Sunday 26 November 2017

Those Pesky Planets

Yeah I know I always seem to refer to Astrology but that is because I am so sensitive to the energies of the planets and other celestial bodies, and this has such a profound effect on my life, being a child of the universe. As I say, Astrology happens whether one believes in it or not. And with so much activity happening in the skies in the leadup to Xmas, well I just have to talk about again. But it is really not complicated. Here's a brief lesson on common terminology, I promise, it is very easy to understand.

Retrograde - a planet in "retrograde" is a planet that appears to move "backwards" against the background of the stars that forms the Zodiac. All planets moves counter-clockwise around the Zodiac, but on occasions they appear to move "backwards". Of course as any Astronomer will tell you, planets never actually moves "backwards" in their orbits. Retrograde motions is purely an effect caused by the position of Earth relative to the planets, and sometimes, Earth seems to move faster than the planets, hence the planets seems to go "backwards". The same effect is observed when passing slower cars on a highway, the slower cars appears to be moving "backwards"against the horizon. Since we live on Planet Earth, it is these relative motions that matters to us, the energies of such motions is relevant to life on Planet Earth.

Square - when two planets forms a "square", it is when one draws a line from each planet to the center of the Zodiac circle, the lines forms 90 degree angle, hence a corner of a "square". If the Zodiac is a pie, a square is like taking a quarter of the pie. Energies of squares are often intense.

Trine - when two planets forms a "trine", the lines from the planets to the center forms an angle of 120 degrees. It's akin to taking a third of the "pie". Energies of trines not so intense but still very much evident.

Conjunction - when two or more planet appears to come together in the sky, when they occupy the same spot in the Zodiac.

Now let me share what is happening now with pesky planet Mercury, the planet named after the Winged Messenger god in Greek mythology, hence its association with communication-related issues!! This is the ruling planet of Virgos, meaning, the planet that causes most influence on the lives of Virgos, a reason why Virgos has such difficult lives!! Mercury also rules Gemini, my wife's starsign, so my life with my wife was very difficult!!!! And now without her, my life is still difficult!!!! Mercury goes into retrograde three to four times each year. The other planets retrogrades only about once per year or less. This year in 2017, Mercury goes into retrograde four times, each time about three weeks at a time. The next retrograde is next month, December, in the leadup to Xmas. Therefore very intense times for Virgos!!!! The lives of Virgos are even more difficult during Mercury retrogrades, often with communication and relationship problems, and issues relating to people - such as what often crops up at Xmas time even without any retrograding planets!!! Mercury will simply add more intensities to such problems. Other problems, such as, financial problems, often manifests for some of us during Mercury's retrograde. Also not a good time to trust the computers and electronic devices, and try to avoid making plans and bookings. So this Xmas might be more chaotic cos of course many people makes bookings for Xmas gatherings, etc.

Looking at the pix above showing Mercury's motion in the sky from Earth, the planet had entered into Pre-Shadow on November 15, when I found out from my Union via email that my wage rise and backpay will not kick in until January next year!!!!

Mercury stations retrograde on December 3, and will remain in retrograde until December 23 when it stations direct, just in time for Xmas!!! Mercury finally leaves the Post Shadow on January 10.

During this cycle, Mercury interacts with three planets, each three times, first in the Pre Shadow, second when in retrograde, and third when in Post Shadow. The planets are Chiron, Uranus and Saturn. Chiron the wounded healer, being in my Ascendant sign, catastrophes very often happens when there are Chiron interactions!!! Catastrophes in my life has all been marked by Chiron's motion through my chart!!!! Uranus is the planet of revolution, rebellion and surprise. Sometimes we get surprises when Uranus is involved. Saturn is the planet of boundaries and restrictions, such as, when running out of money so have a restricted budget - such as during the bond fiasco last year when Saturn was square with Chiron. The financial losses restricted my travel plans for 2017!!!!

Chiron the centaur

Now Mercury will square with Chiron and trine with Uranus, then will conjunct with Saturn. The first Mercury Chiron square happened last Friday, followed by the Mercury Uranus trine on Saturday. The meetup with the landlord to sign the lease for the next two years took place yesterday being Saturday. Chiron also brings back memories of past traumas, hence my life!!!! And on Friday, I was having memories of last year's catastrophic meetup with the previous landlord where I would be destined to lose my bond. And as usual for a Virgo I was very nervous about meeting up with the landlord to sign the lease. Anxiety is hard wired into the DNA of Virgos, we always worry about things!!!! So Friday was quite traumatic.

