Sunday 28 January 2018

Virgo Self Sabotage Thwarted By Goddess

We Virgos are masters at self sabotage. It stems from our self loathing. It is said that Virgos are very judgemental creatures, that we tend to judge other people. However the most harsh of our judgements are reserved for ourselves. We are so good at self criticism, we totally loath ourselves. Especially those with no Leo aspects in our charts. Most Virgos has at least some Leo aspects which to a point balances out our self loathing. However my chart shows no Leo aspects whatsoever, and with four planets in Virgo, I am more typically Virgo than most Virgos, and I just totally and utterly hate myself. It has manifested as self harm, risk taking, and self sabotage.

Enter my Goddesses. During my Bali trip over a year ago I went and saw the Bali Healer. He knew nothing about me, nor about my abode, nor about my altar and where it was located. Yet he picked up that there are four spirits in my abode, and these spirits tends to hang around on the north side of my abode. It turns out this is exactly where my altar is located, and on my altar are the figurines of four Goddesses. So putting two and two together, I figured there are four Goddess spirits in my abode, this being in line with previous experiences, and nowadays they appear in my dreams, and sometimes tangibly, and mostly through synchronicities and things that happens not normally expected to be happening. They often influence my horoscope readings and my card readings. Each Goddess has a different personality. One of them is a fiery red hair who doesn't beat around the bush!!!! It is usually her who steps into my life and changes things even when making me feel uncomfortable!!! And she designed those pyramids in Mexico, which is why I am being sent to the country!!!!

Last week I mentioned about doing an online application to rent a fridge after being without a fridge for over a year. However when it came to submitting details of the referees, they wanted the referees to be local family members. None of my local family members knew about my lack of a fridge, and I had wanted to stay that way. We Virgos are fiercely independent creatures, much of it borne from very hard lessons of the past, being badly let down by everyone from family members to governments. So we figure that we trust no one, that there is none who has integrity, and so we are forced to depend upon our own selves to get by in life!!!!

Not wanting to involve any of my local family member, I did not submit my application. I promptly shut down my browser which would normally work to wipe out my application process. I then resigned myself to life without a fridge for the foreseeable future.

This was where I ended last week's blog.

However the next day, Monday, while I was at work, I was shocked and surprised to receive a call from the fridge rental company!! They called to confirm that I have indeed ordered a fridge!! I was so in shock, all I could say is..... Ummm.... Yes!!!!

And to cut a long story short...... the fridge was delivered to me last Wednesday. It is a brand new fridge, still in its packing box. It is a bigger fridge than was advertised, and was offered to me at a cheaper rate than advertised!!!

OK.... just how in Hell's name did the company get my information when I did not submit the information to them!?? The application process was not even completed let alone submitted!!!!

Someone must have somehow taken over the data on my laptop, and made sure it was sent to the company!! This has the hallmark of Niandarah my red haired Goddess. Only her would do something like that. None of the other Goddesses would have done this. Only the red haired one. We all know what red haired women are like!! Such personality traits also applies to red haired Goddesses!!!!

Needless to say I have been busily adapting to my new meals regime, going back to baking my pasta dishes, dividing up into portions for putting into the freezer, so through the week I have these portions with my veges. And of course stocking up on very much needed icecream, including some ice cream sticks - you can get a pack of four of them at the supermarket for the price of one from a deli or convenience store. And so I saved quite a sum of money by not visiting the convenience stores nor fast food joints!!!

So what did I do with the money saved over the weekend? Put it towards my trip? No!! The stars and my Goddesses had other ideas!!! Especially my red haired one, she is "Goddess who must be obeyed", a twist on the old joke about describing one's wife as "she who must be obeyed" - very apt descriptions for red haired women!!!!

Firstly the stars..... Mars has just moved into Sagittarius, where my "Mid Heaven" is located in my chart. The Mid Heaven is basically where the meridian intersects the ecliptic. The meridian is the line that connects the north pole to the south pole, and the ecliptic is basically the path in the sky that the Sun follows. And in Astrology, it speaks of one's career or livelihood. Not necessarily one's paid job, but the vocation that we most enjoy. For me it's travelling the world and performing energy works at the energy vortexes around the world, usually where the ancient sites are located, such as the pyramids, temples, etc.

Mars is the planet of taking action, often forcefully. In mythology, Mars is known as the God of War for this action. Taking affirmative action can lead to war!! So when Mars visits my Mid Heaven, which it is doing this weekend, I am compelled to take action on my calling. My Goddesses especially the red haired one confirms this.

The tools I use for my "job" on these ancient sites are my crystals and my crystal pendants, and also my Goddesses figurines. I have a crystal grid, which is basically crystals arranged in a set format. My crystal grid on my altar is pictured below......

