Wednesday 25 December 2013

Survived Xmas

Well I did survive Xmas if not entirely unscathed...... here's my completed song... you will have to excuse the Pluto in my natal sign, I am a dark soul, it is who I am.... deal with it ;) hehehe......

On the 12th day of Xmas my true love gave to me....
- Twelve police call-outs
- Eleven drunken binges
- Ten VRO's
- Nine nervous breakdowns
- Eight drugs overdoses
- Seven packs of Prozac
- Six months' the looney bins
- Five razor blades
- Four shrinks on call
- Three family feuds
- Bi-polar depression, and...
- A certified suicide attempt

So on this Xmas day of 2013..... I woke up early as usual, in fact before dawn, and nothing from Santa Claus! LOL! Uh well I just got online to my awesome star seeds groups on Face Book, I founds these really awesome groups with people who are as off-the-wall, off-the-planet, and as much of a-screw-or-two-loose as I am.... some saying they're from the Pleiades, some from Andromeda, and.... Orion, Vega, Sirius... and various other star systems. Me I am Andromedean and Pleiadean, something like a galactic dual citizen... well Sally was both American and Australian citizen.... so why not dual galactic citizen!! But our soul travels through lifetimes can be compared to our earth vacation, we may go to a lot of places but spend most time at a certain few places cos we like them more, or more drawn to them.... EG with Mother and Pasco we mostly went to Augusta cos we had a house down there, but on occasion we'd go elsewhere like Busselton, Kalbarri, Albany, etc, etc..... So on my galactic travels, my soul was birthed in the centre of the Andromeda Galaxy and spent my first lives in that galaxy (hence my saying "You'd be crazy too if you were 2 million light years from home!!"), but a fair proportion of my 1000 lifetimes have been spent in the Pleiades, and being a Contactee most of my ET contacts, UFOs, etc have been with Pleiadean ETs. So anyway, it is so wonderful in these groups, and making great friends.... of course they are all overseas or on the east coast of Australia.... NONE here in the very isolated west coast!!! It's like, I see an Aussie member posting, so I get on contact asking where she is from, and she writes back.... Queeensland.... or Victoria.... or NSW.... it is NEVER here in the west!!!! Surely I can't be the only weirdo in Western Australia..... but once again *sigh* every one of the Australian members of these star seeds groups are bloody on the east coast!!!!! Nevertheless I am making some really wonderful friends, and I can say anything there without any risks of being visited by nice men in their nice white coats wanting to take me away to the looney bins.... hehehe....

So first thing this Xmas day..... as is any day, even work days before I get ready for work, I get on these groups and for a while it feels like I am in heaven......

Then I went for my walk.... Xmas day or not I still go for my walk..... I went to my fav spot, Bold Park, and did a fair walk considering I knew I was going to pig myself out at Xmas lunch..... it was a sunny day but not terribly hot, low 30s centigrade or low 90s F..... not hot at all.....

I came home and back onto my star seeds groups... inbetween doing the laundry and trying to get myself ready for the lunch at Justin's house, that I was not looking forward to.....

And all too soon it was time to begin my long 3-day trek to Justin and Mandy's house in the deep south..... well a 45 minutes trip down to half-way to Rockingham anyway..... but Freeway gridlock south of Murdoch where 3 to 4 lanes turns into just two lanes made my trip a wee bit longer than 45 minutes rendering me late for dinner but I was not the only one!!

Dinner there was relatively painless.... well not as painful as first thought..... The guest list included Pasco, Debra & Linda, with two of my nephews - I can never link the names of my three nephews - Michael, Daniel and Tommy - with their faces, have never been able to, but two of them were there with their female partners/fiance/whatever.... Pasco's siblings Charlie and Teresa.... and Mandy's parents and a couple of rellies from her side..... Dinner was served within 5 minutes of my arrival thus cutting out the awkward period of just standing around trying to make conversations which I am hopeless at cos I have nothing in common with them LOL.... And well I had my cell phone with me, so I could still get on my FB with the star seeds, though needed to be careful no one else in the family saw it lest they have me committed to the looney bins!!! LOL!!! If they knew half of the things I am into they would be in utter shock!!!!