However the meetup with the landlord turned out well, and the lease is now signed for the next two years. The Uranus surprise however was that the landlord brought me a bottle of wine and some chocolates for Xmas!!!! In all the years or renting since the 1980s no landlord has ever brought me gifts for Xmas. So it was quite a major shock and unexpected that he would bring me these gifts for Xmas. Now I just need a fridge to go with the wine - that is later in this planetary story!!!!

Sailor Uranus

Mercury's conjunction with Saturn will take place this Tuesday. This being pay week I already know that the wage rise and back pay will not kick in until January next year. My December bonus payment which comes the first payday of December normally happens in the first week of December. However due to the quirks of the 2017 calendar, this week's payday falls on November 30, literally the last day of the month!!!! Therefore my December bonus won't come until two weeks later on the next payday of December 14!!!!!

The next Mercury Saturn conjunction takes place on December 6. Too early to say what will happen then. Perhaps the bookings for Xmas lunch with my work colleagues will be confirmed by then, so will find out both the exact date and venue of the lunch. They're aiming for between December 8 and 13. Or some Xmas plans involving family may be revealed around this time. Xmas with family are always triggering!!!!

The next Mercury Chiron square happens on December 10, the same day Mercury will trine with Uranus. However squares carries more energy than trines, and this Chiron square will happen around the time of the Xmas dinner with my work colleagues. Xmas is second only to Valentine's Day as my most despised holidays, the holidays that causes me most pain and torment. So any events connected with Xmas often triggers me and I find them energetically very exhausting. The Xmas lunch with my colleagues are always very exhausting for me, they always talk about crap which I am never interested in, and I always feel left out.

The final Mercury Chiron square and Uranus trine takes place on January 7. My rent increase kicks in on January 8, when I will also need to pay the topup to the bond to reflect the new rent rate. The bond is set to four week's rent. My wage rise is due to kick in during January, so the rent increase will take up much of the wage rise though not all of it, I will have a little left over!! Just not as much as I would like!!!

Sailor Saturn with the Astrological symbol for Saturn

The final Mercury Saturn conjunction takes place on January 13. This is after Mercury moved out of its Pre-Shadow because by then Saturn had also moved in the sky. The first payday of the year falls on January 11, so will have known whether the wage rise had kicked in by then or whether I would have to wait another two weeks until the 25th, when Mercury will conjunct with Pluto the planet of death and darkness. My plan is to finally get my fridge when I receive the backpay to my wage rise. Could the 25th be the "death" to my one year without a fridge? It remains to be seen.......

Meanwhile, Jupiter the planet of abundance and luck, is currently traversing Scorpio which is my 9th house, the house of world travel and adventure. I have in my chart two planets in Scorpio, hence my love for world travel, and now being able to travel the world or at least certain parts of it!!! I already shared about the unexpected financial windfall which allowed me to book my flights and hotel accommodation for the Palenque leg of my Mexico trip in March.

The Roman God Jupiter the most powerful of the gods in Roman mythology

Well last week I learned of another unexpected financial windfall, not quite so large but significant nonetheless. This one I can share about. Sometimes my guides tells me to keep my sources secret so to protect them. Anyone reading this, which being in the public domain could be anyone in the world, may get jealous and wish harm on me and my sources, so most times I am to keep my sources a secret.  However in this instance, I am free to reveal all, for reasons which will soon become obvious......

I am in a program where when I go grocery shopping or get other things from the shops, I scan the barcodes of the items using my phone or tablet, and for my troubles I get points added each time. The points can be redeemed for items or cash.

Well being Xmas I received a catalogue in the email with list of items and how many points I would need to get the items. So I checked how many points I managed to accumulate, which turned out to be quite a bit. Among the items are the Prepaid Visa debit cards of various amounts. So I checked out on these Prepaid Visa thinking I have only the points for something like a $25 card if that!!!! However I was surprised to find that I have enough points for $100 card, basically a Visa debit card with $100 in it!!!! Wow!!! This will go a long way towards paying for the Merida leg of my trip!!! So I ordered one!! And the card should arrive in about three weeks, near the same time as I get my December bonus payment. Between these two I will be able to complete my bookings for my Mexico trip in March. My trip will be booked and paid for by the end of the year. So will need only to save my pennies for the spending money and the tours, all cheap in Mexico!!! Everything is cheap in Mexico!!!