A slight variation of this grid is used on my trips.

I also wear crystal pendants around my neck, these help to direct the energies when at the actual ancient sites such as the Mayan pyramids, and I also wear them in everyday life, such as at work, as a means of dealing with energies around me!!!!

Unfortunately, my pendant had spontaneously shattered just prior to my previous Mexico trip. It usually happens to my pendants after they have been used on my trips, so I end up having to acquire a new pendant, always different, prior to the next trip. What had happened to my last pendant, it had spontaneously flew off the table and smashed itself on the floor. I did not knock it off, I wasn't anywhere close to it!!!! This happened a week or a couple of weeks before my last Mexico trip last year.

So I went to the crystal shop that I had always visited to get a new pendant. This time however I had a "feeling" that the crystal shop had shut down, or at least radically changed, and I would not be getting my pendant from there!!!! And as always my feelings always proves to be correct, for indeed when I visited the shop, I saw it had downsized, cutting its floorspace in half, assumedly to save on the rent. Consequently, there were a lot less items in stock, and just as my feelings indicated once again, they were no longer stocking the pendants!!!

Being so close to my trip I had no time to find another shop that had pendants, indeed I visited a couple of other shops I knew but none of them had the particular pendants. So I went to Mexico without my pendant!! I still was able to perform my energy works, but wearing a crystal pendant would have been ideal.

So my red haired Goddess told me to go visit the new markets down south in Mandurah which were open today!! So I took the train down, the train that goes to Mandurah, and went to visit those markets hosted by "Sacred Earth" which in itself seems a very appropriate name - my energy works relates to the energies of Gaia, the name given to our planet Earth.

And I found my pendants, or as is the case, the pendants found me. My crystals talks to me, and when I go to a shop to acquire crystals, I listen to them and see if any speaks to me...... it is those who speaks to me that I get. Indeed I don't get them immediately, I often spend time browsing around the shop, or walking around the markets, and if the crystals are still there after a while, that no one else had gotten them, well that means those crystals are meant for me.

These are the Dragon Blood Jasper and Red Jasper. The Dragon Blood Jasper works in the healing process and to strengthen us, connecting with out heart and increasing our ability to listen to that deep small voice in our heart, and strengthening our resolve to act on the messages. The Red Jasper, considered sacred to Native Americans symbolises the blood of the Earth. Used to ground Earth's energies, also used in healing. So both of these stones are added to my grid, connection between me and the Earth. I didn't know this when I first chose the stones, or as I say, when the stones chose me!!! I just go with my feelings. It is only after I purchased them and the lady gives me the information on these stones that it all makes sense!!!!!

This is the Moonstone. When I saw this stone I didn't know what it was, there was nothing to indicate what it was, yet I was so strongly drawn to it. So I asked the lady at the stall, she told me it is a Moonstone, and is good for feminine energy, and connection with Goddess!!! When she told me that, it suddenly made sense why I was so strongly drawn to it...... me and my four Goddesses!!!! Needless to say, I just had to have this stone, so I bought that one too, and added it to my grid - you see it at the top of my grid as in the photo that I posted here.

My pendant!!! This is clear quartz, basically one of those stones that everyone has!! Clear quartz does basically everything, it is often regarded as the foundational stone. Anyone who wants to begin his crystals collection are often advise to acquire clear quartz, and pretty well every crystals shop has them in stock. You will see a lot of clear quartz in my crystal grid. So to have one for around my neck seems very appropriate. Most of the pendants I have worn had clear quartz. On this occasion, this is pretty well the largest specimen of clear quartz that I had worn thus far, and will come in handy on my upcoming trip. When in the Sun this stone makes rainbow lights inside it.

However the pendant pictured below at a different stall was also calling out to me!!!! There's a story behind this one!!! By the time I reached this stall I did not have enough cash left over to cover the purchase of this pendant, and the markets being just stalls set up in a parking lot, there would not be EFPOS facilities. So I needed to go out and find an ATM. There's a petrol station next door, so I went there to the ATM. However as I walked to the station I had a feeling that the ATM would be out of order. And guess what!!??? When I walked into the shop and went to the ATM, my feelings proved to be correct!!!! The ATM was indeed out of order!!!!!

So I had to walk into the town centre, about a 15 minutes walk, to find an ATM!!! This would be the ultimate test. I mentioned before that I spend time browsing the shop or around the markets before coming back to a crystal or pendant. It is usually only like 15 minutes or so. This time however, it was going to be a lot longer than 15 minutes!!!! Nevertheless, I just took my time in walking to the town centre, knowing, that if this pendant was meant for me, it would still be there when I returned to the markets..... as it turned out, almost an hour later!!!! And indeed the pendant was indeed still there waiting for me!!!!! So armed with extra cash, I gotten this one too!!!!

