Saturday 10 March 2018

Football and The Chiron Effect

I am now officially on vacation from work, and tomorrow evening (Sunday) I will be on my way to the airport to begin my very long journey to Mexico, the first leg being the "midnight horror", the overnight flight leaving just before midnight and landing in Melbourne near sunrise the following morning..... then the REAL "midnight horror", the very very looooooooong flight across the Pacific which also goes over midnight, and landing in Los Angeles the "next morning" which is in fact the same day as "yesterday" due to the quirks of flying across the Date Line from west to east!!! Then finally down to Cancun........

Just in my last couple of days at work we learned that the office Football Tipping competition is still going despite our dwindling numbers. Well we always join with a couple of other sections with the dept so still a reasonably few people that still makes it worth while. So being a glutton for punishment I joined...... Of course I have over the years mentioned about the "curse of Mother's death", which I later learned to be the "curse of Chiron". That is up until Chiron's entry into Pisces in 2011 I had always won prize money in the tipping competition, but since Chiron's entry into Pisces which happened to coincide with Mother's death, I had never won any prize money. Last year, as Chiron neared the end of its transit of Pisces, I did come close but still feel just short in the rankings. This year, Chiron moves out of Pisces and into Aries in April, so it will be interesting to see if I will start winning prize money again, though Chiron's transit of Aries will throw up other challenges as mentioned in previous blogs. Either way for better or for worse I am in the competition.

Of course the AFL season begins while I am in Mexico, but I have my laptop with me so can access the tipping site. And also I am subscribed to the digital edition of the daily newspapers, so can download our Perth local newspaper from anywhere in the world, even Mexico. So I can still see how they will rave on about the Weevils and how they think the Weevils will win a premiership, and at the same time, read about how the Weevils will whinge about everything, from travel times to the east coast, to the number of injuries they have to deal with. Of course this year their home games will be at the new stadium, and no doubt they will find something about the new stadium to whinge about and make excuses..... like they might say.... "Duh it's not the same as the old stadium, we're not used to it!!!!" Uhhhhh news flash!!!! The opposition team wouldn't be used to the new stadium either!!!! Duh!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile..... this intrepid explorer to be trudging through the deep dark depths of unexplored jungles, cruising along crocodile infested rivers in search of ancient lost civilizations, digging up answers to the secret of the universe..... and weevils voodoo dolls!!! Here as I come across a Mayan shaman..... "Hey mate can you make me some weevils voodoo dolls?" Shaman asks, "Uhhh who are the weevils?" Me showing team poster from our local paper, "They're a football team in Australia who are so sure of themselves, they seriously need reality checks!!!!" The Shaman responds, "Hey no worries buddy, will have them done for you!!!!"

Then it will have to make it through customs, well you know, voodoo dolls has to be declared at customs..... At Perth Airport as I arrive back...... If the customs office is a Weevil supporter, it is likely to go like this..... "Uhhhh sorry mate, we can't let those into the country, we'll need to confiscate them!!!!" However if the customs officer is a Dockers supporter, it's more likely to go like this..... "Hey no worries mate!! Bring them in, bring in as many as you like!!!!!"

Eupholus Weevil

Meanwhile...... the life and times of this intrepid little Virgo takes a totally unexpected twist that is so "left field" that if it is any more "left field" it will find itself in the "right field"......

Relatively brief background info...... a few years, back in the deep dark past when my wife was experiencing worsening health problems and I was battling periods of depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts, I joined a number of online sites unbeknown to my devout Christian wife because these were of alternative spiritualities, Pagan, witches, etc..... and I joined one particular site specifically to offer support for depression and self harm. I didn't join any Christian sites because I needed more than "just pray", or "just trust God", or "you have a demon" and "you need to repent". Pagans tended to offer less judgemental support and tend to put their money where their mouths are, being a lot more than just lip service.

On this particular site for depression and self harm, I met one lady online, and we became such good friends that we exchanged personal email addresses and our friendship blossomed. All unbeknown to my wife, not because we were having any "affairs" indeed we were nothing more than just good friends, but it was because she is a WITCH!!!! And like 99% of Christians, my wife hated witches. A Christian wouldn't be a Christian if he/she didn't hate witches. It's a Christian requirement to hate witches, as the Bible says "suffer not a witch to live". I was one of the 1% who didn't hate witches and I would cringe when she mentioned something bad about witches, all based on mythology rather than reality.

During our correspondence, she gave me a lot of unbiased and unconditional support when I had my moments, my depressive episodes, encouraging me to cease self harming, and to never commit suicide cos she'd miss me, and I believed her when she said that!! She was the angel who saved me!!

Anyway, through the years we continued to correspond to each other by email, she in America..... and somehow we lost contact back in 2016 when I started going on my trips......

So was very pleasantly surprised when she gotten back into contact with me during December last year, and we began to correspond again. She soon began to give romantic overtures, and well I just thought she was just flirting..... well it's not like I am in any relationship of anything, and we have been such great friends for so long. Me being a Virgo takes such a pragmatic views on such things, and well she is a Virgo too so I thought, surely she is just playing..... just some harmless flirting. A few of my female friends does that over the years, nothing more has ever come from it.

