Wednesday 30 October 2013


With Halloween coming up tomorrow night, now's a good time to cut through the myths and sensationalisms associated with this wonderful day of the year and let's get down to the facts even if it does get in the way of a good story.

The myths perpetuated by the media, the churches, and well Hollywood has a lot to answer for too. Shows such as Supernatural and American Horror Story are among my favorites that I watch almost "religiously" (pardon the pun) weekly!! But they DO employ very ample poetic license and they do NOT represent what Paganism is all about. They wouldn't be great shows if they DID represent the truth of Paganism which is in real life rather boring - unless you are a Pagan!!

Christians have long perpetuated Pagan myths, especially that of witchcraft, even in this 21st century. They claim that witches are devil worshippers, which in itself is a myth because Pagans does not believe in the devil. Belief in the devil, the personification of evil, is a purely Christian/Islam phenomenon. Islam is indeed the offshoot of Christianity, all of Sharia law are found in the Christian bible and promoted in the bible as appropriate means of law and discipline. So anyway, how can a witch worship the devil if they don't even believe in him.

However another more damaging myth is that witches sacrifices babies and use their blood in their rituals. The church, mostly the fundamentalists and evangelical types which are indeed very common, preaches this kind of myth, and that Halloween is their high holy day in which poor unfortunate babies are sacrificed. During the same such sermon, the pastor in his high religious fervor declares that witches should be burnt at the stake, this to the cheers and clapping of 95% of the congregation. This is just not 2nd hand information. I WAS THERE!!! I HEARD IT WITH MY OWN EARS!! And I was of the 5% who did NOT cheer. It was utterly disgusting, and was one of the reasons why I sought to find out more about Paganism and befriend witches and other Pagans. They are very nice people thankyou very much. You couldn't pick them out in any normal crowd. The chances are high that if you visit a mall or any public place with people, you will pass by and even interact with witches and other Pagans. And to clear another myth, male witches are NOT called "warlocks". The term "witch" applies to both male and female members of the Wiccan religion. And 99% of them abide by the fundamental law of "harm none", they are often environmentalists, some are vegetarians, and they respect all other religions - hardly the type who would sacrifice babies.

For much of Christian history from the creation of the religion in the 4th century, they believed the "blood libel" of Jews. This stems from a passage in the Christian bible referring to the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. The Roman governor Pilate had wanted to release Jesus, and so as part of Passover traditions, the Romans would offer to release one of the Jewish prisoners, the crowd would determine who to release. On this occasion, the choice would be between Jesus and the convicted murderer Barabbas.  According to the Christian bible, the Jewish crowd overwhelmingly chose Barabbas thus sealing the fate of Jesus. The Scripture in question is found in Matthew 27:25, referring to Jesus....

"Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children."

This was enough to declare open season on Jews by the church, all branches of the church, Catholic, Protestants, and Orthodox, from the 4th century. Indeed every pogrom against Jews in these last 1700 years has been at the hands of the Christian church. Adolf Hitler was a devout Catholic blessed by Pope Pius XII.

Another myth soon arose in the Christian church, that is, during Passover the Jews would kidnap Christian babies, murder them, and use their blood in the baking of the matza that Jews uses in their Passover celebrations. The scorch marks on the matza slices were said to be the blood of these babies. This myth was preached and perpetuated by the Christian church up to the 1960s. Therefore, any of us in their 40s and over, the church perpetuated this myth within our lifetimes. And while some churches have since renounced this myth, not all of them have done so, many churches still have this belief on their books as their official doctrine - it is just not talked about anymore. Indeed in this so-called "enlightened" 21st century, it is fashionable to support the Jews, and indeed plenty of Christians organisations have popped up to support the Jews. Many churches have "Friends of the Jews" groups, and many seeks to redress the past persecutions of Jews by the Church.

However nothing has really changed. The "blood libel" is now transferred to Pagans, mainly witches. So instead of Jews, they now preach that WITCHES kills babies, sacrifices them, and uses their blood in their rituals. And they promote Halloween as the witches high holy day in which babies are sacrificed. So one lie has been transferred to another lie. As a point of interest, one of the reasons why Christians persecuted Jews through the ages was because they thought Jews were witches - because they use the lunar calendar, Jewish holidays usually fell on Full Moons and occasionally a New Moon, and Rabbis are usually dressed in long black robes and they wear long beards - the stereotype pictures of wizards.

So just what are the facts. "Paganism" simply means "from the earth" and refers to a spirituality that reveres the environment, the ecosystems, the natural wonders, as well as the sun, moon and other bodies of the universe, rather than a single Divine entity. So indeed all indigenous faiths, such as the Aboriginal Dreamtime, are Pagan. But for the purpose of this piece, to simply things a bit, I will refer to Pagans as those of European traditions, that includes Wicca, Druidism, Celts and other such faiths. They are all pretty well similar in their basic beliefs.

Halloween is in fact a Pagan holiday, one of the eight Pagan holidays of the solar or Roman calendar year, these holidays which celebrates the seasons and the motion of the Sun through the year. Two of the holidays falls on the Solstices, two other holidays on the Equinoxes, and the other four holidays at the midway points between the Solstices and Equinoxes, and for convenience, are celebrated on the nearest 1st of the month - those holidays marks the start of the four seasons.

One such holiday is Samhain. This holiday falls midway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice, and is said to be the start of winter. The Astronomical day of the holiday is around 7 November, but for convenience it is often celebrated on the 1st day of November. A major part of this holiday revolves around the belief that family and ancestral members of the family who have passed away, they are given access from the underworld to walk this planet, and they often visit the living family members. Indeed, on the night before Samhain, families often leaves an empty spot at the dinner table in case one of these spirits pays them a visit. There is nothing "spooky" about this, it was just accepted as a part of life. Pagans converses with the spirits of the dead on this day.

Then came along the Christians, and they have a habit of adopting Pagan holidays and incorporating their own doctrines into such holidays. Christmas (Yule) and Easter (Ostara) are two well known examples of this practice. Samhain is a less well known example, the Christians adopted this holiday as All Saints Day, and it is when Christians are encouraged to pray to the spirits of dead Saints. This is mainly a Catholic holiday as Protestants tends not to encourage this kind of practice, nevertheless, it IS an example of another Pagan holiday being adopted by Christians. 

All Saints Day is also given the term "All Hallows Day". Therefore the night prior to this day is given the term "All Hallows Eve" - Halloween!!!! So this wonderful holiday is nothing more than the eve of Samhain, and there are no "devil worship" nor " sacrifice of babies" involved.

To be sure, many of the Halloween does stem from ancient Celtic and other pre-Christian European traditions. The "trick and treat" stemmed from the practice of ancient Pagans leaving gifts for these spirits. And the wearing of costumes stems from the practice of protection. Not all of these spirits from the underworld are exactly peace loving friendly spirits. A few are rather less than friendly. So in order to protect themselves from a possible visit by such a spirit, the family members wear disguises on that night.

