Monday 4 September 2017

Another Intense Week

September is always an intense month being the month of my Solar Return, when I came from Heaven to Hell, or more specifically, from the paradise of 8D Taygeta down to Planet Earth which fits all biblical descriptions of Hell. The Sun is currently transiting my Uranus Pluto config in my chart being opposite to Chiron (also known as "The Wounded Healer", the Greek god who was a healer but was permanently wounded himself and could never heal himself) in my Ascendant sign. It's amazing how my life is marked by these planetary alignments. Chiron was at 11 degrees Pisces when I came to this planet in 1963, and Chiron remained in Pisces until 1968 when the 8 years of Hell began. Chiron's 8-year transit through Aries coincides almost exactly with the 8 years of Hell which ended about 1976 when Chiron moved into Taurus...... indeed Chiron's transit through the zodiac signs over the 50 years of my life coincided with significant events and challenges in my life, until finally Chiron returned to Pisces in 2010 when Mother was in the last year of her life, passing away January 2011. Indeed Chiron entered Pisces early 2010, then it retrograded back into Aquarius by late 2010, then re-entered Pisces early February 2011 so Mother's death took place just prior to this. Then by March 2013 Chiron was back to 11 degrees Pisces, exactly where it was on my birth, so known astrologically as my "Chiron Return". Of course it was that fateful day on March 2013 when my wife passed away!!!!! Yes she passed away on my Chiron Return!!! Chiron is due to leave Pisces next year in 2018 to enter Aries, so I wonder what will happen then, I am not going to speculate, I do not make specific predictions only that SOMETHING is likely to happen then!!!!! Hopefully not another 8 years of Hell!!!! I don't think so. We learn lessons since then so we can mitigate against any repeats. The 8 years of Hell was my karma from another lifetime, and I well and truly served that karma, so I don't think it will happen again. Maybe other challenges but we have grown spiritually since then!!!

Anyway...... last week with the Sun activating my Uranus Pluto opposite Chiron config.... last Wednesday I experienced quite an intense dizzy spell. I get them occasionally, usually anxiety attacks as being Virgo I am a very anxious soul. Anxiety is hard wired into the DNA of Virgos. And it's what my GP says, well not the "Virgo" bit but that these are anxiety attacks. Last Wednesday was particularly intense. I was driving when it hit, and it was fortunately I was able to pull over cos I do get warning when it hits, like I get tingles and feel myself getting light headed, so giving me time to stop what I am doing, rest and breath....... so here on the side of the road, I had to get out of the car for fresh air, and I honestly thought I was about to pass out. Indeed I used all my Virgo determination and my breathing techniques to just barely prevent myself from passing out. Then I recovered......

Next day I began to get nausea and was generally unwell so I took the day of work, and hardly ate a thing. Next day the symptoms subsided enough to enable me to return to work, being now Friday, but still didn't eat very much. By Saturday I had pretty well recovered so was able to go for my morning walk albeit half the distance - 10kms instead of 20kms. The symptoms returned Sunday even if not very intense, I still was able to eat but was careful what I ate. Today the symptoms are gone..... so hopefully...... it will stay away.

I'm going to see my GP this week anyway. I need a note from her regarding my medications in case customs in Mexico asks about my medications. You have to declare your meds when entering other countries, but generally speaking, if you have the scripts then you don't get any trouble. Some countries are however more strict than others, and I hear Mexico is particularly strict on drugs, so a note from the GP would be advisable. So anyway, I will tell her about the dizzy spell and nausea symptoms, then she will check my vitals and as always will say all is fine, so is likely to be anxiety-related. Dizzy spells and nausea are also side effects of my meds, but my GP seems to think its anxiety rather than the side effects, probably cos I get them only occasionally, it doesn't happen all the time, and my GP knows me well !!!!!!!

Probably a good idea to get a checkup before going overseas anyway, I don't usually do so, but probably should this time anyway.

Now just waiting for the Weevils to get booted out of the Finals this weekend....... 8th indeed!! Teams in the 7th and 8th spot don't deserve to be in the Finals, and as far as I know, there never have been any Premiership winners from 7th or 8th spot. The Finals should be among only the top 4 or perhaps top 6, definitely not top 8. But then the AFL won't make as much money if the finals series were only among the 4 or 6 teams. I say no more.......

Until next time.............

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