Mandy's method of serving dinner took after Mother's method..... a range of dishes on a bench where we queue to serve ourselves with whatever we wanted..... I took a double serve of lasagne cos the Bartolone's always made the best lasagne on the planet - Mother's lasagne was the best ever - and Mandy's was pretty well about as good - I just LOVE lasagne, it had eggs and bacon in it plus a few other things.... yummy.... so that then some snitzels and the most huge king prawns ever, almost the size of small crayfish!! 

Anyway by the time desserts came around I was simply too full, and well the desserts were way too rich for me anyway..... I cannot do cream, and cannot take anything that is way too sweet.....

Then time to claim our loot..... opening Xmas gifts..... I always do pretty well as they are all relatively wealthy so they spend more on me than I can afford to spend on them, but they don't seem to mind...... I got some Turkish Delight choccies from someone, only trouble is, I don't like Turkish Delight, so am looking to discretely give it away..... any takers here? Let me know.... but has to be within Australia cos I don't think it will get through customs..... I know during my America trip I was not allowed to take any chocolates across the border.... but anyway..... also got some cookies, those I CAN eat.... some Cadbury chocolates.... also got some scratchies and a lotto ticket.... managed to win $3 on the scratchies, better than a kick in the pants LOL, but hopefully the lotto will bring better results, let's say, 1st division so I can quit my job, travel around Australia, and settle down on the east coast where my weird friends are!!!!! haha!!!.... also got $100 in cash, and $100 gift card from Dick's Smith.....

I pretty well already decided what I will spend my DSE card on..... a new TV for my computer room, slightly bigger than the old 12in model that I currently have. There is also the 50in TV in my living room, but I spend more time in my computer room and had been wanting a bigger TV for a while. Furthermore when not watching Supernatural, American Horror Story, and The Originals, the TV is also connected to my computer as a 2nd screen, watching my ET vids, etc. Anyway I had gotten onto the DSE website already, and they have a 18.5in TV on offer for about $160 which is 15% off, and a 21.5in TV for about $200. The main difference, aside from the screen size, is the $200 model has free delivery while the $160 model does not have free delivery, and the delivery charge for my area is about $30 which brings it to almost the same price as the $200 model. So I'd be going for the $200 model which of course meant that I will have to make up the additional $100 above the card. I won't use the $100 cash cos it would necessitate depositing it into a bank, so will simply just dip into my "consolidated" funds LOL. And these days most TV comes with standard features, such as, built-in DVD player and a USB port which allows the recording of TV shows onto my computer or one of my flash drives - comes in handy if, say, American Horror Story clashes with a Harry Potter movie or a doco on ET/UFO sightings, or by some extremely unlikely instances I am actually out somewhere while The Originals is on!!!! Apparently this includes "timeshift" recording, so that, for example, if I am in the middle of watching Supernatural and I get interrupted, such as a phone call, or the pizza delivery guy comes with my pizza, I can simply start recording the current show onto my flash drive, then when I am free again, can simply continue to watch the TV show from the point of interruption using the recording on the flash drive. My old TV does not have these features.

As for the $100 cash, well that is going to be spent down at the Freo markets, either on some crystals, pentagram or some other artifact related to my spirituality. Fremantle is the spiritual "mecca" of Perth, which must mean there must be other spiritual people in Perth, maybe they don't join FaceBook groups! LOL! But perhaps if I make my way to Freo and make my presence known, I may be fortunate enough to make connections. But at the very least I be adding to my crystals collection. Crystals are very important tools, it is what the Atlanteans used for their energy supplies, and different crystals has different vibrations. That is a basic science fact, crystals are well ordered arrays of atoms (as opposed to most other rocks and substances where the atoms/molecules are chaotically arranged) and with each atom having a particular vibration (also scientific fact), the arrays of them works to magnify the vibrations, hence the special powers of crystals - this is where science and spirituality diverges - but it is true, it really does work that way. So crystals can be used for such purposes from healings through to ET contacts. 

Anyway..... Xmas is over for another year.... thankfully!!!!! Tomorrow is another day as I begin my vacation..... a walk in the morning, probably a long walk to make up for my increased intake of food matter during Xmas! LOL!..... then will probably just take it easy the rest of the day...... see what pans out....