Last but not least..... here in the Southern Hemisphere, we Pagans/Wiccans does not actually celebrate Samhain at this time, we actually celebrate Beltane. Southern Hemisphere Pagans celebrates their holidays at opposite times of the year to remain in synch with the opposite seasons. Beltane is regarded as the start of summer. Well it came a bit early this year, it was just a smidge below 100 degrees today!! Nevertheless, we will be celebrating Beltane on Friday while our Northern Hemisphere brothers and sisters will be celebrating Samhain.

Nevertheless, since the commercialisation of Halloween have well and truly reached Australia, I will have my scant Halloween decorations around, and a supply of candy ready for the neighborhood kids coming around in their wonderful costumes.

Now in keeping with the Halloween theme, I play one of my favorite songs ever, I just LOVE this song so much, I also LOVE the musical production attached to the song, it actually seems to mirror my own life in some ways!!!!.... and I think this is one of the best versions of the song ever!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!

Saturday 26 October 2013

Aha!! Dating Scam Revealed!!

Well it didn't take long.... the 4th email came from one person, and just as I suspected, a scam unfolds. Now this is a new one on me but it looks like a variation of the well known Nigerian scam. And the scam goes something like this..... this woman claims to be in Malaysia.....

So according to the story, she went to Malaysia to see her mother who worked with a oil company, then her mother died in Malaysia and had left her a multi-million dollars inheritance. Now this is where it gets interesting..... She claimed that the money could not be wired to the USA, so her mother decided to put it in a special box with a special security code, assumedly before she allegedly died. The security code is known only to this woman. The box was allegedly given to a Security Insurance Company that has a private diplomatic delivery service to America. Meanwhile, the woman claims, she has been robbed and left destitute, the necessary documents also taken in the robbery, the police didn't or couldn't help her, and she depended on a kindly old shop keeper to help her out.

So now she wants to deliver this box to ME! surprise! surprise! (sarcasm hehe). She still assumes I am in America in spite of making reference to my Australia residency in all of my email - a clue that this is all part of a script, the scam obviously targeted at Americans. Anyway, the box would be delivered to me, to my door, by this security company, and that she had obtained appropriate customs papers, and the box allegedly has a "seal" so that it wouldn't be checked by customs enroute. Hmmmmm..... this is about as kosher as a ham sandwich! LOL! Anyway, as soon as this box is delivered to me, the woman would give me the code, so I can open it and send some of the money back to her so she could get out of the country and come back home.... allegedly to me. She would give 30% of the money to me, and use the rest of it to start a new life together with me.

Hmmmmm..... very interesting indeed. There's some possibilities as to the goal of this scam. The previous questionnaire asked for such details as my full name (which I did NOT give, I gave a false surname), and whether I am living alone. So to complete the puzzle, my home address would be required, and I bet my bottom dollar that she won't take PO boxes. Thus enough information for a crime syndicate involving burglary to target my house and clean it out of all valuables. Another possibility is ID theft.

Anyway she hasn't actually told me just what information is required of me to gain this alleged "security clearance" so to receive the box, and then to receive this box personally delivered to me. So I am going to pretend that I am interested in this..... indeed I am going to take this as far as I can without needing to give away any personal information that could track me down. As soon as I reach the stage that I must give personal information, that is when I will stop. So all I can say for now is...... watch this space!!!

There's currently about two others on the 3rd email, am yet to get a 4th email from them.

Sheeze this makes me feel like James Bond.... all I need now is the money and the women!! hehe!!!!


Friday 25 October 2013

Dating Scams and the Dating Game

It's been a while since I last wrote here..... it's cos I have been involved with an experiment which kinda came upon me.....

Last weekend I came to the conclusion that I am never going to get a date nor find a soulmate for as long as I remained in this hell forgotten city. Perth the most isolated city on earth. There's very little to choose from and due to the mining boom there is something like a 2:1 ratio of men to women. If I was a couple of decades or so younger then perhaps I may have half a chance, for the dating game is overwhelmingly populated by young people. Us oldies, there's not many of us around. Perhaps demographically there is more of us than young people, but very few of us enter the dating game for one of two reasons. The perception that it is for young people only, perpetuated by advertising of contact sites both online and on TV, so older people don't bother even to join. Or some of us oldies are perfectly happy with our lot on life, most of us happily in relationships never having to suffer the trauma of losing a spouse so early in age, and even those not in relationships seems rather content to be alone. So there's not many of us oldies in the game, and with far more men than women, we stand a snowball's chance in hell if ever finding anyone. And I emphasise I am looking for only a friend or soulmate, not a relationship nor marriage. I been married once, I don't care to go through with it again - though was happy with Sally, there will never be another Sally !! So marriage is outa the question. I just wanted a friend or soulmate with whom to go out with and share our experiences with.

I come to the above conclusion by experience. All contact sites are different. There are some that are either Perth based, or they filter any potential contacts to within 100-200 miles of Perth thus effectively making it Perth only. I have had the least success with those sites. Perhaps one or two nibbles but never getting far, often changing their minds at the last minute, no doubt cos someone better came along - as I say with a 2:1 ratio the competition is stiff.

Some contact sites are Australia-wide and allows contact with members from all over the country. My "matches" generated by these sites have ALWAYS been from the east coast - NEVER from Perth. So it's basically nothing more than a penpal club. I already have online friends on the east coast through FaceBook and various other groups I have been on - none of them have Perth members, all my fellow Australian members are from the eastern states.

And some contact sites are worldwide and allows contacts from worldwide. Again the match results are the same, only that it also includes other countries, usually America and Europe. Again I already have online friends from those and other countries.

So last weekend I dumped one contact site and joined another. I use only one site at a time cos nearly all of them charges for the privilege of accessing your inbox - including the sites that claim they are free. Almost all sites claim they are free, but all have a "premium" option which means $$$$ and one of the benefits of premium is always access to the inbox for any msgs that I may receive in response to my profile. So I just pay a month's worth, see how things pans out, and usually cancel it before the end of the month and go to another contact site.

The contact site I joined last weekend, the advert claimed "local contact" but it turned out the site is based in America so the overwhelming majority of contacts are in America. The few "local" contacts are as usual always on the east coast - never any from Perth. But in terms of responses to my profile this is by far the most successful. I get up to about 10 per day. And I soon noticed a trend. While many of them used the site's email system to carry on our conversations, many others of them asked for a private email address and so to carry on our conversations by private email. I figured it was a way to save money. So I referred them to my junk email address in case there were some who were simply intent on spamming. It seems none were spamming but the vast majority of the "private email" contacts followed a pattern.

