Wednesday 22 January 2014

Fremantle !!!!!

Here I am again after a very fruitful if rather hot trip to Fremantle. So after filling the car with this extremely expensive substance known as "petrol" I headed on down to Fremantle, and much to my delight, the iPark thingy did work. All I had to do was send an SMS on my phone when I reach the parking lot, and when I am about to leave I send another SMS, and the amount gets automatically charged to my credit card. It sure beats fumbling around for change and fighting those infernal machines. And since I will be making many trips to Fremantle, the iPark will come in handy. This last trip cost me only approx $3 for parking so not that expensive really.

Anyway, as soon as I gotten into the vicinity of Fremantle I was most decidedly feeling the vibes, so energising. The vibes of Fremantle is so different to that of Perth that it is like being on two different planets!! So I parked in the vicinity of the E-Shed markets, then walked to the Fremantle markets, intending the visit E-Shed last thing. Walking towards the Fremantle markets I went through the town center, the open street mall, and the energies were utterly tremendous, it was palpable, I was so buzzing already. In the mall I came across the Falun Gong group handing out reading materials, and me being wanting to explore all spirituality I grabbed hold of the materials and chatted for a small while with one of the people. The vibes were very good, and the main emphasis of the group seems to be these series of yoga-like exercises, the groups are run by volunteers and they do not charge for these exercise sessions. So now I'm sitting on these materials and waiting for the universe to either give me the OK or to see what parts resonates with me, basically looking for synchronizations or 11:11 experiences, these seems to be how the universe communicates with us our purposes. I am not sure if this group sets themselves up at the street mall each week or whether a different group sets up each week or each day or whatever. In any case this is just the beginning. It is unlikely I will join or be involved with any one particular group but just explore and sample from each group.

I wondered from the mall and finally to the Markets. It was very hot inside as it is in old historic buildings but it didn't seem to matter. I first went to the crystals shop, not a terribly big place, probably not much bigger than my bathroom, but it sure did have quite a bit of stuff, amazing how much stuff one can fit into such a small space. I concentrated on the crystals, and by the time I had chosen my crystals my Xmas money was pretty well spent so no room in the budget for anything else. But I am very happy with my crystals. I bought a "large" chunk of Amethyst, being 6-7cm, and a similar size chunk of Black Tourmaline, this deals with protection so I figured I'd need a large piece of it!! This single piece set me back $35 but it is worth it!! The rest of the crystals were the standard smaller marble-size pieces, well perhaps a little larger than a marble but small enough to comfortable carry around with me - Purple Flourite which calms my nerves, Green Flourite which is good for healing, a couple of pieces of Selenite which amplifies the energies of the other crystals - one is opaque white, the other is a clearer white, and finally a couple of pieces of Emeralds - this is good for Emotions, Love, Healing, Peace, and dealing with depression. So will probably need more Emeralds, this shop didn't have any bigger pieces, but this is good to start with.

So what's the big deal about crystals? Is it all just hocus pocus? Well the first bit of info is what you would read in any science texts or geology texts, what I learned at school, or by my reading of science books BEFORE I went to school which was why I was such a smart cookie at science. Now everything is made up of atoms, this includes rocks. And all atoms has specific vibrations, it is what gives them some of their properties such as color, etc. Now if you just pick up a normal rock, like a piece of granite, the atoms are arranged in a random manner, much like the plastic colored balls in those ball-pits that you see at Maccas which the children plays in - the balls are completely random. However, the scientific definition of a crystal revolves around the fact that the atoms are arranged in specific orders, from just a simple array through to more complex shapes, but the common thread is that the atoms are arranged in repeatable order, much like the patterns of the tiles of a bathroom floor, or kitchen floor patterns, or whatever. It is the consequence of these ordered arrays of atoms that amplifies the vibrations. In a rock the random mix of the atoms tends to cancel out the vibrations, but in crystals the ordered arrays amplifies the vibration - such properties being put to good use in electronics, computers, etc. That is why crystals are used in computers not just any rock.

Now this bit you will NOT find in any science books nor taught at school nevertheless it is the truth...... all of us has varying vibrations, and is governed by many things such as our health, emotional states, even what we eat, and etc. Without going into details, our vibrations and energies interacts in many different ways. And so when certain issues needs to be dealt with, the energies from specific crystals helps in this way. Some of the crystals are kept on my Pleiadean shrine as a way of sending energies, but some I carry around with me which allows the interactions between the energies of the crystals and my personal energies, and it definitely does make a difference.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Fremantle markets, after I bought my crystals I went to the organics greengrocer and bought some fruit and veges there. Organic veges are higher vibrations, and it also helps to eat higher vibration foods. So basically less of the lower vibration foods such as meats and more of the higher vibration foods such as veges. It will be a while before I turn total vegetarian but as I said I never ate much meat to begin with. And my pro-biotics finally arrived in the mail last Friday. These are not just the ones that you just get at the supermarket which might have say 10 billion critters, this is the high power stuff that one can only get at a Chemist, this one is 30 billions of the critters. And after taking just one per day since Friday it is already making a difference in my tummy, improving my bowel motions, and hadn't had an upset tummy since then, also my energy levels increasing, feels like I have more energy in my days. It even seemed to lift my depression, though the real test will come when Mother's birthday comes around on 26-Feb. But between the pro-biotics and the Emeralds, this should make a difference to my depression levels and self harm. Not quite ready to throw the blades away just yet but I am getting there.