Now this week's video...... many of the famous musicians are actually star seeds, such as the Beatles, especially John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Karen Carpenter..... and Olivia Newton John.... sometimes the lyrics to their songs gives them away...... This vid, "Magic" by Olivia was brought to my attention by one of  my groups member.... it's actually an ET message to us star seeds..... and well just listen to the lyrics, such as....

From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There's promise in the air
And I'm guiding you

And interestingly, the song came out in 1980, the year of my very strange orange light UFO experience.... and I thought back then I was drawn to that song in spite of my love for metal music just because Olivia was a hot babe! hehe!...... Anyway.... here's the vid.... ENJOY!!!!!!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Tis the Season......

Well I finally started my Xmas shopping.... albeit just one item... a box of chocolate... don't know who is going to get it yet. I buy for three people, or I should say, three groups of people - Pasco, Justin/Mandy, and Debra/Linda.... so I buy a total of three boxes of chocolates and then I decide who gets which one. I never buy Lindt cos it was Mother's fav chocolate and I'd always get Lindt for Mother, so I just don't want to get it for anyone else..... *sigh*.... so it's other brands of chocolates except Lindt. The other two - the Dawes-Smiths and Nan/John simply gets cards from me.... and that is the extent of my much dreaded Xmas shopping, and I still hate it with a passion.....

Here's a song I making which is more of how I contend with the Xmas season.... based on "The 12 Days of Xmas"... I am only up to day 6 but will have all 12 days by Xmas day.....

On the 6th day of Xmas my true love gave to me....
- Six months' the looney bins
- Five razor blades
- Four shrinks on call
- Three family feuds
- Bi-polar depression, and...
- A certified suicide attempt

OK you can blame it on the Pluto in my natal sign.... I am a very dark soul...... haha.....

But I suppose I can't complain about not getting any Xmas invites from the family.... I just gotten one from the Dawes-Smith clan, the "religious right" LOL.... for a BBQ this weekend, day not yet specified.... I guess they're not going to Justin's for the Xmas lunch.... can't say I blame them, since Justin is half way to bloody Rockingham, they're even further south than Mother's house, and the Dawes-Smith are even further north of the river than me.... they'd have to book a 3-day flight to get to Justin's house!! LOL!! You see, they usually turn up at Mother's house for Xmas lunch.... but well, with it being at Justin's, it's gonna be near to a day trip even for me! LOL! let alone the Dawes-Smith. Anyway I haven't decided whether I be going or not, the Dawes-Smith that is.... still haven't really decided on Xmas lunch at Justin's yet either though a 50.00001% chance that I be going there..... Problem is I am so different to my family I stick out like a sore thumb in all such gatherings.... and well the Dawes-Smiths are the Christian side of the family, they all go to church, my cousin Lucinda goes to the same church Sally and I used to attend..... Maybe I should go to the Freo markets and get a Pentagram! LOL!!.... well I will be going to the Freo markets at some stage, I need more crystals and few other Pagan items.... such as a Pentagram.... a Pentagram to us is akin to a Cross for a Christian, you get the idea..... but probably won't have time to go there before Xmas..... Freo is the spiritual capital of Perth, I really would like to move to Fremantle but I suspect it will be expensive, but maybe could get in with some form of community-type living with other souls on the same spiritual plane as me.... well who knows..... there may even be an ET group there.... uhhhhh I am dreaming *sigh*.... but yeah there are two or three markets places in Freo with spiritual or pagan-type stalls and shops.... crystals.... psychics..... that kind of stuff.... I guess first step is just to make my presence known there, and see what happens.....