This is where my Virgo analytics kicks in. Being a Virgo is usually a liability in the dating game, we over-analyse everything, and it is why we are generally speaking no good at relationships!!! But being a Virgo does have its advantages when it comes to picking up on shams and scams in the dating game. And it seems the "private email" group are involved in some kind of sham or scam - so I turned undercover investigator to try figure out exactly what they are trying to do. Already the past week has been interesting.

First thing I noticed was that all of them claimed to be currently in an African or Asian country, mostly a choice between Nigeria, Kenya and Malaysia. And they all give remarkably similar stories of how and why they gotten there, as if they are reading off a script they may have gotten online somewhere. They all claim that they went to Africa/Asia as part of their job with their spouse. They then broke up with the spouse cos he was supposedly caught in bed with a best friend. Also that they have no family, either the parents passed away, or they were rejected at birth or early childhood. They all claim to be now living alone in these countries, and some claim to be no longer employed. And interestingly, they all claim to be devout Christians who regularly attends church - I assume it is to bolster their cases as being genuine and truthful. And they are all white Caucasians, none of them are black or colored.

And so they all claim to be of high morals, not looking for sex or one night stands, but a lifetime marriage partner. And this is where it gets interesting......

The first message I get from from are usually variations of this spiel.... the story as I shared above, all as if they are reading off a script. So I email them back, saying, lets just be friends first and get to know each other first. The 2nd message they all agree to it, and then sends me a set of questions - again the questions are identical!! Must be part of the same script. These are basic "get to know you" questions.

And there is another trend. The first email they send, they attach two or three (sometimes more) pixs of themselves, and these pixs are just normal innocent pixs. However on the 2nd email they send more revealing and sexier pixs of themselves, there is no nudity, but pixs that devout Christians normally wouldn't approve of. I guess they decide the man's hormonal surges would outweigh any questions of the seeming inconsistencies - except for Virgos!! LOL!!!

So by the 3rd email they are declaring their undying love for me, claiming that I am indeed that man that they are looking for, and that they want to meet me. More sexy but non-nude pixs are usually included in this 3rd email. They all claim that they intend to go back to America "in a few weeks" and that they intend meeting me when they get back - assumedly in America. Problem is, I had on the 1st email told them that I am Australian and that I actually live in Australia. But they seem to ignore this little inconsistency, which tends to add weight to my theory that they are all reading off some kind of script.

And so this is where I am currently at with some of them - the 3rd email. Some are on the 2nd email, and some the 1st email, as I have been getting such msgs of email requests on the site's inbox each day this past week. So now am waiting to see what the 4th email will bring........ watch this space!!!!!

Why I'm doing this? - it is as a warning to others - the experiences will be recorded on these blogs. Most people are not Virgos like me, and they are lonely and desperate for a mate so will do virtually anything to find one. So imagine how happy they be when their contact declares her "love" for him on just the 3rd email. They won't know any better, so will get sucked in, and possibly in danger - a few have been murdered through falling for dating scams. There was once on the news a case of a older man in Perth (obviously coming to the same conclusion as me in regards to finding a date in Perth!!!!) who was about to go overseas to Africa to meet his alleged "love of his life", but the authorities picked up on it in time, and literally just as he was leaving for the airport, the coppers came warning him not to take the trip - it later turned out that the "woman" of his dream was in fact a man, and he has murdered other men who earlier fell for the scam and traveled to Africa. So this does happen!!!!! Hence this warning that is and will be published on these blogs.

But to be sure, I do it seems some genuine friends from this site, mostly those who continues the correspondence through the site's email system. A genuine contact is generally one who is perfectly happy to remain "friends" for an indefinite time. Love is not something that you "look" for, it is something that just happens. One must be friends before one can become lovers. Anyone who declares her love after three msgs usually have an ulterior motive and often a classic sign of a sham or scam happening. I am really looking for a friend or companion, this is just not going to happen while I am in this city!!! It is one of a list of things that just will not happen - such as, the Palestinians volunteering to give the land back to the Jews, the Vatican agreeing to and blessing gay marriages and married priests, the USA clearing their 1 trillion dollars debt, and finding a friend/companion in Perth!!!! So since I am here in Perth for as long as I have a job, and being a STATE govt job there is no prospect of being transferred interstate, so I am fated to a life of loneliness and solitude. And if for some reason I lose my job and I move interstate, it won't solve my dating problems. Being age 50+ I will never find another job, no company employs anyone over 50. It is another of those list of things that just won't happen - finding a job when over 50 yrs of age. And no woman will date a man without a job, so it be another problem even if I successfully move interstate - I will still be alone!! So it is indeed my fate, as my spirit name proclaims, to be a Wandering Wolf, always wandering, never settling down, and a life of a wanderer is a lonely life, a life of solitude.......

Now other issues...... it is now less than two weeks until the end of the lease, and still no word from the landlord. I thought I'd hear from him last weekend, but it didn't happen. I could very well hear from him this weekend, he could come over with either a new lease agreement or an eviction notice. But until that happens my life is on hold until I know one way or the other. Further repairs on the car are on hold, as is upgrades to my computer, and etc, in case I do indeed have to move out. But I will not press the landlord on the issue, that could be counter productive. He is obviously taking his time, and given that by law he has to give a three weeks notice, he is obviously not in a terrible hurry for me to be out on the day of the lease end - I am going to be here for currently at least a week after the end of the lease. This could perhaps be a good sign, that even if I do have to move out, he may give me some time to do so. And this can possibly be the case of  "no news is good news". But whatever, until I get that notice one way or the other, I am not going to know whether I will return to my Wandering Wolf days or not!!!

And the state govt have officially introduced laws for forced redundancies in the state public service. With also a Liberal majority in the upper house, that law is destined to pass. The days of the "job for life" for state public sector workers are over. Nevertheless I am not terribly worried about my job. There were two of us working in my area, now there is just one of us - ME!!!!! The whole of the printing area next door are being closed down this week - October 31 - and well since the forced redundancies law is not passed yet, those poor souls will be on redeployment, though I understand some of them have chosen voluntary redundancy. But the poor souls on redeployment, they will be the first to lose their jobs when this law passes. There are plenty of redeployees across the public sector, they will be the first to go under this new law. Since I am in a position and have been for over 13 years, my job is safe for now. Of course if down the track I do lose my job, then I will use my redundancy package to travel around Australia then settle down on the east coast. Since I have been a public servant for 23 years as of now, my redundancy package will be generous, probably close to a year's worth of salary even after tax. So time for me to escape this very expensive city and settle somewhere cheaper. I did previously suggest Hobart, but I have since found out the housing in Brisbane is also just as cheap, and it has better weather!! Of course ALL Australian cities are cheaper for housing than Perth, (indeed even New York City is cheaper than Perth!!!) it is official, Perth is more expensive than Sydney for housing and rents. So ANYWHERE will be cheaper, but its a toss up between Hobart and Brisbane for cheapest housing, and well Brisbane is warmer, it has better weather, so it wins hands down on that count!! And since I will never find another job, I will be on Centerlink for the rest of my life - and I will never survive on Centerlink living in Perth, there is at least a 5 year wait for public housing in Perth - so 5 years on the nasty streets of Perth, or immediate accommodation in sunny Brisbane - well pick one!!!! But I really think I will be in my job for quite a while yet - but once again this is my Virgo analytics kicking in, we Virgos like to be prepared for any eventualities, even those relatively unlikely to occur!!!!

