Sunday 25 November 2018

Scattered Brain

I am getting so scattered brained lately...... is it Ascension symptoms, the effects of Mercury's retrograde, or just my very old age catching up?

Ascension symptoms?..... those DNA Activation sessions I had been attending would certain raise my vibrations. Plus those Yoga sessions, and the Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing..... and of course my Chakra Dance sessions..... all works to raise my vibration, hence Ascension.....

Mercury's retrograde? Mercury is my ruling planet being a Virgo, and my chart shows a retrograde Mercury in exact conjunction with the Sun. Mercury is currently in retrograde and has been in retrograde since last week. Mercury's retrograde always affects me.

Just my very old age?..... Yeah I spent way too long on this planet!! What more can I say.......

My latest scattered brained episode....... Soon after I gotten home from work last Friday I discovered my phone was missing!! After initial Virgo panic I went downstairs to check in my car, I may have just left it in my car. Alas!! It was not in my car, and I knew it hadn't been stolen from my car, I would have heard the alarm from my apartment!!!!

More Virgo panic..... I either left it at work, or had dropped it somewhere inbetween work and home. I know I last used it at work. If I had dropped it somewhere then that would be the end for my phone, I would not see it. The only saving grace was that my phone access is locked, one would have to enter a PIN number to access my phone, so at least all my stuff and affairs on the phone would be safe.

Trick is, to find out whether I had left it at work or have dropped it somewhere. Enter the GPS tracking feature. I knew it was possible to track one's phone using the GPS feature, and I knew my phone was still on, I always leave it on, and was fully charged. Trick was to figure out how to use the GPS feature. So I went on Google, and was led up several rabbit trails..... plenty of apps that can be used to track down one's phone, but all wanted $$$'s in order to reveal the location of my phone. They use the tactic of allowing you to track down the phone, and then announce that my phone had been found..... but before I could go any further, I would have to either pay $$$$'s or complete a short "survey" which is nothing more than giving a go ahead for them to SPAM me!!!!!

Then finally I came across the Google method of searching for my phone. You'd think that be the first method to come up considering I used Google to search for GPS tracking methods, but I guess these apps companies pays Google to get themselves listed first.

The Google method is completely free and doesn't compel you to complete any "surveys". It does depend on having my Gmail account open and active on the phone. Not a problem, I always leave my Gmail open on my phone. So you just type into Google "where is my phone", and it will come up with a map and a list of devices linked to my Gmail account - my tablets, laptop.... and my phone!!! So I clicked on my phone...... and indeed it was confirmed, my phone is indeed in my office at my workplace!!!! Somewhat of a relief, at least it hadn't been dropped anywhere, and my workplace is secured.

This just means that I had to go for the whole weekend without my phone!!!! I don't use my phone a lot, I also have my tablets...... but I soon found out just how dependent I am on my phone, when the time came for me to go for my walks. I track my walks on the GPS on my phone via an app, which tells me how far I have walked, how quickly, and how much energy I used. Also useful for searching for more routes, and figuring out where a particular walk path goes. These were not available to me, so I just had to follow my nose...... and my walks were not recorded!!!! And I also lost track of time..... I use the clock on my phone to figure out the time, I don't have a watch or a clock. I did have my laptop and tablets at home, but when it comes to going out, I had no way to tell the time......

Last weekend another Mercury's retrograde moment, this one far more catastrophic. Last Saturday morning a week ago I went to switch on my laptop after I gotten up only to find it would not connect to my wi fi. My wi fi router was quickly ruled out as the culprit when both my phone and tablets were able to connect online via the router. So I went to switch back on the wi fi feature in Windows, obviously Windows had updated itself. Windows ALWAYS update itself during a Mercury's retrograde, it never fails to time such an update for this period. I am certain there is someone at Microsoft who keeps track of the transit of Mercury and set the update for during Mercury's retrograde. Problems with phones, computers and other electronic devices are more likely to occur during Mercury's retrograde.

