Sunday 26 May 2019

Busy Weekend and New Modalities

Last weekend, a week ago, the weekend of an intense Full Moon in Scorpio, was a very busy weekend. On the Saturday I undertook a 10-mile walk, the most epic of my walks. Halfway through the walk my phone battery was close to being spent despite my ageing portable charger unit. I think I need a new charger unit cos this old one is not keeping up with the phone's power use, especially when I take loads of pixs. I needed to cease taking pixs at the 8km mark, halfway through this 16km walk, so will have to undertake this walk again to take the remainder of my pixs. But also transmuting vortexes in this high vortex area of the Perth Hills, it is best not to repeat the same walk immediately. So that was Saturday.

Sunday I was set to attend at least two events, I ended up attending three of them for the Full Moon. The first event was the Light Languages Experiential session, where we look at ET-inspired drawings and work with them to interact with our energies and ultimately effect changes in my life. It is pretty well what I do, I do my own ET-inspired drawings and ET Light Languages (speaking in tongues) but I thought I'd let someone else do it for me. I worked with two drawings, and one of them so impacted on me that I purchased it for my sacred space.

The the afternoon I went to our monthly Arcturian Planetary Healers session, this time outdoors at one of the crystals sites along the river, where crystals are buried to mark the boundary of the 5D Arcturian Cities of Light.

Then I decided to try out Kundalini Yoga in the evening for the Full Moon meditation event..... and it turned out to be very different to what I expected. I recount my experiences as shared to my FaceBook followers.....

My experience with Kundalini Yoga

I have been drawn to Kundalini Yoga for a long time before finally deciding to attend a session with them, the Full Moon meditation event.

Having done Hatha Yoga for a while last year I thought all Yoga modalities are basically similar. Oh how wrong was I to be!! Kundalini Yoga is as different to Hatha Yoga as.... well for want of a more original analogy..... chalk and cheese!!!

First thing I noticed as I walked into the room was the attire of the Yoga instructor and a couple of others.... literally head to toe, or more to the point, head to ankles in white attire, the only exposed parts being her face, hands and feet. Much akin to nuns and Islamic women. But instead of flowing dresses, it was pants, more appropriate for Yoga. But they weren't the tight Yoga pants or leggings normally associated with Yoga, these were slightly looser fitting, it seems layered, to minimize emphasis on womanly attributes - like virtuous Virgos.

It was an hour of Yoga followed by 30 minutes meditation. The Yoga poses were deceptively simple, mostly done while sitting down, while Hatha Yoga involved a lot more physical movements. One of the poses which we repeated through the session involved sitting on one's legs as in kneeling but sitting on the legs, and raising the hands above the head. The hands were clasped in a very specific manner, even gender specific, the females with left thumb over right, the males right thumb over left. We would hold this pose for several minutes while chanting a what I assumed to be Hindu words, it meant "I am truth"

That's another major difference with Hatha Yoga. There is a lot of specific chanting involved, not just "om om om". Indeed we began the session with sitting with hands in prayer position, with thumbs on specific part of chest, repeating a series of chants - us beginners were given a sheet with the chants with English meanings, so can tell you the chants are translated "I bow to the subtle divine wisdom, the divine teacher within"... and "I bow to the primal wisdom, I bow to the wisdom true throughout the ages, I bow to the true wisdom, I bow to the great unseen wisdom".

Meanwhile back to the pose I mentioned..... it seemed most deceptively simple, but oh try holding it for several minutes!!!! Lets put it this way, it would have been easier to do press-ups for the same amount of time!!!!!  The instructor did say that if we find the poses too difficult we can take time out to rest, but me being a Virgo I am a perfectionist, so I always try to perform these poses perfectly!!! The idea is to focus on the chanting, focus on 3rd eye, which in theory should take away from the seemingly extreme physical efforts to maintain the poses.

We really performed only two poses, the other being the "frog pose", but just repeated over and over again.... at first we rested on our backs for a little while inbetween poses, but towards the end it was straight into one pose to another without resting!!!

Most thankfully at the end of the Yoga part, we layed on our backs for an extended period of time, telling our very tired bodies to relax from the feet to the head. By then the Sun had set and it was dark, and the lights were switched off.

The meditation part..... the lights were switched on then.... even that was rather active, though not as much as the Yoga. We sit cross legged in the normal meditation poses, but there were more chanting, apparently designed to attract prosperity and good fortunes into our lives (let's hope it works!!!!!), holding up our hands chest height and repeatedly releasing from fist to open hand in synch with the chants.

In the end we uttered a prayer together, as we all bowed down in the classic bowing position bent over with head on ground. There were no figurines of deities in the room, in fact the room was very sparse with nothing much in there.... I don't think there were even candles nor crystals in there .... the instructor said we were bowing down "to ourselves"..... and we uttered a prayer in reference to "One God", which rather surprised me, I thought Hinduism was polytheistic like Paganism, me and my several Goddesses ..... it seemed more akin to Christianity.... but then I don't profess to know much about Hunduism.... and well I assume its referring to Hinduism, with Yoga being from Hinduism..... it is something I need to look into to. This is a most decidedly more "religious" group, so have to see what they're about..... they do have a website which I intend visiting.... Me the ever questioning Virgo with Uranus in my Sun sign..... as I question Christianity over all those years, I will always question about all spiritual and religious philosophies.

From my point.... though the chants and prayers were most decidedly "religious", I can see how it can apply to all forms of spirituality.... My philosophy, being, All is one and one is all. There is nothing in the chants that excludes any other forms of spirituality, like Paganism.