Now as usual.... after a week of pure sunshine and warmth, it is dull and overcast today being on a weekend!!! Well at least it is not raining, and there is no rain on the radar at this stage, so still hopeful for going for a walk later but probably not at the beach since the sun is not shining.

Now given the depressing dating scene of Perth, this song is pretty well appropriate......

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Bracing for Energy Events

I thought I had better get this in before some significant planetary events which seems destined to impact on my life - as it always does!! It is no coincidence that the USA debt crisis is set to come to a head tomorrow, and I do fear very much for the outcome given that a bunch of politicians holds the whole world at ransom. Just to think that a Politician is the only "high level" job/career that does not require any qualification from higher institutions - college, university, etc. Aside from the "unskilled" jobs, think of any high level job, such as CEO, the sciences, medical profession, law, police, teachers, etc, etc, they all require qualifications from a higher institution. However you don't need such qualifications to be a politician, you need only the gift of the gab and sufficient persuasive power to convince a high enough number of idiots to vote for them!!! This means any dimwit can be a politician, and this shows in the current crop of politicians currently and collectively ruling the western world. So we now in the position of a bunch of dimwit politicians about to bring the world to its knees in the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression!! It's amazing the world's society as we know it has survived this long!!! But you know, a wide variety of belief systems from Christianity, Judaism and Islam, through to indigenous faiths, Native Americans, Mayans, and the New Age movement all contains prophecies of the "end of the world" or "end times", indeed, the end of the age as we know it, with a radically different society to shortly follow. Just HOW the world as we know it will "end" and the precise makeup of the new society, these are dependent upon which of these religious/faith groups we embrace. But they all do have certain elements in common, one being the collapse of the world economies with a radical new "economy" employing a much simpler and environmentally friendly lifestyle to follow. It is quite clear that those of us enlightened ones are picking up on vibes, and it is only our own filters of our own belief systems that may perhaps distort the picture a bit. But you cannot resist the flow of astrological cycles, the procession of the earth's axis from Pisces (Christianity) to Aquarius (personal spirituality). Such a procession of the earth's axis is a verifiable Astronomical fact, you will find it on the NASA site (if it reopens after the crisis!!!!) as well as every other basic scientific Astronomy sites. Just as with the Jews (Age of Aries) tried for dear life to hold onto their old ways as the earth's axis moved from Aries to Pisces (at the time of Jesus), the Jewish Temple was destroyed in AD70 and was never rebuilt, but instead Christianity was created in the 4th century by Constantine, well into the Piscean Age, and has held sway in world's politics and power up until recent times.

So even if by some quirky chance the current crisis in the US economy is averted tomorrow, it is only delaying the inevitable. America and the world's economies are destined to crash at some point, and we are destined to have a whole new society ushered in.

Now to my personal circumstances..... firstly the planetary events.... The Full Moon falls on this Saturday 19-October. This Full Moon will also be a Lunar Eclipse. As we know, Sally passed away on the Full Moon, and so this Saturday will be the 7th month since Sally's death. And by some twist of "coincidence" (we all know there is not such a critter as "coincidence"!!!!), this Saturday 19-October will mark what would have been our 15th wedding anniversary!! Her death took place half way through the 14th year of our marriage. This Lunar Eclipse this Saturday will be followed by a Solar Eclipse on 3-November, New Moon day, two days before the end of my lease. The last time this configuration occurred during October/November was back in 1995, the end of my previous hell years with dealing with Barbara's health, the Xmas from hell in 1994, and being evicted from the house I shared with Barbara early in 1995. Of course in those days there was no housing crisis so I easily found a new apartment. But there were also financial upheavals during those years which would set me on the back foot, through to my bankruptcy in 1999. The lessons and circumstances from a previous planetary configuration often comes back to haunt during the current configuration!!

So this time around there is now 21 days to the end of my lease, and given that the landlord wants to sell the house, it seems rather likely I will be evicted and resume my life as a nomad - a Wandering Wolf ;) As yet I have had no word from the landlord one way or the other, but given that they are required to give three weeks notice in writing, it seems rather likely that he may pay me a visit this weekend - on the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. My finances are currently progressing very well. For the first time in many years I am able to meet my bills and payment obligations on time, as well as add to my savings each fortnite, and indeed am living rather comfortably for the first time in a long time. However this upcoming eviction event has the potential to wreck my finances, forcing me deeper into debt, and setting me back to square one!!!! I won't go into the gory details as I have explained them in previous blogs, but suffice to say, if I can have at least an extra six months in my current rental then I will have accrued sufficient savings to meet moving and relocation expenses. This is all I need.... just another six months..... however it remains to be seen if I will get this extra six months breathing space!! The universe moves on regardless of any personal considerations!!

Mercury's retrograde begins just two days after this Full Moon. So relative to the Earth, Mercury will appear to move backwards across the sky from 21 October through to 10 November. Mercury deals with relationships and communication, so chaos in those areas often occurs during its retrograde. Since communications often occurs through electronic means, computer and other electronic problems often occurs during the planet's retrograde. Sally and I never fought much compared to most other married couples, but when we did fight, the worst of them often occurred during Mercury's retrograde. Since this retrograde coincides with the weeks leading up to the end of the lease, this will add an extra dimension to things.

So all I will say for now is.... watch this space!!!.... and will know by this time tomorrow whether the world as we know it has come to an end !! ;)

I think this vid is rather appropriate given current circumstances !!!!!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Back at Work......

Uhhhh it's been a while since my last entry..... how time flies when you're having fun.... or even when not having fun, as the case may be. A few days after the Merredin trip I was shocked to learn that the Merredin Shire Council had picked up my Tweets/Instagram, and they sent me a msg! Wow!!! I hope I didn't say too much about the ETs in my tweets!!!! haha!!!! They now following me, waiting for my return trips, so better not say too much about the ETs..... hehe.....

Speaking of ETs and all that is space..... the next Full Moon is on the 19th and it is very interesting. Sally passed away on a Full Moon, so this Full Moon will mark the 7th month since her passing away. The 19th is also what would have been our 15th wedding anniversary!! It is also a Lunar Eclipse on this Full Moon, and will mark the start of Mercury's retrograde, the planet that deals with communications and relationships. Hmmmmmm..... very interesting times indeed. My life is so in synch with the lunar and planetary cycles, it always has been, I wonder what it all means.........