So I wandered back to my car to place the items in the trunk, then went across the road to the E-Shed markets in spite of the fact that I already spent my money! LOL! Those markets are not quite so big but there are TWO crystals shops there. Dang! Couldn't get anything cos I already spent all my money, but things to aspire to ;)

But when the time comes for me to move out, I will definitely have to look to see if I have any options for Fremantle. It will be expensive cos it's by the ocean and its a major shopping area, but perhaps there may be bed-sitter type arrangements, studio apartments, rooms for rent, etc. But if I can get a spot in Fremantle to lay my head, it would be awesome!! Fremantle is where it is all happening spiritually!! And well surely I can't be the only starseed in town. Now let's suppose how many starseeds are on this planet. Estimates varies wildly, but many sources would say up to as many as 100 million of us - probably an optimistic estimate but let's run with that. Even with 100 million, this among the population of 7 billion this makes about  1.4% of the world's population being starseeds. So if there are, I think last estimates I know of Perth's metro area population (which includes Fremantle) to be 1.8 million, so in theory there should be 25700 starseeds in Perth. Now if that is true there where the bloody hell are they??? Probably none on FaceBook LOL. There are many starseeds groups on FaceBook but through a simple search I had gotten onto the more popular therefore more active ones, one with 13000 members, the next one being 10000 members, and a couple of others with a total of about 200. Many of the people belongs to all these groups, so allowing for that, there would be possibly 18000 unique members. So proportion to world's population, that is 0.00025%. So multiply that by 1.8 million and you get 4.6 so again in theory there should be between 4 and 5 starseeds in Perth who are on my FaceBook groups. However I cannot find even one, and none have come forward as being from Perth, so the other 4 or 5 may not be active members. I think 25700 starseeds in Perth is way optimistic, I don't think there are 100 million starseeds around, I think more in the 100's of thousands at the most which would make it only about 25 starseeds in the Perth area - probably a more realistic number. Lonely indeed are the starseeds especially in Perth, but if I am going to find any around here, it will most likely to be in Fremantle. So if I possible can without being on starvation wages due to the high rents, then I will certainly be moving to Fremantle.

So what is next.... some energetic events..... This weekend is a long weekend being Australia Day. I take both viewpoints on that. It is the day of British colonization of Australia, and obviously am enjoying the benefits of this. But also, it can be seen as "invasion day" when the way of life of our Native Australians have changed forever. Indeed when the place was colonised, the country was stated as being "Terra Nulla" that is previously unoccupied by humans. And apparently such a statement has been in our constitution until quite recently, I think the 1980s or so, basically the Aborigines were not officially recognised as being the original inhabitants until then, they were literally regarded as non-humans as the Terra Nulla statement refers to human habitation. And well considering they beat us by between 40000 and 60000 years, feelings are mixed in regards to Australia Day, and as such I have no real plans for the day. Years ago Mother used to arrange for us to watch the fireworks display over the river around Perth and South Perth, but of course those days are long gone..... we still have the fireworks each year but no Mother..... and no cause for watching the fireworks.

Next is Lammas on 2 Feb but will talk more about that next blog, only to say it's one of the 8 Pagan holidays or "Sabbats", this one marks the end of summer. My Pleiadean shrine will be added with Lammas appropriate items by then. Passover commences 15 April this year, and last week I ordered a pair of Shabbat candle holders from all they way in Israel. Being overseas it will take six weeks for it to arrive in Perth, all overseas items takes up to five or six weeks to arrive, but that should still make it before Passover which is three months away - I'd be worried if the candlestick holders hadn't arrived by then!!!!

This week's video.... well a starseed kind of song.... indeed a Contactee kind of song....  love it!!!... awesome.... ENJOY!!!!

Thursday 16 January 2014

Survived another day......

Well I did survive today's 3rd anniversary of Mother's death which happened 16/1/2011 though not unscathed. Those blades are getting more expensive almost each time I purchase them. The govt probably put a tax on them, like they do on tobacco products and alcohol. These days no one uses the blades for shaving, it is always those disposable shaver heads with two, three or even five built-in blades. I think mine has five, cos I bought one of the most expensive ones which does a better job. However those Wilkinson blades are still there, and people still buy them, I suspect not for shaving purposes. And since the price goes up on almost a regular basis, the govt must be putting taxes on them, though of course we don't hear about it. Self harm is one of the last taboos of society, no one talks about it, but everyone knows why we purchase the blades. I usually wait until grocery shopping day so hoping no one notices the blades in among the other groceries. It's like, these days, people buy condoms and incontinence pads from the supermarket and no one gives it a 2nd thought. I used to purchase the latter for Sally. But on one occasion when purchasing the blades, the checkout chick on ringing it through looked at me, and well if looks can kill I'd be dead by now!!! A look of utter disgust and muttering things under her breath. The fresh scars on my arms probably didn't help much, I hardly noticed them. But I time I think people treat child molesters more kindly than self harmers.

Mind you I have been doing it less since joining the star seeds groups. But addictive self harming behavior is a common star seed trait. For most it be smoking, and/or drinking, but there are others, even drugs, etc.... and cutting one's self. It's our way of coping with life on planet earth.

Anyway I am pretty well all set to visit the Fremantle markets this weekend to find some more crystals and whatever other items there be. There are nothing else happening, no earth family gathering, and well it is expected to be hot but as long as there are no bush fires blowing smoke over the city things should be fine. It is usually cooler in Fremantle anyway. My wonderful star kins on the FB groups has been most helpful and have given me a list of crystals I should look for, each one having different properties. The favorite is Amethyst, its like everyone has Amethyst, kinda a general purpose crystal that covers all purposes. Another crystal of choice is Flourite. Purple Flourite calms the nerves, while Green Flourite is good for healing. Then there is Selenite, kinda like an amplifier, it amplifies the energies of the other crystals. Black Tourmaline is good for protection, in reference to my ghosties experiences and other nasties I had to contend with over the years. But they say Quartz is also protective, and I already have Quartz, which probably explains why there has been less nasty incidences even less nightmares since bringing those crystals into activation. Orgonite cancels out negative energies. And Emerald is good for emotions, love, healing, overcoming depression, and giving peace. Of course when we say Emerald, indeed any crystal, the natural uncut versions are best. So going to a jeweler and purchasing a ring with an Emerald gem does not have nearly the same effects as the natural uncut piece of Emerald that you get from a crystal shop. Of course I probably won't get all of those crystals on my first trip, granted I do have quite a bit of money from Xmas but I know some crystals can be pricey, and also there are other items I want to look at, though not quite sure what yet. But I expect this will be the first of many trips to the markets.