This time however the issue proved to be more catastrophic. The wi fi option in Windows had somehow vanished!! It was as if the update had removed the ability for my laptop to connect to the wi fi.

OK first thing I did was to do a Windows restore from a restore point prior to the update, which in theory would restore Windows to the configuration prior to the update. However the system crashed after using the restore point option.

So I thought I would need to re-install Windows. However after searching high and low in my apartment I could not find my original Windows disk.

I was down to the final option..... aside from taking my laptop to a computer shop!! My final option was to use the Windows Reset option. This would effectively remove all of my apps and software, leaving me with only the bare Windows system. I would have to reinstall all of my apps!!! My data would be safe, though I always back up my data anyway.

Most fortunately, the Windows Reset did work...... I had gotten my wi fi connection back!!!! However it meant I would have to spend the rest of the day reinstalling all of my apps and software, and getting my system back to normal. Fortunately my data synch did make life somewhat easier, having my bookmarks, passwords, etc, synched between my laptop and my phone and tablets. But it still left me with the task of finding my apps, downloading them, and reinstalling them!!!

Next task was to take steps to avoid a repeat of the catastrophe. First turn off automatic updates and make sure to not allow any updates during Mercury's retrograde periods. Then to do an image backup, basically backing up Windows and my apps to an external drive so the next time an update created such catastrophic issues, I could simply restore the whole system. So I connected up one of my slightly older hard drive units to the laptop and attempted the backup..... only to find that my hard drive unit did not have enough space!! In fact none of my slightly older hard drive units had enough space.

So needed a NEW hard drive unit..... and these days, hard drive units starts at 1 Terrabyte, that is 1000 Gigabytes. My largest of my slightly older hard drive units was about 250 Gigabytes, considered very large just a few short years ago. My laptop has 1 Terrabyte disk space. And these days, hard drive units comes with USB connection so to just plug into my laptop. My older hard drive units needed special adaptors which I had. Amazing how things progresses in the computer world in just a few short years.

Now I gotten a new backup hard drive unit..... and my Windows, apps and data all safely backed up.

After spending all of Saturday restoring my system...... last Sunday was my monthly meetup with the Planetary Healers group. This was only my 2nd meetup with them but I do enjoy this group so much,  they're almost as weird as I am...... during the meetup we meditate and connect with the Arcturians - the ETs from the Arcturus star system. Yeah, almost as weird as I am!!! They have crystals buried around certain areas of Perth marking the boundaries of the Arcturian Cities of Light - the cities in 5D established all over this planet with a couple of them in Perth. Yes I know.... weird!!! And we often hold the meditations outdoors, often by the river at any of the locations of those crystals. So anyone nearby would think how weird we are as we do our ET chants and invoke the ETs to come connect with us - just what I like to do!!! Oh yes.... my hobby during my spare time - connecting with ETs!! Well I mean, normal people may collect stamps for a hobby, or build model aircrafts, or do art and crafts...... weird me, I connect with ETs. The idea of the Planetary Healers meetups is, in connection with similar groups worldwide, we help to bring healing to Planet Earth. This being a part of my calling, energy works for Mother Gaia - that is Planet Earth.

This weekend was an increasingly rare "quiet" weekend, that is, with no events. Next weekend I will be attending yet another weird event - the Rose Light Activation ceremony, this to awake the Divine Feminin in us. Oh yes, we all have both a divine feminin and divine masculine regardless of our physical gender - represented by Venus and Mars respectively. I tend to have more of a divine feminin than most other guys, which is why I like to spend more time with girls..... much to the horror of parents and shrinks back in the 1970, when I was sent to a shrink to try get me spend more time with the boys. But it just didn't work...... and nowadays I have my connection with the Goddesses, with at least five Goddess guides..... probably more. So next week's ceremony will suit me down to a T.

Meanwhile my soon to be changing weekly schedules........