Anyway..... back to work.... *sigh*..... fortunately it is school holidays, so nothing much happening, and gives me time to settle in...... We already suffered the effects of the govt cutbacks. My colleague who shares my job, he was on a contract and it didn't get renewed, so he is there no longer. I am on my lonesome, to fend for myself, to do the whole job myself. In some ways I am happy, it means I can be the master of my own destiny, or at least do the job the way I think it has to be done. There are high points to being a permanent employee rather than on a contract. The contractor guy did tend to take over with things, and try to impose his ideas on me. And well with me being a Virgo I don't like change, I embrace the saying, If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!! Now he is gone, I can now reorganise things back to MY methodology and to what works for me!! And indeed I have been spending the school break rearranging my shelves of stocks, and organising them according to my Virgo order!! haha!! There is a reason why they say Virgos are no good at relationships, even with colleagues!!! haha!!! We are fussy and we insist on doing things OUR way, and we don't like change nor do we like compromise!!! haha!!! Love me love my star sign, it is not my fault that I am a Virgo, deal with it!!!!!

The downside however is that when busy period comes, in about a month or so, it will be just me myself and I, probably means I will have to work late some days. Given that I am on my own at home, I don't really want to work too late. Uh well, it is busy period for only a few weeks on either side of the school summer vacations. The contractor guy is not the only victim of the govt cutbacks. The whole section next door, that is the large room next to the warehouse, has been abolished. They all move out at the end of this month. It makes me wonder who will take up that large room, it will all be empty. A couple of my colleagues from our area is also next door, they will stay, but there won't be anyone else..... just empty..... I guess we shall know soon enough!!!

But am happy to say my job is safe..... probably the only thing that is safe at this time..... with my rental lease ending in three weeks. Still no word as to whether I will have to move out or not, but if I have to move out at the end of the lease, the landlord will have to give me the notice over this week - they have to give three weeks notice in writing. I may perhaps find out by the time of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, that would appear to be in timing with the end of the lease - all my life seems to be in synch with the planetary cycles!!!! Being the Virgo that I am, I have been preparing for this possibility. Last week I finally gotten the shower screens put back together again, that was the last major things that needed to be done before moving out. Most of the heavy cleaning has been done, so really we are in maintenance mode.

The big issue is I am not financially ready to be moving out, and I still have a lot of surplus items and junk to get rid of. I do have quite a few pennies saved up, being able to save a portion of my wages each fortnite, but it won't be enough to meet my moving expenses. I be doing most of the moving myself, my trailer is ready, and have plans in place for that. I will have to pay a professional to clean the carpets as per standard lease terms. But the main issue will be the security deposit and advance rent that one has to pay to get a new place - in total equals about six weeks rent. In addition, real estate companies also charges an application fee which is NON-refundable regardless of the success of otherwise of the application for tenancy. Gone are the days that you can look in the paper for a rental and expect to get it. Those days when there are more rentals than potential tenants are gone!!!! In those good old days, landlords are usually so glad to receive an application that they fall over themselves to make sure I actually take up tenancy with next to no checks!!!! Now with the housing crisis, those days are gone, gone forever..... there is now more potential tenants than rentals, and there is usually up to ten applicants for every rental. This gives the landlords the luxury to pick and choose as they please, while we have to go to the bother of arranging references, employment records, and etc - it's like applying for a bloody loan!!! But it also means only a slim 1 in 10 chance of success. So potentially, one can expect to make 10 applications before success is expected. That means, at least 10 payments of the NON-refundable application fee - money straight down the drain!! The fee varies between estate companies, but I think it is about $100 on average. So that means $1000 that I will have to kiss goodbye, it's as if you place $1000 in the fireplace and light the match!!! I should have gone into real estate - someone is making a lot of money!!!!!

So the application fee x 10, the up front payment of six weeks rent..... and self storage. My destiny seems to be one-bedroom apartments, as on the open market in this housing crisis, rents for one-bedroom apartments is comparable to the rent I am already paying for this 3-bedroom bungalow on a 1/4 acre block. Sally and I have been lucky, we have been getting off cheap cos we were renting privately, and we took up tenancy before the housing crisis kicked in, so while the landlord did raise the rent over the years, it was only by small amounts rather than the market rate. So as a result, I am paying less rent than most people even in most apartments and villas. But with Sally's death, I fear my luck will run out, I will have to move out, and there will be no more opportunity to go with private landlords. I will be thrown into the mix with sharks prowling on all sides. Anyway I have far more possessions, furniture and items, much of them legacy of Sally, than what would fit into a small 1-bedroom apartment. So I will need to rent self storage space for the extra items. This will include the trailer, as most apartment complexes allows for only a single parking spot, not enough room for a trailer.

Now if I can get a minimum of another six months here before moving out, I will be able to save enough pennies to cover the above expenses. I am able to save at a fair rate. Fortunately I do have a perfect record with the loans company, always meeting my repayment obligations on time, so if I do have to move out in three weeks, I will be able to get a loan extension to cover these extra expenses. But it will mean I will be deeper in debt, and my goal is to get out of debt, not go deeper in!!!! So another six months will do two things - it will give me the time to save the extra money, and it will also give me time to get rid of surplus possessions so there won't be so much that I have to move and place in storage, which means, a smaller storage unit. I will still need the self storage at least for the trailer, but obviously a smaller storage space will mean cheaper rates. So let's hope for an extra six months at this current house..... then I will be ready to move out, well at least a lot more ready than now!!!!!

Meanwhile.... what else has been happening..... uh yes my walks. It is still bloody winter here! LOL! While the rest of the country is getting hotter with the climate change, it is getting colder here! That does seem to be true. I remember years ago we used to get such extreme temperatures as much as 46 degrees Celcius, but since the mid 1990's, we have not been getting such extreme temperatures, no more runs of 40+ degrees Celcius days. These days we be "lucky" to get 42 degrees during the summer, it seems to be more humid and more tropical these days, and more rain. We have been getting more days over 32 degrees Celcius, but no extremely hot days. While our winters has been dry, our summer has been wetter, more akin to the tropics where they have a dry season in winter and a wet season in the summer.

Uhhhhh I'm up a bunny trail.... I was fixing to say about my walks..... we are still getting rain here, but I have managed to get out for my walks. It often happens that we get rain in the morning but clear up to warm and sunny in the afternoon. So I have been going to the beach for my walks. It is not warm enough for swimming, but usually sunny enough for a walk. I go to a different beach each time, and plenty of walk trails along the beach and on nature reserves attached to some beaches. I feel a connection with water, and my star kins - the dolphins and whales - are getting active. I do like to connect with the dolphins and whales. I haven't seen them yet, but I DO know that they are out there, I can feel them. They're just further out, it has been windy and the waters choppy with large swells due to the winter conditions. They come closer in when the waters are calmer. Nevertheless I still do go to the beach to try see them.