Now for my quirky and dark sense of humour......

I discovered the Erma comics, which I absolutely adore. Erma is the story of a little girl who is also a dark spirit entity, much like the dark entities of my childhood and present day, hence why I love this comic so much!! My dark entities are my protectors, they have protected me through my life. My chart shows Pluto in Virgo opposite to Chiron, hence my darkness and love for all things dark......

This would be me with my Virgo Pluto influence......
What the Magpies will need if they are to win any matches next year!!!!!!

My girlfriend at school..... hehe.....

Say no more........!!!!!

When a Virgo takes a nude selfie.......

Virgo experiences and their low self esteem.......

I often think when people goes missing without a trace, it is the ETs abducting them and are now somewhere in a Zoo on another planet, just like we keep animals in Zoos on Earth......
Truth...... hehe......

Why I never drink tap water without a filter...... it once made me sick!!!!!

My Xmas gatherings......

The origins of Photoshop hehe

The Internet in Perth......

A good reason to try avoid the malls at Xmas time......

During Mercury's retrograde.......

Sunday 19 November 2017

9th House Activations and My Mexico Trip

There are 12 houses in the zodiac, each one corresponds roughly with a star sign. For most conventional Astrologers the houses in one's personal chart is counted from the Sun sign. However there are some who contends that it is more accurate to count the houses from the Ascendant sign, and indeed this is how I read my chart, and it it most in synch with my life. My Ascendant sign being Pisces therefore the 1st house, we follow the direction of the Sun, that is counterclockwise, arriving at Scorpio being the 9th house.

The 9th house deals with world travel and adventures, and with my chart showing two planets in Scorpio my 9th house, this would explain my love for world travel. Scorpio is also my shamanic sign, meaning, it is why I am called to be an energy worker, and is why I experience paranormal activity, ghosts, ETs, UFOs, etc, and amazing coincidences. I have four Goddess spirits in my abode around my altar, and the "balcony lady", a woman of southern European, most likely Spanish, appearance who hangs around my balcony. Could be why my current focus is on Mexico, a country where Spanish is the language of choice.

Jupiter and Venus are currently transiting Scorpio, both activating my planets being Mars and Neptune in my chart. This is having effects on planning for my Mexico trip in March. There is a lot more to the story than this but won't bore anyone with the details, I give only the major aspects.

As predicted last week, my wage rise and back pay did NOT kick in this pay period. My prediction based on the current Saturn Chiron square. With Chiron currently in my Ascendant sign, and also having Chiron in my Ascendant in my chart, any aspects with Chiron often has catastrophic effects. The three exact Chiron Saturn squares through 2017 had catastrophic effects on my finances as explained previously, and so this last square this month was destined for the last catastrophic sting in the tail for 2017. Having to wait for my backpay meant I could not plan for my Mexico trip, and I would lose the discounts for my hotel bookings offered through the online agency I book with due to booking the air tickets with them. When you book the air tickets through this agent, you get discounts on hotel bookings as long as you make the bookings within about two weeks. So I needed this backpay to make the hotel bookings and get the discount. No backpay means no discounts. This is the havoc that Chiron wreaks in my life!!!!

However the next day, with the Jupiter Venus conjunction happening in my 9th house, Scorpio, something rather unexpected happened. Jupiter is said to be the planet of good luck, also an expansive planet which compels us to expand our plans. Venus the Goddess of love is always good to have around. So good things usually happens when Venus meetups with Jupiter. And this is exactly what happened. I received offer of help for a small financial windfall that very day. Me being a Virgo I never ask for help, and indeed no one knew of my financial predicament outside of readership of this blog and a small group of close friends on FaceBook who are HD people. Not even the Perth side of the family knows, I don't tell them anything. I don't share financial info with 3D people, it gets too complicated, they take it the wrong way and thinks I am asking for money. HD people are less likely to take it the wrong way. HD people are those who have had paranormal experiences, some has intuition or psychic abilities, has a more enlightened view of religion and spirituality, who doesn't think I am weird, or some live alternative lifestyles outside of the mainstream. This offer however came from outside and had no knowledge of my predicament, and I certainly did NOT ask for the money, I didn't even seek any loans. Will not go into details, I never divulge my sources, but the windfall, approximately equal to the amount of my backpay, came into my very grateful hands that day. This allowed me to start planning for my Mexico trip.