Tomorrow night (Monday) is my Chakra Dance session, the 2nd last session before they finish up for the year. Then Tuesday is my Yoga session, that will soon end in a week or so, and shifting to a new venue and new time slot next year, so whether I will be able to continue will depend on my other schedules...... Then Thursday is my Heart meditation session, that will continue for the foreseeable future. The Chakra Balancing session is now discontinued, they have a session elsewhere on Mondays but that is when I have my Dance session, but perhaps next year things may be different. So will see how things pans out.......

And so another day, another week, in the life of a weird Taygeta soul on planet Earth.......

In my very old age........

 The life of a fiercely independent Virgo...... more a VIRGO thing than a man thing!!!!

Taking a positive spin on things......

A new suggestion for my next appointment at the Heart Specialist next year!!!
I love Medusa...... ;)

Just in time for Xmas......

Me in my very old age.......

When Mercury is in retrograde.....

Why I always make sure to participate in our office Lotto pool, even when I am on vacation......

The Chiron Effect in my 2nd House......

Me.... wishing I had that ability to pull such a face during our Xmas gatherings.......

Sunday 11 November 2018

Epic 11:11:11 Weekend

This was an epic 11:11:11 weekend with those two very epic DNA Activation ceremonies. My explanations behind the 11:11:11 phenomenon and the DNA Activation ceremonies are given in my previous blog. This time I will describe a little what happened during these ceremonies..... warning! Weirdness Alert!!!! Yes I am weird, I embrace my weirdness, it is how I am wired.....

Last night's ceremony...... we used a series of cards with "Sacred Geometry" symbols as channelled from ETs designed to help us on our astral journeys during the ceremony. The first card was the Merkabah, that is our "Light Body" which is used to transport us through the universe and into the higher dimensions, indeed through time itself. "Time" as we know it does not exist in the higher realms. The Merkabah consists of two pyramids, one upside down, one right side up, overlapping each other in the middle (see pix below), and our spirit self or "higher self" is within this structure. The Merkabah is always around us, but when we want to use it to travel, we spin the two pyramids in opposite directions, the faster they spin, the further or higher we go.

So the first part of the ceremony involved activating our Merkabahs...... that is, to get them spinning, and therefore allowing us to travel through the higher dimensions. The effects on me was most profound. I found myself leaving my physical body, and moving through the higher dimensions...... indeed physically I fell asleep, and I normally don't recall much of my "dreams" so don't remember all of where I went, but I do know I travelled through the dimensions into the higher dimensions. Our dreams are often instances of spontaneous "astral travel".

Next we had the series of four cards each with Sacred Geometry symbols as channelled by ETs. Those I won't post here, they can be dangerous in inexperienced hands. It's like driving a car, the practice can be very dangerous for the inexperienced, but relatively safe once you gain experienced - even if statistically still more dangerous than flying in a plane, but that is besides the point. Just merely looking at those symbols can invoke unexpected energetic reactions. I will describe..... or TRY to describe..... what happened to me during looking at each card...... We look at a card for a few seconds, then we drop into meditation with the symbol in our mind.... and see where it takes us.

First card..... I found myself surrounded by ETs, blue with large heads. These it seems were the Arcturians, from the Arcturus star system. Those ETs watches over planet Earth and work with us to bring it to Ascension. And given my calling for energy works on Mother Gaia - planet Earth, perhaps not surprising that the Arcturian ET's showed up..... I think I was on their ship, and they did surgery on me, it was painless, but designed to help me fulfil my calling.

The second card..... I was in one of the "Light Cities" that exists above Earth in the 5th dimension, and inhabited by ETs, in this instance, the Arcturians I was given downloads via my 3rd Eye in regards to my calling.

The 3rd card...... I found myself floating just above an ocean, it was at night, there was a huge Full Moon, and the shadow of a Goddess in front of the Moon. It was too dark to see her features, but could see her outline against the Moon...... She came to me, and we danced..... then she took me under the water...... and I was going down deeper and deeper into the water...... It was an exercise in trust, that I just have to trust this Goddess as she took me deeper and deeper down into the water where it was dark, I could not see under the water, but knew the Goddess was with me as we went deeper........