This is Orgonite, containing a mixture of various crystals such as clear quartz, and also organic materials such as resin, and also some metals. This works to attract and transmute negative energies, from such things as wi fi and phone signals, power lines, dark psychic and dark paranormal, and just negative energies in general. Very much needed for those Mayan sites, when the Mayans fell into dark times with human sacrifices, etc. They didn't do these things at first, the Mayans were at first peaceful. But after a while, through stresses such as climatic conditions, and those from other cultures, they descended into such practices as human sacrifices to try appease the gods. Of course it didn't work, and is why the Mayan civilisations fell...... and people like me, working with these energies, are left to pick up the pieces and restore the original energies of those pyramids.

The Dragon Fly on the pendant is also symbolic. Dragon Flies are often regarded as the manifestation of faeries, it is what faeries turns into when they want to send us messages. Faeries are known as "elementals" who basically inhabits nature. The saying "fairies at the bottom of one's garden" actually contains elements of the truth. Indeed where there is a garden, or even just pot plants, there are faeries. It's one of the reasons why I have pot plants on my balcony, so there can be faeries around.

Over the years, I often had dragon flies appearing to me giving me specific messages, usually giving me directions. Many years ago it was a dragon fly who led me to a park where I would meetup with the ETs who were a part of my star family in the ship above. In more recent times, dragon flies often shows me the locations of the ley lines, such as the Merredin Line. 

So it turned out to be a productive weekend!!! My quest to clear out my storage unit is also going well. I managed to give away my washing machine and dryer this weekend, indeed yesterday, which frees me up to continue on with my task to clear out my storage unit. I am on track to complete the process in about three weeks or so. I had already made the last ever rent payment, and this will represent a major saving on my budget. This was my largest expense aside from the rent of my apartment, so even with just only six more weeks until Mexico, this will make a major difference to my savings plan!!!!

This week we look forward to the Full Moon on Wednesday night, known as a Super Moon because it is when the Moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, thus it appears bigger than usual, indeed actually 14% bigger. It is also known as a Blue Moon because it is the 2nd Full Moon within the calendar month, we already had a Full Moon just after the New Year at the beginning of the month. And it is also known as a Blood Moon because there will also be a Lunar Eclipse which turns the Moon a red colour. The eclipse will be visible from here in Australia, indeed everywhere in Australia, so be sure to go out on Wednesday night to have a look at it!!!!! These three events happening at the same time is very rare, and therefore will be very energetic!!!!

Then this weekend marks the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, and is known as Lammas or Lughnasadh, one of the 8 holidays on the Pagan calendar. A very important day!!! I will light candles and do other things in honour of the day.

And here ends my lesson on Paganism and working with Earth's energies.......

Time for my quirky sense of humour........

The ones never in relationships, or otherwise in karmic relationships, tends to be Virgos!!!!!

Meanwhile at the Telstra exchange in Perth......

Dealing with the Saturn in my chart. Saturn in Roman mythology is often referred to as "father time" who makes us wait for things and imposes restrictions on us.....

Have to say..... this is exactly how it is !!!!!!!

Dealing with the printer at my workplace !!!!

Probably the approach I would need to take if I ever go on dates again.....

Virgo reasonings.....

Virgo in teen years prior to being wise enough for reality checks!!!!

Meanwhile back in the olden days......

Now my favourite girlfriend..... and new tactics for the Magpies in 2018......

Bracing for Chiron's transit of Aries....... how will the next 8 Xmas's be??

Sunday 21 January 2018

The Chiron Effect and the Saturn Complex in my Chart

The Chiron Effect

As long time readers of this blog will know, this pesky little asteroid orbiting between Saturn and Uranus over a 50-year period, known as Chiron, always portends to catastrophes in my life depending upon Chiron's positions, movements, and aspects in the sky. My birth chart shows Chiron in my Ascendant sign Pisces, hence, why the Chiron effects are often catastrophic. Chiron in mythology is known as the "Wounded Healer", so much of the catastrophes relates to wounds, both spiritual and physical, inflicted throughout my life. My self harm episodes relates to Chiron.

One such effect I speculated on relates to Chiron's current transit through Pisces, about to end in a few weeks from now. My Mother had passed away near the start of Chiron's entry into Pisces during 2011. My wife's death took place upon my Chiron return, when Chiron reached it's position in my birth chart.