Soon after getting this windfall, I get a note from my Union that the wage rise and backpay will not kick in until January 2018. However as explained by my union there is a silver lining. We all get our December bonus payment on the first payday of December. Here in this very high tax country, these bonus payments attracts higher taxes. So if we get both the bonus payment and the backpay in December, this will shoot us into the higher tax brackets thus we pay even higher taxes. So it is better for tax purposes to spread the payments. So the December bonus in December, then the backpay in January which by then will be six months worth of backpay, it is from June 2017.

Meanwhile have been getting strong senses from one of my Goddesses to include Palenque on my itinerary. One of my Goddesses is from the Sirius star system and she designed most of the pyramids in the Yucatan area. I was there with her and oversaw the constructions. That is why I am being so strongly called back there, these are the scenes of one of my past lives. I am currently working with her. Another of my Goddesses is from Taygeta, while the other two are planet Earth based.

At first when Palenque came to my mind, the logistics seemed daunting. The bus trip to Palenque from Cancun is over 14 hours including overnight so basically an overnight trip. Despite being First Class coaches, spending 14 hours on a bus seemed quite daunting. The bus trip from Merida is "only" 9 hours, still a long journey. I am in Mexico for only 12 full days not including the arrival and departure days, so going to and from Palenque would use four days of my trip. The bus trip from Cancun to Merida is 4 hours during the day, so a return trip would take a further two days. Nevertheless Niandarah my Siriun Goddess is telling me I need to go to Palenque. She tells me where to go but doesn't tell me how to get there, that is something left to me to work out.

The bus option seemed daunting. So how about air travel. Air tickets within Mexico are relatively cheap like everything else, but is it safe to fly with a Mexican airline? Are they reliable? However it makes for a quicker journey, should only be a couple of hours or so.

When I investigated the possibility of using air travel, I found my online booking agency can also be used to book air travel within Mexico, so I figure it must be safe enough. However I found there is no direct flights to Palenque. Indeed there are no flights at all to Palenque. It is only a small town so it doesn't have a large airport, probably doesn't have an airport at all. The nearest city is Villahermosa, and there are plenty of bus services between that city and Palenque, being about a two hour journey. Well two hours is a whole lot better than 9 or 14 hours!!!!!

There are however no direct flights to Villahermosa from Cancun, it is via Mexico City. This increases the travel time from about two hours to about four hours plus stopover time in Mexico City. Then add the two hour bus journey at the end, so six hours travel plus any stopovers in Mexico and wait time for buses to Palenque though the bus services to there are relatively frequent. Still a lot better than 14 hours!!!!

Anyway to cut a long story short, I am now booked to stay two nights in Cancun after I arrive on March 12, being able to take advantage of the discounts, then take the flight to Villahermosa with the Mexico City stopover being about an hour and 15 minutes, then with the two hour bus journey, the total travel time will be about 8 hours or so. Still better than 14 hours, and it is all during the day, and there are breaks inbetween. It's 2 1/2 hours to Mexico City from Cancun, then just under 2 hours to Villahermosa, then perhaps a couple of hours wait for the bus, then the bus journey to Palenque where I will spend five nights. I also enjoyed discounts at the hotel in Palenque. So my flight leaves Cancun at 10:40AM, meaning be at airport by about 7:30AM, which means leaving my hotel in Cancun at 7AM on the 14th. So this should eventually get me to Palenque by late afternoon or early evening that day, giving me enough time to settle in for the night and plan my activities.

My bookings for flights and hotels in Cancun and Palenque pretty well spent all of the financial windfall.

Why Palenque? Well there are quite a few Mayan sites in that area too, it is south of the Yucatan, more towards central Mexico. Those sites must be significant to me too, I probably spent a lot of time in the general area during my past lives.

The next step is booking my journey to Merida, most probably by air travel to avoid the 9-hour bus trip, and booking my hotel in Merida. This will have to wait until I get my December bonus payment which is expected to cover the air ticket to Merida and the hotel bookings in Merida. Due to the quirks of the 2017 calendar, the bonus payment won't happen until the 14th. Payday usually falls in the first week of December, however this year in 2017 next payday falls on November 30, the very last day of November!!! This means the following payday is on December 14, so will have to wait until then for the bonus payment, then to book the Merida leg of the trip.

