Sunday 7 October 2012

Oh i was so exhausted after coming home from the hospital last night that i went straight to bed for a nap after i had dinner, i tried to get up a bit later to get online but i was so weak as a kitten myself i couldn't do a thing, so went to bed and slept on and off until now. i guess it is all the stress and torment of the past year catching up with me. This is the first respite I had for close to a year. Since November last year I have been changing bandages for Sally each night for between 2 and 4 hours, night after night without a break at all, and often changing them again during the day, often before I go to work thus making me late for work, and during weekends. Then having to be virtually on 24/7 call in case she needed to go to the bathroom, and especially over the last few months being so weak as a kitten that she couldn't help herself up. The Silver Chains nurses thought she was just being lazy when she calls me in to help her up while they were changing her bandages. Little did they know she was anemic. But yes after close to a year of constant 24/7 care and changing bandages, I get a few days respite, and a year of stress catches up with me and hits my body for a six!! So today I am just resting, not doing a thing, well at least as little as possible anyway. It is a Jewish high holiday today, known as Shemini Atzeret, it's Jewish for "The 8th Day", this being the 8th day of Succot, it is indeed a separate holiday attached at the end of the 7 days of Succot.

Anyway latest on Sally..... well when i came in to see her last night she was hooked up to a fluid drip and also antibiotics drip, feeding antibiotics straight into her blood stream in an effort to deal with those sores. She is so badly dehydrated that they have her on a fluid drip. The test result from the swab from her wound didn't turn up anything particularly nasty, just apparently normal bacterial infection. It seem weird since last year the diagnosis was staph infection. Go figure.... hmmmmm...... but all along she had anemia which was why those sores would not heal in spite of previous antibiotic treatments, though previously the antibiotics were orally taken, just  in pill form. This time it is being fed straight into the blood stream. Her hospital doc did approve for her to continue on with the Essential Oils treatments, which was unexpected. They usually baulk at alternative treatments especially in public hospitals, most pass them off as hocus pocus, but her doc is of Indian descent so probably more open to alternatives. Sally is still in acute care ward but is hoping to be able to find a spot in a normal ward soon so she can watch TV and not been driven batty with boredom, there are no TVs in acute care. The nurse gave her a puzzle book in an effort to stave off boredom. She is confined to bed, not being allowed to get up, she is deemed a falls risk probably due to her weakness of strength.

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