Therefore I speculated there could be a death in the family near Chiron's exit from Pisces to take place during 2018....... and indeed there was, though it was not whom I expected it to be. It was not the family member with Asbestosis, indeed he seemed remarkably well when I saw him at last week's funeral, it hadn't reached the stage of needing an oxygen bottle. I think these days with certain medications, the progress of the disease can be dramatically slowed down, adding years to one's life. Nevertheless something as normally benign as the common cold could be death for someone with Asbestosis. So I thought it may have been him. But no, it seems he has been saved from the Chiron effect.

It was another relatively close family member, most unexpected, it was an utter shock when I received the news. It was not known at the time what had killed him, but my feeling is it may have been heart failure - what could have happened to ME back in 2015!!!!! It was miraculous that I survived for over 24 hours with chest pains before I finally figured I needed to call someone!!!

Anyway, those in my small inner circle of trusted FaceBook friends will know who he is. Anyone else who has my email address is welcomed to ask me via email. But I just wish not to divulge details on this public forum, we Virgos like to keep our cards close to our chests and are very careful about the sharing of personal information, especially at such an intense time as this. People often confide with Virgos on their secrets and personal information cos Virgos can be most trusted to keep secrets, one of our extremely few high points of being a Virgo!!

The funeral was held last week, I took the day of work, was able to take it as Bereavement Leave so save me from needing to use my vacation time. As per the nature of funerals we caught up with long lost family and friends, some whom I hadn't seen in years, my wife's funeral was probably the last time I saw a few of them!!!

This year Chiron begins its 8-year transit of Aries, my 2nd house which deals with pleasure and money. Chiron's last transit of Aries took place beginning 1968, the start of the catastrophic failures of pleasure and money - this was the start of the 8 years of Hell, of childhood poverty, and abuse. So I am bracing for how Chiron's impending return to Aries will play out in my life this time around, but pretty safe to say it will not be good!!!! One likely manifestation of Chiron's entry into Aries is almost certain to be the loss of my car through the ever mounting list of mechanical issues, in particular the cracked gasket heads which basically seals its fate. It will cost more to repair than what the car is worth. So it seems likely sometimes this year, with Chiron in Aries, and moving into a catastrophic square with Saturn, that I will lose use of my car...... to begin a life of public transport and Uber. I've lost my bicycle back in the catastrophic year of 2017 due to theft.

The Saturn Complex.

The "Saturn Complex" in one's chart is when Saturn formed a hard aspect - square, oppositions or conjunctions - with any of the other outer planets, from Jupiter onwards. In my chart, it is the Saturn in Aquarius square with Neptune in Scorpio. The Saturn Complex often manifests as a curse of bad luck, that I always experience bad luck in life, I never win lotto nor any other competitions. And I also have to work a lot harder than the average person for my gains, nothing is ever handed to me on a platter. Indeed often my work is in vain, I am often not rewarded for my work, and it all comes to nothing, such as the occasion when I spent money having the house cleaned by professionals for the landlord when I moved out only to have him utterly forget to acknowledge my efforts to have the house cleaned but for my troubles losing my bond in the catastrophic bond fiasco. At other times, the energy and work I am compelled to put in for my gains often outweighs any little gains I receive.

So Saturn also has often a catastrophic effect on my life albeit in different ways. It usually manifests as obstacles and having to work harder than normal for my gains. Saturn had recently begun its transit of Capricorn, my 11th house which is Cosmic Overview, Community and Friends - planning, and putting my ideas to work.

Last week I mentioned about the possibility of renting a fridge as this seems destined to be the only means by which I will ever get a fridge anytime during 2018. Nowadays one can rent to own, and indeed after about 3 years the rent payments ends and you own the fridge. Then I decided to wait until after my Mexico trip so not to dip into my Mexico savings in order to pay the approx $15/week rental of a small fridge.

During the working week, living without a fridge is relatively easy - I just use the fridge at my workplace to store my foods and meals, and each afternoon at knockoff time, I decide my meals and retrieve the food items accordingly.

However during weekends and vacation times I don't have access to the fridge at work, and especially during these summer months, foods does not last long outside the fridge. I live on rice during the weekend as it is one of the few food items that can be kept outside the fridge. It is why Asians can live without fridges, such as in Bali, they live on a staple diet of rice!! However us more spoiled westerners often craves for other foods aside from rice, we can't quite handle rice three meals per day. So I often resort to convenience foods from convenience stores, the prepacked meals that is heated in the microwave and consumed that day. This often supplemented with value meals from fast food joints. Then I may perhaps treat myself to an icecream stick and a cold soda, both very expensive at convenience stores.

Then when it is hot, such as this past weekend, I get bags of ice for my cooler so to keep my water bottles cold with an occasional bottle of soda, usually Coke.