I will spend the rest of my time in Merida, about 5 to 6 days. Not sure yet whether to go back to Cancun on the same day as my departure day back to home base, or go a day earlier and spend an extra night in Cancun. My flight back to the USA and ultimately back to home base leaves Cancun at 4:43PM meaning will need to be at the airport by about 1:30PM well in time for checkin. So basically if I can get back to Cancun either by bus or plane by about lunchtime then I go the same day. It is only a four hour journey by bus from Merida, and if my memory serves me correct, during my last trip I had gotten to the airport by about lunchtime on an early bus from Merida. Or if there is a flight that will get me back before lunchtime. Well whatever is the case, planning for the Merida part will have to wait about 3 to 4 weeks until I get my bonus payment.

Next step will be renewing my Passport if I have funds left over from the bonus payment. Either way it will have to be after the Xmas and New Year period. Given the bonus payment is not due until the 14th, this will be during the Xmas rush and things will be utter chaos at the Post Office which is where Passport applications are processed including getting new pixs for the Passport. So regardless of the state of my funds, any prospect of Passport renewal will have to wait until January when things will be quieter.

Then I will get my very long awaited fridge, that will probably come with the backpay whenever that arrives, expected sometimes in January.

The other major happening is clearing out my storage unit legacy of my bower bird wife!! I am now close to the stage where there are only the large items remaining. This means I am needing to deal with my trailer. The indicator lights on the trailer are faulty, one is dim and the other not working at all. So either pay someone to deal with it, currently not an option, or I will see if I can deal with it myself. Probably just needs replacement globes or something. But with only perhaps two more trips for small items that can fit into the car, now is the time to deal with the trailer.

So this afternoon I went to look at the lights. For the light that is dim, well it seemed like it has arc itself causing the inside of the globe to be covered in soot, which is why it is dim. Therefore will need a replacement globe. Hopefully this will be as simple as taking the globe to an auto shop and finding a replacement globe. You'd think it won't be expensive, however using the magic word "car" seems to have this magical phenomena of inflating the price at least 5-fold. A similar globe for, say, the house or something else would be relative cheap. But when it is for a car or some other road vehicle, the price suddenly increases 5-fold or more!!!!!! So remains to be seen if I have the funds for the new globe or will have to wait until next pay.

The other light that is not working, well it turned out to be lack of contacts. The wire from the globe holder is failing to contact with the connecting wire to the rest of the trailer. This would explain why the light is not working. However the thread on either the screw holding the contacts or the screw hole is shat, meaning, the screw neither screws in nor out. So time for Virgo improvisation skills to kick in. We Virgos are very good at improvising. And it wasn't long before I figured that the strategic  placing of some kind of metal wire is all that is needed to force the contacts together. And fortunately I found a stash of copper wires I had gotten from the science kits at work. So I wrapped the wires around the screws which should do the trick.

Now all that remains is finding the replacement globe........ I am on track to empty the storage unit by January next year, which will give me extra funds for my Mexico trip and other subsequent trips. Indeed about 10 months savings from the storage unit rental will give me the air tickets to Peru which is more expensive due to there being four flights to Peru. There is only three flights to Cancun Mexico. Am hoping to make it to Peru next year, making use of the Jupiter transit of my 9th house, but first the focus is on my Mexico trip in March.

Here's my new Mexico trip page to reflect the itinerary changes......


Now for my quirky sense of humor...........

Virgo seeking dating advice......

For my life it should be "do you wish to DELETE?" !!!!!

Puddy cats.......

The experience of Virgos in love.....

The stuff of nightmares!!!!!!

My colleagues would never survive if this was the rule at my workplace !!!!!


I wonder if Hallmarks is taking note of this........

When a Virgo takes advice on romance.......

Virgo experiences in love and romance......

He must have been a Virgo !!!!!

My extremely painful reality check !!!!!!

