Sunday 24 March 2019

Weevil Reality Check

Oh I am so happy..... those Weevils being given a massive reality check!!! My new batch of Weevil voodoo dolls must have worked!! And it wasn't just a narrow loss either, it was a massive beating, some 44 points!! Yee haa!!!! I am so happy, it even overshadows those bloody hopeless Magpies!!! Grrrrrrr..... I will never pick them again!!! How hopeless can you get!!! Arrrgh!!!!..... but at least my decision to NOT pick the Weevils when everyone else did is vindicated, even if it was because I simply could not bring myself to pick the Weevils!!! I sorta "knew" they would lose..... I sorta knew the Magpies would lose too, but unfortunately I put loyalty over gut feeling!! Never again!!!! Magpies will be hopeless this year!!! But oh those Weevils..... they were so cocky, so sure of themselves, thinking all they needed to do to win was simply just turn up at the Gabba against those "lowly" Lions.... haaaaa..... Weevil fools!!!! It was one of the biggest losing margins of the round, I think only the hapless Bombers and the Kangaroos lost by a greater margins, I can't remember if I picked them Bombers or not, but it was a mute point cos... well..... poor ole Bombers..... But those bloody Magpies should have won!!!! They failed me!!! They let me down!! Grrrrrrrrr...... remind me NOT to pick them again!!!! But back to those bloody Weevils..... their big loss mean they be right down near the bottom of the ladder in the first round, indeed 3rd from the bottom...... well better get those Weevil voodoo dolls out, and make sure they stay near the bottom, never to rise again!!!! Will show those cocky Weevils a thing or two!!!!

Brisbane Lions versus Weevils.....

So what will next week bring..... uhhhh those Magpies against the Tigers. Not a bloody hope in Hell. If they can't beat the Cats, they'll certainly never even get close to the Tigers. I think they're one of the flag favourites for this year. So loyalty out the window, going to pick the Tigers for this one..... it's going to be a very long Magpie year this year...... I think I'll disown them.... grrrrrr..... Bombers against the Saints.... well after such a big loss, I can't see them getting up against those Saints, trying to be optomistic but it's not working, it be the Bombers who will need divine help. And as for those cocky Weevils, well they're at home against the Giants coming off a big win..... they may ease up a bit after such a big win..... but nah.... can never bring myself to pick the Weevils, even at home base.

I can't remember who I picked.... aside from the foolish decision to pick the Magpies, and my wise decision to NOT pick the Weevils..... so won't know until next week where I stand in our comp..... see whether the curse of Chiron is still in force as Chiron moves into my 2nd House, or whether I can actually overcome the curse of Chiron..... I never won prize money since Chiron entered my 1st House, around Mother's death......

Meanwhile back at the ranch......

The curse of old age strikes again..... I recently have been having issues with my eyes, or in particular, my left eye just weeks after I had my eyes checked for new glasses. I had been seeing spots intermittently, popping in and out on occasions, and I knew they're were not ghosts nor other paranormal phenomena. I often see ghosts, spirits, ET, etc, and they sometimes appear as orbs of light or "shadows", so I know the difference between the paranormal and physical defects in the eye!!! And those "spots" and "flashes" that I began to see on occasions were not ghosts!!! I also have a lot of "floaters" in my left eye, which added to my self diagnosis.

And of course being a Virgo, I think the worse..... that these spots and flashes can indicate retinal ruptures leading to retinal detachment. Adding to my already Virgoan anxiety, I know someone from my dance sessions who recently experienced a retinal detachment, she was rushed to ER and they managed to save her sight. So I was thinking I should go back to the eye clinic.

But also being a Virgo, I hesitated in seeking  an appointment at the clinic. It was the same when I was experiencing a heart attack back in 2015, going about my normal routines with chest pains for 24 hours thinking it was just something I ate. I mean there is a reason why indigestion is known as "heart burn", the stomach is located near the heart, so pains from the stomach is very often in the chest. So that is what I thought it was, blissfully unaware that I was literally a heartbeat from cardiac arrest and an early trip back to Taygeta!!! It was only after 24 hours when I began to think.... um.... I don't think indigestion would be lasting THIS long.... before I phoned for advice.... only to be promptly placed in the back of an ambulance under priority one to the hospital..... and the rest, as they say, is history.

So am I about to make the same Virgo mistake with my eye, well though not life threatening, it is sight threatening, retinal detachment can lead to blindness in the affected eye, which is almost worse than dying.