Of course this is my first Xmas alone..... previously I was with Sally, and before that it was Barbara, and before that I was living with Mother..... indeed this is the longest period of time I have been on my own. the previous record would be about three months, inbetween my fights with Barbara who always came back to me sooner or later!! Living alone does have its high points, such as, can eat whatever I like, deal with the house however I like, don't have to worry about whether SHE wanted the table over THERE or the cabinet over HERE..... it is where ever I want it..... can watch any TV show I like, such as, The Orignals ;).... wake up as I please, go to work, go for walks where ever I like, and just come home anytime, and play vid games online to my heart's content without anyone complaining that I give more attention to my computer than to HER!!!! But it would be nice to come home to a cooked meal at times, what Mother would do for us, invite us to dinner on a regular basis, the only time I'd have a meal cooked for me..... but of course Mother is no here anymore..... *sigh*..... and who else is gonna cook me a meal..... aside from Pizza Hut! LOL!!..... and I wish I had someone to come to these family events with me instead of having to fend for myself..... It was good when Sally came along with me, she did all the talking.... then last two or three years she was too sick to attend family events, so I had the excuse to be want to come home to Sally which gotten me out of a pickle and being able to leave early...... but now I have no excuse.... *sigh*.....

This Saturday is Litha, the Summer Solstice, one of eight Pagan holidays of the year. Litha also known as mid-sommer, as on the Pagan calendar it is the middle of summer. So am looking for summer-related items to add to my Pleiadean shrine.... I do have my cacti.... but am looking for a Sun ornament. If worse comes to worse I could just use the yellow top of my vegemite jar, but I really want something a wee bit more realistic LOL..... well we shall see how it all pans out..... In case you're wondering, I am more of an Agnostic Pagan, that is, I do not worship any of the deities, but I do respect the energies of various things of the environment - the Sun, planets, plants, water, living creatures, spiders LOL, etc, etc..... everything has energies, all has vibrations, and it is how they interact that shapes the forces of this universe on all dimensions..... if that makes sense.... if it does make sense, you're doing better than me LOL..... I am just speaking from my soul, which doesn't always make sense, and I'm not even on drugs LOL.....

Now my job... well things are starting to happen, and I am able to start fulfilling my order and thus keep busy.... but it is far from plain sailing, with still a lot of delays in the supplying of stocks, etc.... all because of bloody money..... there are few things I hate more than money..... this govt is obsessed with saving money, a govt who thinks it is more important to get its AAA rating back than to provide decent affordable housing to ease the housing crisis and a decent health system so people like Sally didn't have to wait forever and to literally die waiting for decent health care, and this obsession filters down to all govt depts.... and everyone else.... Money is the root of all evil.... think about it.... every evil on this planet is related in some way or another to money.... people in lower socio-economic groups being resentful to rich people, and the saying "nice people does not make money", well nothing can be more true..... you have to be a bastard (or extremely lucky as in lotto) to get a lot of money.... that is why I don't have much money, while my slimey manipulative sleaze of a boss has lots of money..... think of family breakups, all the court cases, it is all over money.....  all of the world wars stems from money.... think of the Great Depression, that is why Hitler rose to power, and hence the 2nd World War.... all wars has their basis in economic troubles..... Money is the root of all that is evil, it brings out the evil in human nature, turns us into criminals..... I shall say no more.... Anyway I be at this hell hole of a job with its money issues and dirty politics until Xmas even when I go on leave for a couple of weeks......

Anyway I think this is all for now.....

This song is what the Dawes-Smith will think if they see me with a Pentagram LOL..... hehe......

Friday 13 December 2013

Summer had arrived

Today was our first "century" of the summer, with the temp reaching a high of 39C which is 102F, and another "century" is forecast for tomorrow.....

Today I was at the Post Office and was standing behind a man in the queue, seemed like a typical tradie or laborer, a little on the plump side though I wouldn't say he was too overweight. I soon noticed he was sending some money overseas to a lady in an Asian country, probably the Philippines, by means of some kind of wire transfer, possibly Western Union though I am not sure if one can do WU transactions at the Post Office, though considering one can do banking at the Post Office it probably wouldn't surprise me. Anyway it was quite a lot of money, and I overheard the sheila at the counter asking him questions, asking for his ID, etc, and asking if the lady would have ID so to collect the money on her side. When the sheila asked him the purpose of the money, he stated that it was so she could come to Australia! As soon as I heard that, my radar went through the roof, and one word screamed in my mind - SCAMMER!!!! This poor unfortunate guy is falling head long into a SCAM!!!! It echoes my recent experiences though I was never silly enough to go through with any financial transactions. But well I know one should not stereotype but this guy looked like he has more money than sense!! Tradies, even laborers, they earn a lot of money these days, certainly more than I do!!! And being obviously single, he'd be swimming in money, so he had money to burn - and burn he is doing it with this very tidy sum. Of course I could have warned him based on my experiences but it would have been a waste of time. As far as he was concerned, this woman is genuine and is about to be his future wife. A deceived person does not know he is being deceived, otherwise he would no longer be deceived!! He is destined to have his heart broken in pieces and a few thousands of dollars out of pocket. But it is for him to learn this bitter lesson. As an old saying goes, "there is a sucker born every minute", and that is why scammers exists - there will always be someone to fall for it. Most people are not such smart cookies as I am, if I shall say so myself.