Now.... I probably posted this vid before but it is one of my favorites..... I am in a hippie mood.... me a frustrated hippie hehe..... must be the upcoming planetary alignments, the energies are very much evident.... ole Sammy Davis jnr and his flower power.... haha.....

Tuesday 1 October 2013


Up to now the weather has not been kind to me. As much as I enjoy the rain, the lawns needs mowing, and I do like to go for my walks on occasion!! The first two days of this holiday weekend were spent indoors, at home and at the shops. The rains continued into Monday morning, then near to lunchtime it started to clear, so I took the opportunity to mow the weeds that is the back lawns, and in spite of intermittent showers I finally managed to finish the back yard. Then after lunch almost by magic, in very Melbourne-like fashion, the afternoon turned gloriously sunny with not a drop of rain in sight. So I went to my new favorite spot, Bold Park, and went for one of the longer walks, all 7kms of it!!

So yesterday was the planned trip to Bruce Rock and Merredin. I spent last night preparing and making sure I have all that I needed, so all I needed to do that morning was little more than just grabbing a couple of bags and throwing them into the car before I went on my way. That is the Virgo in me, I like to be organised and to try avoid surprises. I was up at 4am, and after brekkie, I was on the road by 4:45am, it was still very much dark!! It started to get light just as I was getting near to Northam, and the Sun was up by Cunderdin. A total of just three hours later I was in the Merredin and Bruce Rock area, I estimated four hours but did it just inside three hours - probably cos the improved roads and there not being much traffic at that time of day.

No ET incidences that day, the Merredin-Kellerberrin area being an ET hotspot, but there was another kind of incident at Kellerberrin. As I drove into the town the boom gates across the rail line on the outskirts of the town were down. So naturally we thought uhhh a train!!!! But after several minutes it became obvious that there was no such train coming. So several of the cars started to take off across the gravel to another road, and my GPS device confirmed that there was indeed another road that took us into the town without crossing the rail line. So we went up this road until we got to the center of town, and from there was able to cross over the rail line back onto the highway, those boom gates were up, confirming that the boom gates back before town were indeed faulty.

My first stop was Belka - Mother's old locality. I drove up and down the Belka road at least three times but still could not find Mother's old house!! However I did uncover some new ideas and in hindsight thought of some new theories as to where it might be. I am not going to give up. I am going to find this house even if I have to search every inch of bush between Belka and Bruce Rock!! Just might need some ET help in the process!!

So to recap the story..... just before Mother got sick, Pasco took her up to Bruce Rock, and there Mother located her old house and took pixs of it. Then a little while later, before Sally got too sick to travel, we drove up to Kalgoorlie so thought we'd stop in at Bruce Rock and look for Mother's house. So we asked Mother, and her instructions at the time seemed straight forward - take the road to Bruce Rock from the Highway, until you come to Belka Road, and between the turn off and the Belka settlement we should be able to find her house - one of two houses!! Now Mother is good at many things, and I miss her so badly, part of the reason for this trip as well as my walks, it's hard to imagine how one could miss a Mother as I do mine - it's never easy to lose a Mother, but the way I lost mine at such a young age, well it adds that extra dimension of pain. But one thing I must say is Mother was dimwit when it comes to giving directions, she gets easily confused, muddled, sometimes gets places mixed up, and you never employ her as a navigator unless you like getting lost!!!!

So Sally and I first drove into Bruce Rock, then we took the road to Merredin assuming we would soon see Belka Road, and it wasn't long before we found such a road. So we traveled up and down this one road a couple of times. We could only see one abandoned house but being only one house we figured it wasn't Mother's. But we did find the ruins of two houses which had obviously been knocked down leaving only piles of wood, there in the midst of a wheat field. So we thought they have finally knocked down Mother's house. Then as we continued on the road to Merredin we spotted another "Belka Road" and realised we may have gone up the wrong road, but didn't have time to go up that road as we were running late in getting to Kalgoorlie. The next time we visited Mother, she showed us the pix of her house, our mistake was seemingly confirmed. The house was located in open woodland not in a wheat field, and it seems very unlikely that the land would have been cleared in such a short time, especially since these days one has to get permission from the govt to clear away natural bush even on one's own land!! So we figured we did make a mistake..... but then Sally soon got too sick to travel, and we had no further opportunities.

Now I remember that photo like it was yesterday, so with the help of Google maps I located all of the natural wooded areas along Belka Road, and when I got there this day, I looked into all of the wooded areas along the road between the Doodlakine and Merredin roads, but still couldn't find her house - indeed I couldn't see ANY old houses within any wooded area. But quite clearly the pix Mother had did show her house as being in a natural wooded area!! I drove up and down Belka Road three times but still couldn't locate her house.

However I certainly haven't given up on the idea of ever finding her house!! I have now thought of new ideas and theories. Mother's instruction to look on Belka Road between the Bruce Rock road and Belka actually gives THREE possibilities. There are TWO roads into Bruce Rock from the main National highway, one from Doodlakine, the other from Merredin, and Belka Road runs between both roads - Belka Road West from the Doodlakine road, Belka Road East from the Merredin Road, and Belka Road South also from the Merredin Road. It was the South road that Sally and I drove up, being the first road from Bruce Rock.

So I thought of taking Mother's point of view. Imagine Mother and Pasco travelling along National highway, Pasco almost always did the driving. The first road to Bruce Rock from Perth is at the Doodlakine turnoff. So when Pasco drove into Doodlakine and saw the sign to Bruce Rock, he naturally assumed that was the road we take, so would have taken that road with little or no input from Mother. Then a little while later while on the Doodlakine road, Pasco would have spotted the sign identifying Belka Road - so he'd say - Aha! There's Belka Road!!! and he immediately turned into the road. At that point Mother has a distinct advantage over me, that is, having lived there virtually all of her childhood, Mother would have known exactly where her house was located - even after all those years. She may be no good at navigating but at least she would know where her own house was!!!! One thing I assumed, especially after asking Mother, was that you could see the house from the road. But it seems you can't see the house from the road (otherwise I would have spotted it today!!!!!) but Mother knowing exactly where it was could have easily pointed Pasco to the exact spot, and a short stroll into the bush would have take them to the house.

And so when Mother instructed Sally and I on how to find the house from the Bruce Rock road, while we assumed Mother was referring to the Merredin road, Mother could have in fact been referring to the Doodlakine road - forgetting that there was also the road to Merredin. I'm sure she knew about that road, but as I say being a dimwit at giving directions, she may have unintentionally omitted that detail, assuming we would also take the Doodlakine road. We indeed did take the Doodlakine road, but due to Sally's weak bladder when travelling, she is always needing to go to the loo at every town when we travel. Doodlakine is a tiny settlement with no loos, so Sally insisted we go into Bruce Rock first so she could go to the loo!!! Then we traveled back up the Merredin road and we saw the Belka South road and assumed that was what Mother was talking about.

