Saturday 26 October 2013

Aha!! Dating Scam Revealed!!

Well it didn't take long.... the 4th email came from one person, and just as I suspected, a scam unfolds. Now this is a new one on me but it looks like a variation of the well known Nigerian scam. And the scam goes something like this..... this woman claims to be in Malaysia.....

So according to the story, she went to Malaysia to see her mother who worked with a oil company, then her mother died in Malaysia and had left her a multi-million dollars inheritance. Now this is where it gets interesting..... She claimed that the money could not be wired to the USA, so her mother decided to put it in a special box with a special security code, assumedly before she allegedly died. The security code is known only to this woman. The box was allegedly given to a Security Insurance Company that has a private diplomatic delivery service to America. Meanwhile, the woman claims, she has been robbed and left destitute, the necessary documents also taken in the robbery, the police didn't or couldn't help her, and she depended on a kindly old shop keeper to help her out.

So now she wants to deliver this box to ME! surprise! surprise! (sarcasm hehe). She still assumes I am in America in spite of making reference to my Australia residency in all of my email - a clue that this is all part of a script, the scam obviously targeted at Americans. Anyway, the box would be delivered to me, to my door, by this security company, and that she had obtained appropriate customs papers, and the box allegedly has a "seal" so that it wouldn't be checked by customs enroute. Hmmmmm..... this is about as kosher as a ham sandwich! LOL! Anyway, as soon as this box is delivered to me, the woman would give me the code, so I can open it and send some of the money back to her so she could get out of the country and come back home.... allegedly to me. She would give 30% of the money to me, and use the rest of it to start a new life together with me.

Hmmmmm..... very interesting indeed. There's some possibilities as to the goal of this scam. The previous questionnaire asked for such details as my full name (which I did NOT give, I gave a false surname), and whether I am living alone. So to complete the puzzle, my home address would be required, and I bet my bottom dollar that she won't take PO boxes. Thus enough information for a crime syndicate involving burglary to target my house and clean it out of all valuables. Another possibility is ID theft.

Anyway she hasn't actually told me just what information is required of me to gain this alleged "security clearance" so to receive the box, and then to receive this box personally delivered to me. So I am going to pretend that I am interested in this..... indeed I am going to take this as far as I can without needing to give away any personal information that could track me down. As soon as I reach the stage that I must give personal information, that is when I will stop. So all I can say for now is...... watch this space!!!

There's currently about two others on the 3rd email, am yet to get a 4th email from them.

Sheeze this makes me feel like James Bond.... all I need now is the money and the women!! hehe!!!!


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