Well no..... I finally decided to make an appointment at the clinic this past week..... being half prepared for a trip to the hospital if they find retinal ruptures in the eye. So they thoroughly tested my eyes, they put eye drops in my eye to dilate my pupils so he could have a deeper look into my retina. Then after 30 minutes of the eye drops taking effect, he shone this really bright light into my eyes, practically blinding me temporarily, and spend several minutes in each eye searching for any nasties.

I am happy to say that he found no evidence of retinal ruptures in my eyes. So why all this shit happening with my left eye? Well.... the curse of old age!!! The Optomerist explained it really well to me, pointing to the diagram of the eye on the wall. He said, apparently there is a layer in the retina, and with old age, the layer becomes more brittle, causing bits to break off, hence the "floaters" in my eye. These breaking off of the bits also causes the spots and flashes in the vision, that just comes and goes on occasions. In a small number of instances, the breaking off of these bits can create ruptures in the retina, leading to retinal detachment. This would then be an immediate trip to ER, cos the sooner the retinal detachment is fixed, the greater is the chance to save your sight.

The guy also explained that things should start settling down with the eye over the next few weeks, but meanwhile, he said for me if things start getting worse, or I start seeing dark "curtains" covering my vision then I am to get my arse immediately to the clinic, don't bother making an appointment, and someone would see me immediately, and make immediate arrangements for the trip to ER. So hopefully this won't happen, but now my mind is very much at ease, knowing what to expect, and what actions to take if need be....... oh such is the curse of old age!!!! Those spots can be bloody disconcerting but at least it is apparently a normal and usually harmless part of the process, and my eyesight would normally not be affected. In other words, I won't be going blind anytime soon!!

One of the last questions I asked is, why all this shit is happening with my left eye, not my right? The guy said, it is how it usually happens, and indeed it is just a matter of time before this shit start happening with my right eye!!!! Thanks for the warning!!!

Oh they guy also tested me for Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, and other shit that can happen with old age, or not-so-old age..... and still am all clear on those counts. It what he did last time when I gotten new glasses, they also test for these common nasties. So at least my eyes are in good hands!!

Meanwhile..... I have booked vacation time for Eostre (Easter) and the following week and a half. I do have travel proposals for that time, at least local travel proposals, but will not be making any decisions nor making any bookings until after Mercury's retrograde. My pesky ruling planet Mercury is currently in retrograde, which usually means, catastrophes are likely to happen. So far there hasn't been any major catastrophes, just minor issues. But one should not make travel plans nor spend large sums of money during Mercury's retrograde. And since my chart shows a retrograde Mercury in exact conjunction with the Sun, the effects of Mercury's retrograde is more intense for me, so I have to be more careful. Mercury's retrograde ends later this week..... so next week should be safe for me to start making more concrete travel plans and making bookings. Of course I have my South Carolina trip set for September, haven't made any bookings yet, will probably do so around May/June. Then am considering going to Uluru in January next year. I may be a world traveler but I had never been to Uluru in our very own "back yard". Vacations in Australia is more expensive than vacations overseas hence why I have been primarly going overseas for my vacations!!! But Uluru is a major energy vortex of Mother Gaia, and I am being called to Uluru as part of my calling, my energy works for Mother Gaia, so I do need to go there. And I have enough frequent flyer points with an airline to get me to Uluru and back again. There are no direct flights to Uluru from Perth, you have to go all the way to Sydney or Melbourne then fly from there, so the air tickets are very expensive, comparable to air tickets to the west coast of the USA, indeed flying to the USA is often cheaper than flying to Uluru!!!! But since I now have enough frequent flyers points, well this will mean practically free air travel to Uluru - except for the taxes, airport fees, etc, these still has to be paid, but at least the air tickets would be free.

On this note..... my quirky sense of humour.......

When Chiron transits my 2nd House......
When Vegans imposes their viewpoints on other unsuspecting souls......

During Mercury's retrograde......

Prehistoric Virgos......

Meanwhile at my workplace..... me and my crystals.....

Dealing with the curse of old age......
Virgo pickup lines......

Meanwhile back at my workplace......

Nah... not effective for Virgos.....

Meanwhile at the IT section at my workplace.....

The curse of old age kicks in.....

Self sacrificial Virgo lessons for practising self care.....

Meanwhile one of my favourite comics...... that Pluto influence in my sign.....

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