Another thing to consider.... the house is most likely to be on public land. Mother had actually visited the house and even went inside. She told us that there was an old suitcase in one of the rooms!! Now if the house was on private property, that is, on a farm, it is highly unlikely Mother would have ventured onto the land. Today I have seen plenty of abandoned houses on farming properties but none of the looked like Mother's house anyway!! And it happens a lot of the bushland along the road is on public land, so it seems likely her house is located in any of such bushland.

So on my next trip to the region, especially knowing it is only a 3-hour trip not 4 hours, well I will work on the theory that Mother was referring to the stretch of Belka Road between the Doodlakine road and the Belka settlement. There is actually a natural bush reserve on the corner of Belka and the Doodlakine road, perhaps her house is somewhere in there. There are a couple of tracks into the area, but didn't drive on any of them today as I assumed the house could be seen from the road. There are a couple of smaller areas of natural bush along this stretch of road that is also on public land. And around Belka itself there are plenty of areas of natural bush on public land there. So I have plenty of leads to work on!! I am not going to give up, I am going to find this house even if it kills me!! LOL!!!

Anyway... after the fruitless search for Mother's house, I finally drove into Bruce Rock. First stop was the Post Office where Dad said he worked there when he met Mother. Then I drove around town for a bit, came across the District High School and thought that it was most likely that Mother went to that school. This led me to another revelation. In my childhood when I complained that I always have to walk the 1/2 mile to school cos I didn't have a bicycle like all the other kids, she would always scold me and tell me about the "miles" she had to walk to school each day in 110 degree heat!! Well I figured out just how many "miles" Mother likely to have walked each day. The actual distance depended on exactly which route she would have taken, it seems likely to be between 9 and 10 miles!!! That's a bloody long way!!!!! OMG!!! Given she probably walked at a reasonably brisk 4 to 5 mph, it would have taken her at least 2 hours each way!!!! In winter she would have to leave before dawn and probably didn't get back until after dark. She'd have sister Marlene for company, nevertheless..... it is no wonder she scolded me each time I dared to complain about walking around the corner to my school cos I didn't have a bicycle like everyone else at school did!!!! It was no wonder Mother was so good at athletics to the point of representing her school in the regional competitions - all that walking each day would have given her legs good exercise!!!!

After exploring the town for a bit, I went to the rock the town was named after - Bruce Rock!!!! Half of it was divided onto private property with signs given in no uncertain terms that we dare not traverse this fence!! However that still did leave half the rock I could legally explore. Me and my fascination for rocks!! haha!!

Now it was onto the 40 or so kms north to Merredin. Finding Dad's abodes was much easier. While Mother was a farm girl, Dad was a town guy! LOL! First I drove into the main town stretch mainly cos I was getting hungry by now and needed something to eat!!! On my walk up and down the strip for a country town's equivalent to "fast foods" (since there are no Maccas, KFC, Hungry Jacks, etc! LOL!!) I came across the Post Office where Dad also worked there. It seems interesting that Dad worked with mail, cos it is also where I work in my job. I first started life at the Ed Dept in Computer systems support, but I was destined to work with the mail. The govt privatised the Computing area, so I was redeployed, and was eventually sent to Records where I was assigned to the Mail room, opening mail and delivering mail around the Dept. I was put on redeployment once again, and was sent to Distance Education where I have been for the last decade - still working with mail, receiving mail from students, sorting mail into pigeon holes, packing items to be sent out in the mail, placing students' work into envelopes and addressing them, preparing the mail to be sent out, and etc.....!!!! So STILL working with mail in my job, and I guess I will be destined to be working with mail until I retire!!! It is funny how destiny works. I studied at University and tried all my student life to get into either the Science or Computing area, and got as far as starting in the Computer area in my first jobs, but destiny soon took over, and the rest is history - I have been working with mail for much of my work life!!!!

Anyway..... I paid a visit to the PO, then to Atkinson's Drapery which is where Mother worked!!! Amazing that a small shop is still there and trading after more than five decades!!!! Soon I spotted a bakery and had a delicious pizza bread!! Next on my itinerary was Dad's first abode in Coronation Street, so I went there only to find it had disappeared down a vortex and into a parallel universe!!!! Number 50 simply did not exist!!! The house numbers jumped from 48 to 52!!! But in the place of what should have been 50 was an obviously modern house quite out of place from all of the other old houses in the street! So I figured the house must have been knocked down and a new one built in its place. But still can't figure out how number 50 had simply disappeared. Must be some kind of vortex! LOL!! My Instagram pix shows a row of houses, the one in the center is what should have been number 50. hmmmmmm........

Next was Cunningham Street, and Dad's house there on the corner did look more original. There was a savage looking guard dog in the back yard so figured it wasn't a good idea to go in!! LOL!! I kept to the park across the road!!

Last but not least..... the Merredin rock!!!!! And oh what a rock it is!!! And not just one huge rock, there seems to be at least three or four of them!!!! Plenty of pixs on my Instagram account as me the intrepid explorer went on at least the first two rocks. There was also the dam, I assume what Dad talked about..... there were some HUGE fishes in there, must have been near to 1/2 metre, though of course the water can give some illusion of size, nevertheless, these were easily the largest fish I ever saw in any freshwater system - lake, dam or river!!!!! I don't think the pixs I managed to take of them does it any justice!!

The energy of exploring those rocks needed a Subway, and there was a Subway in Merredin - I had my roasted chicken roll from there. Then finally headed back home, and in spite of the increased traffic, it was still about a three hour trip.

So a must come back!!!! Plenty of walk trails in and around those rocks!! That is my plan over these next few months or so. Each time I travel to the area, I test one of my theories in trying to locate Mother's house, then go for my walk at the Merredin rocks. And being only a 3 hour trip as I now discovered, well it's not such a huge undertaking.

Although I had no ET experiences I did feel vibes on those rocks. There is a reason why Aborigines often regards these rock landforms as sacred sites!!! There are energies associated with rocks, and is often associated with ET experiences. Uluru, what we called Ayers Rock, a major sacred site for Aborigines is indeed one of the seven Chakra points of Planet earth. Every human body has seven Chakra points which affects our health, etc, well planets has them as well, that also affects the health of the planet. It is said that while the seven planetary Chakra points were in operation on Earth, we were able to derive our energy needs without resorting to fossil fuels, nuclear fission or other such polluting methods. But one of the Chakra points was Atlantis, and when Atlantis fell into the ocean, the Chakra system collapsed so we could no longer derive our energy from there - so having to resort to polluting fossil fuels, nuclear, etc. Anyway there are definite vibes associated with the Merredin rocks, so another reason why I will be going back there. It will be interesting to find out about the Aborigine history and legends about these rocks, I am sure there are such legends around, just a matter of trying to find them. Aborigine legends, the Dreamtime, are often pointers to ET activity and the particular vibes of the landforms in question.

