Sunday 14 October 2018

Venturing Out Again......

Now just starting to venture out into the world of media, albeit somewhat gingerly..... I think I will adopt the Basketball now. Football is way over rated anyway........

This being the first week back at school here in Western Australia, things are starting to pick up at work as we prepare for the busy period when the enrolments for the 2019 school year will soon arrive. Me the Virgo doing his best to be as prepared as possible, trying to get things together, kits made up, etc.... my efforts being frustrated by my colleagues who are more apt to leave things to the last minute. I guess not everyone is a Virgo. The life of a Virgo is indeed a very difficult life.

This weekend it has been back to winter. Consequently I did not go anywhere on any of my expeditions to the waterfalls nor go for any walks. As per usual, the weather clears up and warms up for the working week, only for more winter rains to arrive next weekend. So looks like another weekend of remaining indoors, though I am due to attend an event on Sunday..... more on that in a bit. Normally I'd go for walks anyway despite the rain, but now in my very ancient age, I don't want to risk getting a cold, especially with my dance sessions and other spiritual events I am due to attend. The last time I walked in the rain I ended up with a cold despite my regime of Vitamin C pills and adding garlic to most of my meals, and I had to use all my powers to quench this cold infection just prior to a spiritual event I was attending - I managed to quench the cold literally on the day I was due to attend the event - without any pharma products except for a nasal spray, and I needed to use that only once. So from now on I will avoid walking in the rain if I have spiritual events coming up within the week. Having to acknowledge my very old age these days, being more susceptible to infections. I do have powers but it takes a lot of energy for me to use these powers.

Last Monday was the first session of the next 9-week Freedom Cycle of the Chakra Dance, this being my 2nd time at the sessions. Once again the only guy among all those Goddesses, some I knew from the last sessions, others were first timers. Last week was the introductory session where we dance through all seven of our chakras, and we do our mandala drawings after the dance. My mandala drawings are always weird......

This is my mandala drawing, depicting four snakes. Oh yes the snake is my power animal who helps me with my energy works for Mother Gaia - planet Earth. I sometimes see snakes during my walks. The Mayans saw the snake as connecting the energies of the Earth, and last week's session was very energetic.

Tomorrow night we dance to the Base Chakra, that is located near the bottom of our spine, and is usually very energetic.

Now coming up to my favourite time of year - Halloween. Oh yes this is my favourite holiday, and each year the Halloween offerings at the stores gets better and better. Xmas is quite frankly way over rated, and I never get any of the crap for Xmas. Halloween however is simply awesome, and each year I get items for my abode. Unfortunately being in a gated complex there won't be any trick and treaters coming my way. I used to enjoy being visited by the trick and treaters while I was at the house, particularly after my wife left this planet. My wife utterly despised Halloween so always had to turn away the trick and treaters while my wife was there. But since then I was gladly receiving them...... now I miss them!!!!

Anyway here's some of my items I bought so far for Halloween.........

Now bracing for a more intense week with more things happening...... been invited to more spiritual events, remains to be seen which ones I end up attending. The dance sessions are already paid for so I have to attend those. The other events, I have to take care to conserve my energies, my nights out has to be balanced with nights one my own in my abode in order to replenish energies. That is how Introverts are wired. We do like to go out, but it saps our energies so we need time to ourselves in order to replenish energies. Extroverts are wired differently, they thrive on going out and being with people, they can do it every night, they get energized by being with people. Introverts however, being with people, as much as we enjoy it, it does sap our energies, so we need time of quietness and solitude so to replenish our energies.

And so that was another week...... and 87 days to go before I head off to America......

When the Chiron Effect kicks in.......

Just what I need for going back to Taygeta......

Dealing with Leos.......

Meanwhile back at my work place......

At a public hospital in Perth.......

Here in the 21st century......

Me.... when Chiron entered my 3rd House during my teen years.....

Me on my social media accounts.....

Meanwhile back in Perth......

Never mess with those Siriuns...... aka puddy cats

Dealing with the Saturn Complex in trying to lose weight......
Trade-offs in Perth......

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