Tuesday 29 August 2017

The Curse of Chiron

Well the football season is over, well at least for us mere mortals it is over. The bloody Weevils managed to make it into the Finals but they won't get far, it was only cos the Maggies won, which I did feel that they would so I did actually pick them to win. They usually play best when it is the last match and they have nothing to lose. So our year is over, and by default the Weevils made it to 8th spot, but no one ever gets very far from 8th spot, and they can't play outside of Domain so it is just a delay of the inevitable. And though I picked the Maggies it wasn't enough for me to get into the prize money. The curse of Chiron proved to be too strong. I finished in 4th spot, it was my best finish since before Mother's death when Chiron entered my Ascendant sign. You need to be in the top three to win any money.

Now 33 days until Cancun I am on the home stretch, using all of my Virgoan skills and energies to maximise my savings. Hopefully no more catastrophes until then. I have all my air tickets and lodgings booked and paid for, so am just saving for spending money and tours. Things like food, etc, will all be cheaper than in Perth. In most places in the world it is cheaper than in Perth. So the day to day living expenses during my time in Cancun is expected to be a lot cheaper than in Perth. So I certainly won't be starving!! So just a matter of logistics as to getting to the various Mayan sites in the area, those famous Mayan pyramids that we always see on National Geographic, yes I will actually going to be there. I really have no idea what I am going to do once I get to Cancun, but I am certain there be tours available to the Mayan sites, they are world famous. It's unlikely I be hiring a car, not real keen on the idea of driving in Mexico though it can't be much worse than driving in Perth!! And I will probably end up getting lost, not sure about the road infrastructure. So would prefer to let someone else do the driving, as in Bali. I had a driver in Bali and it was cheap. Not sure how it works in Mexico, it's a lot bigger country, and some of those Mayan sites are several hours drive away. So I guess I will find out once I get there, I am sure I won't be the first lost tourist my motel had to deal with, they will certainly have the relevant info otherwise they wouldn't be in the business.

The only major thing I need to do before the trip is to arrange travel insurance, what I always do, being of Virgoan energies. We Virgos like to prepare for all possible scenarios. You don't need a visa to get into Mexico. So just need to figure out what I will take with me aside from my crystals. It is always hot in Cancun, it's in the tropics, much like being in Darwin, except more exotic being in the Caribbean region. So shouldn't need much in the way of warm woollies, not like when I was going to the UK where it is always cold. So should be able to travel lighter and need only one piece of checked luggage though the airline allows two. But being on my lonesome, taking just one piece of checked luggage aside from carryon will mean less to carry around while in transit. Mexico will be my 10th country visited. In 1998 I went to Singapore, Hong Kong, USA and Canada so that is 4 countries. Then 2015 New Zealand became my 5th country visited. Was back in the USA in 2016, then it was England and Wales with the stopover in the UAE, so three more countries makes it 8 countries. Then of course Bali a part of Indonesia, that was country 9. So Mexico will be country 10. My stopover will once again be the USA, LA to be exact, my 3rd visit to the USA. So indeed I visited the USA more than any other countries. But until a year or so ago I never thought I be visiting at least 10 countries in my lifetime.

Rambling on now....... last thing..... my car battery is still alive, so still have use of the car. Just have to last 33 more days, but knowing that the battery could fail at any time. So each extra day is a bonus.

Now the Sun is transiting through Virgo..... and not looking forward to the time when the Sun reaches 26 degrees Virgo, that was when I came to this planet after spending paradise in Taygeta..........

So will sign off now...... until the next significant event, whenever that is........

My Cancun trip site, complete with travel cartoons and other info.......

My Cancun Trip

Blessed Be.......

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