is just 14, but she likes me.... which is a good thing, being a potential step-daughter. One's natural children often has resentment towards a step-father, usually preferring their natural father. But in this instance, for both children, the boy who is just six, they despise their father. They are both witnesses to his abuse of their mother, that I know how they feel, myself witnessing Colin abusing Mother to the point of shedding blood. They react towards their father almost exactly how I reacted to Colin, I understand fully.... When the 14yo first started to msg me, she asked me what she can call me? I said anything you wish to, so she calls me Uncle. When they become my step children, well they can still call me as they so please.....

Other things.... job situation still the same.... still at my current house, no eviction notice at this point in time....

And Mars turns direct again after being in retrograde for the past few weeks. This according to the horoscopes means my finances should start to improve. Well it should anyway in spite of the budget cos it is getting near winter. We have been getting enough rain this past month so the need to water the garden is no longer, so my water bill should go way down. My aircon is now in storage, and I do not use heating during winter, except a few mins on the very coldest morning while I get dressed, and a few minutes in the bathroom while I dry myself and get dressed, also during the coldest of days which is only a few days each month of winter. Otherwise I simply don't use the heater, I don't need it. I am warm blooded. Even now when I go for my walks, almost everyone else I see walking even jogging are wearing trackies or some form of warm clothing, while I go just in my shorts and t-shirt and feeling most decidedly warm. This is true even in the morning. It might be different when the temp really drops, down into the single digits Celcius, but even then it won't take me long to warm up so I discard my skivvy and probably still wear shorts. Then if it rains.... well we had been getting rain but it not often that I get rained upon during my walks, it doesn't usually rain much in Perth, just showers, and they often miss us. But the few times it has rained on me, well it is not much, I never take the umbrella, I just let it rain on me, and it passes in a few minutes and so I dry off via my body heat. But yeah, the point I was really making was, I am warm blooded so I don't need the heater, not even at night when it drops down to freezing, I have enough blankets to keep me warm, and I often end up kicking off some of the blankets cos I get too hot in the night while sleeping..... so the electricity bill should go down too, even in spite of the govt increasing the charges. The electricity tariff goes up by about 6% but without the aircon and not using the heater, the overall bill should actually drop. The water and electricity have been my largest expenses over the summer, so perhaps this winter things should improve.... it can't get much worse, especially since my savings are now down to zero zilch zit nyet..... my car is overdue for its six monthly service, and there will always be something else that will need to be done, but it will have to wait a bit.....

As for the budget..... the federal budget pretty well doesn't affect me except with the petrol with the fuel taxes going up. I may have to get my bicycle fixed so I can start riding to work again, and being about six miles each way, it will cut out the need for my walks after work, the bicycle trips would count as my workouts. But I still be walking on the weekends as I do enjoy walking. But firstly need to raise the capital for getting my bicycle fixed, will just need a service, it has been not used for several years since Sally started to get sick, and is currently in storage. So it be a little while before this happens, but it will save on petrol, as most of my petrol expenses is in going to and from work.

As for the state budget, well the effects are more far reaching. Both water and electricity are going up, but my reduced uses of both services over the winter months should result in a net decrease in both expenses. The car rego also goes up, that can't be avoided. And the land tax will go up, which will in time translate to my rent increasing - assuming I don't get evicted. But according to my cousin who I go to church with, if I do get evicted I will have somewhere to stay - the Dawes-Smith family. They have four bedrooms. One occupied by Marlene and Frank, then one by my cousin Lucinda, one by Lucinda's 3yo kid, which leaves one for me. Then I soon save my pennies to find an apartment. So whatever I won't be left to fend for myself on the streets.

Then my work situation.... we with the union are fighting for a more decent wage rise than the pitiful amount that the govt is offering. We had a ballot for strike action, and I for one voted for to go on strike for a day. The results are in, I think over 70% of us voted for a strike. So I think strike action is set for next Wednesday. It may mean my pay will be docked for a day's wages, it depends if my pay master also belongs to the union. My manager actually belongs to the union. The last time we went on strike my pay didn't get docked. However, there has been times in the past when my pay has been docked for strike action. So I am preparing for that, for my pay to be docked, and well if it turns out it doesn't get docked, that will be a bonus. However currently sitting in storage I have a trailer load of coke cans all waiting to be taken to a recycle depot for $$$$s, so I probably use the strike day to do that, get all those cans cashed in, that will help offset the loss of a day's wages, it won't completely cover it, but it will go a significant way towards it. Nowadays I no longer collect cans as my coke consumption has gone way down. My collection of cans are legacy of the days when I would drink up to five cans in a day, and Sally would help me out, she would sometimes drink even more. However these days I only drink just one can per day, perhaps two on the weekend, so it is no longer viable to save the cans, it will just take too long.... the council recycles them when they get collected on trash collection day.

So that is about it for another week......

Here's another random song from the ancient archives of my past......

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