Wednesday 17 October 2012

The test results did not find any nasties so Sally is now cleared to come home to continue her recovery. Dependant upon how soon they can arrange for Silver Chains to resume the home care she could be home as soon as tomorrow. I must admit I am rather apprehensive about the prospect of her coming home so soon. The hospital insists on her legs being washed daily but Silver Chains are certainly not noted for their enthusiasm of service, trying to skimp which ever way they can and provide only the bare minimum that they can get away with. As for me there is a reason why I studied Physics rather than Medical Science, the least of all, Nursing. I am simply not cut out to be a nurse or a high level carer. I am like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory TV show, strictly Physicist and definitely not people person, I cringe at the sight of one's body waste products, not much better when it comes to blood although I quite like the sight of my own blood, just not hers!!! It has what been stressing me out for the past 12 months, and it's stressing me that I am being thrown back into it. The stress most of all are those sores and the prospect of needing to order bandages again. The choice is, order bandages OR pay the electricity bill, I cannot do both, the budget simply does not allow it. The govt as usual trying to shirk their responsibilities due to the budget bottom line and pushing the burden back onto us long suffering citizens - "peasants" being a more accurate term!!

However there are some promising signs. The sores are clearing up and it would seem that I could get away with using significantly less bandages. She has been using the Essential Oils. It is a matter of how far my budget can stretch to accommodate bandages and pay the electricity bill before disconnection. I certainly could not do it on the previous level of bandage expenditure, it will have to be significantly less if to have any chance of meeting the necessary bill payments. Emotionally she feels better, her ward mate went home today but apparently they swapped contact details, it looks like she found a new friend in her, someone else to bitch at aside from me!! LOL!!

I guess we just have to wait and see how it all pans out.....

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