So this past weekend, the thought came to me..... How much am I spending each weekend on convenience foods, soda and bags of ice?? My Virgoan skills of keeping track of expenses kicked in, and was shocked to find I am spending more each week on such items than the weekly rent of a fridge.

Needless to say, I decided to go ahead and rent a fridge......... Saturn had other ideas!!!!!

Years ago when renting fridges and other appliances with my wife as we struggled to get established, and indeed in my apartment days before I met my wife, applying for rental was relatively simple, all I needed was ID, employment status, years in employment, housing status, years at current address, and perhaps a wage slip from work.

Nowadays it is a lot more complex..... and difficult........

These days you can apply online...... but with a very decidedly Saturnic sting in the tail. They're wanting a lot more details these days!!! As I was doing an application online, I was shocked to see they are asking for details of my "next of kin" preferably locally. Well that wasn't so bad, I guess it was to guard against the possibility of me leaving the country and not paying the rent!!

However the fatal blow came when they wanted details of a REFEREE, stating preference for a local based FAMILY member!!!! That really shocked me. None of my family locally knows of my lack of a fridge, and I had wanted to keep it that way!! We Virgos are fiercely independent creatures, and I never ask for help from my family, and I don't share my needs with most of my family!!!!

So at first I very reluctantly entered details of a family member for my referee...... however I just could not press that submit button!!!! I did not feel good at all about getting my family involved when they hadn't known about my predicament!!! I shut down the browser without submitting the application.

I tried other rental sites, and all were pretty well the same, with some variations. They wanted either a referee or a copy of my bank statement!! Even banks does not ask for such details when applying for a credit card or loan, they may perhaps ask for an employer reference but never a family member!!! I also feel very uncomfortable with submitting a bank statement, which I think is massive overkill for such a small outlay as just $15 per week. My credit card payments are much more than that, and I never had to give bank statements nor family references when I applied for those credit cards!!!!

So it looks like I won't be renting any fridges.......

Next step is to work out how much I am likely to spend on ice and convenience foods over the next seven weeks until my Mexico trip based on recent expenses, namely this past weekend, and see what it adds up to! Indeed it turned out to be comparable to the price of a small fridge!!

So at least on paper - or computer RAM - that it will be cost effective to purchase a fridge now than to spend money on ice and convenience foods over the next seven weeks. This will mean dipping into my Mexico savings, but in theory, I should be able to make up that money by no longer spending on ice and convenience foods.

However, theory and reality are often divergent!! There are other factors to consider. For example, my electricity bills will rise once I get a fridge, just don't know how much it will rise, but fridges by their very nature - items that cools the air temperature, much like air conditioners - will use a lot of energy in doing so, hence a lot of electricity, manifesting as a significant rise in my utilities bills. Not to mention the variable facts of foods, I may reduce my expenditure on convenience foods, but I would buy more icecream tubs and cheese.

So at this point I am not willing to risk the viability of my Mexico trip for an outright purchase of a fridge...... but depending on if I have any money left after my Mexico trip, I may just have to break down to just go ahead and purchase a fridge, especially before the Saturn Chiron square kicks in, likely to result in losing use of my car, which will make it that much more difficult and inconvenient for obtaining my weekend supplies of ice and convenience foods!!!

Meanwhile my Passport and my ESTA application.......

Those carrier pigeons have finally brought me my new Passport, the reason why I do NOT have a fridge at this time!!! Being less than six months from expiry, I needed my Passport renewed otherwise I would not be going anywhere near Mexico. So the process began, and three weeks later, on time within their stated time frame, my Passport had arrived.

But still yet another step to take...... now I have my new Passport, I needed to apply for a new ESTA so that I would be allowed to go to America. You need an ESTA to get into America even if only in transit to another country, like Mexico. So even if you're just not going anywhere else but the airport, doing nothing more than waiting for the next flight onward to Mexico, I still needed an ESTA!!!! A new Passport means a new ESTA linked to my Passport. ESTA is all computerized, it is somewhere within the computers at an America site, the particular ESTA being linked to my Passport. There is no physical paperwork. These days the Passport has computer chips containing my details, which is scanned into computers when going through airports, such as here in Australia, and of course in America. And when my Passport gets scanned, even here in Australia, the system knows immediately whether there is an ESTA attached to it, and if there is no ESTA attached, I wouldn't be allowed to board the flight, thus saving the bother of going all the way to America only to be turned back at the airport and having to go all the way back!!!! The high point of it all being computerized is it is a lot cheaper, only about $US14, as opposed to perhaps several hundreds of dollars for a paper visa depending on the particular country. I am glad to say Mexico does not require a visa for Australians on short vacation breaks in the country.

