Sunday 9 June 2019

Travel Plan Changes

Oh it's been a while..... again..... things has been absolutely crazy lately, lots of spiritual events, and stepping up on my walks.....

The biggest news revolves around my travel plans for September. My original plan was to go back to the USA, visiting South Carolina for the 2nd time to meet up with the besotted witch of mine..... and a couple of weeks ago I suddenly realised September is only three months away!!!! So much has happened that I lost track of time!!! One needs to book flights at least three months in advance for the best price, meaning, cheaper price......

First however I need to put in my vacation time request, so I thought, no big deal, my boss normally gives me a response within the day, and he had always approved of my vacation requests. So one fateful day I submitted my vacation time request for September...... only to discover my boss would not be in for the day!!!! No worries, I thought, he should be in the next day...... Alas!!! I was further informed that he has taken ill, and in fact, he was in hospital, and would not return to work until the following week!!!!

Hmmmmm...... OK..... so I just have to wait for the week. The price of air tickets could go through the roof within just a week, nevertheless, I felt NOT to make any bookings UNTIL I get approval from my boss regardless of how long it would take.

The following week finally came...... and my boss finally returned to work...... and he duly approved my vacation time request.

So now to book my flights and lodgings for South Carolina..... only to find the prices had within just a week jacked up by over $1000. OK.... well I could still afford it, but that is not the point!!! Why should I pay an extra $1000 when I can simply just wait a week. I'd be better off waiting until next year, and this time make sure I book early enough!!!!

Now pondering on alternative destinations..... perhaps Europe cos they're always cheaper than going to the USA, or maybe somewhere closer by..... Asia....  New Zealand.......

Then an email from an airlines popped into my inbox!! Air tickets to South America for about half price!!! This will make it cheaper than going to the USA!!! And this included travel during September!!!!! Well there was one particular country in South America that I had been interested in, that was on my bucket list for a long time. A country I was intending to visit in 2017 until the catastrophic bond fiasco, as air tickets to that country is normally very expensive!!! The country in question being..... PERU!!!!!!

And when one of the destinations in this half price sale included LIMA - a city in PERU!!!! - I could hardly contain myself!!!! But being a Virgo with four planets in my sign, I still managed to remain grounded enough to check the fine print.... what Virgos always do!!! And so I checked that it was indeed with a premium airline, and that such necessities as checked luggage, meals, and being able to choose your seat, are included in the price..... and indeed they are.......

So I am now on my way to Peru!!!!! ooooohhhhh yes!!!!!! I am in Peru from Setpember 9 to 23, so including my Solar Return day - awesome birthday present!!!!

What's the big deal about Peru? Well it is a major vortex and energy spot!!! Very spiritual spot!!! So many ancient Incan ruins. Of course the famous Macchu Picchu which everyone knows about, well they will know it from a picture of it..... one of the top major wonders of this world!!! But there are plenty of other ancient Incan ruins, and then the mystical Lake Titicana which has so many legends to it, it is a major vortex..... it is just a fascinating and indeed a mystical country.

So what else happening........ My pixs from my recent road trips are finally all up..... Kalbarri and Exmouth.....



Now my current weekly schedule revolves around my love for dancing...... My Chakra Dance sessions on Mondays, and more recently started attending the 5-Rhythms Dance sessions on Thursdays. Tuesday is my Breathwork which at this time just every two weeks. And Saturdays I go for my walks, nowadays I walk up in the hills and cover around 10km to 15km. Then there is Kundalini Yoga that I would like to fit in somewhere, but at this time I have had a few extra one-off events happening, such as the Trinity Heart Activation ceremony last Wednesday, and today the Connect With Arcturians event - Arcturians being ETs from the Arcturus star. So once things settle down a bit, I hope to fit in some Kundalini Yoga at least once every couple of weeks.

The Football has been catastrophic, with the Magpies letting me down last week..... so not even bearing talking about......

Oh yes.... my annual Heart checkup appointment this Thursday, as consequence of my very out of balance heart chakra which manifested as my heart condition. At least I am down to just three meds per day. And then my past potentially coming back to haunt me with a skin check in a couple of weeks from now. Last year I had a mole cut out only for it to be benign, most gratefully so, cos I could think of better ways of returning back to Taygeta!!!!

Virgo experiences.....

Tax time...... !!!!!

Me when ordering a burger......

Indeed it is so......

Virgo acting on dating advice.....


Why Virgos are no good at relationships

The perils of dating sites.....

Chiron in my 2nd House.....

When Chiron is in my 2nd House.....
 That Saturn Complex in my chart......

Saturn's hard aspects in one's chart.....

Bitter rivalries...... hehe.....

After Chiron entered my 3rd House......

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