However she was getting more and more intense...... and I am thinking.... OK what is going on here??? She's a VIRGO!!!! Yet she is breaking every Virgo rule..... We witches do have a special kinship, we belong to the same soul group..... and you know, once a witch always a witch, we have all been witches in past lifetimes, and many of us has been martyred as witches in past lifetimes. When I went to Mt Shasta back in 2016, a psychic there revealed that I was martyred as a witch during a past lifetime on Earth. I was the village witch, so when shit happened in the village, I was blamed, and my abode was burnt to the ground while I was still inside asleep!! So we witches share a very special kinship, and it was particularly special between her and I.....

Now in more recent days she has made her intentions abundantly clear, and well to cut a relatively long story short, my next trip is set to be to America to meetup with her! So I consulted my chart and the current planetary alignments, communed with the entities associated with the planets...... and the conclusion was, she was sent to me for a reason!!!! Things happens in spite of my Virgoan determinations!!!!

In reality, in regards to meeting her this won't happen until next year as I have used up my vacation leave credits at work for this year. Given the catastrophe of the New Zealand trip I am staying firmly grounded. Indeed after the catastrophic romance fail of the New Zealand trip I promised to myself that was my last chance, that I will never again enter into any romance relationship again. So have been keeping myself at arms length, never flirting with anyone, and just keeping it all platonic...... I guess it takes a witch, indeed a Virgo witch, to slip under my normally rock solid Virgoan guard!!!!!

Of course a major difference..... the New Zealand lady was a contact from a dating site and I had known her for only a few weeks before we actually met, so should have known we were destined to failure. However this witch lady, I have known her online for years, and offered deep emotional support over the years, and so we already known each other. Also that the NZ lady was not a witch. She may have been into alternative spirituality, a hippie, indeed a star seed, but not a witch.

I am being careful.... and at the same time, being very open minded...... our connection is undeniable, as it is between witches, and it will never be broken regardless of what happens. I have since lost connection with the NZ lady, and it was good riddance...... but I will never lose connection with this American east coast lady, it remains through countless lifetimes........

Meanwhile back at the ranch......

This will be my last blog until after my Mexico trip. All updates, photos, etc, will be available on my Mexico trip FaceBook page given below.......

My Cancun Palenque Merida Trip CLICK HERE

So my flight details getting there, this time with Qantas.......

Sunday 11:25PM - Perth to Melbourne
Arrive Melbourne 6:00AM Monday

Monday 10:15AM - Melbourne to Los Angeles
Arrive Los Angeles 6:35AM - still Monday due to the quirks of across the Date Line from the west

Monday 9:30AM - Los Angeles to Cancun
Arrive Cancun 4:05PM

And hopefully the catastrophe of the ground transportation in Cancun won't be repeated. When I arrived last time, the agent somehow who took my bookings for ground transportation from the Airport to my hotel in Cancun some 30 minutes away did not pass on my details to the transport company. So when I fronted up to the transport company kiosk, I found much to my shock horror they didn't have my details so they refused to take me, leaving me utterly stranded at an airport in a strange country!!!!!

And as Mexicans do, as with a lot of these countries, there are those who take advantage of the predicament of hapless travellers. This guy from an alternative transport company was watching this whole scenario unfold, so was quick to pounce on me as soon as I left the kiosk..... offering me a direct trip into the city at hugely inflated prices compared to what I had already paid for through the agent. By then it was dark, I was shat after more than 30 hours of travelling, and all I wanted was a nice comfy bed in my hotel suite!! So I wore the inflated price and took advantage of the offer.......

THIS TIME I booked DIRECT with the transport company attached to my hotel, a different hotel to where I stayed previously, and gotten the confirmation straight from that company. So.... HOPEFULLY...... THIS TIME I will get the transportation as booked. And even if for some reason this falls through, I now know in hindsight there is a BUS that goes from the airport into the city every 30 minutes for much cheaper, and I know where my hotel is in relation to the bus terminal, and in any case there are always taxis waiting outside the bus terminal.

Anyway...... watch NOT this space for further updates, but the space on my link above.......

Meanwhile..... my last batch of cartoons until I get back from Mexico........

What NOT to do when I finally meet with my Wiccan girl friend in America......

The "Saturn Complex" test fail !!!!!

Virgo attempt at chatting up the girl next door......

Me holding onto lost youth........

When the "Saturn Complex" in my chart kicks in.....

Virgo attempts at chatting up a girl......

Don't give the IT section at work ideas !!!!!!
As those govt budget cuts begins to bite.....
I hope my Uber driver keeps quiet when he takes me to the Airport tomorrow night!!!!

Virgo dating experiences No.98

When restaurants in Perth tries to be "trendy"

The Water Corp in Perth......


When my GP told me I needed to lose weight and I try to circumvent the Saturn Complex......

Virgos even in the afterlife !!!!!

Realism in robotics !!!!

Never let your guard down !!!!

The Chiron Effect when it kicks in.......

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