Wednesday 16 October 2013

Bracing for Energy Events

I thought I had better get this in before some significant planetary events which seems destined to impact on my life - as it always does!! It is no coincidence that the USA debt crisis is set to come to a head tomorrow, and I do fear very much for the outcome given that a bunch of politicians holds the whole world at ransom. Just to think that a Politician is the only "high level" job/career that does not require any qualification from higher institutions - college, university, etc. Aside from the "unskilled" jobs, think of any high level job, such as CEO, the sciences, medical profession, law, police, teachers, etc, etc, they all require qualifications from a higher institution. However you don't need such qualifications to be a politician, you need only the gift of the gab and sufficient persuasive power to convince a high enough number of idiots to vote for them!!! This means any dimwit can be a politician, and this shows in the current crop of politicians currently and collectively ruling the western world. So we now in the position of a bunch of dimwit politicians about to bring the world to its knees in the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression!! It's amazing the world's society as we know it has survived this long!!! But you know, a wide variety of belief systems from Christianity, Judaism and Islam, through to indigenous faiths, Native Americans, Mayans, and the New Age movement all contains prophecies of the "end of the world" or "end times", indeed, the end of the age as we know it, with a radically different society to shortly follow. Just HOW the world as we know it will "end" and the precise makeup of the new society, these are dependent upon which of these religious/faith groups we embrace. But they all do have certain elements in common, one being the collapse of the world economies with a radical new "economy" employing a much simpler and environmentally friendly lifestyle to follow. It is quite clear that those of us enlightened ones are picking up on vibes, and it is only our own filters of our own belief systems that may perhaps distort the picture a bit. But you cannot resist the flow of astrological cycles, the procession of the earth's axis from Pisces (Christianity) to Aquarius (personal spirituality). Such a procession of the earth's axis is a verifiable Astronomical fact, you will find it on the NASA site (if it reopens after the crisis!!!!) as well as every other basic scientific Astronomy sites. Just as with the Jews (Age of Aries) tried for dear life to hold onto their old ways as the earth's axis moved from Aries to Pisces (at the time of Jesus), the Jewish Temple was destroyed in AD70 and was never rebuilt, but instead Christianity was created in the 4th century by Constantine, well into the Piscean Age, and has held sway in world's politics and power up until recent times.

So even if by some quirky chance the current crisis in the US economy is averted tomorrow, it is only delaying the inevitable. America and the world's economies are destined to crash at some point, and we are destined to have a whole new society ushered in.

Now to my personal circumstances..... firstly the planetary events.... The Full Moon falls on this Saturday 19-October. This Full Moon will also be a Lunar Eclipse. As we know, Sally passed away on the Full Moon, and so this Saturday will be the 7th month since Sally's death. And by some twist of "coincidence" (we all know there is not such a critter as "coincidence"!!!!), this Saturday 19-October will mark what would have been our 15th wedding anniversary!! Her death took place half way through the 14th year of our marriage. This Lunar Eclipse this Saturday will be followed by a Solar Eclipse on 3-November, New Moon day, two days before the end of my lease. The last time this configuration occurred during October/November was back in 1995, the end of my previous hell years with dealing with Barbara's health, the Xmas from hell in 1994, and being evicted from the house I shared with Barbara early in 1995. Of course in those days there was no housing crisis so I easily found a new apartment. But there were also financial upheavals during those years which would set me on the back foot, through to my bankruptcy in 1999. The lessons and circumstances from a previous planetary configuration often comes back to haunt during the current configuration!!

So this time around there is now 21 days to the end of my lease, and given that the landlord wants to sell the house, it seems rather likely I will be evicted and resume my life as a nomad - a Wandering Wolf ;) As yet I have had no word from the landlord one way or the other, but given that they are required to give three weeks notice in writing, it seems rather likely that he may pay me a visit this weekend - on the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. My finances are currently progressing very well. For the first time in many years I am able to meet my bills and payment obligations on time, as well as add to my savings each fortnite, and indeed am living rather comfortably for the first time in a long time. However this upcoming eviction event has the potential to wreck my finances, forcing me deeper into debt, and setting me back to square one!!!! I won't go into the gory details as I have explained them in previous blogs, but suffice to say, if I can have at least an extra six months in my current rental then I will have accrued sufficient savings to meet moving and relocation expenses. This is all I need.... just another six months..... however it remains to be seen if I will get this extra six months breathing space!! The universe moves on regardless of any personal considerations!!

Mercury's retrograde begins just two days after this Full Moon. So relative to the Earth, Mercury will appear to move backwards across the sky from 21 October through to 10 November. Mercury deals with relationships and communication, so chaos in those areas often occurs during its retrograde. Since communications often occurs through electronic means, computer and other electronic problems often occurs during the planet's retrograde. Sally and I never fought much compared to most other married couples, but when we did fight, the worst of them often occurred during Mercury's retrograde. Since this retrograde coincides with the weeks leading up to the end of the lease, this will add an extra dimension to things.

So all I will say for now is.... watch this space!!!.... and will know by this time tomorrow whether the world as we know it has come to an end !! ;)

I think this vid is rather appropriate given current circumstances !!!!!

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