Sunday 12 November 2017

2017 The Year From Hell

Last week for the Melbourne Cup I decided to enter the office sweep and so paid my money for the sweep only to find my name was missing on the list come Melbourne Cup day. And of course being a Virgo I just blew it off, figuring it must be my fault, that perhaps there was some protocol that I failed to follow, or some other shit like that. It is what we Virgos are like, we always blame ourselves for shit that happens. It is a curse to be a Virgo, it is the most cursed star sign in the Zodiac. And this is so typical of the year that is 2017, one of the worst years of my life since the 8 years of Hell of my childhood. Chiron lies the reason, the Saturn Chiron square that has marked 2017, turning exact three times, being December 2016 the time of the catastrophic bond fiasco, April 2017 when facing high expenses of my appointments at the heart clinic and having to change my plans for my trip, and now just a week ago when among other catastrophes I experienced the catastrophe of the Melbourne Cup sweep. The other catastrophes being, my Mexican data roaming coming back to haunt me, and my pay rise with backpay not kicking in yet, that seems destined to be delayed until December.


Chiron always figures in my life's catastrophes. Of course I was born with Chiron in my Ascendant sign Pisces thus setting me up for a life of pain and heartache. Then the divorce coincided with Chiron's entry into Aries, and the 8 years of Hell coincided almost exactly with Chiron's 8 year transit of Aries. Chiron's transit of the other signs over the years coincided with other particular catastrophes in my life which I won't go into right now...... but of course in more recent times, Chiron's return entry into Pisces in 2011 coincided with Mother's death. My wife's death in 2013 coincided with my Chiron return, when Chiron reached the same spot in Pisces as when I was born. So now Chiron is set to leave Pisces in 2018, it will retrograde back into Pisces during 2018 but will leave Pisces for good early in 2019. So am expecting something to happen probably towards the end of 2018 or into 2019.

Chiron "The Wounded Healer" in mythology

The catastrophe that has been 2017...... firstly a year marked by loss of money, beginning with the catastrophic bond fiasco. I  lost money at other times during 2017..... such as during my Mexico trip, I paid money to book transportation from the airport only to find they didn't have my name recorded therefore they would not transport me leaving me stranded at the airport and having to pay out extra money at higher rates for a taxi service to my hotel. Then on one occasion the tour company whom I booked and paid money for did not turn up, and in Mexico you don't get refunds, so more money lost. And now of course the Melbourne Cup office sweep, I lost money due to my name being not included despite paying to enter. I probably would not have won anyway so probably a mute point, but it would have been nice to have been at least given a chance!!

The loss of money is even more catastrophic given that all gains through 2017 has been through much blood, sweat and tears, with much sacrifice. For example savings for my trip has been a result of sacrifices, having to go without many things. This was not so in 2016, it was easy to save money in 2016 for my trips. But not so in 2017, there were more obstacles, more calamities, more catastrophes costing me money, so had to make far more sacrifices.

And then there was the heartaches, beginning in December 2016 the same time as the catastrophic bond fiasco. I won't go into details here, but suffice to say, those whom I thought were friends turned out not to be true friends, and those whom I thought I could trust turned out to have betrayed me.

2017 is indeed the year birthed in the very pits of Hell itself, and it is not over yet, with more austerity measures in November until my wage rise with backpay, and my end of year bonus, kicks in both in December which should set the stage for a somewhat better year in 2018 despite the potential for more catastrophes with Chiron sitting on the border between Pisces and Aries, moving into Aries only to retrograde back into Pisces for a few more months. Chiron moves into Aries in April, just after my Mexico trip, so probably something will happen then, it will be just before my yearly appointment with the Heart Specialist in May. Chiron moves back into Pisces in September just after my Solar Return day (birthday) which probably means more catastrophes, and then finally moves into Aries in February 2019 where it will spend the next 8 years.

December often sets the stage for the following year. December last year was marked by the catastrophic bond fiasco, and the instance of heartache from someone I thought was a "friend", both setting the stage for 2017. December this year is when my wage rise is expected to kick in, and then my usual end of year bonus that I get every year in December. This will enable me to book my hotels for my March trip back to Mexico, and thus setting the stage for 2018.

Though 2018 is expected to be a better year, it won't be without its challenges. There will be one more instance of the Saturn Chiron square, this will peak in July 2018, during the time of the dreaded "The Three Weeks" when calamities always befalls me. So July 2018 seems set to be a horror month with more intense catastrophes happening. And then Chiron moves into Aries early in 2019, so there will probably be some other catastrophe happening either late in 2018 or early 2019. But at least the first half of 2018, with my Mexico trip happening, should be a better time compared to 2017. And with Chiron being in Aries between April and September, basically the duration of the AFL Football season, perhaps I may do better in the football tipping competition!!!!!