So anyway I needed a new ESTA attached to my new Passport. So I went online to put in my application, and if nothing shady comes up, or if the computer doesn't encounter any glitches, the approval is virtually instantaneous, with an email of approval coming five minutes later. That is what happened the last time I had gotten an ESTA back in 2016 attached to my old Passport, ESTA remains valid for about two years!!

Alas!!! This time the system came up with the message, Authorization could not be established, you will get an answer in 72 hours!!!!

Eeek!!!! In other words, my application would need to be manually determined, and that would take up to a very long 72 hours!!!! Freaked out Virgo alert!!! It doesn't take much to freak out a Virgo!! We have anxiety genes in all 46 of our chromosomes!!!!

Question was.... WHY!!!???? Has my name be flagged as a suspect person, perhaps due to my crystals!!! My crystals always sets of alarms at airports, and my luggage are forever being searched by border security due to my crystals setting off alarms!!! Yeah I can just imagine it...... denied entry into America due to carrying too many crystals in his luggage!!!! You never know about America these days, especially with Trump in charge. I can just imagine..... Trump imposes travel bans for persons carrying crystals!!!!!

Or it could be something as simple as the fact that there was already an ESTA attached to my now cancelled old Passport which the computers picked up and therefore flagged, and it just needed someone to confirm that my old Passport has in fact been cancelled, and that I had legitimately acquired a new Passport!!!! Indeed it turned out that I was approved within 24 hours, indeed the next day..... very much to my utter relief!!!!!

So now all set for travel to Mexico in just seven weeks from now. In fact in exactly seven weeks from now I will be at the airport awaiting my overnight flight to Melbourne, the first leg of my very long journey. Yeah this time, my trek to America will be via Melbourne instead of Sydney, makes for a good change, it's been a long while since I been to Melbourne even on this occasion it will be no further than the Airport!! Then the very loooooooooong flight across the Pacific to LA International Airport - as the famous song always comes into my head!!!! Then to Cancun.......

Still much work to be done...... I am still yet to book my bus trips and airport transfers, though no urgency there, Mexico has more bus trips than you can poke a stick at. This next trip will include two internal flights to the two other cities, each one consisting of two legs via Mexico City. So am yet to book the airport transfers and bus trips between the airports and my motels in the cities of Palenque and Merida. Then of course figuring out which tours to go on and booking those tours to the Mayan sites.

Meanwhile my storage unit. I have given notice that I will be vacating the unit by the 22nd of next month, meaning only one more monthly rent payment - due this week. Still a lot of work to be done!!! Last week I have successfully completed the most challenging and nerve wracking task associated with clearing out my unit - transporting my antique glass cabinet safely back to my little abode!!!! Hence why I've kept the paddings from my now dismantled mattress!!!!

First I lined the bottom of my trailer with a couple of layers of the padding. Then to bind the cabinet to my hand trolley, first wrapping the cabinet in another of the padding, then using my cargo ties to bound the cabinet to my trolley so it be loaded onto the trailer as one unit, making it easier for me to unload it at the other end and taking it straight to my abode. Then further padding the trailer with more padding, tied down using my jock straps.

Then the very nerve wracking 45 minutes journey back to my abode with the delicate precious cargo behind me, being careful to navigate the bumps in the roads!! The most nerve wracking aspects were when going over those bridge expansion joints on the bridges which the Freeway traverses, indeed quite a lot of bridges!!!!

Then pulling the whole thing up four levels worth of stairs!!!! It was too wide for fitting into the elevator, so I had to carefully pull it up several flights of stairs over four levels!!!! Then it wouldn't fit through my door, so I had to unload it outside my door, then very carefully pull the cabinet sideways through my door........

But am glad to say the cabinet has survived without a single scratch nor cracks in any of the many glass panels and mirrors in the unit!!!!

Now all that remains in my storage unit is the washing machine, dryer, and 50 inch TV - all which will be given away, there won't be any shortages of hopeful recipients of those items!!! Then the metal frames being remnants of an old computer desk and another old table, they will just be disposed of. There is also a book shelve unit which I will also try to give away, it is too big for my abode. And finally the remnants of the queen size bed and mattress, both dismantled into more manageable portions, they will also be disposed of - these will be the last of the items to be cleared out, so it can remain in my trailer indefinitely until I work out exactly what I will do with them. And I kiss my storage unit and the very expensive rent payment goodbye forever!!!!!!!!!

So it has been a busy week, a very Chironic and Saturnic week...... and more to come before all this is over and done with...........

The IT section at the dept, very much in our bad books cos they promised us brand new computers only to withdraw the promise literally at the last minute!!!!! Just typical of our IT section at work.....