My verdict is - Its BLOODY HARD WORK!!!!! It is more physically demanding than Hatha Yoga!! And although the vibes were most decidedly different to what I have been used to, I can see that I can resonate with it, at least generally. I do intend further involvement, though in small doses at first - like when starting a fitness regime, you start of slowly!!!! Like all things, it takes practice......


Now another excerpt from my FaceBook posts.....

At the end of the session at Kundalini Yoga, I was intending to talk with the instructor, at least to thank her..... and to catch her vibes and see what she says. She was talking to someone else first, so I just waited..... It was a small group, about 8 of us plus instructor.... two others of them were in the same white full-body attire, the rest of us in normal clothing like me.... and other first timers like me.... I was the only one of masculine identity, so another reason why I wanted to talk to her, to catch her vibes towards me.....

We all removed our footwear before entering the room..... but me being an anxious little Virgo focused on just relaxing enough to attend the session, I forgotten to remove my flip-flops (known as "thongs" in Australia).... so I spent several minutes in the room setting myself up, and as I was getting myself on the mat, I noticed my flip flops..... and thought OH SHIT!!!!!!  So I simply got up and took them outside.... fortunately I was closest to the door!!!! But me being a Virgo who hates to make mistakes, I was silently kicking myself for such a mistake, which took away a little from the session...... me the perfectionist Virgo with four planets in my Sun sign!!

But for the several minutes I was in the room with the flip flops, no one said anything to me. Surely the instructor would have noticed as I walked in, but she didn't say anything. Indeed no one said anything for the entire session. But was another reason why I wanted to talk to her, to see if she would say anything...... which would decide if I would return.... but she did not, she didn't even imply anything....

Indeed as I finally got to speak with her, she immediately put me at ease just from her general vibes..... I so easily related to her.... she seemed pleased that I attended.... I commented that it was different to what I expected but I did "enjoy" it.... dunno if "enjoy" was the word I'd use, but well I did in a way.... that I DID survive the session to the end!!!!! .... and she referred me to the website for any additional sessions..... The last thing she said was that she hope she would see me again...... which is what I am intending at this time!!

Last thing I will mention.... the session charge was $10... and so at the end was wondering who to give the money to.... Until someone else asked the instructor, who referred her to a basket at the back of the room on the shelving containing the blankets, bollards, etc... the only piece of furnishing in the room. There was nothing else in the room aside from the Yoga mats. I bought my own mat cos of it being thicker, the Yoga mats normally provided at venues are so thin, and in my old age I find the floor to be too hard. There were no cushions, in fact when laying down we were encouraged to lay completely on the floor without any cushioning as a means to connecting with Mother Gaia.... but it was OK if we needed cushioning.... so I did cheat, I used a blanket for my head....

Anyway back to the payment situation..... no mention was made of it until someone asked about it.... and well, it is very much an honour system..... there is just this basket at the back, no signage on the basket, but having already money in it, it was somewhat obvious why it was there, and we just simply placed the money in the basket - I think some placed it there at the beginning of the session, the remainder of us at the end as we walked out.

Now being an ever questioning Virgo with Uranus in my Sun sign in my chart, I decided I needed to research more about Kundalini Yoga, and here is what I found, also excerpted from my FaceBook posts.....

This ever questioning and very curious Virgo has been doing some research into Kundalini Yoga, and have uncovered some enlightening facts. Firstly, Kundalini Yoga IS a Hindu thing, it is one of the practises of Hinduism. And in Hindu religion, there is the "One Supreme Reality", akin to a supreme God, but is personified as the many gods and goddesses of Hinduism, so yes there ARE Goddesses in Hinduism, just as I thought there was. So the reference of prayer to the "One God" at Kundalini Yoga is simply referring to this one supreme Entity which can be expressed through other deities..... goddesses for example. I guess the closest Christianity comes to this concept is of Jesus being the personification of God the Father..... Christians sticks to just this one person while Hinduism has many such persons..... well that is my understanding from the information I was able to uncover anyway.

As for Kundalini Yoga itself, it is said to be the most intense, indeed the most "dangerous" form of Yoga, cos of the potential to awaken the Kundalini, which is serpent energy. For this reason it is better to go with a teacher or attend the classes rather than just online or just trying at home. Oh yes, Kundalini is also sometimes associated with a Goddess, indeed the "Great Goddess", Shakti. So yes indeed lots of Goddess energies...... yeah trust me to be drawn to the most intense of practices. That has been the pattern of my life, for example, back in my Christian days I was drawn to the most "extreme" forms of the religion, the Charismatic Movement, more still, the most extreme forms of the Charismatic Movement...... Whatever religion or spiritual practices, I am always it seems drawn to the deepest most intense forms..... the same in Paganism.....

Anyway I bookmarked some sites...... as I continue to research on this...... so far I don't see any issues nor problems with Kundalini Yoga, it does seem generally resonant with who I am and my spiritual beliefs.....

The other modality that I adopted is 5-Rythm Dancing, again different to Chakra Dancing but complimentary. So I now attend dancing twice per week - Chakra Dance on Mondays and 5-Rythms dance on Thursday. 5-Rythms is a far more energetic dance than Chakra Dancing, we dance for longer, and there are partners and group interactions during the dance as guided by the facilitator, but being a small group, we all seems so open to each other and I have no trouble in finding partners.

Ok that is it for now..... it's becoming a long blog already.......

Oh the 21st century......
Um... yeah.... quite fair enough.!!!!!

Meanwhile at Parliament House in Canberra.....

Oh yes indeed......

The Saturnic truth.....

Oh yes......

Donut truths.....

Meanwhile back in ancient days.....

Chiron in my 2nd House.....

Womanly point of views..... hehe.....

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