The earth family barbecue last weekend at the Dawes-Smith residence, well it did prove to be interesting once I gotten past the "I don't belong here" syndrome - I still want that DNA test! LOL! Do I REALLY belong to that family???? Well anyway, I spoke with my cousin Lucinder more than anyone else. She is devoutly Christian, as devout a Christian now as I was ten years ago, and she is about ten years my junior. And she goes to the same church that I went to ten years ago, a Charismatic Renewal church. And listened to the same Christian music I listened to ten years ago. I wonder ten years from now she'd have her awakening and be more like me! Oh you think I am joking?? A lot of people in Charismatic churches often moves onto other forms of spirituality later on down the track, what they call "occult" or "New Age" - in other words, what I am into now. This is seen by most other Christian denominations as a black mark against this form of Christianity.

But I offer an alternative theory based on my experiences. A lot of Christians are perfectly happy just to go to church each Sunday, say a few prayers, sing a few hymns, and listen to someone drone on for the next 30 to 45 minutes before meeting out the back for tea and scones. About the most "spiritual" experience that they have is perhaps a warm fuzzy in the tummy, and they even get really excited about that, but overall they are perfectly happy with the current status quo.

However there are many of us who are more spiritually in tuned and seem to have the knack of attracting spiritual phenomena. You know of my "ghosts" experiences from way back in my childhood. My spirit radar has been on full blast almost from day one!! And it turns out I am a star seed. But there are other soul groups too aside from star seeds. You may have heard of Indigos, many children and now adults are said to be Indigos. Others includes "Crystal" souls, "Rainbows", etc.... These are to do with specific vibrational energies of their souls and their callings, but all are spiritually in tuned compared with everyone else.

So we have these high vibration souls being birthed into the world, and in a most decidedly unsympathetic society, they get frustrated, and it manifests as mental illnesses. I shared before that star seeds are often diagnosed Autistic, Aspergers, or similar, as well as ADHD. Many Indigos are often diagnosed with ADHD, and almost all spirit sensitive souls suffers from depression, self harm tendencies, etc. Anyway as life goes on, they seek out their spiritual kins..... and so many turns to the church. And well even today, Christianity is still the dominant religion. Like in my area there is one Buddhist Temple, one Hindu Temple, a couple of Mosques, a couple of Synagogues, and about eight Christian churches from Catholics to Contemporary and Pentecostal. So yes Christianity is still very much dominant in spite of hysterical fears that Islam is taking over.

Therefore many of these souls find their way into the Christian church, but in spite of their best efforts, they feel that there MUST be more to it than just going to a church, saying a few prayers, singing a hymn or two, and falling asleep while listening to someone drone on for 45 minutes from a pulpit! Now some are lucky enough to find a Pentecostal or Charismatic church first off the bat, but for most of us, the Christian pathway turns into a searching through several different kinds of churches until they hit the jackpot - Charismatic/Pentecostal.

Cos at those church this is where things DO happen that goes beyond the warm fuzzies in the tummy. First thing they notice is the phenomenon of glossolalia - the "speaking in tongues", which is basically a channeling experience, the "spirit" speaks through the individual and it is in the higher dimensional languages. In New Age and spiritual circles it is called "channeling". Just different terminology, exactly the same critter. The other common Pentecostal phenomenon is Prophetic utterances, basically the same phenomenon as Tongues but the language is in English (or one's natural language), again the same as Chanelling in New Age circles. Indeed, from a star seed point of view, we have people who "channels" the messages from ETs. But whatever label we put on it, these are the same critter. Then we have the phenomenon of "falling down in the spirit" where a person can no longer remain standing under the influence of the spirit so he falls to the ground involuntarily. Then the other manifestations - extreme emotional expression such as laughter and weeping, uncontrolled shaking, experiencing visions of higher dimensional beings whether it be Jesus, the angels, or even demons, and even falling into a trance. All these phenomena are experienced in New Age and other spiritual circles, such as in regards to star seeds. Much of it is referred to as Kundalini, the soul awakening. And of course healing - a much criticised component of Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, the claim that they can heal sickness and diseases. These are real, I have experienced them for myself. In spiritual circles we simply call it Reiki, or energy healing, or whatever other of the many terminologies that are around.

Anyway..... the highly spiritual person finds himself in a Charismatic church and thinks he has hit the jackpot! At long last a place where it is ok to experience spiritual manifestations!! However the soul evolves, and underlying beliefs comes to the surface sooner or later. For example, most spiritual people believes in reincarnation. Such a belief may be suppressed from years of being told by the church that you either go to Heaven or Hell, there are no "past lives" and no future incarnations. You may even convince yourself that the Heaven and Hell doctrine is the absolute truth. But every soul evolves, and sooner or later, latent beliefs comes to the surface, and they start to investigate reincarnation. Indeed everyone believes in some form of reincarnation except Christians/Islam (and athiests! LOL!). Even Jews believes in a form of reincarnation, especially in Kabbalah. This is why the early Christians believed in reincarnation, until the 4th century Roman Emporer Constantine decided that it is not a good theory to believe in if wanting to control the masses, so brought in a rehash of ancient Egyptian mythology presenting it as Heaven and Hell, and compelled the Nicene council to  remove all references to reincarnation from the scriptural writings prior to the canonisation of the Bible.

