Saturday 13 October 2012

Well i did say there will be no more updates on Sally until Monday when they said the test results would be in. This perhaps should have read, the last of the test results will be in Monday but some will be in beforehand. This is what had happened. Some of the results were in today, it seems that her kidneys are all hunky doree, no problems there. The wound on her leg seems to be healing up nicely, its now about 1/3 of the depth. So depending on the rest of the test results, they say Sally could be home by sometimes next week. Her strength is returning, and is able to walk more, they took her off the catheter meaning she has to go to the loo now, they figure she is now strong enough to do so though still needs help getting back into bed.  I was kinda hoping they would be dealing with the sores on her legs and hips before they send her home, but i guess their reasoning could be that once these other issues are dealt with then the sores would soon heal, and that could be just as well accomplished at home. However it will mean more bandage changing each night and more money on bandages for a while yet, however long it will be. I will have to extend my loan hence go deeper into debt as this will be the only way i will be able to meet my bill payments especially the electricity bill if i also have to start spending money on bandages again. I think it is another couple of weeks before the six months of repaying the loan is up, the whole term of the loan being 12 months, and i have a perfect repayment record, so i should be able to extend the loan. The hospital doc have allowed her to continue with the Essential Oils treatments in the hospital, and her sores are slowly clearing but at the current rate it will take well beyond the next week before those sores are gone completely. Anyway we won't know exactly when Sally will be home until Monday when the rest of the results will be in. I'm back at work Tuesday but will have to take a day of work the day she comes home.

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