The last card...... I found myself in the higher dimensions, this time I stayed awake..... there were no particular structures nor landscapes, just unimaginable colours everywhere around me...... I was effectively travelling through the colours, very vivid and very rich colours, more vivid than what we normally see in 3D. Then suddenly I was surrounded by the most brilliant white light, the light was so bright it literally penetrated every part of me, until I became at one with the light, I lost all my form....... just totally immersed in this exceedingly brilliant white light.......

Then we were brought out of the meditation and dream states...... and we had a debrief session. We took home the cards, and a bottle of "essence" - basically water with some kind of juice in it. Sometimes it is mixed with alcohol, but in this instance, it was mixed with fruit juice - which means it won't last as long and have to keep it in the fridge. The reason why it is sometimes mixed with alcohol is because it lasts a lot longer. But for our exercise, the essence needs to last for just a month, so used fruit juice - of course organic. The water is taken from in the middle of the crystal grid at the centre of the room where we did our ceremony. We lay in a circle around the crystal grid designed to channel the energies, and the water right in the middle of the grid..... then put into the bottles. So each day for the next 11 days, we go through the cards looking at each card for a few minutes, then take 11 drops of the essence.

The DNA Activation ceremony this afternoon was different again, being with a different group. No cards were involved. The meditation were in two parts, with a tea break inbetween. The first session, we collectively as a group went into a Light Ship and went off planet Earth, through outer space among the stars, until we reached a portal...... we passed though the portal and we each met one of our spirit guides. In my instance it was one of my Goddesses, or more specifically, Ix Chel the Mayan Goddess whom I worked with during my Mexico trip. Through the Goddess we worked with our two strands of DNA that we know about in 3D, and we cleaned the DNA of any anomalies that were present - the anomalies that can lead to emotional problems, negativity, and which could manifest as diseases. Then the Goddess did a healing session on me, and drank the crystalline water from a fountain. Then we went back to planet Earth....... and we had our tea break.

Prior to the next session we had a brief talk explaining about the other DNA that we have, unrecognised by science, given by them as "junk" DNA...... We in fact have 12 strands of DNA. We have three main strands, and each strand has three others around it, making it 12 in total.

Then we went back into meditation..... and back into our Light Ship, travelling back through the portal..... and to meet up with my Goddess again...... This time she added a 3rd strand of DNA to the two strands that we all learn about in science. The 3rd strand went through our 3rd eye into our body, hence activating our 3rd strand. Then we were given nine other strands, three for each of our three core strands...... they went through our 3rd eye into us, and hence activating those other nine strands.

Those none strands contains memories of our other lifetimes, back to who we really are...... and so the Goddess led me to a spot, where some of my memories were woken up...... First I saw an entity come towards me...... this entity represented one of my earliest ancestors. It turned out to be an ET.... and looking deeper into the eyes, I saw myself, the ET was myself in one of my earliest forms..... then we merged as one.......

Then I found myself on planet Earth just after it was formed. It was all green with all kinds of vegetation and creatures. There were no oceans, it was mostly land with some lakes, rivers, and a few small "seas" but no huge oceans like we have today...... there were no humans, but there were ETs, the Arcturians, they came to planet Earth at some point before humans came along. Actually many species of ETs came along at different times, but during my journey, I came back to when there were Arcturians...... and then I began to receive memories of other aspects of my other lifetimes...... back on Taygeta..... also the Siriun star system..... Mars...... Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayans, Jews, etc......

After we were woken up from our meditation....... we "activated" our bottle of water, this we simply placed our hands on the bottle of water, and transferred the energies that we received during our journeys and transferred them into the water...... and so over the next few days we drink from the bottle, thus drink in the energies from the meditation session.

So as we see, each group gives a different method of DNA Activation, but both works for me...... and helpful in my quest to fulfil my calling for Mother Gaia......