And so to cut a long story short, a spiritual person finds that he can no longer tolerate the belief systems of Christianity even in very spiritual Charismatic churches..... so he eventually moves on to more fertile grounds.... either the occult, or new age, or other forms of spirituality..... he discovers who he really is... star seed, indigo, crystal, earth angel, or whatever.....

So who am I to judge Lucinder? I was like her once. After speaking with her I definitely pick up that she is a genuinely spiritual person. Perhaps the only spirit-kin in my whole earth family. My Aunty and Uncle are devout Christians but attends a more mainline church. But we all have our different pathways, and Lucinder's pathway is her pathway. She is currently very involved with her church, she has something on nearly every night of the week, studying to be getting into ministry, and indeed she has ambitions to go into prison ministry. So she is definitely as heavily involved with the church as one can be. And I have never seen her happier than she is now. Her enthusiasm is infectious! She has a bubbly outgoing personality to begin with. So really I am very happy with her. Naturally she is wanting me to come back to church, and well down the track a bit I may go once or twice for old times sake, but definitely not be a church member. I am a bit further down the spiritual pathway. But all pathways are valid, even Christian pathways, even if Lucinder remains in the church for the rest of her life. Many Light Workers remains in the church for various reasons, not all move onto other areas of spirituality. We are all different. And well as long as one is happy, that is really the key. I was ultimately not happy in the church so I moved on. Our own souls are our best teachers.

Anyway..... um.... that is all for now.... more of my musings later....

Here's another ABBA song.... ok I am stuck on ABBA at the moment..... this one reminds me of my dating experiences LOL......

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Back at work.....

Here this week's blog, I won't waffle on as much as last week, cos I am back at work now! LOL! I am probably having way too much fun on those star seeds groups on FaceBook and my newly found FB friends, most from the groups, others just cos they think I am wise.... I don't know where they got THAT idea from LOL.... over the years people have been attracted to me cos of my vibes, mostly women.... its a pity the "vibes" didn't work in the dating game! LOL!.... but then such people there are of such very low vibrations, single minded on a quest to scam or worse, they are not capable of feeling vibes.... but in the more genuine groups or social media, different people over the years have been drawn to me, mostly women LOL..... but other people in the star seed groups have had similar experiences.... sometimes being a target of attraction because of "vibes" and not knowing any better they mistake it for romance or claiming to be "soul mates". I have lost count over the years of the number of women claiming to be my "soul mate" or claiming to have met me before in a past life, but most of them were not star seeds, indeed they don't even believe in it!!! However I don't get this problem among the genuine star seeds, they like me, but don't have any romantic illusions. And well by virtue of being star seeds we are already in the same "soul group" so we are "soul mates" on some level, but not the same way as otherwise claimed. Uhhh I am already waffling on.....

So it was my first day back at work.... dealing with my Reptilian boss... but it wasn't too bad. I was kept busy fulfilling orders for new enrollments, and also making up Arts kits.... sheeze I wish I can snag some of the items in the Arts kits. Kids these days gets so spoiled!!! But I can't snag any of the items, they keep tight tabs on the items... well understandable to a point, a lot of the kit items are very pricey, hence is why I want them!! Uh well, between the dispatch orders for enrolments and the Arts kits, I will be kept busy for most of the school break.... then when I just finished fulfilling the dispatch orders, the teachers will return and will give me more orders!!!!! It is always busy at this time of year. Anyway enough about work..... a necessary evil to get by in this 3rd dimensional society.....

Last weekend I was planning to go down to Freo to find some more crystals and other spiritual-type items from the markets there. I had even gotten online, where both the Fremantle Markets and E-Shed markets have websites, and each market has at least one crystals stall. So I had it all planned out. And since you have to pay for parking there I was going to catch the train down there, well you still have to pay the fare but difference is, i have a "smart rider" where you just swipe the card before getting on board and it automatically deducts the fare - no change needed. However in regards to parking, you still needed change!! Well the machines also can take credit cards but for some reason my cards doesn't work on them, that I know from the days I visited Sally in hospital, you have to pay for parking there, and i tried it with my credit cards, both "debit" and true credit card, but none of them worked!!! So I was forever having to make sure I have change. I want to avoid that where possible, I don't carry much cash on me - granted that I will be carrying a bit to the markets cos i don't think the stalls would have CC facilities - but usually I don't carry much cash on me, much less any change!!! So catching the train with my smart rider card, with the train station right outside one of the markets, well a no brainer!! And even on Sunday the trains runs every 15 minutes, so would not have to wait for more than 15 minutes for any train.

However the weather had other ideas. It was hot on the weekend, and well that in itself wasn't the problem. But the other bane of summer in Australia - bush fires!! It isn't summer in Australia unless there is a bush fire somewhere, and well this past weekend, the bush fire was upwind from the city, and so for most of the day the city was covered in a thick blanket of smoke haze - akin to an LA smog (and I have been to LA during some of their legendary smog days!!!) or Beijing!!! So after my walk, when the smoke haze grew worse and worse, I figured I had better stay indoors. So trip to markets cancelled.