Now for the more immediate future, here is my card readings for this week........

19 - Dream A Beautiful Dream
Seeing and experiencing the beauty in creation, the beauty in the universe, and the beauty in our creative pursuits. I am indeed a creative soul, though this has been stifled by the trials and tribulations that has been 2017. The message given in the guidebook seems particularly relevant. That I feel the lack of ability to change a current situation. This would be the austerity measures with my Mexico data roaming coming back to haunt me and the almost certain delay in my wage rise and backpay. Of course there is nothing I can do about this, just have to knuckle down and get through this austere period. The message is to seek the revelation of beauty and inner harmony in the situation, the potential for healing, and thus being open to change. We shall see how this pans out......

The Tarot has much to say this time.......

IV - The Emporer - Stability
A stagnant situation that feels like a trap with no escape. This seems very fitting for this current situation!! The more positive message - balancing stability and change, using a firm foundation as a springboard for change. The capacity to persevere without giving up. That is the Virgo in me, we persevere through these often intense challenges.

XXI - The World - Completion
Feeling satisfied with actions, accomplishment and lessons learned. Feeling at one with the universe. Looking forward with confidence to the next phase. Good fortune, an unfavourable situation improves unexpectedly. Oh yes am satisfied of the lessons learned from my 2016 America trip and was able to keep my data roaming bill from the Mexico down to a minimum, at least I will be able to pay it without asking for an extension albeit with the austerity measures. As for unexpected improvements in the situation, well I suppose any of a number of things can happen, so I guess I should be open to such things.

Ace of Pentacles - Resources
Gathering resources for a potentially successful venture. Having everything needed for a good start. Making plans that will yield the desired results. A good omen. My desire will come true and all will work out for the best. This would be in regards to planning for my Mexico trip in March. Indeed I do have the resources, the wage rise, the December bonus payment, the secure job, it's just a matter when the former two will manifest!! The message seem to be, the plans I am having downloaded to me for the Mexico trip will indeed come to fruition, I will accomplish them.

7 of Pentacles - Reward
Taking great care and time to create something worthwhile but keeping the work in perspective. Valuing the experience as a continuous learning process. Patience, a project grows and develop slowly. For best results it is advisable not to make haste. This would refer to my current efforts to maximize my finances, such as, clearing out my storage unit thus saving on the rent, a long and slow process. However I am making meaningful progress, and currently on track to finish the process and end my rental by early 2018 prior to the Mexico trip thus giving me that much more extra funds for the trip.

3 of Swords - Pain
Experiencing deep and significant pain. Heartbreak. Raw emotions. Something or someone hurting me deeply, shattering my certainties. Seems no remedy for the situation. This would be the Saturn Chiron square, the 2017 sting in the tail. Thinking of the year that has been. 2017 has been a year of pain and heartbreak, a year created in the very pits of Hell itself. The losses endured, the austerity measures, the loss of my spiritual pursuits, having no longer attending spiritual activities such as ecstatic dancing. So now enduring the final sting in the tail that is 2017.

Now for some comic relief..........

;) hehe
The West Australian Government........
How government controls the masses.......

Our staff meetings at work......
He must be a Virgo.......

In 2017........

Budget airlines........ why I never fly with them !!!!!

When calling the Telcos......

Sunday 5 November 2017

Back To The Yucatan

My flights now booked, confirmed, paid for..... a vital first step towards my return to the Yucatan area of Mexico, set for March 12-26 2018.

As per usual this certainly wasn't without drama and change of plans due to the quirks of airlines and flight plans. My original plan was to fly to Merida and make Merida my home base for this return trip. Cancun is on the eastern side of the Yucatan while Merida is on the western side, and most of the remaining Mayan sites I be visiting are on the Merida side.

So I went online to book my air tickets to Merida for March..... only to find.... Sheeze they are expensive!!!! Indeed some $600 more than what I paid for on my October trip. OK let's try April.... May.... June... even September..... and it was much the same!! Air tickets it seems had gone up by $600 to $800 compared to October 2017!! OK inflation could not have been THAT bad!!!! It just didn't make sense. Merida is only a 4 hours bus trip from Cancun, probably less than an hour by air. The $600 price difference just didn't make sense!!!

OK I will need more time to save my pennies and postpone my trip until October next year.......