Now as I slowly but surely turn into a nomad..... I have finished moving most of my surplus furniture and items into storage, so this weekend is the first weekend where I don't have to spend so much time in transportation of my items - collecting the trailer from the storage place on a Saturday, loading up the trailer, and moving the trailer load of items into storage on a Sunday. That has finished. I now have only small items to move, small enough to fit into the car. Therefore, I need only one trip to the self storage place, leaving me more time for other things. I still have not heard from the landlord, so with Xmas and the New Year being so close, it seems safe to assume that I will be here in this abode until well into 2014 - and here I thought I'd be kicked out before Xmas. But it seems all things are working out mostly to my liking, and I will hopefully have finished moving the last of my small items into storage by the New Year - after that I will need to visit my self storage unit perhaps only once per month or when I need something from there for some reason. That is until the time comes for me to move out of this house.... and that will depend on where I will move to and what living arrangements I choose to embrace.....

Xmas I hate with a passion, far too much pain and grief associated with this holiday...... as I said previously I did actually gotten an invite from my family for Xmas lunch, and this year it will be at Justin's new abode. Although this is a break from Mother's old house and hence will be mostly devoid of any reminders of Mother and the fact she is no longer here, I am still not so enthused about being at Justin's new house with the flaunting of the wealth and opulence. If Mother's house seemed like Buckingham Palace compared to our estate house in Wilson, Justin's house seemed positively like the Rhinehart's or the Rockafella's residences!! OK so it may be so that even in my situation I am extremely well off compared to perhaps 80% to 90% of this planet's population the vast majority whom lives in abject poverty in 3rd world countries, and as Mother always said, there is always someone who is worse off than me! However it doesn't make it any easier for me to cope with the fact that Justin have had a far better start in life than me hence his wealth and opulence. Justin have never had to suffer the 8 years of hell at the hands of an abusive step-father, not to mention the fact he has never had to suffer the trauma of growing up in a public housing estate. He went to a private school, albeit a Catholic school, nevertheless, a far better resourced school with far better environments for learning and studying. He never had to live in poverty, going without things that the other kids have, never had to go without treats and sweets, forever being taken to MacDonald's from an early age, and rarely if ever hearing the soul destroying words "we don't have the money....." Not to mention the fact that his parents helped him with the home loan enabling him to build this very house which we shall be spending this Xmas at this year. It really does go to show that your childhood circumstances really does shape the rest of your life, and with very few exceptions such as a lotto win or unexpected inheritance, if you grow up in poverty then you will spend the rest of your life in poverty, or at least in a lower socio-economic state than someone who never had to grow up in poverty.

And of course gender plays a part too. Though Debra grew up in the same poverty circumstances, she is in a better state economically than I am. For a woman, it is just a matter of marrying into a wealthy family. Andy did grow up in a wealthy family, he had a good job and lots of money. And so after successfully raising five well adjusted children, Debra is now in a relationship with Linda, both whom are working so can pool resources, and are now building their own house together - not quite as opulent as Justin's house, nevertheless materially better than my living arrangements. If you are a woman, whatever sexual orientation, you can just pick and choose your partner, date whomever you like, and end up with someone wealthy. But for a man like me, 99% of women on the dating scene are interested only in scamming the living daylights out of you, bleeding you dry of any vestige of wealth, chew you up and spit you out again!! We can't simply seek out a wealthy woman and be her partner, as 99.99% of wealthy women seeks only a similarly wealthy man, no wealthy woman wants a man of lower socio economic standing. So I am forever left to fend for myself..... and I am a survivor.... I have to be otherwise I will be six feet under by now!!