Me when seeing a spider......

You can't take THAT with you either!!!!

Consequences of the Saturn Complex......

Back in the days when I saw a "boogey man" only to be told by Mother there is no such thing as a "boogey man"..... at least back then climate change was not such an issue.......

Meanwhile at a restaurant in Perth.......

I can relate!!!!!!!

The story of my life.......

A new tactic for Magpie supporters in 2018.........

Perth drivers VERY fluent in hand gestures !!!!!

Pet hunting with my girlfriend........

Now in preparation for Chiron's entry into Aries...... a look back on the story of my life......

Sunday 14 January 2018

The Benefits of All Forward Moving Planets

This time in now just 8 very short weeks I will be embarking on the very long journey to Mexico. These weeks up until I leave for Mexico are marked by the phenomenon of there being no retrograding planets. Usually at any given time there is at least one planet in retrograde, throwing spanners into the works.

Despite the Saturnic and Chironic influences, there has been no setbacks to my plans as I prepare for my Mexico trip, in particular, saving my pennies to pay for the remaining items of my trip - the tours, bus transfers, food and spending money. Just instances where I will have to work harder and sometimes forced changes in the specific plans, but no actual setbacks, I am still able to move forward with my plans.

The major plan at this time..... clearing out of my storage unit.

Here some very Saturnic lessons being learned.... my possessions are a burden to me.... Last week's expedition to the storage unit I brought back a large wooden table that has definitely seen better days, too ratty for me to give away, so it was just going to be recycled. That bower bird wife of mine, she collected EVERYTHING including ratty items and indeed items that was not usable, her ambitious plans were to fix them!!!! Of course that never happened!!  Our skip bin arrives only every other weekend, and this weekend happens to be the weekend which there is no skip bin.

So my plan was to bring it upstairs with me, where I can dismantle it at my leisure before disposal. Alas!! As I was shifting the table in my trailer towards my hand trolley I realised it was way too heavy!!! That thing weighed a bloody ton, well it felt like it anyway!!!! Must have been made of Jarrah or some other dense wood, around here it is usually Jarrah for the heavy wood. In any case there was no way I would be able to get it up those stairs, and is too large for the elevator.

OK then, I will have to dismantle it in my trailer, which fortunately was relatively easy, it was held together by bolts, and I had the ring spanner to do the job. So I took the legs off, and even then, the table top was still way too heavy!!!! And I will need the trailer this week, as this week's expedition will be to bring back my antique glass cabinet previously owned by my grandparents. Fortunately a lot smaller and more manageable than the table, being less than a metre wide, 30 cms deep, and a little over a metre standing.

SO what this resourceful little Virgo do? The Virgo saying, Where there is a will there is a way.  And indeed without the legs, the table top is now small enough to fit into the car, which is where it will need to stay until the skip bin becomes available.

Never again will I accumulate so many possessions..... well there will be no more bower bird wife to deal with.

This week's expedition will revolve around bringing back my antique glass cabinet. The main issue being fragility, being probably over 100 years old and with a lot of glass, with glass shelving as well as glass in the doors and panelling. And it is that older glass that they used 100 years ago.

This is where the padding from the mattress comes into it. When I stripped the mattress, I kept all of the padding, turned out to be several layers. And as per being a Virgo, I worked out how I will deal with transportation of the item. I measured it all beforehand and found that it won't fit through the rear door of the apartment block when transported width-wise. It is impossible to transport it length-wise on the hand trolley due to the shape of the unit, being wider at the back than the front. It does however will just fit through the front door of the apartment block. This will mean I will have to somehow navigate my car and trailer through the normally more populated front parking lot. I normally keep my trailer in the more sparsely populated rear parking lot. And due to the fences, etc, being a gated complex, the only way from the rear to the front is through the building itself!!!! So can't get out of the fact that I will have to park in the front parking lot - somehow with my trailer!!

To make it easier, I will at the storage unit bind the cabinet to the hand trolley, with a layer of padding between the item and the trolley. Then load it onto the trailer as one item, the trailer itself being padded out with the mattress paddings. Then all I need to do when I get to the apartment block is to unload the item and wheel it straight up the stairs. It also won't fit into the elevator due to it being too wide, so I will have to get it up four levels worth of stairs, but shouldn't be too difficult, the item is not heavy and the stairs are wide enough to accommodate the item - I pre-measured it all previously, part of my Virgo preparation!! We Virgos thinks of everything!!!!!

I have officially informed the storage unit manager that I will be vacating the unit next month, making it just one more rent payment, the payment this month!!! After I make this final payment, I will have four weeks to clear out the unit. It will need to be cleared out by the 22nd of next month.