However as I sat there looking at the proposed flight plans to Merida feeling rather let down, suddenly it jumped right out at me!!!!! There are FOUR flights to Merida as opposed to just the THREE flights that I took to Cancun. All flights to Mexico from Australia is via the USA, and from here in this most isolated city on Earth, it is one flight to the east coast, then another flight to the USA, then finally one flight down to Cancun. However for Merida there are TWO flights from the USA, with the stopover usually in Mexico City.

In other words there are no direct flights to Merida from the USA!!!

Now let's try flights to Cancun in March using the same app or the same website. Suddenly prices dropped by at least $600, and it was back down to what I paid for my October 2017 trip!!! It still seems crazy that this extra flight would cost an extra $600 but it certainly seems that way. It seems even more crazy when you consider a bus trip on a First Class luxury coach from Cancun to Merida, a four hour trip, is only about $70 Australian. So a round trip by First Class bus amounts to only $140 - still $440 cheaper than taking flights to Merida from Perth!!!

Consequently I've booked my flights to Cancun, so be spending some days in Cancun before taking the bus and spending a few days in Merida, getting the bus back to Cancun in time to catch my flights back home.

Back in October it was Virgin's turn to offer cheap air tickets. Now in March 2018 it is now Qantus' turn to offer cheap air tickets. I am certain there seems to be some system where each airline takes turn in offering cheap air tickets.

So going with Qantus, my flight plans are different, and stopovers at airports are shorter, only about 2 to 3 hours each, making for slightly shorter transit times. In going to Cancun there is still the infamous "red eye" flight, overnight from Perth on March 11, but this time landing in Melbourne. Then that long long loooooooong flight across the Pacific to Los Angeles. Then finally a short hop down to Cancun, arriving a couple of hours earlier while it is still light. On my previous trip it was dark when I got to Cancun.

The return trip is different again. From Cancun the flight is to Dallas, then from Dallas it is back to Sydney, making this flight that much longer, all 17 hours of it. But being in those huge double decker aircrafts it will be more bearable. Virgin uses those smaller "airbus" for across the Pacific, but Qantus has those huge double decker aircrafts. Then finally back to Perth on March 28, arriving mid-morning, giving me the rest of the day to recover.

The other news of note...... the landlord offered to extend my lease by TWO years!! Sheeze he must really like me. It helps to be a Virgo, we tend to keep our living spaces more tidy and more organised, what landlords likes. Of course the sting in the tail is the rent increase, though still less than the upcoming wage rise. The two year lease gives me the security I need to help me concentrate on my world travels and to clear out my storage unit which necessitates keeping items in my abode temporarily until I recycle them or give them away.

So next in my plans is booking my lodgings in Cancun and Merida, and working out how long I will spend in Cancun and Merida, working out logistics in bus schedules, the tours, etc. My wage rise hasn't kicked in yet. My air tickets were paid for from funds I had left over from my October trip thanks to Cancun being not Perth, that is, living in Cancun is way cheaper than living in Perth!!! I spent very little on food in Cancun, transportation is relatively cheap, and even the tours are relatively cheap. So didn't spend as much money as I thought. Yes there are benefits of planning for Perth prices in budgeting and saving for my trips, it always means I have money left over.

However I will have to wait until I get the backpay from my wage rise, currently at five months, before booking my hotels. The agreement has been ratified, so just a matter of time before the wage rise kicks in. Typical of government, they jump on you if you're a day late in paying the bills and taxes, but they take their own sweet time when it comes to giving money back to you!!! Nevertheless, it shouldn't be long before my wage rise kicks in, it be before Xmas. And even so, I always get my end-of-year holiday bonus on the first pay period in December. Between these two payments this should give me more than enough for my hotel bookings.

Next my passport. It will need to be renewed otherwise I won't be going anywhere, I be left very high and dry!!!! My passport expires in April next year, and you must have at least six months remaining on the passport to travel. So will need to renew my passport pretty well as soon as possible.

Then the fridge........ if I have enough left over after paying for the hotel bookings and passport renewal then I should be able to get a fridge. Otherwise it will depend on the success or otherwise of my savings plan, given there is only four months before I leave for my 2nd sojourn to Mexico.

Nah.... more like the Saturn Chiron squares throughout 2017!!!!
When you have strong Saturn aspects in your chart.......

The truth.........

In Perth.... not enough even to pay the bills and our very high taxes !!!!!!