Anyway in regards to Xmas, I will not be celebrating the holiday aside from the obligatory family visit since there is nothing else going for me, and buying fancy chocolates for them for Xmas gifts. Well Chanukah is over and done with for another year, so I will be celebrating the Pagan holiday Litha, also known as Mid-Sommer, on the Summer Solstice being the 21st. In the Northern Hemisphere it is Yule, which is where Xmas comes from. But Pagans celebrate their holidays at opposite times of the year in keeping with the opposite seasons, so the Pagan's summer celebration is Litha.

Speaking of Yule in the Northern Hemisphere, I had always wondered why Yule is celebrated on the 21st the Solstice while Xmas falls on the 25th. If Xmas comes from Yule, then why isn't Xmas celebrated on the 21st? The standard answer is that the birthday's of deities, from Osiris through to Jesus, falls on the 25th, but it still doesn't answer the question of why the 25th and not the 21st, especially when the birthday's of the deities ties in with the Pagan Yule holiday! Then it dawned on me..... the procession of the Earth's axis over 26000 years, this shaping the Astrological ages. We have been in the Age of Pisces, that of Christianity, for the past 2000 years, but as the axis now moving into Aquarius, we enter into the Age of Aquarius. But the Earth's axis procession has another consequence. It means the seasons also moves with it. So 13000 years ago, when the Earth's axis moved half way around the circle, the seasons would be at opposite times of the year - Winter would have fallen in June in the Northern Hemisphere 13000 years ago, while Summer would have been in December in the Northern Hemisphere, and Winter here in the South in December 13000 years ago. The procession of the seasons means the Solstices would have moved as well.

Indeed the Solstices DOES move over the years. If you take 26000 years for a full circle procession of the axis, and divide it up by 365 days of the year, then we get the result that the Solstice moves a day ever 71 years. And since it is a backwards procession through the zodiac, the Solstices moves backwards on the calender. So accounting for the 4 to 5 days between the 25th and the 21st, the Solstice would have fallen on the 25th some 300 to 400 years ago. Now considering that our current Gregorian calendar came into being in around 1582AD, that would make it about 400 years give and take a few, and so at that time, the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere did indeed fall on the 25th of December - Xmas Day. Prior to the Gregorian calendar, the Roman and later Christian world lived by the Julian calendar which was introduced around 45AD. Due to various issues, the Julian calendar moves out of sync with the solar year as governed by the stars, hence is why the current Gregorian calendar was adopted some 400 years ago - when the Solstice coincided with Xmas Day.

Now for my weekend..... since it is forecast to be over 100 degrees both days, I will do my walks early in the morning before it gets too hot. Aside from that, it be one trip to the self storage place with smaller items. Also the obligatory yard work, there is always something to do in the garden. And perhaps a trip to the shops......

Now with this current heat wave, here's an appropriate song..... ;)

Wednesday 4 December 2013


Well I survived the office lunch at Miss Maude's though not unscathed, I have the scars to prove it. The hotel across the road where Mother used to work is now called the Pensione Hotel. Anyway this time they had our table in the back room away from any windows so I didn't have to look across the road to the hotel. And well I ate a wee bit too much, what happens at a restaurant with the "all-you-can-eat" self serve format!! Well wasn't 100% self serve. The meat part, a choice between ham, beef and turkey, or for some, all three of them, were sliced off the bone and served to us when we reached that part of the queue. I chose just the turkey, it was very nice  and juicy. So I ate a total of three courses, two more than I usually eat. But I prepared for my predicted self gorging by abstaining from my usual morning tea and etc, I ate only crumpets with vegemite for brekkie. The desserts on offer all had too much cream, that would have gone straight through me due to my dairy allergies. The only items I could remotely eat were some custard tarts and chocolate mousse, it still went straight through me, but it tasted better!! I didn't go for any walk, I was too full and my tummy too upset, and so I didn't have any dinner, and am still not hungry but at least it seems my tummy is now settled. And so that was our office lunch at Miss Maude's for another year.....