Prior to these two events, indeed last Thursday morning, we had another earthquake in Perth, the 2nd in just a few months. That is very unusual. This one was stronger than the previous earthquake, both centered a few hundreds miles south in the Walpole area. The quake was strong enough for me to feel it in my apartment...... my whole apartment and everything in it was rocking and swaying. It was really quite freaky. The water in my aquarium was making waves, that is how strong this earthquake was. Mother Gaia is stirring....... we don't usually have such strong earthquakes in Perth. At this rate it be like California!!!!!

On Saturday afternoon, prior to the DNA Activation session, I finally went to the eye clinic to have my eyes checked and to get new glasses. A few days prior, one of the ladies at the dance session was sent to ER for a detached retina. Many are the afflictions of old age, but this lady was YOUNGER than me!!!! And it struck without warning, or she wasn't aware of the signs. This made me more aware of my eyes. There is just so much shit that can happen to you just because of old age. I used to dread reaching old age for this reason, among many other reasons. There always seemed to be health problems associated with old age. At least no one in my family had ever died of cancer, so it seems we have genetic resistance against cancer...... but it still leaves a whole load of other shit that can happen to us in old age, such as dementia which Mother had a form of which killed her. And..... the many eye problems that threatens our eyesight, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and detached retina.

Soon after I heard about the lady from our dance session having an eye sight emergency, I began to take more notice of my eyes. Fortunately it seems her sight will be saved, but if we leave it too late, we could go blind.

Then I started to notice the "floaters" in my eyes. I am not sure if I already had them, but now I am noticing them. In most instances, these are just a harmless if annoying consequence of old age, normally not dangerous to our eyesight. But as usual, like with other things, this can indicate more serious eye problems such as detached retina. And is more common for those of us with another age related curse - short sighted condition - which is what I have hence my need for glasses.

I knew I needed new glasses, as with my old glasses it was becoming more of an effort to look at my computer. What held me back in the past is that glasses are so expensive, me being one of the mere mortals who doesn't have private health cover. I do get 50% reimbursement of the cost of glasses from my workplace since I work with computers, nevertheless, glasses are still expensive even with the reimbursement. And you have to pay for the glasses first, then send in the receipt with the reimbursement form, and as per usual for govt, they will take their own sweet time in paying me the money. They very quickly take money from us, but very slow in giving money back to us!!!!

However now I am noticing the floaters, I was starting to get worried about my eyesight, given that shit is more likely to happen in old age. I am not experiencing any of the other symptoms, such as "flashes" and other eyesight anomalies, only those pesky floaters. Nevertheless, this normally anxious Virgo with four planets in my sign is being even more anxious. So just for peace of mind, I decided to book my eye exam and bite the bullet on the new glasses.

So I booked in with the eye clinic after making sure that they are going to test me for glaucoma, macular degeneration, and detached retina. The appointment was for Saturday...... and I told them about the floaters so they would more thoroughly test me for detached retina...... and to cut a long story short, I am all clear on all these potentially blinding eye conditions, and have no signs of detached retina, so my floaters were deemed to be in the majority of cases where they are harmless, just bloody annoying!! They explained to me very well about what causes the floaters, and well it is just a matter of getting used to them....... Apparently the brain automatically blocks them out after a while as we get used to them.......

Meanwhile I do indeed need new glasses...... and despite the expenses, I am glad to be getting them. It is becoming more difficult for me to read the computer screen, hence write these blogs, etc!!!! Now just waiting for my new glasses to arrive, within the next couple of weeks.......

And so..... life goes on here on planet Earth.........

Here in Perth.......

Me..... why I am now in an apartment !!!!


Me at the shopping mall.......
The Virgo syndrome.......
Meanwhile here in Perth......
Women in my past relationships.......

Father Saturn says.......

Those annoying feedback requests.....

The truth.......

Sunday 4 November 2018

Lead-up To The 11:11 Gateway

Now getting used to my new self-care schedule with Chiron in my 1st House - Dancing on Mondays, Yoga on Tuesdays, and the Heart Meditation, Chakra Balancing, Breath Work and Sound Healing on Thursdays. This necessitating alterations in my other schedules, my walking regime, housework, and other 3D things that I must attend to in this 3D existence on Planet Earth. OK it may not seem like at it times but believe it or not I am still on Planet Earth.