But I have since found out that down in Freo they have this new "i-park" thingy. Basically you get a sticker for the windscreen with a special bar code connected to your cell phone, and so when you go park the car, you just buzz a TXT with your phone with certain codes that tells where you are parked, etc, and the cost is deducted from your credit card. Furthermore, you pay for the EXACT time that you park, not to the nearest hour. Like, at the hospital, you pay by the hour. You pay AFTER you finished at the hospital so it takes away the problem of trying to figure out how long you're likely to be there. However, you still pay by the hour, so even if I spent just one hour and five minutes, you still pay for two whole hours, thus paying for 55 minutes that you didn't use!!!! However with most parking lots in the city or Freo, you have to try guess how long you are likely to be parking for and pay up front (though some more modern facilities uses the method at the hospital - pay AFTER the park but still by the hour) and so usually ending up feeding the machine more coins than you need!!! And given that the markets are currently an unknown entity to me, there is no way knowing whether I be spending just five minutes there (if i didn't like the stall for some reason) or spending hours there (if I liked the stall and got in real good convo with the owner or someone, telling me about spiritual groups I should attend, etc!!!). However this i-park thingy solves both problems. You don't need spare change, and you can pay for the EXACT time, say, if you park for only 20 minutes then you pay for 20 minutes and not for the whole hour - i think the minimum spend is $1 regardless, but if as expensive as at the hospital, then $1 doesn't pay for long anyway - it was like bloody $6/hr at the hospital!!!!! I spent more on parking at the hospital than on pizzas while Sally was in hospital! LOL!!! So I had gotten online to register for this i-park thingy, now just waiting for the sticker. So when I DO go to the markets, I can drive straight down there and park my car knowing I won't need to be carrying a single sliver of change with me!!

So will I be going THIS weekend? Ummmm..... no!!!! My 3rd dimensional family obligations. I was invited via Debra to a barbecue at the Dawes-Smith Sunday evening, and well I am expected to be there. I can't think of any excuses. I don't think the excuse of going to the markets for crystals would sit well with them! LOL! Especially when talking about devout Christians. Of course I could still go to the markets, I just go earlier or on Saturday, but I will be too stressed out about the prospect of visiting my 3rd dimensional family event, I won't be in the mood for choosing crystals and talking to people I don't know even if they may turn out to be soul kins. I don't think there be any star seeds there anyway! LOL! But still perhaps plenty of spiritual people. Well I still be going for my walks, but that is all I will be doing this weekend. Well the anxiety is not with the family itself, they are for the most part nice people, but that I am so different to them that I'd swear black and blue that I am adopted - at least the Perth side of the family anyway. I stick out like a sore thumb. I am so different. I am the only spiritual person in the family. Many are religious but not spiritual, the remainder are agnostics or atheists - none are star seeds. It is very rare to have family members of the same soul group. It does happen, especially in regards to children - star seed parents often give birth to "indigos" or "crystals" etc, all which are sorta similar to star seeds, or even star seed children themselves!! But in the vast majority of other instances, like siblings, cousins, aunts/uncles, etc, it is very rare for them to be of the same soul group. Though there is a theory among some star seeds groups that if one is a star seed then one's Father is likely to be a star seed also.... well that I guess makes sense on one level..... but he is not in Perth! LOL! And well I have always been so different to my family, one of the classic traits of star seeds. So while I can share with them on a superficial level, I can't share on any deep soul level, they simply won't understand.... and even on superficial levels I struggle to share cos I am that different to them!!! Uh well.... grin and bear it I suppose..... they are my family for as long as I am on this planet.... and if one is a light worker, well that is part of the whole deal.... spreading light even if they fail to recognise it so.....

Anyway..... so the earliest I be going to the markets would be the following weekend..... and that would be after the anniversary of Mother's death so am likely to be in a better mood anyway! Speaking of Mother's death I bought some kangaroo paws cos it was her favorite flower. I bought the whole plant, and then I re potted them into bigger pots. So when January 16 comes around, the date of her death, I will have something living to remember her by. Aside from that, it is a work day so I would have to be at work, but will probably do my walk in King's Park cos that is where there are kangaroo paws.

That is it for now..... my wafflings..... or my musings...... here's another ABBA.... cos Mother's maiden name is Swedish, the red hair Frida is just so utterly sexy, and well I am just in the mood for ABBA anyway...... and this was Mother's favorite song of ABBA......

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Welcome to 2014

Now this has got to be a better year than 2013!!!..... so says the Jew at the beginning of the year in which the Holocaust started!! Well I suppose it could be worse..... there could be another Holocaust, World War III may start, massive economic collapse, or being struck by an asteroid wiping out all life just as what happened with the dinosaurs!!! Indeed there are many predictions of the end of the world. Christians does not have a monopoly on such predictions. A wide variety of religions and faith groups seem to predict an "end" to the world even if the details varies somewhat. Even Native Americans predicts an end to the world. just Google on "Hopi Prophecy" and there you will see it, a Native American group predicting an end to the world. And all of these predictions are for the near future. And at face value it all seems to make perfect sense. Afterall, our current collective actions are unsustainable. We can only take so much stuff out of the ground, the population cannot increase forever, the planet can only provide just so much food and water, and well, the chances of some rogue nation gaining a WMD seems to be increasing by the minute!!!! However I would like to think that even if one or more scenarios turns out to be correct, it won't happen "just yet"..... that we will have at least one more year..... that being 2014..... and well, perhaps some ET will come visit us and save us. Afterall it is what many of the religions believes. For example, Jesus is technically an ET since according to Christianity he is not from this planet but from outside the planet - therefore he is an ET!! In contrast Jews believe that a Messiah will actually be a human not an ET or divinity. But anyway, quite clearly we will be needing outside help..... and it has happened before.... ETs have visited Earth before at our crucial points..... it's just that mankind has the knack of turning ET visits into "religions" and worshiping these ET visitors as "gods". Anyway..... given that the end of the world will be delayed for another year, here is hoping that 2014 will be better than 2013..... indeed the hell years of 2010, 2011,2012 and 2013.... 2010 when Mother was too sick to remember me and she was close to death, just managing to hang on for dear life until January 2011.... the Sally's health turning for the worse, leading to the two years of hell when she got more and more sick in spite of the efforts (or, if you really want to get down to it, the LACK of efforts) by the hospitals, finally and mercifully for her, passing away early in 2013.... this followed by the months of adjusting to life without a wife, oh that was a nightmare in itself..... but hopefully..... *touch wood*.... things are starting to turn......

