Sunday 7 October 2018

Media Boycott Continues

It has been a week since this shattering event, and I have been something of a media hermit, not watching TV nor any other media..... been rather liberating in a way. And they still be raving on about the Weevils this weekend..... and this Monday I begin my dance sessions..... I probably wait until the Basketball season begins next week..... I think I will take up Basketball now.

Today I went on an epic walk, the King Jarrah trail down near Dwellingup, what they listed as a 18 kms trail. Firstly however it is less than 15 kms which included the walk from my car to the trail head and return to the car, not 18 kms as stated on the signs. My phone GPS does not lie, so people may like to think they have walked 18 kms but in reality it is less than 15 kms. This however does not take away from the epic-ness of the walk. The first part of the walk was along one of the fire truck trails that more or less followed the river, it wasn't as close to the river as I liked but I did make use of a couple of access points to the river, one of them to an impressive and very energetic rapids. The walk eventually veered away from the river and followed along a small brook. Things really improved near the 10 kms point of the walk when the sign pointed from the fire trail towards a narrow walk trail across the brook and up the quite steep hill, so no longer a fire trail or vehicle track but a dedicated walk trail occasionally marked by the trail signs. So for about 5-6 kms I followed this trail back north towards the start of the loop, through a variety of forest habitats, with some steep sections that tested out my knees.

At about the 7 kms mark I came across some granite outcrops with quite significant quartz deposits. Someone had built a rock tower (or is it an altar?) close to a particularly intense quartz deposit. These were the only granite outcrops and quartz deposits that I have come across during this 15 kms walk. Quartz is significant because it attracts Gaia's energies and can create vortexes. It can also be a clue as to where the dragon lines are located.

This week I begin my 2nd series of the 9-Week Chakra Dance sessions. I wonder if once again I will be the only guy among all these Goddesses. Either way it seems destined to be more intense, with Chiron retrograding back into my 1st House during an intense New Moon. My cards warns me this will be a chaotic week. It is also the 1st week of the new school term, perhaps things will get busy at work therefore chaotic. We are moving into busy period at work, usually more towards November and December.

So what else has been happening..... uhhhh pretty well nothing..... well nothing of note anyway..... a good time for more of my quirky sense of humour......

The Saturnic results of my monthly weigh-in - part 1

The Saturnic results of my monthly weigh-in - part 2

Never marry a Virgo !!

The perils of budget holidays

Who are the ET's?

How things were done back in ancient times......

The Chiron Effect.....

Pharma conspiracy......


My lack of success in dating..... explained !!!

He does have a point.......

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