Since starting my walking regime, some people at work commented that I am looking a lot better, lost weight, and looking brighter. One even said that I look way younger than my 50 years. But none knows the torment in my very soul. I go for my walks not to keep fit but to reconnect with Mother. And being out in nature, especially near water, helps to release the negative vibes that I pick up at work, the stresses, etc.

The finance company whom I had a loan with to cover Sally's medical expenses and have been faithfully repaying ever since.... well they offered me a two year extension which would give me an extra $1000 with the repayments being the same. I hardly notice the repayments, it is a relatively low amount, being less than 4% of my take home pay, and is done by direct debit. Technically it wasn't an offer of credit cos I think these days they're not supposed to offer credit unless we actually ask for it. I still needed to go through the approval process, but it was some kind of promotion they were doing, and well given I be needing extra moolah for moving out, I did take up on it, and had gotten approval - so now an extra $1000 towards moving expenses. I still don't have enough money for it yet but am a hell of a lot closer to it than I was before.

This week I also get my Xmas bonus from work, so will use that for some much needed work on my car - the radiator flush for the summer, and the transmission servicing. I be looking to have the car booked in next week.

And in what seems rather ironic, soon after we gotten back from our lunch today, I gotten a txt from Debra informing me that this year's Xmas lunch will be at Justin's and Mandy's new house. My feelings are rather mixed. At least it will no longer be at Mother's old house.

Anyway.... this vid is dedicated to my boss at work.... hehe.... haha......

Sunday 1 December 2013

Chanukah and Comet Ison

Last week I had been so utterly depressed to the point of self harm and suicidal, this I haven't felt this low since the dark days of being Sally's carer, and it was not just because my new Chanukah menorah arrived late, though that certainly didn't help matters. But it was all part of the chaos that shows my deep soul connection with the stars, planets, etc. Those of us with even just a passing interest in Astronomy will have heard of Comet Ison and the hope that we will be able to see the comet with our naked eyes late in December. But first the comet has to make it around the other side of the Sun, and there has been some speculation that it may not survive such a trip being so close to the Sun, it would travel closer to the Sun than Mercury.

Well last Thursday I woke up with upset tummy and an utter feeling of depression, so I threw a sickie from work and stayed home. In spite of my tummy and state of mind I tried to keep busy, and I went to the post office to see if the menorah had arrived - bad mistake!! It was the 5th day of the promised 5-day delivery time, and it hadn't arrived. This only added to my already depressed state of mind, and was at the point of suicidal. Friday was even worse, so I had to take another day off work. Again I went to the post office, and indeed two parcels had arrived - the menorah and the first of my new magazine subscriptions with the first parts of my RC model of a F1 car. I felt slightly better but still very much depressive and physically sick.

Thursday coincided with Comet Ison's closest approach to the Sun, and since this took place on the other side of the Sun, we could not see it from Earth. By Friday the Comet should have appeared from the other side of the Sun, but evidently it didn't survive the trip around the Sun!! Or at best the Comet was severely damaged and so not nearly as bright as it had been, even to the point we would not be able to see it with our naked eye.

As incredible as this sound, my sudden bout depression coincided with the Comet's close approach to the Sun when during this very day it was being destroyed by the intense heat of the Sun. There is no such creature as "coincidence", it is not found in any biology text book, not even on Wikipedia!! I therefore conclude that my soul was mourning the destruction of a Comet!!! But you see I am a star child, my soul being incarnated countless times in other star systems and other planets from Andromeda to the Pleiades. Therefore my soul energy is very much in tuned with the stars, and is why I am so affected by the phases of the Moon and the motions of the other planets. It was why I have been so interested in Astronomy since an early age, and as a kid I'd read Astronomy books from the "adult" section of the local library and I understood what was in those books!! Before my 10th  birthday I memorized the order of the planets around the Sun from Mercury to Pluto, and the number of moons each planet had though I "somehow" knew that there were more moons, which in later years they have indeed discovered. It is why I am a Contactee, having had contacts with ETs especially from the Pleiades, and why I am so connected with whales and dolphins, their souls are from the Pleiades and also the Sirius star system. The souls of puddy cats are also from Sirius, which is why the Egyptians worshiped them, the Egyptians had visits from Sirius ETs. Indeed an ancient tribe related to the Egyptian had already known there are three stars in the Sirius system. But up until the invention of telescopes we could see only one star, and it is only after more powerful telescopes were invented that they saw the 2nd star of the Sirius system. The 3rd star was only recently picked up through computer analysis of date from space telescopes. So how could this ancient tribe knew of three stars?? The only explanation viable as incredible as this sounds is, this tribe have had visits from Sirius ETs who share the information with them. Sirius ETs includes the cat people who through their interbreeding have created the domestic puddy cat. And well there has always been puddy cats in my life since my childhood as anyone who knows my life story would know. Anyway..... to cut a long story short, I am a star child with ET connections, and is why I am so sensitive to the stars and planets, moons, comets, etc......