The road back to at least reasonable happiness beginning when I decided to start going for my walks. I started going for walks, not because of keeping fit, but as a way of connecting with Mother. Walking was her favorite activity. She'd walk around Bibra Lakes each morning, a distance of about 7kms. Ironically the year Mother died, the lakes dried up, it was a dry as a bone, and you could walk straight across to the other side. It had since been refilled with water, it is no longer dry. But yeah, each time I go for my walk, I'd feel so alive, cos I felt that Mother was with me, it was my way of connecting with Mother.

Initially the walks were a once per week thing, just on each Saturday, I'd drive somewhere nice in nature and go for a little walk...... then the thing took a life on its own..... finding more and more spots around Perth and taking longer walks. Perth is maybe the most boring city on the planet but it does have plenty of scenic walk trails, along the rivers, the beach, King's Park, Bold Park, and other smaller parks, lakes, etc..... I downloaded an app to my phone which keeps track of my walks, the routes and the distances..... WHEN the GPS works..... the GPS doesn't always work, but it does most of the time..... and posting my exploits on Twitter and FaceBook. And soon my walking exploits evolved to a daily quest. On work days it be after work on shorter walks, either around Lake Monger or through Kings Park, but no more than about 5kms. I start work at virtually the crack of dawn, so I can leave work early and go for about an hour's walk on my way home. On weekends I go for early morning walks and for longer distances, between about 8km and 14km.

And although the walks were initially just to keep in connection with Mother, the health aspects seems to naturally evolve..... I was starting to change the way that I eat, all without any effort whatsoever. It is as if my body was leading the way, and my body seemed perfectly happy to have less or go without the foods I previously thought I couldn't live without!!! My soda (Coke) consumption went down from about 3 to 4 cans per day down to just one, maybe two if really hot, per day. I was a Coke addict, but I have no withdrawal symptoms from my 75% or so reduction in its consumption. Also less chocolates and sweets, even less fast foods, and when I do eat fast foods, it is in smaller portions. My body seems to know when to say enough is enough, and so it is effortless to keep my consumption to a minimum. I even eat less meat and more veges. I still have my pizza but even that in lesser quantities, just a 1/4 size instead of half or even a whole one when really hungry! LOL! And everyone at work noticed that I have lost weight. I don't really keep track of my weight, I really have no idea how much I weigh, but everyone at work even my boss noticed that I lost weight. So I am turning into the person I previously despised and laughed at - a fitness fanatic!! LOL!! And currently during this vacation I go for longer walks every day, even on Xmas and New Year's Day. Walking IS my vacation activity of choice, it makes me feel so alive and life worth living again!! I can understand why Mother loved her walks. It does make one's soul feel a lot better.

And now leading to other things...... I am out of the dating game completely. I resigned myself to the fact that I will forever be alone for as long as I am confined to this city. If I wanted someone, history seems destined to repeat itself, just as I had to go to America to find Sally, I will have to go overseas again to find someone!!! But I am in no hurry to find anyone. And I have long since learned that dating sites is NOT the way to go. Although there may be success stories through dating sites, these often being heavily promoted on such sites, I suspect these are very few and the exception rather than the rule, and none of them in Perth!!!! 99% of dating site members are nothing but scammers, preying on desperately lonely souls for their own evil ends, usually to scam large sums of money from you, or worse, to be targeted for more sinister ends!! If not for me being a Virgo I would have become undone and possibly six feet under!! People have been murdered as a result of contacts from dating sites. So avoid them like the plague, it is way too dangerous, and simply not worth the effort!!!!!

However I am far from lonely, though I still have my moments. Something else happened since the December Full Moon which marked the 9th month since Sally's death. Sally died on a Full Moon day, so was easy to keep track of the lunar dates - each Full Moon meant an Nth month since her death, now over 9 months, Nine months being the gestation period of humans, the 9th month seemed almost like a rebirth of something, a re-awakening!! For literally during that Full Moon period just two weeks ago, I gotten on FaceBook and joined some Star Seeds and other spiritual groups. I did share previously that I am a star seed, a human whose soul have been incarnated from other star systems. Well I mean, we have reincarnation, and often people are saying they spent past lives in some historical civilisation, such as, in the Roman Empire, or the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, etc. And some people, namely Buddhists, believes that some of us have spent past lives as critters - like a tiger, elephant, insect, or even a plant. Well I suppose the logical progression is the belief in past lives as ETs on other planets!!! Previously thought by myself to be an outrageously crazy idea, I mean, I always believed in reincarnation, but from ETs???? I thought someone had been smoking a wee bit too much weed and I am not talking about the weeds in my back garden!!! If ya catch my drift!!!! My skepticism however was short lived.... to when I decided for a laugh to take a star seed quiz.... you know, akin to the quizs you find in women's magazines, such as, what personality type you are, what lover you are most likely to have, your character traits based on sex positions preferences, and even what color undies you're likely to wear!! I used to take these quizs in my teen years when I read Mother's magazines. Well I suppose the logical progression was star seed quizs, the quiz that helps you decide whether you are a star seed or not. So I took the quiz just for a laugh, there were 100 questions..... and I scored a "yes" on 96 of them!!!!!! I think the universe was trying to tell me something!!!!.....

Well that was back in 2006, ironically when Mother was first diagnosed with the disease!! And well due to the trials of dealing with Mother's impending death followed by Sally's worsening health conditions, my progress in my self discovery as a star seed was limited, though I did manage to find out which star systems I was from, and I was actually contacted by ETs, and soon came to know my ship - the space craft which my ET kins uses to get around. But as Sally's condition grew worse, my progress in my spiritual development stagnated. Only that I would no longer be involved with the church, cos the church deserted us when Sally got sick, they made no effort whatsoever to contact us, they never offered us help, never heard boo from them!!!! So that I decided, that if or when Sally get better - or she dies - I would not be going back to church.