Lessons I learned from the trip.... the car charger for my devices does not work!!! It did not charge my devices in spite of the light on the charger showing as on. I know it is not the car lighter socket cos I use it all the time for my Travel Cooler, it works brilliantly, keeps my soda cooler than ice alone. I always bring my own soda as they charge an utter fortune for them at the shops especially out in the country and at tourist spots. So I do purchase food from there, so not quite as frugal as Mother who'd be totally self sufficient on trips, bringing EVERYTHING with us on trips so avoiding shops altogether!!! But then I do like my food hot, I don't like just having salad rolls. My Travel Cooler can also work as a Food Warmer, indeed I used it as such when transporting my hot meals to Sally during her stays in hospital, but obviously you can only use one setting at a time - cooler or warmer - and purchasing two of them would be fruitless as there is only one cig lighter socket in the car!!! So yes I do buy my food when out which also costs a fortune, my 6-inch half sub from Subway in Merredin cos me over $8!!!!..... but even half a sub had so much meat and stuff in it that I struggled to eat all of it, I really don't eat much at all in spite of my energy expenditure, I get by perfectly well on small serves of food - probably another legacy of Mother, she'd always limit our serves of food at meal times, possibly a combination of budgeting and health issues. So though I do splurge a bit on the food, all of my drinks I bring on my own. At least one of the supermarkets always have blocks of soda on special, usually a 24-pack or a 30-pack, and like Mother I do always shop for specials, though not always, not quite as thorough as Mother, but for drinks I do - and getting sodas on special, it works out usually around 60c or so per can, as opposed to up to as much as $3 for the same can in some country places!!!!

So point is there is nothing wrong with the car cig lighter socket!!! I thought perhaps there is not enough current to charge my two devices - a cell phone and a tablet - but I would have thought that my Cooler which has a motor, albeit a small motor, with a fan would use more energy than my two devices together. But whatever the possible cause, the car charger did not work, and I had to travel back home cut off from the world - my two devices being out of action due to the battery being spent!!! But at least they lasted through the day during my sojourns. I have a GPS app on my tablet which turns my tablet virtually into the same GPS devices that you see in some cars. It proved to be useful in more ways than one. It even warned me of approaching speed cameras - very useful for me who tends to be lead footed!! But the speed indicator on the GPS device is more accurate than my car speedo, indeed while my car speedo shows me doing 110kmh, the GPS shows I was doing only about 104kmh - now I know why more cars than not zooms past me on the highways while I do what I thought was 110!!! To achieve my real speed of 110, the speedo shows 118. However it is more accurate at lower speeds, 80kmh on my car speedo shows as about 78 on the GPS. The GPS was also very helpful in other ways, especially when trying to find the various streets and landmarks in Merredin and Bruce Rock, I found them all without a map - though I did bring hard copies of maps in case of failure, you don't always trust technology, it does break down on occasion, but while it was working it proved a wonder - and it worked like a charm during my whole trip - until my devices ran out of battery power and my charger didn't work!!!!! grrrrrrr..... Uh yes the GPS works directly on the satellite signal, you don't need to have a phone signal for it to work - very useful when the intrepid adventurer like me travels off the beaten track and often out of range of phone signals!!!!!

Anyway I will now purchase a battery backup pack from Dick Smiths before my next day trip. You can get one with two sockets for about $80 and they claim it is good for one full recharge of a phone or tablet device, which would be all I need - my devices usually have enough charge to last me for the trip to the place and for exploring the place, I always seem to run out of battery by the time I head on home - so a backup battery pack it seems would be perfect.

 Now today is my last day of vacation, and it looks like a sunny day, so will be going for my last walk of vacation. Tomorrow when I am back at work it will be even more sunny, indeed 30 degrees Celcius - our first 30-degree day of the summer!!! And I will be stuck all day in the warehouse!! grrrrr..... On such a day I'd be walking at the beach, we have beach trails up and down our coast. So I'd be walking along the beach and hopefully catching up with my ET kins - the dolphins and whales. The souls of dolphins and whales are both from the Pleiadean and Sirius star systems, which is why I get on with them so well. Today it will only be 26 Celcius so probably not warm enough for the beach unless you're a pom! LOL! You see the beaches of England filled with people sunbathing and swimming when the temp reaches 24 Celcius - a hot day for them!! LOL!! But for us sunburnt Aussies we need more than 24 degrees before we go to the beach. So I probably won't go to the beach today. Tomorrow would have been perfect for the beach, but not to be, I be back at work..... *sigh*..... and it will be sunny every day this week until the weekend when it will rain again, it is forecast to rain ALL weekend!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr...... Uh well such is life.... *sigh*

But another thing I will do today is going to the shops for new clothes for wearing to work, given it will be 30 degrees Celcius and my current summer attire are a little worse for wear!! I never was one to spend much on clothes. Was never really enthused about clothes, I see them as purely a means to an end. Me being a frustrated hippie would happily go nude in the summer but obviously not the thing to do in this particular society!!! LOL!!! As a kid I never liked to receive clothes for my birthday or Xmas. I'd get excited about toys and gadgets, but when it came to clothes, I just push them aside as if to say.... uhhhhh whatever!!! Big whoopee doo!!!!! And I still feel the same today, I never put clothes on my birthday/Xmas wish lists. I much prefer gadgets, devices, anything to do with computing, space crafts, etc..... The good thing about my job is we can wear casual clothes, I just wear jeans and a T-shirt to work. In summer it is my denim shorts, but my shorts from last year are faded and suitable only for bush walks and gardening!! So definitely needing a couple of new shorts, and I simply go to Big W where you can get them for reasonable price. And also some sandals. We are allowed to wear sandals at work. They frown on flip flops, but sandals are OK. And in the warehouse it does get very hot, often 10 degrees hotter than outside. They do have aircons in the warehouse, but due to the govt 3-tender rule, the aircons are next to useless. The govt always doing things on the cheap. For any contract work, such as hospital catering, or installing warehouse industrial aircons, the dept has to get three quotes and are obligated to take the cheapest quote regardless of any possible sub-standard service. And so we contend with an aircon system that quite simply does not work!! Most time we don't bother even switching them on, it makes no difference whatsoever to the air temp in the warehouse!! Fortunately we do have a working aircon in our offices, but none in the warehouse. So we just contend with the heat best we can, and wearing casual summer clothes and sandals does help. So yes am shopping for denim shorts and sandals for work tomorrow. Then I go for my walk. Then brace myself for returning to work tomorrow...... *sigh*......

Anyway.... the song for today, given the them of exploring rocks and Aborigine legends, this also being a social consciousness song compelling us to consider the plight of our native kins...... Solid Rock by Goanna....