Just a Google of "star child" or "star seed" will produce an endless list of sites. An excellent vid I found explains the phenomena quite clearly....

I have nearly all of the traits given in the vid above. Indeed there are numerous "starseed quizzes" online, each is slightly different, but I score 95% or more in all that I have done so far. What the above vid failed to mention but is in most other starseed quizzes is that aside from ADHD, nearly all starseeds have been diagnosed with Autism in their childhood, and many are depressives, suicidal and tends to self harm. But yes anyone who knows my life story will see that I have at least 95% of the traits of a star child - an ET soul in a human body.

Anyway..... one of my Earth incarnations.... the Jews.... we are now into the 5th day of Chanukah, this being New Moon day, and I am most happy with my new Menorah.

I have moved a lot more of my furniture and items into my self storage unit. I leave my trailer there through the week so I have a lot more space in my garage here. So on Saturday morning I drive down to the unit to collect the trailer and at the same time take items that can fit into the car. I pick up the trailer, and then that afternoon after my walk I star loading up the trailer. Then Sunday afternoon, after I do the gardening, etc, I take the trailer and items back down to the storage unit, and leave the trailer there. My house is already a lot less cluttered. My aim is to have only the necessities here. All surplus items, which is mostly legacy of Sally, goes into storage. I hopefully should have everything that needs to go into storage into storage by the end of the year, say another two to three trips over the next three weekends. Then with the house far less cluttered, with only essential items, it will be a lot easier to keep clean and organised, so when I do have to move out, it will be a lot easier for me to do so. Me being a Virgo likes to be well prepared for such eventualities.

Next Wednesday we having our office Xmas lunch at Miss Maude's in the city - across the road from where Mother used to work..... *sigh*.... indeed Mother used to go into this very Miss Maude's to buy us treats. The restaurant has been there for at least 40 years or so, a very long time for a restaurant!!! But it was there, I think, virtually from the start of Mother's employment at the Railton Hotel during the dark days of Colin, the 8 years of hell. Over those years for various reasons we pay a visit to the hotel to see Mother, and I always remembered Miss Maude's being there across the road. And as fate would have it, this is where we are having our office Xmas lunch this Wednesday!!! Of course the Hotel is no longer the Railton, I think these days it is called the Rendezvous or something like that, but the building is still very much the same, the same architecture with still the same restaurant on the ground floor where Mother worked....  

Now this week's vid.... my favorite band in my teen years - KISS. But it turns out, unbeknown to me at the time, there is a reason why I was so drawn to KISS. The four characters of KISS expresses my four aspects....

Gene Simmons - the Vampire Bat - My favorite character, this expresses the Pluto in my natal sign, the dark side of me. And I have always enjoyed vampire movies.

Paul Stanley - the Prince - According to one past life regression by a psychic, I was a prince during my first lifetime in the Andromeda Galaxy. I had over the years referred to my girlfriends as "princesses", and indeed Sally's Lebanese name "Salwa" actually means "Princess".

Ace Frehley - the Star Man - this is my ET and star child connection, as explained above.

Peter Criss - the Cat - My connection with Puddy Cats since my childhood. Furthermore, my guardian angel appeared as a Puddy Cat through my childhood.

....and you thought I liked KISS just to be rebellious and my love for Metal music!!!!!

Anyway..... ENJOY this KISS vid......