Saturday 12 October 2013

Back at Work......

Uhhhh it's been a while since my last entry..... how time flies when you're having fun.... or even when not having fun, as the case may be. A few days after the Merredin trip I was shocked to learn that the Merredin Shire Council had picked up my Tweets/Instagram, and they sent me a msg! Wow!!! I hope I didn't say too much about the ETs in my tweets!!!! haha!!!! They now following me, waiting for my return trips, so better not say too much about the ETs..... hehe.....

Speaking of ETs and all that is space..... the next Full Moon is on the 19th and it is very interesting. Sally passed away on a Full Moon, so this Full Moon will mark the 7th month since her passing away. The 19th is also what would have been our 15th wedding anniversary!! It is also a Lunar Eclipse on this Full Moon, and will mark the start of Mercury's retrograde, the planet that deals with communications and relationships. Hmmmmmm..... very interesting times indeed. My life is so in synch with the lunar and planetary cycles, it always has been, I wonder what it all means.........

Anyway..... back to work.... *sigh*..... fortunately it is school holidays, so nothing much happening, and gives me time to settle in...... We already suffered the effects of the govt cutbacks. My colleague who shares my job, he was on a contract and it didn't get renewed, so he is there no longer. I am on my lonesome, to fend for myself, to do the whole job myself. In some ways I am happy, it means I can be the master of my own destiny, or at least do the job the way I think it has to be done. There are high points to being a permanent employee rather than on a contract. The contractor guy did tend to take over with things, and try to impose his ideas on me. And well with me being a Virgo I don't like change, I embrace the saying, If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!! Now he is gone, I can now reorganise things back to MY methodology and to what works for me!! And indeed I have been spending the school break rearranging my shelves of stocks, and organising them according to my Virgo order!! haha!! There is a reason why they say Virgos are no good at relationships, even with colleagues!!! haha!!! We are fussy and we insist on doing things OUR way, and we don't like change nor do we like compromise!!! haha!!! Love me love my star sign, it is not my fault that I am a Virgo, deal with it!!!!!

The downside however is that when busy period comes, in about a month or so, it will be just me myself and I, probably means I will have to work late some days. Given that I am on my own at home, I don't really want to work too late. Uh well, it is busy period for only a few weeks on either side of the school summer vacations. The contractor guy is not the only victim of the govt cutbacks. The whole section next door, that is the large room next to the warehouse, has been abolished. They all move out at the end of this month. It makes me wonder who will take up that large room, it will all be empty. A couple of my colleagues from our area is also next door, they will stay, but there won't be anyone else..... just empty..... I guess we shall know soon enough!!!

But am happy to say my job is safe..... probably the only thing that is safe at this time..... with my rental lease ending in three weeks. Still no word as to whether I will have to move out or not, but if I have to move out at the end of the lease, the landlord will have to give me the notice over this week - they have to give three weeks notice in writing. I may perhaps find out by the time of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, that would appear to be in timing with the end of the lease - all my life seems to be in synch with the planetary cycles!!!! Being the Virgo that I am, I have been preparing for this possibility. Last week I finally gotten the shower screens put back together again, that was the last major things that needed to be done before moving out. Most of the heavy cleaning has been done, so really we are in maintenance mode.

The big issue is I am not financially ready to be moving out, and I still have a lot of surplus items and junk to get rid of. I do have quite a few pennies saved up, being able to save a portion of my wages each fortnite, but it won't be enough to meet my moving expenses. I be doing most of the moving myself, my trailer is ready, and have plans in place for that. I will have to pay a professional to clean the carpets as per standard lease terms. But the main issue will be the security deposit and advance rent that one has to pay to get a new place - in total equals about six weeks rent. In addition, real estate companies also charges an application fee which is NON-refundable regardless of the success of otherwise of the application for tenancy. Gone are the days that you can look in the paper for a rental and expect to get it. Those days when there are more rentals than potential tenants are gone!!!! In those good old days, landlords are usually so glad to receive an application that they fall over themselves to make sure I actually take up tenancy with next to no checks!!!! Now with the housing crisis, those days are gone, gone forever..... there is now more potential tenants than rentals, and there is usually up to ten applicants for every rental. This gives the landlords the luxury to pick and choose as they please, while we have to go to the bother of arranging references, employment records, and etc - it's like applying for a bloody loan!!! But it also means only a slim 1 in 10 chance of success. So potentially, one can expect to make 10 applications before success is expected. That means, at least 10 payments of the NON-refundable application fee - money straight down the drain!! The fee varies between estate companies, but I think it is about $100 on average. So that means $1000 that I will have to kiss goodbye, it's as if you place $1000 in the fireplace and light the match!!! I should have gone into real estate - someone is making a lot of money!!!!!