Just as I am getting used to my new schedules in life...... we come to the dawn of yet another momentous event, and a very busy weekend next weekend, which may mean no blogs next weekend, depending on how things pans out. Next weekend is the 11th day of the 11th month, which most of us knows as Remembrance Day. It is no coincidence that Remembrance Day falls on 11/11.

The number 11 is a very powerful and significant number in numerology. It is often said that if we start to notice instances of 11:11 in our everyday life, such as, turning to look at a digital clock just as the display advances to 11:11, or seeing 11 on car number plates, or when the price on your shopping comes up on the cash register with 11 in it, or any number of other situations involving numbers and noticing 11 in the numbers - we often say it means the universe is trying to tell us something, or whatever thought enters our mind at the time is the answer to a problem that has been bugging us. It is said to be signifying messages from the HD realms.

The number 11 is said to be a gateway number, the gateway to the HD realms. The digits of "11" looks like two pillars of a gateway. It is also a somewhat unique "prime number" (for those of us with distant memories of our Maths classes back in the dim dark past that is our school days!!!!), and a number that reduces down to "2" signifying the duality principal of the universe.

This year, 2018, is said to be an "11" year, that is, the digits of "2018" adds up to 11. 2+0+1+8=11. So when we come to November the 11th month, this add energy to this "11" year. The energy increases when we come to the 11th day of the 11th month of 2018, designated as 11:11:11. Certain other days of the month are also very energetic, such as the 1st of November - 11:1:11, and the 10th day of November, also 11:1:11 (when we add the digits of "10" - 1+0=1).

Enter the DNA Activation Ceremonies which I have talked about previously, having participated in these ceremonies at different significant times such as eclipses and "11" days. As stated before, the idea behind DNA Activation Ceremonies is the fact that we have extra strands of DNA aside from the two that we are taught about in Science or Human Bio classes. We indeed have 12 strands of DNA. Science knows about these extra DNA in our systems but since they can't figure out what these extra DNA are being used for, they count it as "junk DNA" or "evolutionary leftovers" much like the Appendix. But as we all know, God does not create junk. All of our body parts (including the Appendix) does actually have essential uses. And it turns out these additional strands of DNA are our ET DNA, linking us to the HD realms and our ET kins. Just as we have Earth families, we also have ET families and families in the HD realms. Through life on 3D Planet Earth those DNA has been put to sleep, so needs to be awakened and activated, allowing us connection with ETs and the HD realms. Each ceremony awakens a small part of these extra DNA.

And next weekend I am due to attend TWO such DNA Activation Ceremonies, each one by a different group and with different emphasis. The first of them on Saturday night, November 10, therefore 11:1:11. And the 2nd during Sunday afternoon on the 11th, hence 11:11:11. So if I disappear from Planet Earth for a while, you will know why!!!!!

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth...... and staring poverty in the eye until poverty backs down into its hole. Although Chiron is currently in my 1st House, he will move back into my 2nd House early next year and there he will wander through my 2nd House for the next 8 years. The last time Chiron was in my 2nd House (money, possessions, pleasure, aesthetics) from 1968-1976, this coincided with my poverty years. Therefore I am determined to avoid a repeat from 2019-2027. The universe has been testing me.........

Firstly, one of my two walking shorts have developed a hole where it should not be developing a hole. It was a case of indecent exposure!! If this was during my poverty years, Mother would have gotten out her sewing needles and thread, and would either sew together the tear or sew a patch over the area...... and as my shorts continued to fall apart and develop more holes, she be sewing them together or putting patches on them until the shorts became more patches than original material..... and when it eventually came to the point where it is no longer viable to continue wearing the shorts, well instead of purchasing a new pair of shorts, Mother would first check with our more wealthy relatives for spare pairs of shorts. Most of our relatives and family friends, such as my Auntie and Uncle, were relatively wealthy. Only our immediate family, the one I grew up with, were in poverty. So we were forever getting "hand-me-downs" from our more wealthy family members or family friends. Or we go to 2nd hand stores for 2nd hand items...... or 3rd hand, 4th hand, and ad infinitum. We very rarely ever got anything new.

