Monday 8 October 2012

This being the first day of the working week the hospital would be now fully staffed since Sally was admitted. The wounds specialist came to see her today, he cleaned up the wound on her leg and it was 1/2 inch deep as well as about 3 inches round. This sounds a very serious wound indeed. The testing is yet to determine whether it is gangrene, but either way, a 1/2 inch deep wound seems very drastic. In hospital is certainly the right place for her!! Tomorrow morning she is scheduled for an ultrasound of her tummy region to try figure out what is going on. She has been bleeding where a woman should not bleed when in menopause or not on a period. But also to see what is going on with the bladder infection, her urine is dark and has blood in it. So it seems something serious is going on there. Also it seems her tummy is not absorbing the nutrients from her food, which perhaps explains why she has lost so much weight in spite of spending most of her time sitting and laying in her recliner chair for the past year, she lost more than my whole body mass in weight over the past year. She is indeed slowly starving to death. She is indeed a very sick little critter, more sick than we realise. The ultrasound tomorrow morning is expected to be a telling point.

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