So as per the Saturn complex in my chart, the savings from not having to pay the storage rental next month will be spent on the car rego and insurance, basically more taxes!!! The rego and insurance are nothing more than a tax on car ownership, and I am currently on the 3-month payment plan, so I pay it every three months!!! So still won't benefit from savings from closing my storage unit account, but then, that is consequence of the Saturn complex in my chart. Any savings or windfalls are always spent on something else!!!!

This week I should have my new passport in my hot little hands!!! I gotten email notice last week that my Passport is now completed, and well it would take another week for it to be post to me, thankfully by registered mail - that is just the standard procedure. They do it by registered mail whether you like it or not, and forms part of the fees. But for something as crucial as a Passport, it be rather foolish not to go by registered mail - given that those carrier pigeons have been known to have gone astray!!! Registered mail means those carrier pigeons are better trained and they have GPS fitted to them. The normal carrier pigeons doesn't have GPS!!

When I get my Passport, I will have to get it linked to the ESTA since my trip to Mexico involves transit through America. An ESTA is necessary for anyone travelling to America, even if just in transit to another country. This will be yet more money outlay though fortunately it doesn't cost a lot, the ESTA is all electronic based, basically having the Passport linked by computer to the ESTA. Fortunately you don't need a visa for Mexico, Australia being one of the privileged countries where there is no visa requirement for entry into Mexico.

The saga of the fridge........ We Virgos are absolutely legendary in our resourcefulness. Indeed we often surprise ourselves at just how resourceful we Virgos can be when reaching a critical point. The weather has been particularly hot this weekend, and being without a fridge, it means I am confined to drinking warm water, or going to the deli for cold water or a cold soda, which will prove to be expensive if I do it too often. And I can't have any icecream unless I go to the deli where it is expensive. And I really hate drinking warm water!! I REALLY NEED a fridge!!!!

Then the thought came to me..... how about RENTING a fridge!!! Well it's not the first time I had done this. During my times with my wife, when we first getting established, we rented a fridge for a short time. I previously resisted renting a fridge cos, well, you don't own it, you pay this money every fortnite or month, and it's less money for my trips, etc, without actually owning a fridge!!

However there are such creatures as "rent to buy", which basically means, after renting a fridge for a certain length of time, you have option of buying that fridge at a reduced price. Well it turns out, after some Google search, you can rent a fridge for six months with the option of a buyback after six months at a reduced price. Then if, as predicted, the catastrophes of the Saturn Chiron square and Chiron's transit into Aries manifests, leaving me with no money for a fridge - yet again!!!!! Well, if you rent the same fridge for three years, then you stop paying the rent and the fridge essentially becomes yours!!!! Kinda like an interest free loan. So in worst case scenario, the Chiron inspired catastrophes, if I can at least find $30 per fortnite rent for a fridge for three years, then after three years I will effectively own the fridge rent-free.

Of course none of this will happen until AFTER my Mexico trip. There is only 8 weeks remaining before I leave for Mexico, that means only four pay periods, and I am facing something of an uphill battle to save sufficient funds to cover my remaining expenses. It will only be my legendary Virgo ability to budget and find savings in everything that I do that will get me through. There is certainly no room in my budget for this extra $30 per fortnite. However virtually as soon as I touch down back in Perth after my trip, well I should have $30 left from my trip, so HOPEFULLY I will FINALLY be able to get a fridge!!!! It's free next-day delivery!! Of course I will have my very expensive Heart Specialist appointments to deal with soon after I get back, followed by the Saturn Chiron square where finance-sapping catastrophes are virtually certain to happen, but it will be a lot easier to find $30 per fortnite than $400 for a reasonable size 300-400 litre fridge, the minimum size I need to be able to store my week's supply of meals in the freezer unit - especially when there is always something else that crops up as soon as I manage to get together $400 such as a bonus payment or wage rise backpay!!!!!!

And psychologically, just 8 more weeks of suffering without a fridge is a hell of a lot easier to cope with than the prospect of "forever" suffering without a fridge!!!

Let's put it this way. If I am ever to have even half a chance to get a fridge anytime this century, this is the most viable method of acquiring a fridge!!!! And so the legendary resourcefulness of a Virgo comes through once again........ it's how we bloody survive!!!!.... it is bloody hell how I survived up until now!!!!!!

And thus is another week in the life of a Virgo........

More my kind of New Years resolutions......

The Australian government......

The perils of dating a Virgo

Virgo logic......

When ETs visits planet Earth....

New Year... the Virgo reality check

Meanwhile at the Heart Specialist.....
Virgo dating experiences......

Never mess with my girlfriend !!!!!!