So the application fee x 10, the up front payment of six weeks rent..... and self storage. My destiny seems to be one-bedroom apartments, as on the open market in this housing crisis, rents for one-bedroom apartments is comparable to the rent I am already paying for this 3-bedroom bungalow on a 1/4 acre block. Sally and I have been lucky, we have been getting off cheap cos we were renting privately, and we took up tenancy before the housing crisis kicked in, so while the landlord did raise the rent over the years, it was only by small amounts rather than the market rate. So as a result, I am paying less rent than most people even in most apartments and villas. But with Sally's death, I fear my luck will run out, I will have to move out, and there will be no more opportunity to go with private landlords. I will be thrown into the mix with sharks prowling on all sides. Anyway I have far more possessions, furniture and items, much of them legacy of Sally, than what would fit into a small 1-bedroom apartment. So I will need to rent self storage space for the extra items. This will include the trailer, as most apartment complexes allows for only a single parking spot, not enough room for a trailer.

Now if I can get a minimum of another six months here before moving out, I will be able to save enough pennies to cover the above expenses. I am able to save at a fair rate. Fortunately I do have a perfect record with the loans company, always meeting my repayment obligations on time, so if I do have to move out in three weeks, I will be able to get a loan extension to cover these extra expenses. But it will mean I will be deeper in debt, and my goal is to get out of debt, not go deeper in!!!! So another six months will do two things - it will give me the time to save the extra money, and it will also give me time to get rid of surplus possessions so there won't be so much that I have to move and place in storage, which means, a smaller storage unit. I will still need the self storage at least for the trailer, but obviously a smaller storage space will mean cheaper rates. So let's hope for an extra six months at this current house..... then I will be ready to move out, well at least a lot more ready than now!!!!!

Meanwhile.... what else has been happening..... uh yes my walks. It is still bloody winter here! LOL! While the rest of the country is getting hotter with the climate change, it is getting colder here! That does seem to be true. I remember years ago we used to get such extreme temperatures as much as 46 degrees Celcius, but since the mid 1990's, we have not been getting such extreme temperatures, no more runs of 40+ degrees Celcius days. These days we be "lucky" to get 42 degrees during the summer, it seems to be more humid and more tropical these days, and more rain. We have been getting more days over 32 degrees Celcius, but no extremely hot days. While our winters has been dry, our summer has been wetter, more akin to the tropics where they have a dry season in winter and a wet season in the summer.

Uhhhhh I'm up a bunny trail.... I was fixing to say about my walks..... we are still getting rain here, but I have managed to get out for my walks. It often happens that we get rain in the morning but clear up to warm and sunny in the afternoon. So I have been going to the beach for my walks. It is not warm enough for swimming, but usually sunny enough for a walk. I go to a different beach each time, and plenty of walk trails along the beach and on nature reserves attached to some beaches. I feel a connection with water, and my star kins - the dolphins and whales - are getting active. I do like to connect with the dolphins and whales. I haven't seen them yet, but I DO know that they are out there, I can feel them. They're just further out, it has been windy and the waters choppy with large swells due to the winter conditions. They come closer in when the waters are calmer. Nevertheless I still do go to the beach to try see them.

Now.... I probably posted this vid before but it is one of my favorites..... I am in a hippie mood.... me a frustrated hippie hehe..... must be the upcoming planetary alignments, the energies are very much evident.... ole Sammy Davis jnr and his flower power.... haha.....

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