So anyway..... nine months of getting used to life without Sally, dealing with issues, house, money, failed dating attempts, etc, etc...... until two weeks ago. And well, in the two weeks I have been on these FaceBook groups I have made some wonderful friends, the best friends I had for a long time, all just as off-the-wall, off-the-planet, and with as many screws loose as me!!! LOL!!!! But of course, utterly zilch, zit, nyet, none in Perth!!! Why should I be surprised!! *sigh* All of the Australian members, indeed my Australian friends are all on the east coast..... and the rest overseas, mostly Europe and The States. Uh well..... perhaps history is about to repeat itself..... Like back in the 1990s I was on these Christian Revival sites, and back in those days it was email discussion groups - there was no such creature as FaceBook, Twitter or Instagram back in those days!! So it were email discussion groups, participating in discussions via email through a central server - uhhhh how very 1990's was that!! LOL!! So back then had made wonderful friends through these discussion groups, was not romantically involved with anyone, just really good and wonderful friends..... still the same problem of none of them being in Perth!! LOL!!.... and one of them was Sally.... just a pretty good friend!! And then I went to America to meet these friends, Sally was on my itinerary and well as they say, the rest is history!!!!

Maybe perhaps history will repeat..... just a bit updated..... now on FaceBook groups, different kind of spirituality, making really good and wonderful friends, just no romantic involvements....... hmmmmm..... what if an opportunity came up for me to visit America again, it would take a miracle, but then my previous trip to America was a miracle, from money I didn't know I had until someone out of the blue pointed it out to me and helped me acquire the money, so was able to go to America....... So what if something similar happens this time..... I visit America, meet some of my star seed friends..... and fall in love with one of them!!!!! hmmmmm......

Well whatever..... I am currently having a great time on these groups..... with people of the same interest..... and to an outsider it would seem utterly crazy on the things we share, they'd be calling for nice men in their nice white coats to take us away!!!!...... when we discuss on topics like we're discussing about what was on TV or what we had for dinner last night.... such topics as, which star system we were from.... some says the Pleiades, others the Andromeda Galaxy, Sirius, Alpha Centuari, Vega, Orion, Zeta Reticuli, and the other endless number of star systems around..... there are as many star origins as there are ethnic groups on planet Earth!!!! And of course there are the "mixed races", those from many star systems, me being one of them - I am on a galactic level very multicultural - being from the Andromeda Galaxy, Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, and Planet Mars, just to mention a few. And well what happens next, well what will happen will happen..... meanwhile I am just enjoying the ride and discovering lots more about myself! ;)..... even more weird than first thought!! hehe!! haha!!

Another thing, I started to use my "legal" or earth name again on my FaceBook account, for the first time since the days of the email discussion groups back in the 1990s. The main reason being that I was hoping that any of my long lost friends from school or even relatives finds me and sends me an add request. Afterall Sally have managed to attract some of her long lost friends and even some relatives from the "M" side of our family, apparently living on the east coast. I don't know who they are, I do have access to Sally's FaceBook account, it is still active, but just haven't gotten around to perusing her friends list for these "rellies" yet. It was easy to gain access to her account after her death, all I needed was access to her email addy. And since she was using her iinet emails, these simply were transferred to my name once I given iinet Sally's death certificate. Then it was a simple case of snagging the password from FaceBook, and so gotten access to her profile. Since then I had been intending to try find these relatives, but simply hadn't gotten around to it. I just log in on occasion to see what her Christian friends are getting up to - for some of them, not good, considering they are supposed to be devout Christians. But then Christians are way over represented in "adultery" statistics - on a per capita basis, adultery among Christians are of a higher proportion than among us "heathens" LOL!! This proves that prohibition simply does not work! Well the gangster era during the "Prohibition Era" is proof of that. The same applies for drugs today. If one prohibits something, it just makes is more determined to get the thing that is prohibited. Just the nature of the beasty that is human nature. We want something more if it is seen as taboo, prohibited, or bad for you. Hence the so called "junk foods", chocolates, etc..... it is rammed down our throats that these foods are "bad" for us, so people eat more of them, fast food joints are one of the few businesses that is recession proof!! People want more of it cos everyone is saying it is "bad" for us. So back to the issue of "adultery", it is forever treated as a "taboo" subject in Christianity, and regarded as one of the worst sins. So guess what?? Christians are wanting to experience it more!!! Even pastors and high profile Christian musicians and other Christian famous people!! Adultery is an absolute epidemic in the Christian world. Meanwhile us "heathens", well still not exactly seen as desirable, but we are far more relaxed about it, and indeed, more and more of us are saying it is actually a good thing to "stray" in a marriage and to have more than one partner. Therefore, ironically, it is not quite so much of a plague among us. It still happens, and still happens quite a lot, but is it not so much of a big deal, and so really it doesn't happen as much among us as it does among Christians. Indeed it seems such an irony that in the Pagan and New Age world (eg starseeds) there are actually a lot more stable and faithful marriages than in the Christian world, but then, we don't see Pagans forever preaching against "adultery". Pagans tends to take a more positive approach to things rather than the "thou shalt nots" of the Christian world..... anyway..... meanwhile back at the ranch......