So knowing that poverty is as much of a mind set as perceived physical reality, I was determined to nip this poverty mentality in the bud. That is, instead of doing repair jobs, or making do without, or going to op shops, etc...... I will instead visit the mall and purchase a NEW pair of shorts. A part of me would say, well I need to save my pennies for my upcoming America trip, or having to cut back due to paying for these new courses, etc..... but that would only invite poverty. Of course back in my childhood days, overseas travel was nothing more than an impossible pipe dream. It might as well have been space travel to distant galaxies. Overseas travel to other countries seemed as impossible for us as inter-galactic travel. Back then only rich people travelled overseas by air. Nowadays of course, pretty well anyone with even a basic income can travel overseas by air if one really wanted to - even if many of them may perhaps need to make do with budget airlines where meals and luggage are extra, and staying in hostels, participating in group travel, etc...... Fortunately I am in a position where I can go with premium airlines, stay in private motels, go on tours on my own, and enjoying some creature comforts - albeit having to sacrifice a bit and save my pennies for the privilege. And I am blessed to be able to go to America in January, even if it is during peak holiday season where the air ticket was marked up $1000 from the equivalent journey during off-peak period. Nevertheless, with Chiron set to begin his 8-year journey through my 2nd House, I have to be aware of any poverty mindset creeping in, and to work to fight against any poverty....... so I went to the mall to purchase a NEW pair of shorts of comparable quality.

Speaking of America, I was hoping to update my wardrobe while I was in America, cos clothing in America is much cheaper than in Perth even allowing for our 3rd-world-like currency exchange rate. For example, new pairs of jeans for just $10. The only places in Perth where you can get jeans for $10 is at op shops, and of course they wouldn't be new jeans!! I pretty well rest my case here!! Try to hold out, within reason, until my America trip so to update my clothes supply. But when it comes to such catastrophes as a hole developing in a pair of shorts, well it is time for a new replacement even in very expensive Perth.

Then it was my back pack.... one of the straps had torn itself from the main pack during one of my walks!! This meant I needed to carry my pack on one shoulder for the rest of my journey, got kinda painful and awkward towards the end....... so a new back pack was also in order for today's trip to the mall. And it turned out I had gotten a superior back pack in the mid-price range with a water bottle added. Previously I had gotten the cheapest possible back pack, hence why the strap eventually failed. You get what you pay for. So not only new items, but items in at least the mid-price range.

And now just to believe that I will still have enough money for the day to day expenses during my America trip...... am yet to book my motel, but I always get good rates for motels in America..... and most other places on Earth. Motels elsewhere are cheap compared to in Perth...... and will need some new luggage, my old luggage has definitely seen better days, and I need extra luggage so to take advantage of the 2nd free checked luggage allowance that goes with my air tickets - I will need the extra luggage for packing my winter woollies since it will be mid-winter when I arrive in America!!!! While in the more sunny climes of Mexico I didn't need any winter woollies so could get away with just taking one piece of checked luggage!! But now back to the freezing cold of winter in America, albeit in the slightly milder southern states, I will still need my warm woollies, so will need an extra piece of checked luggage - and my air ticket includes TWO pieces of checked luggage.

So now just waiting for some money to manifest..... which usually happens through unexpected savings in my other areas such as groceries, that is, effortless savings without having to make sacrifices......

Now some cartoons for my favourite holiday - Halloween !!!!!!

When the stores erects Xmas decorations and items prior to Halloween !!!!!

When my ghosts celebrates Halloween......

More scary than ghost stories......

Counting down to Halloween......

Meanwhile here in Perth......

An easy way to send spirits over to the other side......

Extremely scary experience......

The unfortunate truth......

Budget airlines......

Changing flights with budget airlines......

During my Spring walk in Perth.......

When it is better back in Hell.......