Uh yes.... Sally's FaceBook account, and use of my earth (legal) name on my account. I was also hoping to attract long lost friends and rellies..... but then if any of then did come across my profile and see all the star seed stuff on it, I think they will run the other way!! LOL!!! I did have one long lost friend sending me an add request, an old penpal from my teen years on the east coast!! Granted that she did come along BEFORE I joined these star seeds groups. But much to her credit, she is still on my profile, and we still communicate with each other!!! If only FaceBook was around back in my teen years, but then Mother was so strict with things that I probably would not have been able to use it! LOL!! Anyway still ever hopeful that another long lost friend would think to enter my surname into the FaceBook search facility and comes up with my profile..... though my current focus is the star seeds groups ;) Debra knows of my FaceBook profile and she also has a profile, but she is not on my friends list, and though she hasn't said anything to me, she probably be thinking..... Uhhhh so typical of my brother, a nutcase as he always has been...... hahaha..... I don't plan on changing my Twitter and Instagram profiles to give my earth name, but then both are linked to FaceBook so anyone who wants to could find it anyway.

And speaking of spirituality and self discovery..... well I haven't been to the Freo markets yet.... that is planned for this weekend, since I think the markets are open only on weekends. There to spend my $100 cash that I gotten for Xmas, finding some more crystals and/or other artifacts of spiritual significance, such as the pentagram. I wonder if there be a star seeds group there, or at least something about UFOs and ETs..... well just wait and see what I can find when I get there, likely to be on Sunday.

My new TV courtesy partly of the gift card I gotten for Xmas. It had arrived already, indeed it was very quick, took only two business days! But then it probably cos it was already in a Perth warehouse so just needed to transport it across town. This is unlike my Pagan calendar which was dispatched from America now about FIVE weeks ago and it STILL haven't arrived!! Had this same problem last year. Indeed it is a problem I ALWAYS have on items out of town, whether it be from the east coast or overseas. It ALWAYS arrives late in Perth. If it was an east coast city, this wouldn't be a problem. If in Melbourne or Sydney for example, I would have had the calendar two weeks ago!!! But no..... because of what must have been some heinous sin I committed in a past life, I end up in very isolated Perth where everything arrives late or on occasion not at all!!!! I think last year I didn't get it until the SECOND week of January which was SIX weeks after it was dispatched from America. So typical of Perth!!!!

But back to the TV, it arrived early, cos I suspect it was already available locally. And it is very nice!! The contrast between the TV and my current PC monitor is so extraordinary. I didn't realise the dull and low quality picture that I have on my now rather ancient monitor, well I did have it for a while, since BEFORE Sally gotten sick - I could never afford anything while Sally was sick. But the differences in quality is so striking, that when I am not watching TV I actually use it as my primary monitor. I have both the monitor and TV attached to my PC serving as a double display, so for example, can have a website displayed on one, and watching a YouTube video on the other. But not only the TV is slightly bigger than my monitor, the picture quality and brightness just has no comparison!! It is vastly superior!! So now I want a new PC monitor!!!! Well if nothing major comes up, I should be able to acquire a new monitor in the next month or so. Meanwhile I am yet to figure out how to use the record function and various other features on my TV. I can plug in my flash drive and the TV shows gets recorded onto it. But I'm in no hurry to learn about these features. Such decent shows as The Originals and American Horror Story are still three weeks away from starting up again, and at this time the TV programming are most decidedly dull and boring - aside from the odd decent doco or perhaps a concert or two - but the shows themselves are most decidedly obvious that we are not in the ratings period!!! If ya get my drift!! So most of the time it is being used as a 2nd monitor.

Now my Greenie credentials LOL.... me being a frustrated hippie! LOL!!.... actually the star seed thingy actually started in the hippie era, and back in those days they DID take drugs to gain spiritual experiences and insights!!! Actually it does work that way. The idea of taking drugs, or smoking weeds, or other things banned by the govt, well it has the effect of shutting down the analytical part of the mind, so allowing the deeper subconscious part of the mind to come to the surface, hence the hallucinations and etc. But also, the subconscious mind is more open to spiritual influences, such as, ET contacts which was not necessarily just hallucinatory!! LOL!! So indeed a lot of the spiritual insights gained through the hippie era was from the result of drug effects!! These days, we figured out other techniques of opening up the subconscious mind without drugs, though to be sure, some of us still uses drugs, smoke weed, etc..... but not me!! I don't need it, I am crazy enough as it is to tap into the spiritual realm!! hehehe!!! But yes definitely a frustrated hippie!! hahaha!!.... and so my Greenie credentials ;)..... I have already joined the Wilderness Society, donating $25/mth, and keeping track of their campaigns through their FaceBook page. Next on my list is the Sea Shepherd. That organisation is very close to my heart! I mean, anyone who sacrifices so much to save my star kins (the whales and dolphins) is my hero!! So this month I will be signing up for the Sea Shepherd. If not for them, those infernal Japs would be killing a lot more whales than they currently are getting away with. And to me, those whales are like my soul brothers and sisters, indeed they ARE my soul kins - the souls of those critters are Sirian and Pleiadean. The dolphin-like Nommos race in the Sirius star system, and other similar-type races within the Pleiades system. And me being Pleiadean, I would have been one of those ETs. That is why I feel so closely connected with them, they are literally my soul siblings. So yes Sea Shepherd will definitely be getting my support, not just morally as currently is, following them on FaceBook and "sharing" them on my profile, as well as Twitter and Instagram, but also financially. It is part of my calling. Some may be called to, say, Save the Children, or World Vision, etc.... but MY particular calling is environmental, especially the Cetaceans - whales and dolphins. It is a part of who I am. Not everyone can support every cause on earth, indeed, no one can support every cause on earth. But collectively between different souls of higher vibrations, each of us supporting particular causes according to one's particular calling, all add to the greater picture - together raising the vibrations of this planet.

Anyway I waffled on enough for now..... uhhhhh now this week's vid..... oh let's have some ABBA since Mother's maiden name is apparently Swedish to the point that there is actually a town in Sweden bearing that same name..... probably why I liked ABBA so much prior to becoming a metal head! LOL!..... so here's the original song that first got me interested in ABBA, ironically referring to Mothers...... BTW the red hair is sexier, I think blondes are way over rated..... ;) hehe....